How to Become A MILLIONAIRE This Year (Or Hit Whatever Financial Goal You Have)

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hey friends welcome back to our channel my name is linda laura if you are new here hi hello welcome on this channel we talk a lot about personal development and personal finances so if you enjoy conversations like that definitely subscribe and join the party first of all happy new year everyone this is our first video of 2021 congratulations everyone we made it and i'm so so excited for everything that this year has in store for us and i'm wishing you guys bountiful blessings a whole lot of joy abundance love prosperity all the good things i'm just so so optimistic about this year and everything that's to come and 2021 is about to be a great year thumbs up this video if you agree so today i want to talk to you all about how this could be the best year of your life financially thus far if you allow it to be and it can also be a year of action if you allow it to be as well so if you read the title of the video then you know we're going to be talking about how you can become a millionaire this year but of course that number of 1 million is just an arbitrary number although it's arbitrary it's definitely not impossible your goal might not be to become a millionaire maybe it's to have your first six-figure year or maybe it's to have your first five-figure month they're tips that you can use to reach whatever financial goals you have for yourself and to level up financially strengthen your relationship with money and allow yourself to be stress free or anxiety free when it comes to your personal finances so before we hop into the nitty-gritty tips of the video i want you to drop this video in your group chat send it to a friend of yours who you know is interested in leveling up financially someone in your crew in your circle in your tribe that you are going to be leveling up financially with who holds you accountable who you also hold accountable or just someone you know who can benefit from a video like this so let's get into the video all right so step number one that i'm going to suggest is that you get yourself into some sort of isolated place and be by yourself where you can just be surrounded by your private thoughts and your personal positive energy and just get really in touch with your why ask yourself why do you want to reach these financial goals identifying your why allows you to stay motivated and stay inspired during times that being motivated and inspired is very very difficult so what will a million dollars or a hundred thousand dollars or fifty thousand dollars do for you in your life will you be able to do more of what you love with who you love do more for your family and your friends do more for charity or be able to donate more to causes that you care about or will you be able to provide for yourself a life that you've always wanted but we're never able to attain whatever your reasoning is is good enough and it's simply for your own motivation and inspiration purposes so the next step that i'm going to suggest is that you do an audit of your finances oh this is so important it's also a perfect time to do a yearly audit of your 2020 expenses and really gauge those hard figure numbers a lot of people don't actually recognize how much money they're really making and how much money they're really spending and i get it it can be an intimidating and daunting task so a lot of people put it off to the side and they just keep procrastinating on that task but it's super important for you to know how much money you are really spending and how much money you are really making after you take out those expenses how much are you allocating to your savings to your investments all of that good stuff i really encourage you to just take some time to do a financial audit you can create your own spreadsheet you can write it out i also have a bossed up budget workbook available for you it's an excel spreadsheet that allows you to plug in all the numbers into a spreadsheet and it creates a graph for use you're able to gauge how much of your finances you are budgeting for and how much you're actually spending so you're able to gauge those discrepancies so either way whether you're in a better financial position than you thought you were or you are in a worse financial position than you thought you were knowledge is the first step and acknowledging where you are is the first step that allows you to take better steps towards your financial future knowing where you stand is the first step and it's the most important step so that you're able to make better strategic decisions about your finances and know what the next steps are for you and your financial position so for you and your financial goals so that brings me to my next step which is to create multiple streams of income for yourself i cannot stress this enough one stream of revenue is not a great idea regardless of how much money that you are making in that one stream of income they say that the average millionaire has about seven streams of income so if you're at one you've got a little bit of catching up to do and that's because there is no such thing as job security if 2020 taught us anything it is that there is no such thing as job security and with your finances you kind of have to expect the unexpected and by creating multiple streams of income for yourself you're doing just that so you're not relying on just one stream of income and don't get me wrong something to keep in mind is that multiple streams of income does not always mean multiple jobs having a whole bunch of different jobs doesn't allow you to create that financial freedom for yourself you have to have a combination of both active and passive income streams you got to have some capital gains in there got to take advantage of compound interest you've got to have some residual income so have a combination of income streams that surround your passions and surround your zones of genius you don't need to have a whole bunch of different jobs in a whole bunch of different industries in order to gain financial independence or enable to reach your financial goals you can create multiple streams of income that surround your passions and surround your zone of genius i have a video up here on youtube on how i started my business with less than a hundred dollars i have multiple other videos on different side hustle ideas that you can create or different ways that you can create both passive and active income for yourself and i also have a free guide down in the description bar that walks you through and guides you through how to find the perfect side hustle idea for yourself and ultimately you're able to turn your side hustle idea into a full fetch business and your side hustle idea will normally be a combination of your passions and what you're good at so check out the link down below that has the free guide for you that will walk you through different boss bay business ideas so definitely check out that video that i have on how to start a business with less than a hundred dollars check out other good girls gone boss episodes and check out that free guide that i have down below for you that'll walk you through how to find that perfect boss babe business idea for yourself so the next major tip that i have is to surround yourself with like-minded people now this right here this component is a life hack i promise you if you hang out with four broke people you will be the fifth you hang out with four ambitious people you will be the fifth you hang out with four open-minded people you will be the fifth energies are contagious intentions are contagious ambition is contagious so surrounding yourself with the right company surrounding yourself with like-minded people who are on to bigger better things who are not complacent this will change your quality of life and the company that you keep your surroundings it really does dictate your outlook on life it dictates the type the type of moves that you make having the right company and the right community around you is essential when you're trying to elevate yourself it's better to be with no company than to be with bad company but it's even better to have great company around you that inspires you and motivates you and pushes you to become the best version of yourself so shameless plug the good girls gone boss society is a perfect place to do that because we just have amazing friendships and lifelong bonds the bonds and friendships that are being made inside of the society along with the education and the leveling up that's happening inside the society it's amazing the accountability partners the friendships the community the education it's just amazing to have positive people around you who want to do good for themselves and also want to see you do good as well so if you're not able to join the society it's okay you can still find your tribe whether it's through social media or through mutual friends just be mindful of the energy that you keep and make sure that people around you have good intentions not only for themselves but for you as well does your crew talk about partying and fashion and gossip all the time or are they also talking about real life conversations topics of substance that are still funny and entertaining but they're also positive and uplifting and they motivate you to become the best version of yourself so if you want different results you've got to do different things and you can't just be staying within the same cage all the time you've got to branch out and find your tribe find your people who inspire you and motivate you to be a better you you can't stay with the same people who are still doing the same thing they were doing last year complaining about the same thing they were doing last year still in the same position they were in last year you've got to do different things and you've got to surround yourself with people who can help you who motivate you and inspire you i know we're doing quite a bit of talking and it's quite a lot so if you're still with me hit the thumbs up button subscribe if you haven't already subscribe all right so my next tip is to live below your means okay do not fall victim to lifestyle creed just because you make more money doesn't mean you now start to spend more money so i have a millionaire routine series and if you haven't already checked it out definitely check it out but you might already be familiar with it either way in those comments sometimes sometimes just sometimes i have comments that have me realizing that a lot of people think one million dollars is a lot more than it is or to become a millionaire means that suddenly you are living this extravagant over-the-top exclusive lifestyle and that's just not the case and i think this comes down to mindset because i get some people who are like well if you're really a millionaire what kind of car do you drive oh you're not a millionaire because you only have two bedrooms or you're not a millionaire if you're really a millionaire then why are you on youtube and i'm like there are millionaires everywhere people everywhere now granted majority of the comments and the majority of people who watch my content know that i'm only here for inspo education and motivational purposes only so majority of people know what those videos are about then there are some who are just like no way there's no way you can be a millionaire millionaires don't live like this millionaires do that millionaires do this millionaires do that and i'm like people it's 2021 and inflation is real 1 million dollars is not as much money as you might think it is so first step before i even get into living below your means let's just address mindset really quick and just acknowledge that a million dollars is very attainable it's not impossible and it's not some sort of far-fledged number it doesn't matter how much money you're making currently whatever your financial goal is it is very very possible so let's just chuck that notion out the window that it is impossible to reach seven or eight or nine figures it's really not whatever your financial goals is it is very possible just remember that and it's very realistic it doesn't matter what the number is if you want it it is very realistic okay but if we're talking about living below your means it's really important that you do not fall victim of lifestyle creep and you continue to live your life comfortably frugal it is really important to master the art of being comfortably frugal not everything is worth the splurge and not everything is worth being frugal or cheap about but really master the art of what is worth splurging and what is worth saving and bargaining on and last but definitely not least is to educate yourself education is key and when we were younger we would hear so many times how powerful books are in reading and as an adult i'm able to gauge how true our parents our family members our teachers were when they were saying this reading is essential it's fundamental it's super important because it allows you to become more articulate it expands your vocabulary it expands your knowledge and oftentimes with books you're able to gain years of knowledge from experts within a week within two days within a month however long it takes you to complete a book you're able to gauge years of knowledge and expertise within a short amount of time so books are a critical component of leveling up and becoming the best version of yourself if you don't like to read or you find that it's very difficult for you to get time to read then try listening to audiobooks in your idle time when you're doing mindless tasks i have a link down below for you to check out so that you can get two free books with audible so that's a great start there are also a ton of free resources here on youtube there are some audio books that are also free on youtube as well there are free resources on the internet on google you're able to purchase ebooks or purchase courses from people that are way less expensive than your university degree will ever cost you're ultimately able to gain so much knowledge on the internet we're just so very privileged to have access to the internet because generations before us didn't have access to this type of learning this is a generation where we're able to learn from our counterparts we're able to learn from other people's experiences and we're able to learn in so many different mediums you know there's podcasts there are youtube videos there are audio books there are physical books there are ebooks there are courses it's incredible so take advantage of the resources that are available to you that are free and paid you can invest in yourself whether it's time money or both just remember that you already have everything you need in order to achieve anything that you want the resources are available you have the time if you're working a job already you have the money if you're not working a job already you have the resources in order to get the job in order to get the money anything that you want is very very very much so possible to attain i just want you to remember that you have everything you need in order to achieve anything you want sometimes it's going to take a little bit of a sacrifice but you've got this and also remember that whatever financial goal you have for yourself is very very realistic and attainable so that is it for this video if you made it to the end of the video comment down below and the video gang i love you guys so so so much don't forget to like the video oh my voice is a little scratchy i've been talking a lot don't forget to like the video hit subscribe if you're not already subscribed and pass this video along to someone who you think would find it beneficial i love you guys so much love you to the moon and back be true to you
Channel: Lyn Allure
Views: 70,682
Rating: 4.9771914 out of 5
Keywords: become a millionaire, how to become a millionaire, how to become a millionaire in canada, multiple streams of income, financial independence, financial independence retire early, financial advice, millennial money, millennial millionaire, money mindset, passive income ideas, how to make more money, make money online, financial freedom movement, money habits in your 20s, money habits of the rich, how to invest, how to be a millionaire, investing for beginners, stock market
Id: rQPhvalN8mk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 7sec (967 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 22 2021
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