Keys To Becoming A Leader | Dr. Myles Munroe

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thank you for joining us for another power-packed message from dr. Myles Munroe provided by Monroe global incorporated and Monroe we transform followers into leaders and leaders into agents of change we hope that this message is a blessing to you as you advance your life and discover your purpose now let's go into the message keys to becoming a leader keys to becoming a leader this is for housewives students mechanics clerks this session is for nursery workers for politicians it's for Kings the session is for secretaries it's for Masons and carpenters how to become a leader leadership is very very complicated because it is subtle most of the people who we call leaders are really not leaders the problem is if you don't know what something looks like you can tell it when you see it I just said something important in other words if you don't know what a leader is supposed to be and look like you can never asitane when you saw one so your definition and your concept of leadership is part of the problem of why we cannot find true leaders and so this is why I use the term true leadership if you read all of my books on leadership you will find this term in the book I never used the word leadership I used to word true leadership because 90% of the leaders you call leaders are not true leaders these are normally people who are professional manipulators they wield power they threaten people they have the element of force they can force things that go their way they have an oppressive spirit where they withhold from you in order to manipulate you things that you want they have their capacity to tantalize your sheepish emotions with their words and you call them leaders true leadership is usually completely opposite to each of those elements and we're going to talk about that today I want to begin with a few comments about leadership as to what true leadership is first make a note of this true leadership is not about control it's about service secondly true leadership is not about power it's about empowerment most followers would say about their leader that's a powerful person well you just exposed the fact that they are not a true leader a true leader will have followers who say the opposite that person empowered me that's a true leader that person made me great that's a true leader but we normally say the opposite oh he's a powerful preacher where did he make you one that's the question number three leadership is not about manipulation it's about inspiration inspiring people is the highest form of true leadership true leaders don't manipulate they inspire people number four leadership is really not about people it's about purpose I will explain all of these in this session in other words true leadership is not about trying to find people to follow you true leadership is discovering a purpose that you commit to pursue so leadership has more to do with you pursuing something than you pursuing people to follow you true leaders therefore do not seek followers and number five true leadership is about becoming more than doing you know most people that we call leaders we describe them as doing great things but a true leader is more about a person becoming something they discovered about themselves they are becoming it and in the process of becoming themselves they inspire other people that inspiration is what influences the people and they submit to the leaders vision and so these are introductory thoughts about leadership I want to talk a little bit about the kind of leadership that's destroying our world and I'm going to repeat this every time I speak because these thoughts are so important number one politics without principles this kind of leadership is destroying our country's politics without principles I wish I could just come here and spend a whole day on this one statement because this one statement summarizes most of the failure in our political arena than any other component politics without what principles I'm gonna step it on a limb here but I think it might be helpful to you you are about to enter a period of elections and out of 360 million people you've come down to two people to choose to lead you when I study these two characters I am sorry for your country out of 360 million people you couldn't find better qualities of leadership one of my major concerns about the present leadership is this statement number one that's your problem politics without principals and this is what you have to deal with right now I don't know if you are a kingdom citizen I am not sure how you have to vote I am praying for you it's tough because the defects that exists in both are so serious that you you are hard-pressed to decide between the two and that's because your culture especially your political culture does not lend itself to produce true leaders your culture produces dealmakers so you will compromise your principles to please some people that's what you produce leaders will compromise their personal principles to please groups of people therefore you are no longer a leader you're automatically being led this is your problem the second leadership that will destroy us is pleasure without conscience third wealth without work this kind of system will destroy a community when people would prefer to gain wealth without effort this is why I have my concerns about things like lottery gambling because which you've developed as a culture of people who want something for nothing you destroying your country fourth component of a destroyer country is knowledge without content and character rather you know a lot of smart people are using their their knowledge to destroy and seem as if the more intelligent we become the more dangerous we become people for example know the system so well that they can actually end up paying no taxes because they have knowledge you don't have therefore they violate character number five business without morality this is what have destroyed our global economy lately what have destroyed us is a few businessmen in New York saw an opportunity didn't make some loans to people who couldn't pay it back and they knew they couldn't pay it back so they were immoral in business the rest is history the world is still trying to recover and number six science or not of humanity it's good to have scientific advancement but when you do not regulate that with conscience and humanity the science can destroy you know they developed a pill that can destroy a baby in the womb if you don't want the baby the pill can actually dissolve the baby it's made in France the science without humanity and then the last one is worship without sacrifice that would destroy us worship without sacrifice not with Gandhi made these statements and I love what he says here he said that we pursue God without willing to sacrifice personal pleasure we are destructive I think we've seen this in our experience especially in what you call religion great spiritual leaders who claim to worship God at the highest level but they cannot keep their zipper up they cannot sacrifice self-discipline that's destroying us we need to listen to this list every day listen to it let it talk to you and then measure your leaders against it after you measure yourself against it leadership let's talk a little bit politics here's a guy you all know well politics are all principles the kind of leaders we need well we begin by talking about politicians a little bit as some of you have politicians we don't need more politicians in leadership we got enough of them what we need is leadership in politicians that statement sounds very simple but it's not I deal with politicians very often most of my work now is with political leaders all over the world when I leave here tomorrow I'm on my way to South Africa I'm going to contour the Congo I'm going to Zambia I'm going to Zimbabwe and all of my meetings these countries is with the politicians I'm going to be facilitating leadership training with leaders of countries and I I am amazed when I sit with these people in a room just like this sometime is 500 of them they shut the government down and I talked with them and I began to teach on leadership some of them actually begin to weep in the session powerful men women say we because when I'm halfway through my my seminar they realize they are not leaders they are power-hungry people or they have defects like low self-esteem suffering from poor self-concept and trying to compensate for it through power don't ever believe that a politician is a leader don't ever believe that because the system that we have produces politicians it doesn't produce leaders and so you can have a politician who knows nothing about leadership and he's leading you what we need is more leadership in the politician which is something that needs to be taught and trained in that person as a result of this leadership empowerment conference I am hoping that you will be qualified to go into politics in your local community because your motivation will be correct here's another one to remember politicians are concerned about the next election that's all they interested in that's why they cannot be leaders but leaders are different leaders are concerned about the next generation I want you to compare those two thoughts the next time you have a politician come to your house wanting to vie for your vote just ask him what is your vision for my children I will sit and listen for 20 minutes for you to tell me what it is he will leave your house because he has no interest in your children's children his concern is to stay in power to keep the position to win the next election this is why they cannot lead because leaving requires following your own convictions not the popular interests right away you cannot lead if you want to be re-elected and that leads me to point number five true leaders focus on purpose passion principles the interests of the people and vision when you are going to have a conversation with a politician you should actually try this as a test you by the way as a citizen of a community you have a right to be seen by the mayor hope you know that if you voted for a mayor the mayor works for you therefore you have a right to see him you can make an appointment to see any public officer you voted for did you know that as your legal right if you don't want to see you you can take him to court that's democracy so I want you to make an appointment to go and see him here I'll go and see your governor and just say I want 30 minutes with you sir and ask him about that list right there aye sir what is your purpose for being in leadership in this city what is your purpose the first question will make him very nervous second question what is your what is your passion for our community he'll be wondering what you're talking about are you talking about I just want to build roads and bridges and and provide jobs no no no what is your passion and then the third one is the most dangerous one what are your principles of leadership think he won't violate what are your standards that you have observed in your life that you will never break these are the issues of true leadership and this is why we need to question the leaders we have and so I have a little thought here I call it politics versus leadership they talk about it for a second number one politicians focus on programs not vision number two politicians priority is securing the next election not securing the next generation their focus is different number three politicians are preoccupied with promises not purpose so they make you promises right we will provide jobs for you that's a promise we'll provide free education for your children that's a promise we will cut taxes that's a promise we will give free high school diplomas and we will give free college tuition promises they never talk about purpose and purpose is the foundation of leadership and before politicians think of the next election all the time any time we talk to them they're thinking about how can I secure my seat they will do anything you want them to do this is why the the the fringe groups in your society are having such an effect you've got ten percent of the population of country making 80% of the laws because they probably got 90% of the resources in other words politics is for sale is not for leadership what we need is statesman States women we don't need more politicians a statesman is an interesting human a statesman think of the next generation you know I had an opportunity to speak to ambassador Andrew Young yesterday and we were chatting on the phone you know and he and I have become good friends it's matter of fact I think he's planning to be here tonight to be with me and would be good for you to hear him talk a little bit but when you when you talk to a guy like this he's a statesman he thinks about the history all the time he thinks about how the history affects the children that are unborn and whether they will appreciate what happened as a statesman he he thinks about about heritage and destiny Wow that's a rare leader by the way this list can be applied to pastors because most pastors are politicians I call them spiritual politicians the list is the same they are concerned about staying at pastor 1 they are about making you the future pastor they protect the pulpit from you they actually lie on God by saying things like don't touch God's anointed I wonder what they mean by that it's a ploy to threaten you don't touch me even if I'm wrong always remember that King Saul was fired before he left the company as a deep statement so we need help don't we in leadership right now everything I've said I see you Norden your heads because you know someone right in your environment that lines up with those lists right yeah that tells you that you are a smart person you already know something was wrong I just told you what they are now let me tell you why we got these kinds of leadership these kind of leaders I'm gonna go back to history this is a picture of Caesar I put him in the background for a reason the Roman Empire is the source of our modern-day leadership but the source of the Roman Empire's leadership was the Greeks the Greeks were the ones who invented the word démocratie the Mikasa is the word we translate as democracy that's a Greek idea it was invented by great thinkers like Socrates and Plato and Aristotle these were the great thinkers of the Greeks who formulated philosophies of leadership they created philosophy of democracy the Greeks therefore are known as the thinkers of history they capsulize summarized their thoughts and put them on paper as a matter of fact the Greek Empire was known for its library they were the ones who who wrote philosophy of life and they were the ones who really built the idea of modern day democratic philosophy it's Greek not biblical is from the Greeks when the Romans invaded Greece the Romans sacked the whole place but the Roman Emperor told the soldiers do not touch the library the Romans kept the library and the roman leaders took the greek library and they salvaged all the ideas of the greeks and they chose the paths that were appropriate for them and the Romans used the Greek ideas of leadership to rule the Empire so you could say the Roman is a Greek in the head but a fighter in the hand he had Greek thinking but Roman military might now why is this important because the modern-day countries of Europe which colonized the Western world which you are a product of were all the Roman Empire Europe the word Hoopoe grupo is a word that the Romans invented to describe the areas that they controlled from Africa all the way to England the Roman in Rome is controlled the whole world and Caesar the King sees as a title sons of the gods the king ruled the whole world and when the Roman Empire was destroyed was not destroyed by an army because they were too powerful to be destroyed by an army they were destroyed by their loins right here the Roman Empire they say was defeated by immorality they became so corrupt morally that they decayed from the inside no army destroyed wrong for example out of 14 Caesars 12 of them were homosexuals and their favorite interest was boys so when you study the morality of the greatest power in history and by the way to this day Oh Empire has ever risen greater than wrong Rome who was the most powerful nation in history period including the Bible because they the only ones that rule the whole world no one has done it since and they were never destroyed by military might they were destroyed by immorality they became so morally corrupt that you didn't even have to kill them they self-destruct most great nations die the same way you can't beat them militarily they begin to decay from the inside their laws and their interests begin to be morally questionable could it be that the greatest nation on earth the United States at the moment is following the same path you don't need to beat him with a nuclear weapon just let him decay from the inside immorality so Roman Empire fell apart when it fell apart it broke up into small kingdoms the Centurions and those who were past the Senate they began to scramble for what was left and they developed what they call the multi kingdoms of Grupo Europe so the kingdoms of Europe are actually the result of the breaking up of wrong so they developed little kingdoms like Franco spanien these are Roman kingdoms Belgium which is Belgium Portugal anglo-saxon British these are Roman kingdoms that break up my point is they are all Greek thinkers with Roman attitude now if you notice all of them developed the same interests in colonization read my books on the kingdom back there to get information on this very important to learn this to understand Jesus because Jesus Christ is born in the middle of the colonization process he was actually a member of a colony of the Roman Empire and you cannot understand the Bible until you understand colonization so please make sure get those books all of them on the kingdom otherwise you will never know which is supposed to be doing right now as a kingdom citizen it has nothing to do with religion so the Roman Empire falls apart they develop these kingdoms France Spain Belgium Portugal Britain and what happens is they began to expand they expanded through colonization and so they became interest in the West Columbus left Columbus was an Italian he was from he was from Rome he was an Italian he also was a Jew Columbus wanted to to do expedition but the Roman government refused to finance him so he went to Spain and the king and queen of Spain decided we liked your idea because we want to expand that Kingdom so they financed his trip and he had three ships and they built them for him and financed him and everything and he came west and he landed in the Bahamas in a little island called he named it San Salvador it still exists in my country it's a beautiful country little island beautiful beaches there that's where he planted the first cross because he came in the name of the Catholic Church but in the name of the Spanish Kingdom and that's why most of the islands in the Caribbean have Spanish names because he couldn't name them in the name of the Italian government but they didn't finance the trip so wherever he went he had to make claim it in the name of Spain and this is why most of the countries in the Western world spanish-speaking countries Mexico Guatemala Guadeloupe you know you got Brazil Colombia you get chilly you got Venezuela I mean poses in Spanish because they finance the first trip they he claimed the area's first subdued all the natives and then the French came and they did their part then the British came and did their part and the Bahamas used to be actually a Spanish colony the British fought the Spanish and warned that's why I speak English I was supposed to be speaking Spanish it depends on which Kingdom took over right next to us five minutes away is Cuba so they colonized the whole area all of the Western and the United States was actually first claimed by the Spanish and then the the Spanish was attacked by the British you know the story and they defeated the Spanish and they claimed this continent this was part of the continent the United States but I'm trying to get to a point listen carefully because I'm talking about leadership here so they colonize these areas and remember now a kingdom expands because the glory of a kingdom is territory again to understand the Bible you have to understand that principle because God is a king that's why he created the universe to expand territory okay so here he is we got these leaders they wanted these kings all these are kings they want to expand the territory and they take over these areas and they came to the Caribbean kids Central America South America North America and of course they're looking for wealth in the land they're looking for gold looking for diamonds you know they were looking for oil at that time because oil is not important to them wealth and was land agriculture for why they were an agricultural society so those who had good land became powerful kings so when they came to these areas in Caribbean and South America Central America and unite this area call America's they they realized that a lot of land and they tried to domesticate the local natives to work for them under force of arm of course and the natives couldn't handle it some of them ran some of them fought it became very difficult and de Portugal the Portuguese were the first ones to go to Africa and they discovered more land and then they found some strong people they said it's all that history and they realized these people stronger than the ones that were in the territory that they discovered they could live longer last longer they were they were more sturdy they could handle the Sun you know the Indians the Aztecs and all this folks they couldn't handle the weight with their pressure and so they shipped these people over to work in the farms they call him plantations and they literally made them Chapel animals just like an ox you you were here to work and so the slave trade became a reality it was all economics no slave was ever bought from African continent because of love it was all economics it hasn't changed much okay so we have now this problem of this trade route taking place and you may ask why did all of these kingdoms do it all of them did it the French did it the Spanish did it the Portuguese did it the British did it they traded in people and they chose Africans because they were more durable they actually used to breed people because you know they were stronger they'd breed they would choose the strongest male and the strongest female and put them together and have sex to produce a stronger slave that was the element of today and this is why we lost families because they didn't care if your husband was strong and you was weak they'd take your husband away from you they'd find a woman who was husbands we take her put him together and so the destruction of the family component even psychologically was a reality because of economics you know to sell a strong slave made sense you get more money for a stronger slave whether it's a male or female so this was the concept now the question I want to ask you is how could healings do this to humans that's the question I want to deal with but these were leaders doing this well I got the answer for you because here's what the Greeks believed that the Romans adopted that became the foundation of leadership for the kingdoms of Europe that created our countries today the philosophy of the Greeks number one they believe their leadership is a product of natural endowment those of you who studied philosophy would have read some of Plato's writings and Socrates perceptions of men you'd have read Aristotle's concept of the value of human and you would find that these principles in their philosophies they believed that a person was earmarked to be a leader if they had certain natural endowments that means if you didn't have these natural endowments then you were born to be a slave this is Greek thinking let me put it another way number two they believe that leadership is a product of birth traits you can study this on the Internet it's all there the Greeks believed that if you had certain traits you were automatically born to be the ruling class and if you didn't have those traits you were born to be the serving class if you do some research you'll discover that the the some of the traits are shocking for example the Greeks believed that if you had fair pigmentation you were created to be a leader fair pigmentation when that rules me out they also believe that if you had thin lips this is written in their doctrine then you were designed to be a leader so that rules me out then they said if you had pointed noses the gods chose you to be a leader well you know I'm out twice then they said if you're here was blond and your eyes were blue you are definitely designed to be the leader have mercy on me okay this is not funny though think about it this is what they believed so you could understand why when they went to Africa the conclusion was the gods have blessed us today we've got enough labor created by the gods to run I am pious and so the people became fuel for their machinery of their industries of agriculture now I want you to understand this was the philosophy of their leadership this is very important in other words treating you like a nonhuman was not a matter of conscience it was natural you don't have the traits so you were born to serve me you were created by the Creator to be second class to be my slave you you can't argue this God chose you to be my servant so the concept was me go to the third one this is very important this is also written in the Greeks philosophy is that leadership the product of what Providence they said Providence means the gods chose those who would be leaders and the gods chose those who would be followers so this is not a matter of who you think you are it's a matter of what the gods chose you to be do you understand how deep this is this is in the psyche of the post European era which is still not over let me explain how this works out practically if you went to college what's your name okay John went to college and got a PhD in physics I'm talking about nuclear physics this guy is a brain he's sharp PhD in nuclear physics the problem is it doesn't matter you are simply seen as a very smart slave because your your pigmentation your nose your lips your eyes you hear is the problem it doesn't matter so they actually will tell their neighbor I have a smart slave in other words educating you you think changes you it does it it ain't the brain that makes you different so the system the culture doesn't translate your PhD into being a superior human it says you are simply a superior thinking slave so it doesn't matter how much education you get it doesn't matter how much accolades you put behind your name it doesn't matter how much you achieve in the Greek mind when the Roman mind which is the leadership that came over you are still slave by Providence do you know that they actually created a theology for this because every ideology needs a theology to make it legal can I say it again write it down every ideology needs a theology to make it legal so you will find even at making in apartheid apartheid had a theology created by the Dutch Reformed Church which was based on Greek philosophy yeah as well because remember South Africa was taken over by Romans you know Europeans Hitler if you already remember Hitler Adolphe Hitler was interesting guy out of Hitler said that he had a visitation from God you ever read his uh mine confer he believed that God chose him to restore the Roman Empire that's why he had a plan to take over Europe again he says that he was chosen by God to establish what he called the Third Reich the third reign of the Romans and this is why again his concept of leadership his philosophy made it easy vented it to destroy people you know remember you need blond eyes from blond hair blue eyes sharp nose okay so when he looked at the Jews for example the Jews get dark hair dark brown eyes or black eyes olive skin he said they were designed they are rats to our society he says they're sucking our blood must kill them why these are not real humans the gods have made them to be our slaves so it was easy to kill ten million slaves between Africa and Carolina in the water no sorry sixty million died on the ships I wasn't I was in Ghana early in this year and I went to one of the forts where they sold slaves it's amazing experience you should go there and on the wall was a statement written it says slaves left here and went to the so I probably found where my great-great grandfather came from one of the holes that they went through I was in touch with my history for a few minutes I went here's my point where did you get your philosophy from determines how you lead people the way you think about people determines how you lead them or destroy them so the Greeks believed that the gods chose leaders and the gods chose followers let me give you last one they believe that leadership is the product of a word they invented call charisma the Greek says leadership with the product of charismatic personality they and they asked they defined it you know Plato defined it he says charismatic personality is the gifts of the gods I mean he defined some of the gifts like extrovert personality talkativeness communicative ability auditory Greeks in other words if you are open and flamboyant and and you are extrovert and you like to talk and and you like to communicate and you speak well they says gods chose that one so if you acquired and subdued you were automatically a slave and then this is why you develop this idea they actually told the slave something very important they told a slave look you ought to be seen but not heard now that statement may sound simple to you but that was a philosophy you you know say I'm supposed to talk only leaders talk you cut would you pick cotton you serve the food and you as if you don't exist you're supposed to be like almost invisible so they say you must be seen but not hurt now here's the problem though that thing has gone so into the spirit of the slave that the slave today still brings his children up by saying be seen but not heard it's demonic but you still do it to your children so when I call you up right now to make a speech in five minutes you afraid to come why you've been successfully subdued you call it I'm shocked you ain't shy you've been trained to keep quiet and to be a leader you must talk you must share your ideas communicate your vision and that's why you're not a leader could you so proud to be shy it's demonic being quiet is not a gift so it's leadership you must do your work but say nothing you must be in and out without no one seeing you this is Greek philosophy so the master who mastered you told his four-year-old boy to stand up and recite something you are 40 years old he says you must keep quiet he's four years old he telling him to talk you 40 he tell you to be quiet some wrong with this equation so the kid grows up by six years old he is fluent in speech and you 40 years old you afraid to talk because the conditioning of the mind is different see sometimes you don't even know why you the way you are it comes from Greek philosophy that you live under still this is probably why is difficult for many people from the oppressive side of life to emerge as great leaders in industrial States because they are dragging a heavy history and they're trying to get rid of it and you want to be a leader with that weight the problem is when you set one of those slaves free he know you can't lead the master so he turns on his own people and he has to imitate the master so he tells you keep quiet don't tell me what to do you shut up I'm in charge what I say is always right it's my way or the highway the Spirit is a mentality of a slave with a little bit of power so you end up abusing your old people because you are mentally sick from historical damage and then you want a title listen this is why you need a leadership seminar like this first of all to identify your problem I'm not impressed by you telling me you are a bishop it means nothing to me let me quote something from the Bible that's very important very important it's found in the book of Ecclesiastes thing is chapter 11 Solomon says woe to the land when a slave becomes King let me quote it again this is in the Bible woe to the land when a slave becomes king the word woe is the worst word in Hebrew Jesus used it a few times it's a curse word it means damned you it's a horrible word okay let me quote it one more time down is the people in the land when the person in charge thinks like a slave vote to the land when a slave becomes what king let me tell you something putting a crown on a person's head doesn't change their mind I really want you to think about yourself for a minute the people you've been following are you just a bunch of sheep are these people free who are following you or are they parasites feeding on your fear propping up their own insecurity by your submission ladies and gentlemen I have come with anger in my heart because I was there yeah it's a sad place to be lost and don't know it blind and thought you could see we are victims of a leadership philosophy that is still controlling us today so you go to work on Monday and you see the master in the department and your whole body becomes afraid you are still sick then you see one of your fellow brethren and there's no fear how come you have different responses to these two different images because you are still sick in your mind and you have a title please buy this CD this is one you gotta give your kids because you see if you don't get this thing in your head if you are simply a well-dressed highly educated powerful crowned slave you say you believe the Bible but you actually follow the Greeks and this is why when a person becomes a pastor for example in a church all of a sudden they think that they better than the people sometimes I listen to your pastors you know it is people on TV I guess I said that person is sick the way they talk to the congregation tells me that this person is dangerous it's a well-dressed slave with a crown where did you get your leadership philosophy from you got it from the Greeks because whoever colonized you convinced you Jesus never said that anyone can set you free you fought for example that people you know like Nelson Mandela Mahatma Gandhi Martin Luther King jr. set you free that's a lie no human can set you free do you know what Jesus said he said you shall no see it ain't a person [Music] I guess come to the seminar and teach you for three days on how to influence people 10 principles of leadership 5 principles of organizational development 10 principles of management and you still walk over here as a well-educated slave that is your problem your problem is you are still blinded and and over and over pressed by something you never even knew you had that's why I gotta go back in history and find out where it came from then you go back and who did up the Greeks do not define Maus Monroe anymore I am a dignified human not because of my pigmentation my nose my eyes make here on my lips I am a dignified quality first-class powerful human because I was made in the image of the Living God [Applause] [Music] and I wouldn't give you the right or the privilege to put value on me you have no idea how much I'm worth mind your own business and no one did that to me I discovered the truth you shall know the truth and that's what I'm dealing with today that's why you feel so deep inside right now some of y'all are weeping because you see I'm sick of people preaching at you these sermons you don't need no sermon you need a revelation of who you are no one makes you a leader you were born one but you were smothered under a philosophy of followers and slaves it's not just black people you know it's white people Asian people I mean the countries where I see so many white people oppressed when I first went to pole and I wept same spirit of oppression my wife and I went to Hong Kong I wept the Chinese so anyone that robs you of your value is demonic that's why my books are in 60 languages now in 112 countries including Mandarin and they invited me to come to these countries they don't keep up my oh wait look they said what you saying is so truly meaning here and China because people don't set you free the truth that you know that you free ladies and gentlemen let me give you the original philosophy of leadership just the one that the Greeks didn't know about it was written long before the Greeks became an empire he is documented in the first book of Moses first of all the original philosopher leadership believes that trapped in every follower is a hidden leader that means number to every human was created to lead and designed for Dominion that's a belief system number three leadership potential resides in every individual whether they discover it and use it is another issue but it does reside there inside of you is an awesome leader you know this is why for example whenever you give a person was oppressed an opportunity they always Excel you know why they were a constipated leader you look at the Olympics for example you know you're like wow man these little countries that they have nothing like the Bahamas we beat America remember we put you all in the 4x4 why where you got no programs in the Bahamas we ain't got no government scholarships wearing God no no place to practice we just constipated for 200 years I'll run you out of your place so some of y'all know understand what's going on in the world if you ever give an oppressed person a chance to release their potential they don't whip you not because they're better you know they constipated it's like a pressure cooker you've been holding down that potential for so long so all of a sudden you got this basketball players football basically do you like how come the scene is changing it's because of constipation and before philosophy you were born to leave but you must become a leader number five true leadership is self manifestation is not a matter of going to a school and learning some principles it's manifesting your true self that's leadership as a philosophy and number six very important the purpose for true leadership is not to maintain followers but to produce leaders that's a philosophy of leadership true leadership does not maintain followers in other words a true leader works themselves out of a job true leaders are always moving they never fall in love with a position they are constantly producing people to take their place that's true leadership true leaders are not married to their titles you know when a person like titles is a sign that they are actually a slave let me explain why because they give their value from the title most of the people who love positions are not leaders because they get their worth from the position that's why they will kill you to keep it because they lose it they lose themselves because they have made themselves one with their title in their position that's why they become offended when you don't call them by their title you know Bishop Joan you can't say mr. Jones mr. Jones I don't want to look mr. John I'm not mr. Jones these are sick people the more titles you need the less you are a leader you know I thought I might I smile I see these people you know dressing what kind of regalia I mean regalia and they got 10 titles behind their name you know right reverend honorable bishop eternal and potentate you know and I'm like this guy is totally sick I would never have lunch with this person it's too much weight to carry on lunch the more successful you are as a leader the less titles you need can you write that down please what did I say the more successful you are as a leader the less titles you need always remember that as a matter of fact your goal in life is to reduce yourself to your first name because even your last name is not yours Munro is not my name it's a Scottish name from Scotland that means them the master that owned my great-grandfather was a white Scottish man so they named it slaves after the masters name they says Munro slave that's how I got Monroe I'm not Monroe Myles the only name I own is Myles so my goal in life is to reduce myself to Myles when you read the Bible it's intriguing isn't it you will see great people read the Bible for example we don't say Reverend dr. Bishop Moses what do we say Moses how come we don't say the right reverend anointed powerful Joshua no we just say what Joshua we say Daniel we don't say bishop and Sakaya you say Hezekiah Jeremiah Isaiah Ezekiel Jose Joelle amos obadiah you know what Jonah said you know Micah told us hey giu prophesy Malachi say how about Matthew not bishop matthew mark oh oh my god if you call your pastor Luke you kill you we are sick John Paul Peter James Jude oh my god Jesus oh you could tell how effective you are by how many titles you get rid of Martin JFK not even the name j FK how come you need so many titles because you ain't doing nothing clap hands right there we need folks who could be leaders [Applause] so leadership is not a pursuit of power position title or authority leadership is a result of self-discovery I want you to spend some time in the mirror and I want you to stay away from people for a few days and take a private retreat by yourself and meet with yourself I'm serious everyone who discovered themselves in history were by themselves Moses on the backside of Mountain Ezekiel in the desert Jesus in Judean Desert Paul in Arabia all by himself see you got too many people around you who don't know they are and they make you the same way spending this day away from your office and your family is one of the most important since you made this conference could change your life forever because you are in a different environment the noise of life can drown out who you are I found mine at 3 o'clock in the morning as a little kid on a dirt ground in the Bahamas when the whole house was sleeping and I had an argument with God and I said God you are prejudiced I was mad I was 13 because on one side of wall was two white people on the other side of the black to the wall in our island I separated us and I said God is are you the same God that they serve because if you are I don't want you to be my god anymore and my daddy serve you all this life he's a pastor and I don't want to be with him nor you I was mad no one knew what I was going through at age 13 the house was sleeping the rats were running through the yard and I was in the dirt I was mad you know your problem is you don't get mad enough God answered me that night he did it's my dafuq God saved himself that night cuz I was about to get rid of God God allows an honest heart your religion makes you a fake you started that I Love You Lord you don't even know yourself I became angry and he introduced me to myself that night and everything changed that's why I'm the way I am now you can never influence me negatively it's too late for me the opinion means nothing to me because I know why you need that you need to get there to become the great man you were born to be you are exactly what they made you see this woman I like this woman mother Teresa is four feet five inches high she spoke at the United Nations had all the countries listening to her and guess what she was a high school teacher see I told you to be a leader you need to go to college get a PhD in management how come you never spoke to the UN and she was just a high school teacher she stopped the world here's why write this down because number one leaders don't seek followers followers are attracted to true leaders but they are not attracted to the person even though there may be some influence there they are really attracted to the gift of that person and that is what makes that person a leader most of you came to the Myles Munroe leadership empowerment conference because of a gift you taste it somewhere whether you read a book heard a CD saw a TV program or saw a video or you on youtube or something you said I want to go feed on a gift one more time this is very important too because sometimes when people come to your gift you think they came to you and this is when your pride becomes a problem and that's when God pulls the rug out from under you you know people start thinking well you know I get 10,000 members hallelujah no you don't your gift has 10,000 members not you god I'll kill you in the morning we confuse people's attraction to our gift to attraction to ourselves and so we think you know we I mean by we be I and God says no it's it and that's why I did is fall because they think the people came to them I told you in the last session when you go to a tree you don't go for the bark nor the leaves you don't go for the trunk you go for what just go for the fruit and I cannot say in our foot what do you do you leave when a leader falls because he or she thinks that they are the thing we wonder why there's a scattering is because the leader confused the trunk with the fruit I'm just a servant I'm serving you Mike if that's all they said about me it's my gift write this down attraction is inspiration produced by the individuals passion to serve their gift you won't become a leader find your passion pursue it with perseverance and serve the world with it and people will be attracted to you from everywhere leadership is an attraction you know force people and the way you maintain them as you keep serving if you want to be great you just serve keep serving your gift keep serving it keeps the over then you become a slave to your gift not to the people you keep serving it your existence is serving it keep serving it and they'll find you last year I got over 800 invitations to travel around the world halfway through this year I hit 800 already so hung over a thousand people wanted me to come in over 60 countries and most of them I don't even know and they want to pay my way pay me they're looking for the gift it ain't me that's see when you understand it keeps you very humble that's why I got no bodyguards my wife is my bodyguard that's all I got nobody guards there's nothing about me I don't need no entourage I mean I don't need nobody cleaning my shoe I could clean my own shoe anybody fixing my hair man this isn't about me it's about my gift I like a goal just by God could kill me just like that you better stay in touch with yourself find your gift and serve it you become great they are attracted to your gift and this is what makes you a powerful leader I want to give you a couple thoughts for attitude before we break your attitude arises from fundamental beliefs and convictions and that's what I'm dealing with you know I'm dealing with what they told you when you was five years old you know I mean dude how she was brought up in my son they didn't know who you were and they took you to school and the teacher didn't know who you were then you went to university and they gave you a curette and ain't your passion and now you are stuck with a life you don't know what to do it yourself you gotta discover your beliefs about yourself what are my convictions what is my opinion of my own life if you don't have an opinion of yourself someone will give you one you must have a discovery about yourself your abilities do you know who your true abilities are I want you to buy every book on the table of potential I'm telling you just just read them and some of your bottom haven't read them read them because they are the ones that got me where I'm at when I understood that my abilities had nothing to do with the exams in school my life has changed your school don't know who you are don't believe no grades they gave you you can't measure a human capacity in one hour in a test Samuel are still living under some grade you got twenty years ago I rebuke you in the name of Jesus stop thinking that way they don't know how smart you are I got three bachelor's degrees a master's degree in administration and leadership I got five Doctorate degrees bestowed upon me I don't trust none of them why when you become impressed by some with assessment of your ability you become trapped you can't measure how smart I am write this down your ability to lead depends on the attitude produced by your self-image by your self worth and by your self-esteem your ability to lead is determined and it depends on your attitude that is produced from your self-image your self-worth it's self esteem we have an example I know I am important to the world that is a statement of self-esteem I know the world needs me they need what I'm carrying they they they need this that's a statement of self-worth I am valuable to you I wasn't born like that they told me I was worthless remember the Greeks told me that I didn't have grown here so I did god I had to get information of somewhere else I got it from the manufacturer his manual the Bible it taught me I have his image what an image to have a self image the image of Jehovah Wow and according to him nothing is impossible but a Dixon what they told you about you was a lie don't believe them let God be true I'm every man a liar viola says don't trust no one's opinion your parents didn't know you they didn't even know Jesus you know one time Jesus you know his parents left him in the temple mother and father came back to get him you know y'all remember that story you ever read what he said too that he began to statement by saying did you not know in other words there's even your parents may not even know who you were he told Mary did you not know that I was people of my father but you didn't even know I I'd be with you for 12 years already you still don't know he was 12 years old your mother that carried you don't know how awesome you are she was just a channel so if you never had parents it doesn't matter it's not about your parent it's about you you never had a father so what you are here welcome let's get busy let's go change the world together let's make an impact before you die this is about you your self esteem self worth get it true leaders are more concerned with expressing themselves than with proving themselves see a person who's insecure that's something to prove a person who knows who they are have met in the proof so leaders don't go around trying to prove things to people they're too busy being themselves leaders individuals who have declared independence from other people's expectation of them I would allow you to determine who I can become in other words leaders don't clone other people of the image they desire to help others become themselves sometimes we get pride saying that poison is just like me that's not what you want in life you want people to be themselves why because you are boring you want to use enough god loves you to just be yourself some of you autograph your books last night and I wrote that in it you wonder why I wrote it there this is why I wrote it there be yourself that's where leadership begins leaders are difficult to control you can't control a true leader they just don't behave you know that they just don't line up they think that they just they don't fall in line why because they too busy standing out bang a time to fit in is anybody a leader here today leaders just difficult people this you know always messing with tradition destroying the boundaries asking questions you they make you mad sometime why because they are themselves and they help other people to deploy themselves as well I love people who have strong self-concept around me strong estimation of themselves and love people who know they are why because I gotta figure them out you don't get a problem to be but I show what you think in but when you know who you are I gotta worry about you I know you know who you are you who you are that's why I talk to meet certain people you know you don't know what they are a true leader can never be jealous of a person because they are not in competition that's why you like to be with them you're gonna walk on eggshells you know they're not hurting their feelings nor that foolishness you know it's a real people man authentic people look easy I gotta be sitting around you be careful what I say you too much problem to live with man don't clone people when your attitude in your spirit is married to your ability in the flesh you become a leader your mentality and your ability must be married so when you marry your ability with your mentality a leader is born and this is why we can never fully care that our leadership mandate if we don't have the mentality of leadership and we've to integrate that attitude with our attributes our attitude and our altitude will produce the leadership we really require in other words leadership is not about ability it's about mentality first this is why leaders are they can walk into the room change the room why their attitude and their mentality is completely different sometime I'd walk into a meeting and they discussing issues and I say what's the what's the issue they discuss it they tell me what it is and I'd go well that's simple and I'd say let's just do this why don't we try this they go you never thought of that because we are so plot in our thinking leaders look at elephants as lunch they simplify a life I took my wife all the time keep it simple life is simple manner don't get complicated leaders keep it simple I got no money let's go create some money that's not leaders thing they don't go I got no money I'm broke they said let's go create some money because wealth is not something God gives its created I am the God that gives you the ability to create wealth I don't give wealth God says I created you're not poor are you not jobless you just ain't thinking [Music] every problem is a business so to a leader what you think is more important than what you do I guess that's the whole measure of these two sessions thinking crackling with that Greek mentality destroying the Roman corruption in your mind being free for what people said about you this is the heart of it I want to close this session with the spirit of leadership now these you could get this in the books back there but I want to go through them very quickly and I want you to read them with me because I think you'd probably sink into your spirit if you articulate it verbally these what I have researched and decoded as the obstacles of people becoming leaders if you get these I will see you at the top number one I call it the spread of leadership number one let's read together go the spirit of a strong self concept which is a true sense of your sauce now I could teach that for two weeks you get to know your sauce to develop your self-image number two read the spirit of a healthy self-concept what is it a perception of your true nature that means a photograph of your life that you carry in your head number three the spirit of self-confidence what is that a belief in your inherent ability this is very important a leader has a spirit of total conviction that they could solve any problem I can't take how important that is so leaders never panic a true leader never panics they sit and they think this can be solved that's where their confidence comes from they have a confidence that they have an inherent ability to solve any problem inherent ability the favorite words of Jesus peace have no fear in a middle of a storm peace be not afraid what are you talking about we getting ready to drown but be not afraid why there's a solution to every problem and I am the solution i'ma stop the storm he believed in his inherent ability and before read the spirit of self significance what is it a sense of valuable contribution to the world this one is very critical where you gonna become what you were born to be you got to discover your significance you are not a biological accident you are not an experiment that God sent to earth to try figure out you were literally born because there's something God needed done that made you necessary you are necessary say I say it loud say it louder I want you to tell the world that every day you wake up they need you there's something you came here with that your generation needs so you're not sent it just to make a living you were sent here to make a difference your significance number 5 read the spirit of passion what is that a deep conviction and determination of your heart in other words you found something that you are willing to die for that's passion all leaders are dead before they died you gotta figure that one out number 6 3 the spirit of excellence what is that a striving to always improve self and work that's what leaders do they never satisfied that's why you know I buy four or five books every month my iPad is full of books I'm always reading why self-improvement constantly some of you would walk past a book table and want to be a leader and go straight to Kentucky Fried Chicken and I'm sitting there going what are you doing you got a choice between cholesterol and concepts [Music] self-improvement all the time coming the next time you're here for this event I want you to bring all your people with you man if you are a passenger of all your people here why all of them if you love them you want to improve them you would have produce leaders number six read the spirit of excellence number seven the spirit of compassion what is that a sensitivity to the value of others this is important if you are a leader you must be or whether everybody is equal to you so you treat people with respect I'm talking about the maintenance guy in the bathroom when you meet him there you bow and say your excellency this compassion is missing there's some pastors love no compassionate listen to the facts I go to the church to preach naked I'm talking to people they go man I want to leave this church right now this is a demon the way you treat your people who do you think you are when you die they will never visit your tone when you make people valuable they make you valuable I'm eight breathe the spirit of creativity what is that a belief in the untested and the untried if you are leader you got that spirit you believe that if it hasn't been done before it can be done the untested creativity a leader always tries new things failure means nothing to a leader it simply means find another way creativity number nine read the spirit of self empowerment that means a desire to see others succeed number ten the spirit of self-improvement what does that mean a personal commitment to your own growth number eleven the spirit of self discipline what does that mean a commitment to a self-imposed standard of life on yourself this is an important a leader doesn't need external discipline they impose on themselves discipline I do not commit adultery so they impose it on themselves I am faithful to my spouse so they are imposing on themselves Paul calls it beating your flesh under leadership I do not tell lies I impose it on myself I don't cost it but people I impose it on myself I don't undermine my workers I am posing on myself I trust the people I give authority to I impose not always they are always disciplining themselves I will do good in the dark I would write when no one is watching self imposition sadly visa you can trust the leader when no one's around because they discipline themselves when a leader falls into immorality is because they have no self-discipline when you lose self-discipline you have no right to discipline anybody else you lose the right to lead leadership is not a right you demand it's a privilege that the followers give you the only thing a leader has to work with is trust when you violate that you cancelled you an empty title walking in a robe discipline yourself to protect trust thank you once again for listening to this message as we hope that it has been a blessing to you our goal is to show you new paths and opportunities so that you can discover your purpose it is your love support and partnership that makes Monroe global possible please visit us online at you
Channel: Munroe Global
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Keywords: myles munroe, dr myles munroe, munroe, munroe global, motivational, inspirational, motivation, inspiration, kingdom, leadership, purpose, character, speaker, author, consultant, bahamas, nassau bahamas, the bahamas, food for thought, educational, learning, self help, personal development, album, speakers, teach me, planning and change, crisis, Azusa, conference, global, teaching, ruth munroe, charisa munroe, mylesjr, myles munroe jr, next generation, the legacy of purpose, legacy, tv show
Id: YLZ0Tkpls94
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Length: 100min 12sec (6012 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 27 2018
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