How To Become OVERPOWERED in Genshin Impact

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so you want to become overpowered and gentian impact you're going to need to really understand the stats system because a lot of people are confused how to actually get damage in game i'm going to give you some recommendations if you want to cast way more spells i'm going to give you some recommendations if you want your basic attacks to hit like a truck and overall what artifacts and items you should be using to become the best dps character possible so let's get started and let's see how to become overpowered and gentian impact now at base level base weapons i'm doing 12 damage with badoo or baido i think it's actually bido now if i throw on one artifact with just eight attack damage i go back in i start doing 14. that might not seem amazing but we're making some progress here so let's just equip a much better feather with 232 attack this is pretty much a maxed out feather for the attack and now our auto attacks are doing 78 that's awesome so that 232 is giving us much more damage even at level one against enemies that are much higher level that attack damage is having a major impact on my ability to hit hard and this is just one mart effect right we can do multiple more and a weapon so at level one with the artifact maxed out we've invested in just one artifact we've got about 270 damage base now our level 50 gene level 50 with no weapon no artifact has 147 and if she auto attacks she's doing 37 damage so this attack stat directly correlates with your ability to do damage and this is with your base attack it's with your spells and so even though you might think hey i leveled up my characters they're stronger if your artifacts are trash and your weapon is a level one weapon you're gonna do absolute garbage so let's throw a weapon let's throw some artifacts on this character we've got about 600 and some attack and let's take another peek we are now getting 188 damage which is great this is more than 10 times than what we started with and we're level one and here is the big problem that everyone is is falling into characters have base hp based on their level they've got bass attack right they've got bass defense they've got all these bass stats and we're adding on to them so if we go into my artifact screen and then we go into our attribute screen it says we've got 666 attack but in our attributes we've got 1400 the artifact screen is showing you the stats that you're getting just from the artifacts so we're getting 232 here we're also getting 4.2 percent increased attack so whatever your stats are you're getting now 4.2 more and so with the mixture of the base attack on your weapon the base stats of your character and now the base stats and abilities that you're getting on your artifacts that is where all your damage is coming from and that's where your attack damage is going to start skyrocketing because if you leave one of these out you're going to have a big problem you can level your character up all the way but if you have a trash to your weapon if you have trashed your artifacts that are giving you no damage right this is you know a fourth or a fifth of the damage i could get from those artifacts my weapon is a level 40 right i'm probably half the damage i could have chichi is flat out doing half the damage she could and i know that might be obvious but here is the big issue i've got all these characters i've got venti he's falling behind with a level 50 weapon and his artifacts aren't doing much for the attack and i thought maybe maybe because i'm just using him for spells for the most part i can get away with it but you can't especially when you get into the higher levels you need attack and even though i'm not using his auto attacks the feather should always be upgraded automatically and i want to show you why sucrose with her basic elemental ability does 31 damage and her q ability is doing 22 damage that is the base amount level one sucrose level one everything against this enemy now you might be thinking yourself well maybe if we add in a bunch of elemental mastery her abilities are gonna hit really hard we've got no increase to her attack we've got the base attack maybe she's gonna truck and in the spiral abyss i can get 80 more elemental mastery i can get a whole 80 more and you would think oh my goodness we are going to slam with our abilities nope the exact same amount of damage it doesn't impact this whatsoever and i mean if you read the stats it doesn't say that it's going to increase your spell damage let me show you what it does do at base stats base level my ability does 28 damage and it does 9 with the elemental reaction now it does 300 but the elemental reaction is only 16. even after adding a bunch of elemental mastery i used an entire four set piece it gave zero damage almost no increase and now if we compare that to adding in a level 20 weapon with 99 attack as well as an upgraded feather that we saw before we're taking our damage from like 28 to 300 and so you can think hey maybe i'll stack elemental mastery and be this spell caster it doesn't matter and now i want to give you some recommendations obviously attack is really important but there's some characters where maybe the cc of their ability or the freezing or or the pyro or whatever it is is the most valuable and in those cases you still want to get attack but maybe you look at some other stats and i have one that is very very good and that is energy recharge now by using stuff like the exile set or in mona's case down here i've got the scholar set and the exile set she can spam her abilities much faster than other characters and while she might be limited on damage something like this is still good if all you use them for is cc or or maybe like a little healing maybe they scale off something else but in the case of someone like venti even though his weapon isn't fully upgraded i've got the base attack on there and the energy recharge is just helping me spam those abilities more i consider venti a spell caster and so i am building for bell casting it's got the energy recharge there on the artifacts i'm getting energy recharge here and with this one i'm getting more uh elemental particles for my other teammates but on someone like kaching who i'm auto attacking a whole bunch with i'm using attack damage stuff i've got some crit rate because she's using her basic attacks more on her weapon it's got base attack as well as attack percentage i am building for that attack because you know that's the main thing she's doing the other support characters they have attack they need attack but also if you're throwing in a couple cooldowns you can just use their abilities more and so if you're looking at your characters and you're wondering why the hell am i having so much trouble taking these enemies out it's because maybe you have a cracked main character that is doing a bunch of damage but you haven't been building any attack at all on your other ones i've got multiple characters even my venti i've made this mistake for a long time if you look at his artifacts his feather is not upgraded i'm missing out on a ton of damage the base damage of my spells is a fraction of what it could be and it should be so i better start saving up and getting these up because i didn't really realize i mean i knew it was important but i was trying to get some elemental mastery and some other things and i was building wrong this whole time and i can imagine a lot of you are building wrong this whole time i knew the stacks of attack damage on my characters that are attacking and you know i had an idea but with the support characters you gotta do it too all right now obviously if you've got like some five-star weapons and they're cracked use them i mean five-star weapons have really good passives typically they've got good stats awesome but most of you don't have that so i want to show you how to build with your weapons so if we look at something like the string list this gives you a solid base attack but it's giving elemental mastery it also is giving increased elemental skill and elemental burst damage and so if your goal is to auto attack and basic attack and charged attack then this is not only one but two areas where your damage isn't being really increased yes you're gonna do more damage with your elemental skills that's great but if your main goal is to be basic attacking then why would you be buffing those things so if you look at something like rust where you're getting 30 percent more attack damage and you're getting increased normal attack damage this makes way more sense if you're using a claymore you would want attack percentage but also maybe something that's giving you bonus damage on your attacks when you are attacking i think that this is pretty straightforward and there are a lot of weapons in the game you can see that there are a ton of weapons but if you see something like this where you're getting cool downs and you're getting energy recharge this is supposed to go on a support character who is going to be using their abilities and their their special ability as much as as humanly possible right if you're looking at something like this this is something that maybe kachin could use because it's giving you attack and you basic attack a lock but it's also giving you electro damage so there's going to be some give and take and obviously some weapons are going to be better on some than others but if you're trying to get attack damage and you're picking a weapon that doesn't give you any and it doesn't give you any boosts here that's a terrible weapon for that character and i think that this is pretty basic i'm not going to go into it too much more but this is something to look out for long term is is the weapon doing anything that's going to bring value to your character the way you're trying to build them because all the characters can really do everything if you want venti to auto attack and basic attack go for it whatever okay so as for sets as for artifacts what are the best artifacts and what should you actually be looking for if you want to min max damage if you want to hit way harder so there's a couple of things that go into this if we're using someone like kitchen we're going to use kaching for example here kaching does a lot of basic attacks alongside her abilities i use a lot of her auto attacks and so i chose the berserk set with her she's got some attack damage here she's got critical damage she's got crit rate and in her kit her basic kit she gets some crit chance and her crit damage is actually higher than some other characters and so with her it makes a lot of sense to get extra crit rate because i want to crit more it does some extra damage that's good but the main thing you want to be looking for is attack every artifact you have other than the the roses or or the the the little lapels whatever you want to call them these are always hp but every other item you want them to have i mean in this case i've got some crit rate on it i'm trying this one out but you want to use items that have attack percentage and scale that up as high as you possibly can because that's going to scale off your weapons you can scale off your base stats and so you want to stay uh uh stack that as high as you can but as for other stats you're gonna want attack right damage crit chance those main things um but another good one is energy recharge energy recharge i say is one of the other top stats in there so attack attack percentage really really good but energy recharge i think is also a great stat if you get lucky with it uh that's just gonna allow you to use your spells more and and that's really valuable now if you have set pieces like obviously getting the berserker set this is 12 crit rate that's great but if you're just picking a random berserker item and it's got hp and and you know like bad stats on it then that's not a good thing you need attack in this slot because this is the one that scales the highest every time you enhance it you get stats here and these ones are really good but if the main stat here is bad if it's the wrong one if it's elemental mastery use that thing for experience or throw it in the trash because you know it's not going to be giving you all the damage as for sets that i would recommend the berserker set obviously good because it gives you that crit and um and you know you can go for the four piece set with this but i personally only go for this this one here i get that crit right because i i tend to keep my characters really healthy and so the base crit rate the two piece on berserker i think is is really solid but there are some other ones on here that are really really good too so the gladiator set gladiator set is amazing it gives you attack but also if you're using a sword claymore or pull arm and you've got the four piece set you're getting 35 increased attack damage with your normal attacks which is nutty so this is something i'm working towards i just don't have enough of the good pieces with good stat rules so i haven't swapped but honestly even though maybe a character does use critical hits or you want critical hits if your base attack goes up so does the crit so it it really doesn't matter as long as you're getting that um early on in the game you can get this set this is the uh the social uh you get base attack right here and uh this is actually pretty valuable early on this is one of the the quickest ways to get attack but anything that's giving you attack is great now there's stuff down here like the the thundering fury that gives you more electric damage that's really good but if your base attack is too low you're essentially adding a percentage onto something that's really low and so it's like well if you're getting 30 more damage on something that's tiny it's not really that much more damage so i think that attack is obviously gonna be the main thing always and if you can get it in here as well that's great but it's gotta be up here on the main stat so you know gladiators is good the martial artist i think is is pretty solid as well it increases your normally charged attacks and after using your elemental skill which you're gonna be doing a lot uh normal attacks and charge attacks get 25 more for eight seconds which i mean i think that's pretty good on the rotation so the martial artist set is pretty solid as well and uh and that's what i would recommend you build on pretty much everyone now uh if you are using someone that's casting a lot of spells the exile set is good you can get the energy recharge or you can be giving the energy to other people and so i would recommend that and then the scholar also has some potential because giving you the energy recharge uh this four piece i don't think i would go for but the 20 energy recharge is also really valuable there you go that's pretty much it on your weapons on your artifacts you're looking for attack you're looking for attack as like a base stat there if you look at my official hers has attack unless you're casting abilities you could go for some other stuff but even him even him if i gave him a bow with bass attack on it he'd still be more valuable because he would just hit harder with the spells that he's using just wouldn't get them as often okay thanks for watching see you soon bye
Channel: Mtashed
Views: 784,326
Rating: 4.9162478 out of 5
Keywords: genshin impact, genshin impact guide, genshin impact tips, genshin impact build guide, genshin impact tier list, genshin impact best characters, genshin impact best artifacts
Id: aT2RVqojzYo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 56sec (956 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 10 2020
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