How I ORGANIZE MY ENTIRE LIFE With Google Calendar!

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hey friends welcome back to our channel i'm lynne allure if you're new here hi hello welcome on the channel we talk a lot about personal development and personal finances so if you enjoy conversations like this then definitely subscribe and join the party and i'm really really happy to let you know that this video is sponsored by google so if you read the title of the video then you know i'm going to be showing you how i organize my entire life using the google ecosystem i absolutely love the google ecosystem and i was already going to be doing this video with you guys on how i organized my life using google but coincidentally something in the universe aligned applied digital skills is google's free video based digital literacy curriculum that helps provide learners of all ages and all walks of life with digital skills that are needed for school work and life i've personally checked out some of the courses and they're incredible there is such a wide range of free courses available and some standout courses that i've come across where how to organize your time with a digital agenda how to write a business plan how to negotiate your salary and how to create a budget in google sheets whether you are a stay-at-home mom or dad working a nine-to-five you're in school you're a teacher you're running your own business or all of the above there is something for everyone and you don't need to be tech savvy because the courses are very step-by-step beginner friendly check out the links down below to learn more about applied digital skills from google sign in to create an account and start learning or teaching today thank you so much to google for sponsoring this portion of the video now on to the rest of the video so people think that if you're organized you can't be spontaneous but honey that is very much so untrue i am extremely spontaneous i'm very much do what i want when i want how i want to do it i live for the passion and i live for the pleasure but not at the expense of my responsibilities and my priorities and the only way i'm able to do that is to organize my life really that's how i'm able to not miss important deadlines dates appointments while still being present organizing my life is the only way that i can be present otherwise i might be physically somewhere like a dinner with my friends for example but my brain is floating elsewhere and my brain is like did i send that email do i have any important deadlines coming up is everything good with that project and so on and so on and so on so if i'm relying solely on my brain to take care of everything i've got on my plate i cannot truly be present in any moment because my brain is always running a hundred miles per minute so i'm going to be showing you how exactly i use a google calendar to organize my entire life i'm going to be showing you actually two staple google products that i use they're must have organization tools in my life and i have no idea what life would look like if i didn't have them so one of them is my google drive and the other is my google calendar but i'm going to be showing you my google calendar all right so we're going to hop into my google calendar and right now we're looking at the month of march at a glance and it could look a little bit overwhelming right now because i do have like on the 16th 17th and 18th i had like all these tasks and it just seems like so much going on but i promise you it is very very manageable and it all makes so much sense to me and one of the first things that you're probably going to notice are the colors here so google has default colors when you first open up your google calendar but for me personally i just feel like the colors are a bit jarring they don't spark joy and for some people it probably is completely fine but for me when i look at my calendar i just want to be motivated inspired i want all the joy to be sparked and so i went ahead and i changed the colors to my brand colors so that's why you're gonna see the pink that's the pink that we used for the good girls gone boss society this is the blue for the good girls gumball society and then i also have like some other pastel colors pasta blue purple or like lilac whatever you want to call it but i went ahead and i changed the colors so i went over to the calendars as you can see i have my calendars here i have other calendars here and i'll explain that in a little bit but i just pressed these three dots right over here options for linalore and then i went over to add custom color and then i was able to put in the hex codes for all the colors here or just select it from the options that were given so f 0 d 9 d 6. so that's the pink for the good girls gumball society or you can choose whatever color spark joy for you you can go ahead and put in your brand colors or whatever colors make you happy alright so my calendar names are called linalora that's for everything the lynn allure brand related so my youtube channel or my instagram or for public appearances oh my god it sounds so official well public appearances yes honey collaborations anything pertaining to the lynn allure brand and then i have get ish done which is essentially like kind of my tasks list even though google does have a task option here but i don't use that i just use my calendar because it just makes everything simple for me and then i also have my personal so that would be things like nail appointments hair appointments laser appointments stuff like that you're also able to turn on and off other calendars so i don't use the reminders or the tasks so those are always off for me but i can turn off personal if i wanted to i can turn off everything lindalore related if i wanted to or get ish done or even some of these founders here i can also turn on or off if i wanted to as well so these calendars here the good girls gone boss society is the calendar that's public for the members who are inside of the good girls gone boss society and then this shade of pink here which is more of a salmon color that's the good girls gone boss society calendar but it's only for me to see and over here is my master content calendar which i have synced with my third party app which is another reason why i absolutely love the google calendar because google calendar syncs with like basically any type of third-party app or other google app if you have zoom asana if you have the app on your phone you're able to link it up with your google calendar so i absolutely love that you're also able to use google means or google hangouts or whatever app you're using i absolutely love how easy google calendar integrates with everything and everything integrates with google and vice versa and all the things it's just incredible absolutely love it so like i said this view seems a little bit overwhelming but i like to look at my calendar from a four day view or even a week view and how you can do that is by going up here and then clicking day week month year schedule or four day which is the view i love looking at the four day but i typically don't click these because i usually use google calendar from my computer as opposed to from my phone but there is the app as well that gives you access to your entire calendar which makes things so convenient the calendar that comes with my phone i actually deleted it and replaced it with google calendars because it just makes everything easier there is in my opinion such a thing as being too organized and being over organized so that's why i just like to keep things real simple here with lynn allure good girls gone boss tasks and my content calendar if you guys want to see how i organize my content calendar and important dates please do let me know i would absolutely love to do a video on that sorry i'm getting a little sidetracked in here but let me go back to what i was explaining which is you can look at this from day week month year schedule or four day view but since i'm usually on my computer i'll usually just hit one of these letters which is a shortcut so instead of having to come up here and then select the view you want to look at you can literally just hit the keys so d allows you to see things from a day perspective w allows you to see things at a week's glance a allows you to see things in list form like an agenda form which is called schedule on here m lets you see things from a month's glance y lets you see the entire year at a glance which is really convenient if you're just trying to see a quick date just hit the y and you can see the entire gear but it's not that convenient when it comes to seeing what you have on the go because you don't see all the details of what's been scheduled and then there's x which allows you to see things at a four-day glance you're also able to go to settings density and color and then [Music] change how compact your calendar is so i like to look at it very compact and then you can change the text as well to have it all black or have it modern which i prefer modern view and then the only text that's black is if the color is too light okay so we're gonna look at my calendar for a week let's look at last week and i'll explain what all of this means in a little bit but just having the right colors immediately just kind of motivates me to get on my grind and to actually use the calendar because the whole purpose of scheduling your life in an agenda or a calendar is to actually use it so if it looks aesthetically pleasing and it sparks joy then you're already doing half of the work because now you actually want to use the calendar right so every morning i have my morning me time which is like my morning routine time just self-care morning self-care and that's around seven to nine ish where i'm not thinking about work i'm not doing any work stuff it's all me time morning routine time me and prayer time me and meditation time physical activity time you guys know the jess if you haven't already caught the morning routine definitely check it out but that time is blocked off so everything that is this purple color is linalore related everything that is this aqua color or teal that is my task everything that's this light blue is personal anything that's this light pink is the good girls gone boss society calendar that's public and anything that says salmon is the good girls gumball society calendar that only has things that i can see and then everything that is this dark blue is related to my content calendar so monday to friday i have my morning routine stuff all happening from about seven to nine ish that's all me time every day is different no day is the same really so that's just basically what my week looked like last week this is what it looked like this week there's always something to do but like i said things automatically get synced up with your google calendar so as you can see right here i have three notifications or three appointments that have been penciled into my calendar but they're actually the exact same event from 6 p.m to 8 p.m we had a canva tutorial call a live call inside of the society on how to use canva or canva tips tricks and hacks so i have three notifications here one notification because i'm synced up with the good girls gumball society that's public only for the members inside of the society so that shows up here then i've got another notification here that automatically gets added to my calendar because this is the email address used for the zoom account so zoom automatically syncs up with my calendar and lets me know hey you have an appointment and then this one here this is my lynn allure calendar which my operations manager went ahead and scheduled that call so he added me as an invitee on that meeting and when he did that it synced up with my calendar automatically and i got a notification for that as well so although i have three notifications here it's all the exact same appointment and i'm able to see that if i just click on them to see the information here that it's all basically the same thing all right so these appointments here were all automatically added to my calendar from calendly and i'm going to just show you really quickly how to add other calendars so like i told you i have these synced up this is from another google account this is from another google account and this is where i have my third-party project management app so essentially i use my google calendar for time management and i use my asana for project management which helps me to break down all the content that i need to create and all the important deadlines that i have for certain brand regulations or brand deadlines and approvals you guys know there's a whole back end to this youtube world and getting content approved by brands and everything like that so my project management tool helps me to break down the important dates and then my google calendar helps me to break down my days by time management so content calendar project management google calendar time management so in order to add other calendars you can go here to add other calendars you're able to subscribe to a calendar create a new calendar browse calendars of interest or get it from a url or import so i'm just going to go ahead and create a new calendar just so you all see what this looks like so if you're a mom perhaps this would be a great way to keep track of important dates for your children or if you're a fur mom vet appointments okay the fact that i just put like kids and pets together it's funny but anyways so this would be a great place to put all of your children's important dates or your significant other you guys can share a calendar but let's go ahead and call this babies okay so the kids got soccer dance recitals they've got tutoring they've got piano lessons french spanish mandarin lessons you know actually baby sounds too boring let's call them babies okay so let's go ahead and create the calendar alrighty so baby's successfully created now let's go back to check it out alrighty so we have bay base here and now you can toggle it on or off so let's say i wanted to take everything off i want to take linalore off i wanted to take get ish done off good girls gone boss and that so now i just have personal time and the babies so if you wanted to schedule some appointments for them let's say we've got from 2 to 4 p.m we've got french lessons so right here you're going to be able to add some guests so you can maybe put your significant other on here or even your child on here if they're using the google calendar you can add some guests you can add a google meet video conferencing option you can do quite a bit from just this view right here or you can go into more options and you're able to repeat it so does it happen daily weekly monthly annually weekdays or you can customize so let's say it's a weekly lesson that happens every tuesday we're going to put weekly on tuesday but it's only 12 lessons or it's only for a certain amount of time you're able to go here into custom and it happens every week on tuesdays and ends you can either end never on or after 13 occurrences or how many ever occurrences so we're going to say we only have 12 lessons so we're going to do it occurs once a week every tuesday and it ends after 12 occurrences done and we're going to go ahead and save it and so now if we go back to our monthly view we should be able to see every week 12 times and it stops in june so june 1st would be the last lesson you're able to come back and now it's in our month calendar and we're able to turn on our other calendars to see what we've got going on so another thing i really love about the calendars is that you're able to give different people views or access to your calendar if you just go here settings and sharing and then you go to access permissions you're able to make it available to your family members or maybe co-workers significant others or your assistant different people can have different accesses to your calendars so that's basically the gist of how i use my google calendars let me know if you guys want to see another video on how i use google drive to organize the back end of my business so that all of my members have access to everything that they need and if i'm hiring any freelancers or any new employees they have everything that they need let me know if you guys want to see a video on that or if you want to see a video on how i organize my content creation calendar that's another video i would absolutely love to do for you guys if you are interested or another option is that we can do google calendar tricks and hacks and tips let me know if you want to see that too so don't be so hard on yourself if you're not an organized person naturally it can take some time to develop these habits i also know that from time to time you can fall off i consider myself to be a very organized person and i constantly have to get back on track with my organization so don't feel bad or put yourself down for not being a quote-unquote organized person it takes time and practice to become this way it took me some time to get this way as well i had to become disorganized around i would say 20 21 because at the time i was in university full-time i had a full-time nine-to-five because i started working corporate when i was 19. i also had a youtube channel which for those of you who create youtube videos you know how demanding youtube can get and it can become a full-time job without you realizing that it's a full-time job i also had my side hustle as a freelance makeup artist at the time and i also had a brand new puppy who was like my baby really he was brand new so he was in school and he also had a bunch of appointments as well and then on top of that you know you got your social life and i'm a fly girl honey you know i gotta go to my parties i had to be on my date nights hello i still gotta hit my vacations at vacations but life was going on life comes at you fast but i definitely had to grab life or buy the bull horn and ride it out and organization was my best friend so if you feel like you have so much on your plate and it's getting hard to balance it all try organizing i really highly encourage you guys using the google calendar to organize your life and using the google drive to organize and keep important documents also because it's a game changer guys it really is a game changer and stop putting so much pressure on your brain to remember everything you are human you are human and you're gonna forget things but if you schedule it it's visible for you it's readily available to check out what you've got on your plate so that you don't have to rely on your brain to remind you what you've got going on and what's important etc etc but like i said if you guys want to see a video on how i plan my content calendar as well let me know i would love to share that with you guys the link is down below for you guys to check out i highly recommend signing up and utilizing those free courses yes all right so that's it for today's video i love you guys so so much love you to the moon and back be true to [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] hmm
Channel: Lyn Allure
Views: 156,041
Rating: 4.9430475 out of 5
Keywords: how i organize my life, how i plan and organize my life, productivity, digital literacy, applied digital skills, google applied digital skills, technology literacy, digital skills, applied digital skills google, google digital skills, Google, organize with me, organize your life, plan with me, how i plan, life hacks, side hustle life hacks, organization life hacks, lyn allure, good girls gone boss, lyn allure youtube, google calendar hacks, how to organize your life
Id: yXVQDikDwzg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 2sec (1262 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 11 2021
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