How to Become a Millionaire (It's Simpler Than You Think!)

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[Music] Todd Johnson is not just a millionaire he's built multiple businesses across Industries into seven figures and Beyond giving him a nickname of TJ the millionaire Mentor the fastest way to become a millionaire to help a lot of people when people say passive income they almost think about not doing anything at all man this thing's a beast TJ the bar isn't as high as people think they become successful in business do you want to know how he builds his business every day and how you can follow in his footsteps well keep watching to find out more we're surrounded by incredible exotic cars I can't wait to meet TJ the millionaire Mentor his beautiful crib let's go check it out I bet he's waiting for us inside I'm just gonna go and walk right in I'm sure he's here hey CJ get to meet you man I'm excited let's dive straight into it yeah that is breathtaking thank you this is your place Yep this is my place so welcome thank you welcome welcome for those that don't know you yeah give us a little bit of a background into your story and when you went from employee to entrepreneur hey I came from South Carolina Columbia South Carolina right sort of a poor background so being an entrepreneur being ambitious was something that just came naturally because I wanted to get out of the environment that I was in right so I was delivering newspapers cutting grass doing all those sorts of things just to make money so that I can have extra food right so the entrepreneurial uh spirit has always been there being ambitious but I went in the military at 17. and uh the Air Force thank you thank you win the Air Force at 17 was in the Air Force for like six years went to school while I was in the Air Force studied computer science started doing every job I could while I was in the military to get experience and then when I got out of the military I wanted to get a job I determined how much money I wanted to make by how much the highest paid military person made yeah when I got out I asked for that amount and everybody laughed at me and so what I did is I said well what would it take to make that amount and they would tell me and I would write it all down and I would try to build that skill set and that experience to go out and get that amount of money so that's how I got my first job out of the military did that got a consulting job working for a consulting company and left that company and started my first real business that's awesome very smart you guys keep watching because you'll hear more from TJ about the millionaire mindset about the skill sets that you need to really make it to this level foreign you've got a beautiful place give us a quick snippet of where we are and man I can't wait to see your car collection I share that passion with you TJ like 110 so I can't wait to see and show our audience as well yeah perfect yeah so I'll call this a humble manner because when I look out I'm looking out I see Ashton Kutcher's house then there's Justin Bieber's house that's being built and then there's Mark Wahlberg to this and you're in the right spot which goes in yeah so it's humbling right it just keeps you humble because you see it and you go out there's always things to achieve and you realize how blessed you are to be here absolutely but there's a lot more we can do yeah this is this is not your ceiling yeah right you got to break through the next one and the next one yeah building a business to seven figures yeah like what would you recommend one entrepreneur focus on maybe he's just getting started just getting started I think I like marketing marketing I like marketing because there's all levels there's so many different skill sets and so many different nuances in marketing there's ad buying there's copywriting there's email list building there's you know Graphics there's all types of stuff that you can do right now streaming is huge right and and there's all this new technology that people have to understand right so marketing is always changing it's always going and so it's something that you can dive into get really really good at and then offer that services so it's really easy it seems like a lot of people are doing marketing don't you think it's a little oversaturated or you can always do something better than somebody else no it's not even about better than someone else all the time I mean when you think about it like how many water companies are there right so like if I came here I get this idea I want to start this water brand let's get out of here you're crazy right because it's already a saturated Market you're crazy so the example I use all the time is there's a brand called hint so the whole idea is there's a hint of flavor so there's always been water brands right so there's water brands with a lot of flavor there's bubbly water there's you know sparkling water whatever right there's all types of water but it came man and they're killing it right like if you look at evaluation you look at all that stuff they're just absolutely killing it but they've only been on the scene for the last you know few years but you have said that it'd be crazy to get out it's saturated but they have a position right we're only gonna have to hit the flavor they had cool branding right and if you can Market water today then what is saturated how does having a Clear Vision achieve or help you achieve the level of success I mean that's it right that's everything it's important because it's like you know no matter what you're doing if you're driving cars your vision is like one of the most important things how well you see if you're boxing you're fighting how well you see gives you a huge Advantage right so how well you see where you're trying to go informs your activity So based on how well you see right how clearly you can see things you can then go you know I know exactly where I'm going what I'm doing and why I'm doing it right and typically you can see things better than other people or sooner than other people so with that you have a lot of confidence in how you move you know I see what I see you might not be able to see it but I know if I go off and you know buy this car as an example because I know well it could be a distraction but it could also be you know um I think Jay Leno said man it was his best investment ever is when he bought his uh McLaren F1 because that car is now 30 million dollars but he knew because he saw something that other people didn't see usually cars aren't going to have to be the best investment you're going to make but but he had a vision and he's able to follow that Vision right now skewed is you're trying to you know convince your wife you need to buy that car right and you're saying that now you're skewed it's cloudy because you have an ulterior motive and you're buying it not because you see something that the world doesn't see or everybody else hasn't seen yet but you're just trying to convince yourself we all make mistakes entrepreneurs probably make more than any other individuals what are the top three or one that comes to mind in terms of mistakes made by entrepreneurs that prevent them from growing Revenue what's personally have you experienced you can share getting too comfortable getting too comfortable yeah getting too comfortable is uh one of the biggest mistakes that we make because I mean we work so hard right you're trying you're grinding grinding you kind of figure it out and then you get comfortable and so that's always a Temptation oh yeah I mean that's going to happen period you know the other one is uh not having guideposts having goals having numbers that you're chasing because you're working for yourself essentially right you're never working for yourself you're working for your customers right you're working for your employees so you're never really working for yourself but you're you're you know that whole idea you're working for yourself so you don't have someone to answer to that says wait a minute as long as you can pay everybody and you can get paid then you're okay but you should have goals that are pushing you forward of pulling you pulling you really hard to a particular thing if you don't have those things you tend to ease up so one of the big mistakes is not setting hard goals Doing Hard reviews to say how do I get there and continuing have a sense of urgency around achieving those goals if you're doing that you're staying hungry you're moving fast you're moving hard you're making the right decision you're not adding a lot of fat and if you do that I think you'll continue to grow standing next to these chorus I'm truly inspired for somebody that is feeling the same way I'm sure a lot of you are but has no money has that passion to be an entrepreneur to become a millionaire where would I start to get on that path you know I have no money I don't have a lot of assets TJ but I want to get to where you are there's no generic answer right because it depends on who you are right do you have like are you amazing at sales or marketing are you amazing at some technical skill or some gift that you have for me I was a coder and I and I leveraged that into building a consulting company where I could train other people to do what I did right so that I built a company as a younger person someone getting started right one you have to build a skill if you can't help people I mean the fastest way to become a millionaire is help a lot of people right that's pretty cool and what's amazing about that TJ is it's not age limited right you could be a teenager and start a company under your parents name or something like that if you have that entrepreneurial mindset from young age like you did yeah that's what's pretty inspiring yeah and my daughter order she has it yeah so she just got her first she just got her first customer and she's only 20 years old and she's doing social media management right so social media management and the idea for us is how do you get to become a millionaire by 25 so we sit down and we build that plan and so we decided here's what we're going to focus on there's a lot of things to focus on but the important thing is the the focus on something and start some people are trying to to figure out well I can't get to a million and that's not how it starts bro it starts by getting one customer and then figuring out how to keep that customer and then figuring out how to build a process to keep that customer and then figuring out how to build an engine to do the work right without you having to do the work that's when people come in yeah yeah so you have to start there but some people are trying to start way too big right how well this one this won't make me a million dollars so they spend their Wills they're in a spin cycle okay don't spin your wheels you guys listen to TJ who knows what he's talking about what is your main focus right now TJ as an entrepreneur I'm sure there's shifts that occurred over the past couple years why how did you come to that decision anything else you want to highlight yeah there's basically three focuses right there's me building as the CEO of our weight loss brand so we we built that brand to help people lose weight and we started building supplements so it's called a diva publishing but we have a brand a focus brand Health Focus brand liver Focus blood sugar Focus flat belly Focus flat tummy Focus sorry so we have that brand of supplements that we sell with that I'm hoping I'm focused on us developing other supplements partnering with other companies buying other companies so that we can grow that business so that's sort of my primary focus secondarily though I coach right so I'm helping people build their businesses so building my brand and helping coach entrepreneurs at a high level to accelerate their growth in any kind of industry right now across industry I mean being an entrepreneur there's some fundamental things that our truths that that are always going to be there and I don't know how important mentoring has been to me right so and then the last one is as an acquisition entrepreneur buying companies right and interesting and yeah and moving along that way let's talk about passive income right I mean is it real estate is it important for entrepreneurs obviously I I would think it is but what can you touch on that I want to extract a little bit about that because we have companies we can build Services we can offer products but then what if I as an entrepreneur want to create passive income for me and my family and create that Legacy so there's okay so one when people say passive income they almost think about not doing anything at all right yeah so it comes through the mind right right so to make passive income so there's Investments right like Securities right there's some real estate Investments or REITs or whatever right there's certain things that you can do to invest and you don't do anything right and I have a couple Investments like that like a huge uh project in um in DC where I'm making investment but I'm not doing anything right but I have no control waiting on money to come whatever right and that's cool but you have to have a lot of money to do that right and by the time you get to a point to make that kind of passive investment in terms of real estate you have a lot of money you've become pretty sophisticated but one thing that people don't think about in terms of Fairly passive income is uh buying businesses so you can become an acquisition entrepreneur buy businesses you can buy businesses with no money now all the time it happens every day all the time where you can buy businesses and that can be fairly passive right in terms of interesting yeah big thanks to stash for sponsoring this portion of the video having the life you envision does not happen overnight believe me I was where you are today wondering am I investing my money right and I stopped worrying when I found stash stash is a personal finance app that makes investing quick easy and affordable for as little as three dollars a month you get access to stocks from Brands you know and trust such as Amazon apple and Tesla you can invest in every stock available at five dollars or less and as soon as you make your first deposit of five dollars you'll get twenty five dollars to use at choice in the app download stash right now and you can invest wisely stash offers automated investing tools that make it really easy to get started and stick to an investing plan consistently and transparently it's that simple you guys click the link below if you want to build strong financial habits with a tool that automates your Investments on a set schedule of your choice thank you [Music] big thanks to stash for sponsoring this portion of the video what systems and tools do you use TJ to manage your finances so quickly uh QuickBooks use that all the time and then I think uh the the big one is we have a cash plan that we manage so basically that's like a projection of what's going out what's coming in what's expected you know what the cash flow is going to look like on a month-to-month basis so I'll do that uh what's up where is that by the way uh is this Excel spreadsheet to do a budget essentially for but a supply it's a cash plan where's the money gonna go every month is that something you created especially just bought something it's something I created used in my previous businesses and using my car business to say Hey where's the money coming in what's coming in what's going out and how are we using this money so it lets me know um what buckets to put money in and and how to allocate stuff interesting so it's pretty simple so just two things QuickBooks and then Excel spreadsheets that you've developed as well also use a dashboard that tells me every day how many things are selling in in terms of whether it's books whether it's supplements whether it's classes whether it's challenges whether whatever it is right so that that's the dashboard that we have someone create let's continue the conversation in the car take a look at Beverly Hills because because about the car yeah yeah I love Ferraris I mean I take a Ferrari over Lambert when you hear the sound the experience so if you don't mind let's hop into this beautiful car yeah continue on yeah let's do it this car yeah this one man this thing's a beast CJ yeah 12 cylinders oh this is a 12. yeah yeah [Music] beautiful Financial setbacks can kill somebody yeah right as an entrepreneur I'm sure that's gonna hate you at some point in time how do you recover because some do others don't well yeah I think it's a mental mindset I mean what's the alternative to that recovery I mean dying going out of business get stuck in that mindset for too long maybe and yeah yeah I mean there's no I mean you gotta recover right so you have to have the mindset of recovery so it's almost like what's the option like there's no other option Rock Bottom for me I think one of the worst times has been where the economy turned and my customers went out of business in 2008 or yeah because yeah customer only 780 000 oh wow then went out of business that's gonna provoke you to figure some things out you survive in 2008 yeah for sure what two three things helped you get through it I think uh being decisive in terms of making decisions uh making some really really hard decisions taking a little bit of risk you know those are things that help and you know and having great relationships and being blessed I mean you know right you know I've always been blessed and but those are the things that helped me you know but I think being decisive also not having uh an out you know I didn't have like the divorce is not an option yeah yeah that kind of thing it's like if it's not an option it's not an option it's not negotiable yeah you gotta survive you just gotta figure out how let's touch on leadership approaches they're different they vary yeah yeah how does that impact Financial growth for a firm for a company what have you learned in your years yeah it's everything right because the way the CEO goes the president goes goes the company right so if the president CEO is focus on profit right that's what everybody else is going to focused on to focus on customer if they're focused on growth whatever their focused on is what the company is going to be focused on so it's crucial once your leadership style uh depends on where I'm at right now I'm really focused on uh profit and growth I'm not a micro manager at all I like finding people and like release them into the wild making sure they have the skill set and release them into a while because I'm not generally a first line manager I have very few people that work for me directly I like people that I can trust from a leadership standpoint they go off and go do things because I'm really the guy that's going to go off and do more strategic kinds of things all right Blitz time with TJ the millionaire Mentor the rules are quick answers quick answers thank you guys for submitting your questions uh first one's from Logan Logan's asking if you were to start all over again TJ what would you do with what you know now I probably started marketing business today there's so many people that need help in marketing and building their businesses that's where I would focus Brunetta is asking what is the most expensive car you purchased oh probably uh they're all a couple the SBJ or the Superfast 700-ish thousand yeah okay Mike James is asking what it felt like buying your first Supercar you can elaborate on that I think I want to hear a little bit more of a longer answer amazing man I mean I I bought an Aston Martin and it was amazing because I looked for a long time you know to figure out what I wanted and finally bought this car you can't even go test drive it you know and so I bought this acid wine at the time and uh and it was pretty special a hand built car all the things I like about a car the sound you know the quality of the car the way it looked the aesthetic the speed yeah the power is pretty amazing last question here is from I think it's it's about ilyan is asking what is the easiest hustle you can start with one year and has growth potential I mean no because it's sort of a misnomer easy business idea it sort of has failure written all over I agree because it's like oh I'm looking for an easy way to go out and make money that okay I don't know man you know I don't know the answer yeah I don't know truly answer thank you guys for submitting your questions we really really value and appreciate you what about niches that in this environment especially heading into you know 23 and 24 with where the economy is globally what would your advice and just from your experience be certain niches that you know like and I probably wouldn't touch that why and why not I mean uh one of the niches that I think suffer during um economic downturn is you know some of the personal services niches I get my cars washed all the time right it's like ah amen I don't need to get my car washed every week I can get it washed every two weeks now you know what I mean maybe I can get it done every three weeks or whatever it is my point is is that certain things it doesn't mean you can't go into those things it just means that you're gonna have to work a little bit harder and and understand that this is what's going on but but I don't think just because the market is turning that you say uh I'm not going to do that Niche all right you know I think you figure out what it is that you do well what it is that you can offer the market and then you start right because what happens is that thing will lead you to the next thing so it's not it's not where you always start it's a different thing yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah for sure what are the defining characteristics of a millionaire mindset one ambition can do will do gonna do it's just a matter of time I'm keeping at this thing there's this resolve and there's this quiet confidence that knows that hey I'm on the right track I'm doing the right thing I can do the right thing no matter what happens you know I'll get back I just always say if I bump my head today and forgot everything I knew about technology you know I'll still become a millionaire are some of those things you're born with versus developed you know there are some people that have better judgment than others some people have better intuition than others some people have better charm and better Charisma and stuff than others but I think a lot of things can be built right in terms of uh skills to become successful in business the one great thing about business right is that when you think about athletes think about athletes at the highest level these guys got to be the best at it absolutely right the best they're not going to be there entrepreneurs don't have to be there's plenty of entrepreneurs plenty of millionaires that are pretty average right but they're beating people yeah there's a lot of people that are beating people by just doing the work you know and a lot of times most entrepreneurs aren't really at the top of their game there's some that are really really killing at the top of the game but a lot of entrepreneurs and a lot of people that are making millions are really just above average so my point is is that the bar isn't as high as people think to become successful in business how do you buy business today without any money down because you mentioned that sounds unrealistic so there's a lot of ways to do it I'll give you a couple ways okay so you can buy a business and you can do what is uh leverage financing and so when people think about leverage buyout or something like that they think about some aggressive thing where you're coming in and you're pushing somebody around but to buy it on Leverage is you buy an existing business let's say there's a a company that has mobile detailing businesses all over right the guy's been doing it forever he doesn't have a kid he don't he just wants to get out of business he's done right so let's say he makes a million dollars a year okay right he wants x amount for that business he wants three hundred thousand dollars for that business 400 000 for half a million whatever the number is what has to happen to buy that business is that that business has to be in the service alone that it's going to take to get the 500 000 out with a 300 that makes sense right so if that business can service that the income the cash flow can service that and that guy can figure out how to run that business without the that entrepreneur then and he can buy the business and you can get a loan through something called a seven a loan interesting is the government-backed loan I've heard of SBA but if I were seven eight it is the SBA loan but it's a 7A wow or you can do seller financing right where you can say to the guy hey look I'm gonna pay you and I'm gonna give you a certain amount right and that can actually come out your business but I'm gonna give you a certain amount and I'm gonna pay you a certain amount on a quarterly basis monthly basis until it's all paid off as a new entrepreneur teacher I would imagine it's hard for me to be involved in some high net worth Network groups right where would your advice be to where can I start to at least start building relationships like yourself and how important is that for you as an entrepreneur and ultimately yeah building networks are super important but I think you have to look at it instead of like this uh broad term I'm building this network you know I'm building a relationship with a particular individual right so if you look at it that way I think that's more helpful so in that way do it one person at a time and really build a relationship with them like and when you're building a relationship with someone it's like wait what do we have in common how can I add value to your life you know so now that I know you I'd be like hey Paul you know this guy mailing would be great for your your show you guys are located near each other blah blah blah right that's adding value to you right you know more about me you'll be like hey TJ man here's some business somebody wants to sell their business right if someone needs help or someone his mentoring you might send them over to my way right so that's building authentic relationship so provide by providing real value with people so where are people going to find those high value networks this in normal places like go to car meets right there's high value it's true a lot of people with a carbon meetings right and so you can Vibe on the love of cars you can Vibe on the love of anything archery it doesn't matter what it is whatever the hobby is go do that thing go be around that thing in an authentic way because people will sniff out you being fake but the other thing is with the networks though don't be afraid to ask the question don't be acquainted use the network because sometimes people build these relationships but are waiting for the special moment when they can ask the person's question or try to activate their Network ask people the questions that you need to ask them to move forward let's talk about briefly the value and the role coaches play in your life as an entrepreneur and those watching how important are they what do they contribute to the business in your life overall coaches have always been important for me when I made the transition from being an employee to an entrepreneur I called my my mentor and I told them I said hey man um I just got fired he said hold on a second and he put me on speakerphone and he said say it again I just got fired and then he said he just started laughing right he said this is awesome I was like what you're celebrating yeah you celebrating I just got fired right and he's laughing he said well this makes you do what you should have done a long time ago I I think another entrepreneur that I got the first entrepreneur that I paid for I paid him fifty thousand dollars to be a good chunk of change yeah yeah to be a mentor for a year and this was a while ago and immediately you know out of that process of going through that whole program um I 10xed that money that I paid him if I don't have that money TJ and I'm watching this interview and I'm like man I need a mentor what other ways can you be mentored quote unquote without the fifty thousand dollar investment yeah the Avenues of mentorship can people find yeah there's obviously YouTube and Instagram and there's things like that where people giving you bits of you know nuggets of information and so that can be helpful I think uh Les Brown has been a mentor to me my whole life and I never met him but sometimes you need specifics right and so you can learn from people being coached and mentored by someone is different you know go help someone else in their business and that was one of the things I did often was go help people in their business and they in turn help me so that's one way to do it but yeah but usually you can find some sort of mentor coach that can help you at the level that you're at and people should not be afraid of investing in that but people are earlier in the interview you mentioned Acquisitions as your third pillar that you focus on as an entrepreneur Acquisitions of current companies so what are some things you look for that really get you excited about possibly acquiring it and on the flip side what are some red flags that you say yeah I'm going to pause and not do it yeah good entrepreneurs good people uh profit good systems and good predictability meaning that hey the reason why they're making this money I can see why that's making that money and it's going to continue to do that so being able to answer those questions there's a lot more detail in terms of the things that you build for acquisition targets that match you or me for instance but that's the sort of down and dirty in terms of things that are red flags are bad people bad entrepreneurs and you know it through Vibe or through energy you know it through you know the stuff that they're doing in the business that's just something you develop this intuition over time yeah we all have that right where we go you know you ask your daughters and is a good person or bad person that's true right sometimes you can ask a six-year-old yeah you can have a pet you know and the pet says you know somebody comes to the door and pickles you know so sometimes it's that obvious yeah no sometimes it's not you know I hear a lot of some business guys so you got to be passionate about something in order to achieve this level of success how true is that and specifically for you in your life what's your advice to people watching us right yeah I think passion gets people in trouble all the time because overrated yeah I think it's over I think it's overused and misused mishandled so I think you have to be passionate about why you do it passionate about why yeah why you do that right yeah like let's say you cut hair okay right you don't need to be passionate about cutting hair right I wasn't passionate about coding I was passionate about being successful I was passionate about building a life so that's why I spent the extra hours and extra time doing it right and that was the tool that I needed to to build the business or build a life right so I was passionate about why I did it not the coding progress it gets passionate so if you start to learn something you start to get good in something and people start saying man you're doing a great job right you're going to build more passion for it more loves here right and you're doing a great job man you're just amazing in front of the camera wow cool let me do more of that right you're getting no progress the passion is going to die probably right but the more progress that you get is going to get the passion so I think people need to just get busy focused on something pick that thing start doing that thing that you'll get you'll feel the passion around that thing as you start to develop some success in it talking about self-made millionaires what is one skill or trait that you think you guys share amongst each other that would top the list I think the thing that we share in terms of uh entrepreneurs um I think the the thing that you'll see is ambition like real ambition not fake ambition right real ambition makes you go out and do work makes you do things make you move sometimes you'll be ambitious I'm ambitious and you're just daydreaming you're thinking about things you're reading another book you read another book but real ambition is going to make you get off your butt and go do something and that is the thing because it's really at the end of the day is try it as it sounds it's about how bad you want it because if you do want it bad enough you'll think about all that other stuff but the guys that are the the self-made guys right they're self-made because they're self-motivated they're ambitious and they're moving forward towards that Vision that they have and so this about having real ambition share with us more information about your success Club Sprint and where did that you know what did the idea come from what's the goal and where do you see that five ten years from here yeah so the success Club Sprint is uh is my program that is you know we run it in a Sprint format so there's four things that people essentially get and there's four people that are starting a business have started a business but trying to grow aggressively grow their business so you get four things one you get structure where we're all focused together with this a specific period of time time of day uh time period for 90 days focused on growing your business right so you got this time where you block it off I'm working on my business as opposed to together as a group together as a group so we have virtual meetings we're working on things together you have a portal that kind of takes you through the process some things that are really important some tools that you need to to manage your business like you ask about some Financial tools so here are the tools of cash plan you know these types of things that you need to manage your business right so you're putting these things together you get access to me and my coaches that are you know amazing people that have all built businesses and done these things so you get to get unstuck when you're stuck trying to grow your business you're trying to do things or you're trying to Google stuff that you can't find the answer to or you need somebody to say hey let's go thiswhere that way or to help you with your pricing for instance or whatever it is so to work through that stuff and then the last thing you get is you get a Playbook that says hey if it was me here's what I would do to build a business today and you see me take a business from scratch and go all the way through with all the things that you build from the offer to the web page to all that stuff and here's all the tools I would use here's the approach I would use to going out and getting partners and stuff like that so you get those things in a 90-day sort of spread when I charge for people to come in and do mentoring coaching and I break their business down and I try to figure out the best opportunities for them that's like a twenty thousand dollar event six hour thing right so a lot of people can't afford that right but they can afford working with me in this way and get a whole lot out of it right so it's the best bang for the buck right in terms of getting value and getting focused on your business right that's it what are the day-to-day habits that I should focus on to just develop and continue to develop that millionaire mindset like anything is possible yeah yeah I think starting early you know getting up getting up getting getting at it early you know my whole idea is to get is get more done by noon than most people do all day all right so that's one I think a building list of things that you're going to get done and committing to getting that thing done that day helping to inspire other people is important because it actually you're preaching to the choir you're inspiring yourself you know when you're going out you're like hey look let me you know I got a lot of people that coach and Mentor right so it's like hey I'm coaching a mentoring those people and in that case it could be your little brother your little sister right but my point is uh yeah just just uh living a life that would inspire you right like you know just keep doing that and also um having a night routine as well so having a way to end your day so that you get off to a really fast Good Start what's the flip side of just you know habits that sabotage the success that we can achieve in our life yes not being consistent not wanting to be consistent I think you have to have a little bit of faith knowing that hey I'm doing this thing it's going to lead me to where I want to go and I think that's important but I think some of the things that really really kill your ability to be successful and I mean I don't even know if I can say this on your on your channel but you know you know guys out chasing skirt you know all the time guys out drinking too much or you know smoking weed and stuff like that that kind of stuff is going to kill your chances for success and and what I mean by that is like you know the things in and of themselves it's not maybe those things but you can't get up right you can't beat the same youth that's not doing those things TJ What are some of the biggest regrets that you have as an opportunity and what you've learned from it I think the biggest regret as an entrepreneur is that I tried to grow organically you know for too long instead of buying a business you know if I could do it differently I would have bought businesses sooner so that I could grow because if I did that I would have created much more opportunity for the people around me I would have built faster yeah so I think that's my biggest regret and I think um one of the things that I would say to your and yours is that it's it's never too early to think about selling your business and it's never too early to think about buying a business all kinds we're talking about right okay not a particular Niche that you could say want to have but anything that has a great opportunity you think about well you want to think about businesses that you understand you know things that you understand because you know in doing your due diligence or how you're going to manage this business how are you going to go forward with it you want things that you understand but yeah there's all types of businesses that you can look at you know things from manufacturing to service businesses to to marketing businesses to printing businesses to a lot of opportunity out there right with business owners that just are done want to close doors yeah like you were saying that earlier me realize like wow there's so much opportunity out there yeah so business owners get sick business owners get divorced businesses owner change life stages of Life business owners get tired business owners start other businesses so there's all re types of reasons that business owners would want to sell their business business owners want a liquidation event you know in conclusion TJ thank you so much it's been a wonderful opportunity to get to know you hear from you and have you share your wealth and knowledge with our viewers uh what do you want to conclude with any three pieces of advice life business anything yeah well the thing that I would say is you know for most people get started keep going right keep at it and uh you know millionaire that number 10 million whatever the number is you know that number is great revisit it often you know but not all the time right focus on building good engines sales and marketing engine you're a delivery engine how you do your business and then your operations and all that sort of stuff how do you pay your bills and take care of your legal contracts and all those things those are your three engines that you have in business right so if you focus on those things and you build those things where they're running and they don't need all of your time then you're going to scale you're going to have a business that benefits you and benefits to people that work for you right and and you'll grow you'll get there but you know the the number you'll get there just be consistent keep at it and focus on you know uh acquiring customers how do you do that do that really well you know lower the cost of doing that and make sure you're making profit you know not just Revenue awesome that's it well you've showed us today what it's like to get the payoff of true grinding right we're here you guys see the back round here it's gorgeous make sure you check out the millionaire mentors channel right yeah yeah TJ millionaire mentor and it's been a pleasure yeah brother thank you so much well that's a wrap you guys I hope you really enjoyed this episode and we're inspired by TJ the millionaire Mentor we appreciate you watching execute on everything we talk about and build successful businesses out there we greatly appreciate you take a second to like subscribe and hit that Bell so that you don't miss any of our videos we create for you thank you so much for watching adios [Music]
Channel: UpFlip
Views: 467,080
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to become a millionaire, millionaire, how to get rich, how to become rich, millionaire mindset, millionaire lifestyle, how to be rich, how to be a millionaire, how to build wealth, millionaire habits, how i became a millionaire, how to become wealthy, building wealth, how to become successful, how to make a million dollars, becoming a millionaire, become a millionaire, how to become a millionaire as a teenager, millionaire goals, millions, rich, upflip
Id: 5zZdn3mlU2A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 38sec (2378 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 05 2022
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