5 WAYS To INVEST in Your Future With LITTLE to NO MONEY

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you have literally everything that you need in order to acquire anything in this world that you want there are times when you know maybe your friends are going on a group trip and you know that that trip doesn't fit in with the budget but you make it happen somehow why is that because you wanted it bad enough you're gonna make that investment you're gonna find the time you're gonna find the money you're gonna get creative with how you make you happy that group trip was five hundred dollars over your budget but she made that credit card stretch baby didn't you hey frase welcome back to my channel my name is Lynn allure if you are new here hi look on this channel we talk a lot about personal development and personal finances so if you enjoy conversations like that definitely subscribe and join the party so in today's video we are gonna be talking about five different ways that you can invest in your future with little to no money pass this video along to someone who you feel would be interested in investing in themselves and investing in their future with little to no money send it off in a group chat you feel me sharing is caring when it comes to this knowledge of this wealth stuff don't only share memes in the group chat okay sometimes share resources for the betterment of the circle for the betterment of the team okay okay don't forget to hit that like button cuz it really helps to think YouTube I'll create them and it helps me to know what kind of videos and topics that you guys like to see on the channel I think this topic is super important to have because oftentimes when people here invest they automatically assume that they don't have enough money to do that they start thinking oh I barely have enough to cover my bills how can I invest oh I don't have enough money I don't have 100k saved up I can't invest and that's not the reality of things as a matter of fact the most important and critical ways to invest in your future don't even cost a lot of money up front I think it's also very important to have this conversation because investing is critical to creating generational wealth and for a lot of us we are first in our families either first generation Canadian American English Australian whatever might be first generation you might be the first to graduate from college or university or even high school in your family you might be the first in your family to create six or first in your family to become a millionaire yes claim it in Jesus name a man in line or a claimant in whoever whatever you believe in but you might be the first in your family for a lot of different things and so because of that a lot of these conversations weren't had around the dinner table they weren't had at home they were had on the drive on the way to school and so it's up to us to educate ourselves and put ourselves in positions to soak in that knowledge in order to create the lifestyle that you desire and you deserve and so that brings us to example number one of how you can invest in yourself with little to no money and that is to educate yourself we are so so fortunate to live in a time where there is so much information readily available for us on the Internet gone are the days where the only people who could go to school were rich privileged looked a certain way we're of a certain race now education is available for all of us and it's also on the internet sometimes because of the circumstances you are born in you are put at a little bit more of a disadvantage to acquire the same type of education that other people do but you can teach yourself a lot of things if you are determined you were dedicated and you're a passionate about learning gone are the days that the only way for you to get an education is by going to college in University for years and spending a whole bunch of money a lot of the information that you are looking for as a beginner is readily available for you on the internet for free there are courses that you can take that are a little bit more of an investment but in the initial stages a lot of what you want to learn is already on the internet for you you just have to go searching for it now granted not every single career you can just get educated on the internet or in books or through podcasts I mean if my doctor my nurse my surgeon my lawyer told me that they learned everything they know just from googling um I would be a little bit uneasy but if you're looking to start a business you're looking to invest a lot of the information that you're looking for is on the internet for you you can learn through books you can learn through podcasts you can learn through blogs you can learn through videos there are so many different resources for you to learn anything that you're interested in and get that first initial beginner step or beginner guide on the internet all the way up to that intermediate level you can teach yourself so much through the internet through books through podcasts through blogs it's incredible if you're interested in learning about financial literacy and financial independence through books that I would recommend is Rich Dad Poor Dad thinking Grow Rich the automatic millionaire and I know I said three but one more that is actually really good is why didn't they teach me this in school so those are four books about financial literacy that I would recommend you reading or getting the audiobook for just so that you can increase your knowledge on financial literacy it's so so so important and so crucial it's critical to your financial independence also a really good podcast I know I've mentioned it quite a bit but I really love to earn your leisure podcast and I think that's a really great podcast for you to listen to if you just need something to listen to while you're on the drive over to somewhere I know we're in Cove occation right now and we're not really driving many places but you're just cleaning the house and you want something on background the best way to be confident in something is to be educated on something so submerge yourself so deep into financial books financial podcast financial blogs even if you're watching videos let it be about finances about money about wealth soaking as much knowledge cut out the unnecessary noise that's feeding you with garbage those three four five hours of TV that you're watching all those movies that you're watching that are feeding you with nothing cut those out for some time stop binge watching Netflix for some time taking an audiobook taken a financial docking confirmed forms of media that is investing in yourself instead of consuming media that is draining you so the next way to invest in yourself is to get a mentor or coach of some sort depending on the route that you go this can be a little bit of an investment upfront some people have mentorship programs that you have to pay for some people have coaching calls that you need to pay for shameless plug I to offer one-on-one coaching but you don't even have to get a coaching call or one on one call with me you can get mentorship and coaching for free just by working around certain individuals who you Dean successful by interning with them by just soaking up their knowledge but one thing successful people hate is when you say can I pick your brain I would just like to pick your brain can I just set up coffee with you so I can pick your brain they don't like that do not reach up to them asking them for all this advice on what to do that like time is money right so if you're gonna be around people who you deem successful find yourself a way to add value to whatever it is that they've got going on so that you can just be around them and soak up as much knowledge as they've got the beautiful thing about mentorship and coaching or in even some books is that it's someone's entire experience that they Jam pack into a short amount of time so if you're looking to someone to coach you or to mentor you and you're asking for advice they've already gone through years of experience years of trial and error years of ups and downs and financial losses and games that they can summarize and spit out to you and you gain that knowledge the crazy thing that I've learned you guys know I love studying successful people and studying the moves of other millionaires and billionaires and successful people people who I deem successful and one thing that I've noticed that a lot of them do if they spent a lot of time and money into mentorship they spend a lot of money to just simply be around other people who are successful and to take in what it is that they're doing to help them become successful mentorship and coaching is so important and it's not only for the people who are trying to be successful it's for the successful people who are trying to stay successful and become even more successful as well mentorship it's just super important and that's one thing that I feel is missing in a lot of communities that there is no mentorship there is no one who's already become successful and is helping other people to become successful actually I shouldn't say there's no mentorship there's just not as much as there is in other communities at least that I see and it's very critical that we have these conversations and that people who are successful are spreading the word and spreading the knowledge because mentorship and coaching is critical to help others to get to a place where they're trying to go so you can invest some money into mentorship and coaching from a certain individual or you can intern or work for or just network with people that you feel are successful so that you're able to soak in their knowledge turn this up into a sponge and soak in everything that's working for them everything that's not even the things that they don't tell you soak in their methods observing their methods observing how they do things their processes how they refine things how they execute things how do they plan organize execute like if you can be around someone who you deem successful taking what they're doing I remember when I used to work corporate I would love being around the senior executives the CEO the VP's I'd love being around them because I just wanted to see how they move I love seeing how they conduct themselves in meetings how they execute are they men of their word there are certain characteristics and principles that I see very common in successful people in executives CEOs people who I've been successful when I noticed that there's a certain characteristic that is repetitive amongst all of them I love emulating that because I noticed it's a common thread so definitely look into some sort of mentorship or coaching from people that you deem successful be around them turn yourself into a sponge and soak up as much knowledge as you can try to be very observant of the characteristics of people who are successful and what they're doing even in your workplace setting what is the CEO doing the boss of all your bosses what are they doing what characteristics do they possess that helps them to become so successful or helps them to be effective leaders and once you've identified that make it your mission to emulate it in your own practices all right so the next way to invest in yourself and invest in your future was to using no money or little to no money is to crowdfund now Robert Kiyosaki talks about this in his book Rich Dad Poor Dad where he talks about investing with other people's money so crowdfunding is the practice of funding a project or adventure by raising small amounts of money from a large amount of people and typically this is done through the internet some really popular websites to do this on is Kickstarter IndieGoGo and GoFundMe now there are people with an abundance of money who are looking for amazing investment opportunities a lot of times people feel that they don't have enough money to invest in their business so they're just not going to start a business but if you take the other approach which is investing your time into creating some sort of platform where you can crowdsource from other individuals then you can start that business you can start the adventure that you're interested in with other people's money if you're interested in a book that talks about crowdfunding there's a book called the crowdfunding handbook that goes into depth on ways that you can invest in your youth and share your new business idea and you can also get it on audiobook as well I have an affiliate link down below for audible if you guys are interested all right so the next way to invest in yourself was little to no money is to partake in rental arbitrage so rental arbitrage is the act of getting a lease long term and then putting that home up on Airbnb so oftentimes investing into real estate costs a lot of money to buy properties and a lot of people feel like the only way that they can put properties on Airbnb is if they own it but this isn't actually the case you can go have some lease with a business partner with a friend with a family member and then you guys both manage that property on Airbnb or another way to go about using other people's property to make a profit on Airbnb is to call individuals who have their homes on the market for rentals so they're looking for long-term rentals you speak to those individuals who have their home on the market and you tell them that you know you're willing to be the property manager put their home on Airbnb and make them more money for the month than they would make with the tenants and then the two of you would split the profits 40 60 or 70 30 however much the case is but you're making money simply by being their property manager and that's a property manager on Airbnb what are you responsible for it you're responsible for checking guests in making sure the poem is clean making sure that the property is ready for the next Airbnb guests and the interesting thing about this is that you can outsource the duties that you were hired for and so if you have a whole bunch of properties running at the same time then you're able to make a profit off of all these different homes that are on Airbnb meanwhile you haven't spent a single dollar into buying a property or even leasing a property so that's just another way that you can make money on Airbnb without having to invest a whole bunch of money upfront and buying a home okay so the fifth way that you can invest in your future with little to no money is through real estate wholesaling so as a real estate wholesaler what you do is you secure contracts with motivated sellers and find people who are interested in buying it typically real estate investors who are looking to flip a home and make a profit off of it a really great person to follow who talks about this often is a man named Marc Whitten I leave his details down in the description part for you but he basically talks about real estate wholesaling it's one of the biggest gems in real estate so essentially you are the middleman and you are connecting investors with motivated sellers people who are looking to get rid of their properties and you make a profit off of that it sounds crazy but it is a real life thing guys and it's one of the biggest hidden gems in real estate real estate is one of the best ways to acquire wealth and a lot of people don't really speak about it enough some people will tell you that owning real estate is not the way to financial independence it's not a way to build generational wealth but those same people have been super privileged their whole life or they have certain income streams that you might not be privy to so for me in my opinion I feel like owning the right type of real estate is one of the best ways to increase your net worth so I would say look into getting into the real estate industry with OPM other people's money there are various amount of ways that you can invest in the real estate market with other people's money but one of the best ways to get your foot into the real estate game without having money up front is through real estate wholesaling it's gonna be a little bit of an investment up front in terms of finances and it's gonna be quite a bit of an investment upfront in terms of time but if you really want something bad enough you're gonna make you happy so those are the five ways that you can invest in yourself with little to no money with most of these things it's either a little bit of money up front where no money at all upfront but one thing that's common with all of these is it's gonna take a little bit of investment in terms of your time I just want you guys to remember that you have literature everything that you need in order to acquire anything in this world that she wants there are times when you know maybe your friends are going on a group trip and you know that that trip doesn't fit in with the budget but you make it happen somehow why is that because you wanted it bad enough and I'm not saying that trips and experiences are not worth the investment I love a good trip I'm a jet setter honey I would never tell you not to go on a trip baby but I'm saying that if you want something bad enough you're gonna make that investment you're gonna find the time you're gonna find the money you're gonna get creative with how you make it happen that group trip was five hundred dollars over your budget but she made that credit card stretch baby didn't you he found a way to make you happen for yourself and I just find that people often make excuses for acquiring the lifestyle that they want and they deserve but it's nobody's responsibility but your own to make it happen for yourself it's not the government's responsibility it's not your spouse's responsibility it's not even your parents's responsibility as well doesn't that sound I know that they brought you into this world but no one's gonna save me baby it's you you've got to create the lifestyle for yourself that you want and you deserve and so if it takes a little bit of an investment of your time if it takes a little bit of an investment of your money and maybe you're spending more money on your business and your future than your spending on frivolous things designer purses here bottle service there you don't need to be spending money on frivolous things when you're trying to go places in life and you're trying to invest in your future so those are only five ways that you can invest in yourself and invest in your future with little to no money but pass this video along to someone who you feel would be interested in investing in themselves and investing in their future with little to no money don't forget to hit that like button because it really helps to think YouTube's algorithm and it helps me to know what kind of videos and topics that you guys like to see on the channel and that is it for today's video I would love to know what other examples that you all have on ways that you can invest in yourself and invest in your future with little to no money I'd love to know down below in the comments love you guys so much let me to the moon and back meet you to you [Music]
Channel: Lyn Allure
Views: 177,032
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to invest for beginners, how to invest for beginners canada, how to invest with no money, investing for beginners, how to invest, investing, buy real estate with no money, creative financing, financial freedom, financial independence, financial independence retire early, financial independence canada, rich dad poor dad, robert kiyosaki, investing 101, investing in stocks, investing for beginners canada, investing with little money, start investing with little money, finance
Id: tOg9Uol2q4s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 41sec (1061 seconds)
Published: Wed May 06 2020
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