Backend Developer ROADMAP 2024: How to Become Backend Developer and Get a Job (Step-by-Step Guide)

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the software development industry is moving forward at insane speed and this means that the demand for more backend developers grows as well right now backend developer in the United States over nearly 160k a year on average to compare the average annual salary in the United States is about 60k no wonder so many people today want to learn background development but where and how should you start my name is Daniel and today I will show you roadmap on how to pick up a bookend developer ready let's start what is back-end development backend development means writing code that runs on the server side of the website or an app it controls how a web application works this includes managing data verified users and setting up the server to put it simply backend web development means creating the hidden parts of the website that users don't see and yet these secret parts are very important for the website to work correctly it's like backstage work for various web applications where you create and manage the code that keeps a website running smoothly the back end consists of three main components database databases store a large amount of data efficiently and in an organized way server a server is a computer that handles requests from users through the front-end interface called the client and provides responses generated by the application application an application is a computer program running on the server it listens to requests retries data from the database and sends responses back through the server alright that's all good but what duplicate developers do exactly back-end developers are responsible for writing code that makes web applications work correctly as required and the code they create Powers the web server in addition to writing back and code these developers also handle tasks such as developing apis and managing the database and here is an example guys to help you understand if you want to send an email when someone signs up for your company's Weekly Newsletter back-end developers will write the code for your web application and for this they can use programming languages like Java python PHP or others to do this what skills do you need for back-end development but even before you start learning all the skills to become a back-end developer you should meet certain requirements and folks here they are a solid background in computer science including understanding algorithms data structures and programming languages knowing basic front-end development Technologies like HTML CSS and JavaScript experience in working with databases and apis strong problem solving skills and the ability to think logically logical thinking is probably valid for all software developers alright and now finally it's time for the roadmap back end development roadmap guys before we move on I try to make educational content in an entertaining way make it fun instead of boring and in a return please like this video And subscribe to my channel if you enjoyed the content I make learning everything all at once can be challenging that's why if you are new to coding no need to stress we will start with fundamentals to help you get started as a beginner it's important to learn the basics before going for more advanced subjects and here is where you should start vacant programming languages and You Begin developer needs to master a programming language to boost their coding abilities you begin with the fundamentals of the language syntax variables data types functions objects execution and many many other things it's also important to understand the language's unique characteristics such as its runtime behavior Can currency and memory model and the most common programming languages for back-end development are python Java PHP Ruby c-sharp and others SQL and nosql databases along with learning programming language one thing to take care of is learning more about databases a database is like a well-organized digital storage place for information it comes in two main types SQL and no SQL SQL databases use tables while nosql databases use documents case graphs or write columns to store data and here is SQL databases postgresql MySQL and Oracle the next small list is no SQL databases Firebase manga DB Cassandra and influxdb once you have a good understanding of all these things it's time to go to intermediate level stuff and this stuff is Frameworks Frameworks guys make building back-end applications much easier and faster and here is the list of popular backend Frameworks that you should pay attention to Django Ravel express.js rubian rails and many more alright and now that you are done mastering Frameworks you can go to more advanced topics apis API stands for application programming interface it's like a bridge that LEDs to ads chat with each other backend developers use apis to link different apps or services and make the front-end part work better that's why as I became developer you should know this topic well here are some apis to be aware of rest Json show up gson XML RPC and AES alright guys the next step is caching cashion means saving data that is used a lot in the special storage place to make an app work faster different cache methods like in memory on the user's device or on the server can help make the app work faster and put less train on the backend servers there are three types of caching CDN server side and client-side web security web security means keeping your website or web app secure considering all the possible problems and weaknesses it's about things like making sure that right person can use the app keeping data protected and writing code that's hard for bad guys to break into in this context the things you will have to learn are https SSL and course guys web security is a pretty broad topic to discuss and I will make a separate video about it alright one more thing you should be aware of testing testing is a very important part of making software as well as any website or app actually any digital product cannot work without proper and accurate testing it's also about checking if the product works as it should and that's what it's supposed to do when every new feature on release happens there are plenty tools that can help build these tests automatically which makes it faster and better and there are some things you must be aware of integration testing unit testing and functional testing in big teams the testing process usually involves guys called testers who are usually responsible for product quality but before sending them code for testing you should test your code by yourself that's why please test your code always trust the next step is code analysis tools code analysis tools are like computer programs that look at the code you write to find mistakes problems or security issues they help by automatically checking the code for issues that you might miss when you test it yourself and the most common code analysis tools are sonar Cube eslint and code climate how to be successful in backend development OK as a programmer you should consistently improve your skills especially if you are a back-end programmer your success in backend development is not just hard skills but also solve skills and many other things as well here are a few things I would recommend doing to be successful in backend development certification programs guys getting certified in your field can show potential employers what you know and help you get a job or move up in your career a lot of back-end developers start learning online through courses and certification programs they are taught by experts in the field and are able to provide you with the relevant knowledge also getting certifications and additional skills can help you find a new job or get a higher salary build a professional portfolio if you are in a stage of looking for a job as a became developer it's also important to have a professional portfolio projects this shows your skills and experience to possible employers or clients that's why having different types of relevant projects in your portfolio shows your potential employer that you can work with various back-end Technologies one more thing when building your portfolio make sure your projects are of good quality and solve real problems to show your expertise hackathons hackathons are a good way to get real experience learn new things and get valuable connections during hackathons you work on real life projects and team up with experienced developers this helps you learn from them and get hands-on experience so try to find interesting hackathons in your area or online it should give you a huge boost friends today learning back-end development is much easier than it was before there is a huge number of courses certification programs boot camps and other educational resources you can use on this channel I can review many Great Courses and certification programs that can assist you in becoming a web developer I also added a link to one of the best back-end development courses in the description down below so feel free to check it out alright fellow developers that's it for today don't forget to like this video And subscribe to my channel if you want to see more content like this thanks for watching and see you next time [Music] thank you
Channel: Daniel Dan | Tech & Data
Views: 18,365
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: backend developer roadmap, back end developer, backend web development, backend developer, backend developer roadmap 2024, backend development roadmap 2024, roadmap for backend development, roadmap backend developer 2024, roadmap to backend developer, how to learn backend developmnet, how to learn backend developmnet in 2024, how to learn backend development and get a job, how to learn backend development guide, back-end developer roadmap, back end developer roadmap
Id: xw47gcO9oRA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 29sec (629 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 01 2023
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