Your Thrift Habits (1948)

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in the afternoons the store across the street from school does a rushing business at least one customer buys those deluxe concoctions meet Jack Firth and look at that it's a peach super delight boy ed sure isn't squawking camera Ralph wish my dad to get me one like that my dad didn't buy the camera I bought it myself you're dead well how did you do that how could you afford it you don't own any more than I do no I just saved up for the camera saved up how can you save up there's always something you have to buy I got Pete super delight huh well I just worked out a budget that a lot for saving my budget oh no I try to budget once didn't work well I tried a couple budgets at first it didn't work either and dad showed me a way that really can work how how do you work your budget oh it wouldn't work for me anyway oh it might Jack see this is my camera graph that's the way I kept track of my progress and saving for the camera well what does the graph mean well along this side over here I have the same exact table and the weeks are marked along the bottom I aimed at this dotted line to save $2 a week for 20 weeks and then I have my camera I almost made it too but then a couple of times I slipped and didn't save my $2.00 that week but I finally made it and now it looks like a good idea well what's this one here well that's for the tripod I want I'm doing better in this graph it's a lot easier now that I don't once yes Ralph has a budget and a method of saving the chose results if Jack was determined to get a camera if all of us were as determined to save for things we want perhaps we could budget successfully and get some of them what about it is it easy to make a budget work jack will have to prove that to himself and if his taste is always as rich as it is this afternoon it may not be easy how do you make a budget is just a graph enough a few days ago Jack saw an example of a budget the budget his family uses out of its total weekly income Jack's family allows so much for food household clothing each part of their regular expenses is allowed for in the budget and they try to make their expenses regular so as to follow the budget as closely as possible yes even Jack's allowance for his work around the house is part of the family budget and there's a provision for savings even with all those other expenses so the family has a budget which allows for savings our budgets just for parents can Jack do when he's saving out of his income well let's see let's take a look at it there's that work at home allowance of two dollars a week and Jack earns six dollars a week working part-time in the library now combine these two and we have Jack's total income eight dollars a week for Jack's expenses and what he can save let's see regular predictable expenses like lunch money car fare and then the expenses that aren't quite so easy to predict personal expenses after-school snacks huh now let's try to hold that down to 50 Cent's and save more then school supplies and entertainment movies and dates there does that handle Jack's expenses look there's three dollars left for savings that's more than Jack expected what did he do with all that money before there's one type of thing that ate up his cash if he'd do without extravagances he could save every week we'll have to watch things keep records of expenditures he'd better write down a list of expenses to watch too many movies too much candy and maybe Jack can try Ralph's side the Elva graph when you save for a specific goal of purpose it's easier to stick to the budget if you have a visual reminder three dollars a week for 14 weeks will do the trick Jack got underway in fine style the fourth week this caught Jack's eye one dollar mmm that'll knock a hole in the budget maybe not save so much this week no want that camera budgets ought to allow for this sort of expense why Jack's budget does allow for it entertainment that's right that's simple just don't go to any movies this week but that's show at the Strand wanted to see that then it won't be on next week can't go to both that and the class mixer have to choose more fun at the mixer that's what it'll be well you can't have everything you want and Jack wants a camera Oh Pete soup no huh coke please make it two right well you must be on a budget how's it working out hey pretty why gas but it's hard sometimes oh boy I sure would like I'm Pete super delight right now well Jack you can't stick to your budget all of the time no Jack doesn't have to follow his budget but he has made his own rules to save for a camera as long as he follows those rules and chooses to save he'll find that the pennies certainly add up at the end of the week but not all choices are so easily made that'll be some football game and Jack wants to go who wouldn't well where can this fit into the budget perhaps the money for entertainment and now he's already used that for dad's birthday next week it's either no savings this week or no game so to go to the game and not save anything this week means setting his camera back one week Jack decides the game is worth postponing the camera for one week he notes the expense in his little book but that pen the one he's had so long has to break now have to buy a new one see this budget business is no good jack doesn't see how anybody makes it work but by the time he gets home jack has thought it out and he knows that when you want something hard enough you can find ways to save for it one way to keep the budget going is to make things do jack knows how to fix that leaky pen with a little cement not as good as new but it'll hold for a while so jack goes on trying to stick to his revised schedule but a few weeks later his repair job gives out he just has to buy a new pen this one which fits within his 50 cent school supplies budget is not a good buy at any price but to pay for this one he'd have to take some out of his savings he knows however that buying cheap unsatisfactory products is never thrifty so even though this pen will make him draw money from his savings account it is a better buy and a necessity but Jack isn't going to let that setback stop him he still wants that camera by saying no to extravagance by finding ways of entertainment that don't cost money by fixing things and making them last Jack keeps going toward that goal every week seems a little easier until finally Jack makes it right on schedule isn't that a honey it was really worth saving for as Jack gets a better idea of what he can do he reorganizes his figures to save better and spend better he's making new plans how about you how will you do it you
Channel: Old TV Time
Views: 105,467
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jam handy, cult, education, Coronet Instructional Films, yt:quality=high, (1948), Educational, jet, science, jam, Social, history, prop, educational, airline, Guidance, Airbus, social, handy, luftfahrt, Film, airplane, moral, guidance, Boeing, morals, Your, viral, aviation, Habits, Thrift, mstk
Id: 0-i88comO9w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 35sec (635 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 26 2010
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