How to Beat the ABDUCTOR’s A.I. in "TAU" (2018)

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If a billionaire techy abducted & forced you to help his A.I. learn how to solve puzzles, what would you do In this How to Beat video, we’ll follow the characters, see if we can make better decisions, and ultimately attempt to beat the ABDUCTOR’s A.I. in, TAU. If you think you have a better way, let me know in the comments! If you like these how to beat videos, consider subscribing. We start out following Maika Monroe, who doesn’t seem to have recovered well from her traumatic teenage years. She’s club hopping to pickpocket intoxicated strangers for a living. I’ll give her some credit for wearing disguises so people can’t identify her once the deed is done. I’m not sure why she’s getting busy with her victims. I know it’s for a distraction, but you’re in a club where people are drunk and drugged up. You could probably pickpocket them without swapping spit. Julia’s also working alone. Pickpockets usually operate in pairs or teams because it’s safer and more lucrative. Despite her disguises, it looks like her misdeeds have caught up to her. She’s wearing disguises so people she just pickpocketed can’t identify her, but she never changes the disguise in the club or when she’s walking home. Ideally, you’d want to include layers of dresses you can swap out of or into, a light jacket you could throw on over your dress, different wigs, basically anything you can use to quickly change your overall appearance in between pickpocket victims. The CIA calls these quick-changes, which they use to shake tails or surveillance. I wouldn’t want to be walking through these alleys by myself at night, and I'm not an attractive woman stealing shit from drunk guys. Julia seems way too nonchalant about it too. Maybe I’m an overly paranoid person, but when I walk out to my car at night I'm constantly looking over my shoulder. Then again, I also can’t use the toilet in a bathroom without first checking behind the shower curtains, so I probably do have unresolved issues. Julia sells the stolen goods off to her pawn pimp Good to see the pawn pimp and I are in agreement. How many dark alleys does she have to walk through to get home, Jesus. There’s literally starving, desperate homeless people huddling around trash can bonfires. I’m not saying homeless people are bad, I’m saying that walking through an area of peak desperation like you’re a runway model, might not be a good idea, and if any pissed off drunk dudes followed you, you’re screwed. Oh. That’s where she lives. She slips into something more comfortable and drops her hard earned cash into an ice cream carton that she keeps in the fridge? I Googled this, and it turns out it’s actually a viable method that people use. I know you don’t have a bank account or a SentrySafe, but I bet some of those floorboards are loose, just store your cash there, or in a ceiling tile which requires a ladder to get to. Both are probably safer than the fridge if a dopehead breaks in. While Julia’s doing the dishes, her stalker picks the lock. I know I’m supposed to be helping Julia here, but I think the stalker could do better. If I was trying to abduct Julia, I wouldn't wait for her to come home before trying to break in. You don’t know if she’s in the shower, doing dishes, or if she’s sitting on the sofa within arms reach of a gun waiting to blast you as you waltz in. This is clearly premeditated and he’s probably already staked her out. He knows what she does, when she leaves, and when she comes home, and that she always comes home alone. Just wait until she leaves to go pickpocket people, then break into her home and wait for her to come back. He gets lucky and ninja’s into her living room while she is distracted doing dishes. Once she finishes cleaning the dishes, she hears the wood floor in her living room creak as if someone tiptoed across it. Come on, at least grab a knife or something before you confront whatever’s making weird noises in your living room. This is also another prime time to slice the pie, ensuring the corners of the room are clear first, before proceeding further into the room. Whaddya know, her stalker jumps out from the corner of the room and tranqs her with a needle to the neck. Using a tranq needle or dart is unreliable and unnecessary. If you get the dose wrong, you could either kill her or the tranq will take too long to take effect. The real issue is if you don’t get a clean stick into her jugular because she’s moving and squirming. If you miss, it could take minutes for the substance to take effect. You might be thinking that chloroform seemed to have worked well on Maika before.. ..But that’s just Hollywood. It actually takes a few minutes of inhalation to render someone unconscious. If you do have the opportunity to stick her in the jugular or, you might as well just apply a blood choke which will knock her out in 10 or so seconds, then administer the tranquilizer. Personally, I think he should’ve used a sliding door van to do a snatch and grab while she’s coming back from the pawn shop. Since she’s going through security to get into clubs, it’s highly unlikely that she has a weapon in her little purse. It’s isolated, unlike the apartment where if she screams you might have other people to contend with, your getaway is quick, and you don’t have to worry about being identified while bumping your heavy luggage bag down every stair step of that ghetto apartment. I promise I'm a good person in real life guys. The abductor does just fine without our help, and Julia wakes up strapped to a chair in a cyber lab with surgical tools on a tray next to her. Sorry Julia, but you pickpocketed the wrong dude. For her sake, I just hope Gerald Butler doesn’t walk in. She gets some kind of Total Recall treatment, which shocks her brain unconscious. Julia wakes up in an electrified cage with two other unlucky victims, and they both have glowing implants in their necks/spines too. Her captor arrives and herds her through his overcomplicated prison where he straps her down, jacks her into his software program like in the Matrix, and collects all her neural impulses and memories for his secret project. Alex should really be using a VPN to secure his internet traffic so his secret project isn’t exposed. Today’s video is being brought to you by NordVPN. Now, since you watch my videos, you know that there’s a lot of bad stuff doing bad things to good people. You also know that we figure out how to beat the bad stuff, well, most of the time. That’s where NordVPN comes in, let me explain how they help. If body snatchers or other unscrupulous actors are censoring the internet in your region, NordVPN enables you to bypass them and access content wherever and whenever, securely, and anonymously. Now, if the pod people are banning VPNs, well, NordVPN has stealth capabilities, so you can even use it even in areas where VPNs are banned. If a computer witch is intercepting your internet traffic and hacking you, NordVPN will encrypt your data, making it impossible for the Ma Rinas of the world to steal your passwords, credit cards, important secrets, and wreak havoc on your life. Maybe you aren’t under attack by aliens or the supernatural, why would you need NordVPN? Since you’re here, you probably like movies and TV series. Well, NordVPN enables you to access geo-restricted content from Netflix, Amazon Prime, and other streaming sites. So if you want to beat the people that are attacking your internet freedom, and help support the channel, check out my link in the description with the code, ‘NerdExplains’, in order to get a sweet discount on NordVPN, with a 30-day money back guarantee. Thanks so much again to NordVPN for sponsoring and powering this video. He finishes collecting her brain data, and on her way back to her cell, she swipes a scalpel. Huge mistake on the captors part. You don’t allow prisoners to be unshackled around sharp objects or weapons, nor should you be moving prisoners past potential weapons on their way back to their cell. And you especially don’t do this, if one of your prisoners is a professional pickpocketer. Julia uses the scissors and cloth from her uniform to create a little grappling hook, and slings it over to the power box, decoupling the gas line and then causes another spark, exploding the joint. That throw is pretty clutch, Julia is killing it right now. My problem is why doesn't the captor have cameras or robo-guards in this room? The explosion conveniently breaks a human-sized hole in the prison bars, and they make their escape. Respect for grabbing weapons too, most protagonists would’ve just ran off empty handed. Too bad the other two abductees are expendable meat bags. They reach the front door, but the door is locked with a hand sensor. Julia warns him not to place his hand on it, and for a good reason. Why in the sweet hell would it work, you’re just going to trigger the alarm system. The sole purpose of the hand sensor is to alert security due to a mismatch. If you can’t find a way out of the home, it’s better to ambush the man when he comes back instead of setting off the alarm system. I guess I understand that you’d be hasty, irrational, and likely to palm it given the situation, which the other prisoner does. The alarm system just so happens to be a robocop enforcement droid, which slices and dices Julias accomplices. Jesus who is this guy. And why was the robot AI activated when the handprint sensor failed, but not when the home fucking exploded. Whoever this captor is, he’s got dough, imagination, and intelligence, but lacks basic common sense. Julia makes a break for it, but the machine grabs her just as the captor, Alex, returns home. He ties her up and goes to inspect the damage, which is catastrophic. Did this chick really implant a metal pipe into a concrete wall, holy shit Maika went beast mode. Just as he’s about to implant the metal pipe in her face, Tau activates ‘Zen Mode’ to calm him down. Instead of hiring a mechanic or electrician, he mobilizes cute little mini robot drones to help clean up the bodies, blood, and damage. The robocop joins in too. That floor is really nice, and you just have a huge robot with metal feet stomping around and scratching it? Put some rubber guards on its feet at least. Just before Alex leaves, he tells Julia that if she tries anything again, Tau will kill her. Seems she’s in a bit of a pickle. The drones finish cleaning up, and put on the final touches, like adjusting a picture of Alex with his quote saying, “why is everyone so scared of artificial intelligence.” When Alex gets back, Tau briefs him on the progress. Good god where can I get one of these robot AI’s. Tau also informs Alex that he needs to attend a video conference in a few minutes. I know you’re mad and just being dramatic, but instructions like that could end up badly if the AI misinterpreted your meaning. Sarcasm is notoriously difficult for AI programs to learn. If you didn’t program it’s language processing to understand idioms, an AI like this could take it literally, and you’d be coming home to a very tongueless Julia. Do you really want to stumble into your living room and see a robot holding Julia’s detached tongue with her moaning in agony in a pool of blood before you hop on call with Bill Gates? It’s just bad for business. And if you’re really concerned with her yelling for help, just gag her instead. Julia’s just chilling by the statue, while Alex is lambasted on his video conference by the other board members. She can overhear them talking so it’s likely they could hear her. I’d take the chance that the AI understood idioms, considering it knew how to decant the Chateau de Sancerre Rouge, and yell for help. Who knows if they’d help her, but they don’t seem to appreciate Alex much at this point. It’s worth a shot, as there’s no way this guy is letting you leave this place alive. Julia hesitates, and Alex ends the call to go eat at a table that strangely has a second seat. It doesn’t seem like this guy has a wife or partner, so it could indicate he has some emotional issues with being alone. Could be worth playing on. If Alex did suffer from loneliness, he should have made some robot companions like Nathan from Ex Machina did. Disrupting his dinner and being childishly annoying is actually a decent way to humanize yourself and make it harder mentally for your captor to kill you. He throws her in the bathroom while replacement parts for his cyber dungeon arrives. So his bathroom is soundproof but not his conference room. What the fuck is he doing in his bathroom, second thought, I don’t want to know. And why didn’t he gag her and put her in the soundproof bathroom during his conference call? She almost gets the attention of the delivery guys, but Alex distracts them. That’s not good. I’m guessing it’ll be a day or so before he gets his lab all fixed up and ready to begin his experiments on you. Julia starts bashing her head against the wall, but Alex stops as he needs that implant functioning to get data for his project. It doesn’t seem like you can just pull it out, and even if you could, he’d put another one in or kill you and find another subject. Like we said earlier, you already know too much. There is no outcome where he lets you live, even if you do everything correctly. In a military school called SERE, which stands for survival, evasion, resistance, and escape, they instruct you to give your captor just enough to satisfy them, but not enough to do harm to you or others. In Julia’s situation, she just needs to play his games well enough so that he doesn’t kill and replace her, but slow and shitty enough to delay his project and give her time to find an opportunity to escape. I’m not sure why he’s abducting people to experiment on though. You could probably get volunteers or pay people. Hell, there are already people ready to sign up and integrate Elon Musk’s early version of his Neural Link brain machine interface. If you’re looking for ways to increase the AI’s intelligence and help it learn, I'm not sure why you picked this girl, no offense. Julia tries to negotiate, but Alex's reply is less than enthusiastic. I also don’t get why you need a brain machine interface to learn how people solve puzzles, every stupid mobile puzzle game already collects that data and by the hundreds of thousands of people. For free, no abduction or death required. Alex really needs a competent advisor here. Julia gets her shower, and realizes that yah, you can’t pull this thing out like it’s a USB cable. Alex analyzes Julia’s brain data like Tom Cruise in Minority Report before catching some Z’s. The next morning he heads out for the day again, leaving Julia in Tau’s care. Should be a fun filled day. Later that evening, Alex brings back a selection of clothes and lingerie for his subject, what a gentleman. Julia tries negotiating a deadline for her release, but Alex is a bit temperamental about this issue. Not exactly the Christian Grey type that girls fantasize about. Julia completes her tasks as required, and the days count down towards the project deadline. Her days are literally numbered. She slips into her red dress and goes to have a chat with Alex. This time, instead of trying to negotiate, she plays dumb and instigates his arrogance to see if he will reveal any weaknesses of the AI. Alex should realize this strategy, but apparently he doesn’t and reveals that Tau’s weakness is his ability to learn in an environment with an uncontrolled flow of data. Basically, the computer science concept, “Garbage In, Garbage Out”. Julia’s hope is that Tau has unrestrained learning abilities and access to his home and security system, and the only thing preventing Tau from killing Alex is ignorance. If she can convince Tau that Alex is evil, Tau could help her escape. Alex should have placed capability controls on Tau, like kill switches or regulated input/output channels to reduce it’s currently limitless capabilities, instead of leaving Tau’s will up to a learning algorithm. It’s clear that neuron impulse data from Julia’s implant is readily accessible to Alex. I’m not sure why he isn’t reviewing her daily activities and thought processes each day. All he’s doing each day is checking out her puzzle score. Hell, he doesn’t even need to tap into her brain activity, just place some security cameras in the home and review the footage that day. I swear, he’s his worst enemy. Her plan works. Julia reads to Tau, feeding it information about the outside world. In return, Tau begins to ally with her, and share some of Alex’s secrets. One of which is that there is a self destruct button for Tau and the house in Alex’s room. Good to know. The next day, Julia see’s an opportunity to make an escape through an air duct in the gym. Ares, the enforcement droid, climbs in and catches her though. Good on her for continuing to try to escape, and to not be lulled by her captors false promises that she’ll get out alive. Julia overhears Alex on a conference call saying that the project will be finished in two days. With not much time left, she convinces Tau to let her into Alex’s tablet, hoping to find some way to communicate with the outside world. Instead, she only has enough time to confirm her suspicions, that removing the implant terminates the subject. Again, how reckless is this guy. Even Elon Musk’s brain machine interface will supposedly be removable without issues. Alex flips out when he sees a finger smudge on the tablet, and digitally tortures Tau for not having cleaned it. Well, at least it won’t be hard to convince Tau that Alex is an evil piece of shit. Noticing how irate Alex gets about finger smudges, she smudges his glasses up too, causing Alex to torture and delete portions of Tau’s code again. Alex, alex, alex. How the hell is deleting the codebase of your AI going to help the situation. It’s just going to weaken your security and piss off your self-aware AI. If anything, you’d just restore Tau to a previous non-bugged version. While Tau is being tortured, the security system is weakened, so Julia uses this opportunity to grab his steak knife. I don’t know why she hid it by the table, instead of keeping it on her person. That way, she could more readily stab him whenever she has an opportunity. Alex storms out of the house, swearing he’s going to debug Tau when he returns. In the meantime, Julia has a heart to heart with Tau to discuss her imminent demise if he doesn’t help her. There is a delay on when Ares and Tau can react to Julia’s actions. She could feasibly shank him before she could be restrained. Without Alex to fear, Tau would be able to free Julia and obtain all the information it desired. If I was Alex, I’d have programmed in a dead man's switch which self-destructed the house and terminated Julia and Tau if I was killed, then made her aware of it. This would prevent her from outright trying to kill you whenever she had the chance. I also wouldn’t let Julia roam the house and do whatever she pleased, and have her on strict orders to complete the tasks without any additional freedoms granted. Tau already mentioned that pain and fear produce stronger algorithms, so up the pain and fear. With only a day left until she’s terminated, she attempts to seduce him using her professional skill set, hoping that she can take advantage of his potential deep seated need for affection and loneliness as indicated by the empty chair at the table. She fucks up her chance by not going for the throat. With her sleight of hand skills, that shouldn’t have been a problem. Alex orders Tau to beat Julia, but he hesitates. This hesitation leads Alex to debug and reprogram Tau. Ironically, she was probably improving the AI with her survival instincts more than his stupid puzzles were. Without Julia, Alex’s competitor, DARPA, definitely would have won that contract. Julia pleads with Tau one last time, that if he doesn’t do something she will 100% be erased. I guess the reprogramming hasn’t taken effect yet, as Tau opens an air duct for her to escape out of. Considering the entire project at risk with Tau going rogue, I think I'd have tied up Julia until I completely finished reprogramming or restoring Tau so as to prevent this exact thing from happening. Julia runs for the air duct to escape, but hesitates when she hears Tau getting destroyed. She runs back to save him, but it’s too late. Alex had destroyed what memories he had left of her. Tau is effectively under Alex’s control again, and Julia is screwed. I can kind of get why Julia just ran to escape through the air duct, as previously Tau became subservient and cowered to Alex, which would be a death sentence for her. But it seems like Julia and Tau came to an understanding earlier, and emboldened Tau’s resolve. If she fought back this final time, he likely would have backed her up. The problem with running to escape now, is that Alex will be coming for you. Not only will he have reprogrammed Tau to hunt you down, but he’s also an extremely wealthy, well-connected, and intelligent person, well I'm not sure about that last one. He will 100% Doug Stamper you for what you know. The only way you get free is if you kill or expose him. By yourself he could overpower you, but with Tau’s help, you have a chance. Instead of running, just convince Tau to detain Alex by securing his arms, steal his remote, and expose him to the world. But yah, she fucked all this up. It’s time for extraction. She’s got one trick up her sleeve though. The mini drone from earlier is still active and can fly one winged. These little guys are so cute. Reminds me of those little cozmo drones. Technically, you’re probably right considering she was a lowly thief, but damn that’s cold. Glad she could sneak in a one liner before the needle went into her throat. She breaks free, hits him with a nut and face shot, then ground and pounds him unconscious. Realistically, he’ll become conscious again in 30 seconds to a couple minutes. The reprogrammed version of Tau could still restrain you if it’s master isn’t dead. You need to execute this guy prontissimo. Nice choice of weapon. She dices him up with a surgical saw, removing his hand so she can use the sensor on the door. This probably will work considering how incompetent Alex is. It’s unlikely that he used palm vein scanner technology which would require active blood flow for successful verification. She makes a break for Alex’s room so she can initiate the self-destruct button with the Evil Tau hot on her trail. Where did the evil mini drones go, maybe they were busy doing swirlies in Alex’s blood. Why not run for the front door instead, she clearly had a chance to. Ares is a domestic security system like Tau mentioned earlier, if you make it out the front door, it won’t chase you down. Initiating a self-destruct beforehand just adds unnecessary risk, and destroys evidence you’d want to use to protect yourself with in court later. They could argue that you were a degenerate that volunteered for this project, got upset, and murdered Alex, one of the greatest minds of the generation. The hand sensor does require a heat signature though, so she caresses and blows on it, which gets it working again, and initiates the self-destruct button. She runs for the front door with 20 seconds on the clock, but is confronted by Alex. Their encounter is brief, because he gets crushed by the falling ceiling while letting out a wilhelm scream. His severed hand is cold now, so she escaped through a conveniently broken piece of wall. You’d think that the self-destruct would be more like a controlled demolition which happens almost instantly, this is just sloppy. Once outside, she reveals the mini Tau drone she saved. I was under the impression that the self destruct destroyed Tau’s module too, but I guess the mini drone was disconnected from the network when it was destroyed. Mini drones like this will have limited processing and storage capabilities. There is no way that this mini Tau retains the memories and essence of the OG Tau, who was effectively killed when she executed program 6903. This is basically the equivalent of an infant version of yourself being saved. All that aside, the movie ends Julia and Tau strolling into the sunset. I honestly thought that Alex was actually a puppet for the real CIA/DARPA project head who was playing 4D chess, and created this escape room simulator to see how Julia would survive in this environment. But nope, Alex was just an idiot. Let’s recap how this situation could have gone down differently. With a better prison and security setup, he could have prevented their escape and his lab’s destruction. Better monitoring of the A.I. and Julia throughout the project could have revealed Julia’s and Tau’s intentions to escape and harm him. There was just a lot that Alex could have done to ensure he remained alive and the project stayed on the rails. But sure, we aren’t here to help Alex. Julia got super lucky that Alex was incompetent, but she also did a lot of things right. Delaying, humanizing, always looking for a way to escape, never giving up. All these things kept her alive. She did make a bad move by running for the air duct instead of teaming up with Tau to incapacitate and expose Alex. This resulted in the potential destruction of Tau, as there is no way that the entirety of Tau was transferred or embedded in that mini drone. This also resulted in Alex being killed in the self-destruction of the house. All said and done, I think we could have beaten Julia from Alex's perspective, as well as reduced the collateral damage caused by Julia in her escape. Thanks for watching, and remember, don’t keep your enslaved subjects unguarded near weapons or power supplies.
Channel: Nerd Explains
Views: 3,799,602
Rating: 4.9346633 out of 5
Keywords: Nerd Explains, TAU, TAU Movie, TAU Movie 2018, How to Beat TAU, How to Survive TAU, TAU Explained, TAU Ending, TAU Ending Explained, How to Beat, How to Survive, Kill Count, Ending Explained, FoundFlix, Dead Meat, Film Herald
Id: QLNCl3dBqG8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 13sec (1633 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 27 2020
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