A Day In Heaven And A Day On Earth

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in the beginning was the word and the Word was with God and the word was gone in him was life and the life was the light of men I confer the blessing for your life today I confer your mighty hand of blessing upon their lives welcome to espanol Pastor Dave good morning again and Happy New Year you need to help me greet your friends around you happy new year get ready o D is loaded in the year of double or no is a year of double inheritance what about those who feel like there's really not to thank God about the year I just came out from lambasted me was a terrible year for me I went through a lot I want to help you I want to help you and connect with you because I've been there myself I've been there I've been there three times there was one year I caught him missing in my life it was so bad so terrible but out of those experiences I don't learn how to try off I've found out that complaining a memorial does not solve problems then I now found out further you know if something is not working you need to look for another solution hello father under nothing it doesn't solve the existent problem he ends up complicated the one that I have and I know I went to the Bible to actually find out why and I made a discovery Memorial complaining does not solve problem they only complicate them maybe why your loss was a car maybe was a job you demonstrate the wrong attitude towards that you can end up with a high BP now there are two problems last time it was a car now you are the problem when the last time it was somebody closed that diet that was bad enough I missed something that can help me but now I am up and bringing something else that is complicating the problem so you bring in memorium you bring in complaining you can start on busting God if you like you can lambaste the church if you like Columbus Christianity if you like if you like an evil ambassadors and tell you know what he went through he died that this debt is a waste you end up with a problem that is bigger than the original while you are trying to solve or now you are the next problem if it is high BP you go into nets and are calling doctors to solve you there is a way you can even take it you crash your face and that was worse than having a heart attack and this time we might ask God to solve you and if he thought I blew you land where you are not meant to land you end up going to hell set a now ended up cheating you twice it took a where a husband or took a war away an opportunity and now he took away your life when the devil came to attack job he discussed with God first because we want to touch his children sometimes you need to get permission and then the question will be why do you give the permission God gives the permission because it is not just material acquisition things you are quiet things that happen around you that God is interested in God is more interested in developing your character God does not just walk for you he walks in you put up the scripture with him to see it so the Bible said and he was led of the spirit into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil he's the son of God you know the life of Jesus Christ tells us he's just a blueprint of what Caputo's of the life were culturally now it was left here with the devil for 40 days and he was writing exam he finish the first cost they moved him to another class to write another course it finished I want a movement or thought cost and those three basic things that reviews human character his power is money and exposure to sex sometimes pleasure his own kiss their recent women so they use another teen means the same thing they use food if you have problem we control your physical appetites take it to the bank I'm telling you this you have made your problem with culturally your sexual appetites you can't control what you eat you can't control both of them are here in the West if you tighten now that's why it's fast it helps you gain back self control initially and like now general fats are stated don't worry if you fire yourself you messed up you went to the fridge at something don't worry go back to that fast go back to it is like exercise song where song where you break the inertia the flesh wound us get subdued are you hearing what I'm saying because he was doing it faster and it was this issue of appetites that was the first test if you will not pass this exam he will have problem with women hello it's called the loss of the flesh for some of these showing up in form of our collagen for some other person in form of gluten it over eat it and and sometimes your weight is being damaged is what yourself stop he will stop for another person promiscuity now you know why sometimes they allow the devil the devil is the external examiner the children are God's children but he says I know you're my child but if the walk what will be teaching you what we've been walking on you now you've learned a lesson let's bring it son is another jack so in case you want to know why God why God sometimes Pam is the devil my friend had a projector go to the Book of Joshua I'm going to show them job first then go to the book of Jasher fine we're descended upon which job happen with Abraham starts with where Isaac and Ishmael were having the discussion and Isaac made a statement even if I am absolute my life then I will do it but people don't know these things we say we just talk anyhow you know that there are other people listening beyond human beings the world you live in is highly populated now nigeria has 180 million people but the total population of nigeria might be around a billion actually is far more than a billion you are a people living with us here now between this service now you would think you're the only one here but when I say now transact come out the people that dude your pressure you're not seeing them but they are here there they are right the service before you hello when you booked into a boss and is that the boss takes system passengers it's only 60 passengers ready some of the passengers have three escorts as a Christian you're supposed to have at least one minimum of one an injured that follows you but one human being he was a madman in the Bible Jesus had to drive a legion of demons out of one madman and Allegiant is six thousand so if you get that one madman into your boss you have systems around one passengers you think you're doing one driving that that driver doesn't know how much load is carried if the cast are flying on the road he thinks what is going on here if he finds the self is struggling to sleep even pastors should be aware of this when people are coming into service yeah they also bring in so the the world that are clean out coming in with only Angels so the number of angels in the service evening because we have the angels of the ministry but we have the ministry spells the gaiden angels of the individual believers those gathered angels don't live in church they fool you at home your children have their own your wife has her own Aparna this God that we submit provisions if you want to clap clap wiggle [Applause] but now because church is a hospital and all kinds of people come to get help that's why we are here it's a family for God's children what is also a hospital judge has different functions so it's not just so when they will come with some of them Akali the man is going to just seven people are following him that's why ashes needs to be anointed when you are cleaning which year we people that are living with worship everybody does a believer is supposed to be a lot this is not this is not Christmas party is military when the people are not the prayerful is a prayerful environment what happened that some of them stopped at the door they can enter they can't but the moment the president I would refer finishes with service I will finish oh yeah that's when someone I know Kalia Basra SIA them register file okay we will see what are what God will permit us to deal with today we have a short time is a lot less you can always you can do in one service sometimes in some of the services we caught those things off when you caught them they'll let loose the rush back in town looking for new people these are demons that wants person the problem that individuals life is messed up because of them she might be the most beautiful girl in the city or in the streets but nobody's coming nohe girl was telling me and I told her I don't believe you he's a pastor he said nobody has acts and I looked at this gorgeous lady as I don't believe you he that you have been Richard he said nobody has asked and the Lord said stop telling her you don't believe her look at the three people they all travel everybody away we broke them again we'll get married in one year and that's exactly what happened and then you have other people the only thing they do is window shopping they come collects eat swipe their mouth and take off that's what one guy told me this general is I'm running much that they have not learned that the Mentalist is this how she present a case he has moved on and said please talk to mine he said because I'm running man I'm running backs mad and you are able to make phone call he said that I have not learned that in mental hospital doesn't mean I said so calm down now I'm here to help you your mom said I can you know he said once I cannot calm down I'm losing it so I said what happened he said everybody calm this slip would make then they take off he said just to get these think Oh horse runs I say Z by force yes that would you give your life to Jesus Christ fence is that I don't go truck before Bastogne as I'm not talking about George because that's the only person that can go through the load you're carrying a lot of load entire crap Cigna is not only one passenger and then even guys sometimes you Nam man you think you married only one person you're married to three people J was somebody here somebody I'm sure he probably in this service listening to me now I went to pay traditional do traditional wedding paid out and got the tippity I'm not talking this very physical when every beating him he's run down to come and find me I say whoever would have beat your father-in-law or what I said no now they're happy that I came to marry their daughter you see who had the people he said they said they will kill me this year if I don't leave yet that did Lydia marine is already married that I'm taking somebody's wife I say who is depressing he said I can hear him but I cannot see him I said what are you talking about are you marrying somebody's wife he said don't he mentioned against them it's a single year they beat him left mark on his body of course it took a phenomena Jo I wanted to help them stay married because we can deal with those guys but he didn't say even if you finish the reference let her do the opposite continue please I don't want to die this year you will have carryover you will have a value do you oh no no no no no no no Jesus my yoke is easy my burden is light even Lord now anybody you did not put on people the enemy put I asked for the first assignment of angels they said let them begin to cut off all those weights all those burdens all those yokes yokes people a tie with chains people that I with ropes and I struggling let them be cut off in the name of Jesus he said who the Son of God says free is free indeed I pronounce freedom I pronounce freedom I pronounce freedom so you can go and fulfill your destiny [Music] [Music] so the devil is allowed to tempt you but is not allowed to defeat you okay job I want to I want him to see that discussion when the devil and God had that discussion okay you are okay let's look at this one first then I'll show you to them in the Bible since you went here I want you guys to see why the Bible said in Genesis 22 that God tested Abraham I want you to know that it was not God as started the discussion the devil brought that case to him just exactly like he happened to joke but the devil brought it because of what happened on at you see so a day on earth and a day heaven is what we are discussing now a day on earth and they have and then how to resolve it hello keep this in your whatever just had a touch of body you go back just go to job chapter one there was a day when the sons of God got at heaven I want them to see the truth different days job chapter 1 yeah I wanted to see that there was a day this a day in help and events the happen that changes somebody's life here on earth and this but Clyde change was negative it wasn't good now was a day when the sons of God is a angels came to present themselves before the Lord Satan came among them and Allah said to Satan huh where did you come from he said from going to and fro in the edge and walking up and down he said no address it is I'm coming from Legos he's I'm coming from Australian is that a visit everywhere just skip I do walk-up business just walking around and that's exactly what what first Peter 5 said he said he moves around like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour he's looking for opportunity and where he finds one that he wants to take advantage of it if he finds people who don't have any covering they don't believe us it doesn't need permission there are two kinds of unbelievers the unbeliever the second can touch the unbeliever Satan cannot touch you but I believe that is true there are people that are out there and is seen yet the devil can't touch them why there is somebody that is a believer that's bothering them in prayer they might have a visa a motor that is safe they might have a sister and this girl is always presented before God or God you know as I'm talking I'm telling you because your being is not just for you you might be the one that builds the other saves the whole family shouldn't just be selfish about this thing if you stand your ground Noah you will not be the only one to enter the AK your point three points who enter your wife we enter their wives we enter and if they have children their children we enter you can pull your whole family in and so that this common floor does not destroy them back to job never where did you come from you attended a meeting me heaven he say yes yes sir and from what Karen open down in the EDS and then I do up and down I do to him through so when he gets here he does country to place to place then up and down because he doesn't live here he lives in the second heaven but he has a lot of demons here so he goes up and down he goes to afro I was the people who have waka minister of waka you might need the reference check the tin just make sure it's not is a talent it is beyond talents that talents because she died you can it's not you are not achieving anything what is all this have you noticed that whatever people get mad and fasten is then another one if you can groups consider or your body you must th put little GI down you don't have to be a psycho to have issue that's why it is a hospital here just come and greet passage Allah and all these pastors say something they worry me help me listen is to cover nakedness you like your own no there's something disturbing you is not just fashion Oh there's a piece of you watch even if you could bring me close that even if I have to have some it will be tone here tone dead tone data with [Music] there are different kinds of crazy when you come to Jesus the Bible said he will give you a sound mind your head will come down Jesus they come head you coolants no importa quads when that miracle service there are people you know River Island area what and demons you say you think in my head like water his eyes fell on that side of the field and then I got up on the ground I was surprised I was on the floor but the mental illness vanished there were a lot of mental in a skill a lot of blind people a lot of deaf people thousands of people healed in one night please show them that job so God said okay even real waka what did you see on it he left all the bad people this was on his care isn't worrying about so part of the wacom ministry is full of poo on the ones we already have to be sure they're safe but now we have to attack people that are not under our control people who on the other sides having got good people righteous people that is the part that got me confused all my life I thought when I now give my life to Jesus and all that then the devil now leave me alone what is my business again would adore to serve you now by force I don't want tell me your trouble and go then he will leave you alone but now see the difference that it's interested anyway either when it comes to God's children I can't just go and touch them he has to get permission somebody hearing what I'm saying and it has to give reason for what he wants to do to get a permission so anytime he makes a proposal that has to do with character development God says okay if he's on that basis because the truth is the way you build muscle in the gym is not by just eating ham and cassava and order is by applying to weight is pressure that develops strength the way character is formed you be learning and Lenin is that all of that I need you to apply to pressure actually it is the time of your faith when faith is tested character is developed whenever God allows him to set those exam is not trying to destroy his children it's trying to create where you are in the spirit and what you can handle so way when you pray we know what we can give you because we give you not what you asked for but what you can handle you may need to write that God doesn't give you what your actual it gives you what you can handle okay how old is your baby guy is handsome I dedicated him that boy asks you for what's the latest iPhone I for what I for it xmax you guys have gone foul I mean the Old Testament is it one I have okay he asks you for Xbox or whatever they call you will buy for it yes I will you buy for him you dangerous father you have a dangerous for a two-year-old with excellence okay let's try at it he will actually for Range Rover will you buy you buy ring but Alicia come by phone okay do you have a child no a human if you're married ever say what are you waiting for all this market is you know for self what are these men waiting for all these prayers you know I told them to write prayer requests do you know the number one thing I used to act for the prayer requests to be drops I'll give you a secret out a position that you can give you if you want to be reaching me directly you can be reaching me there's not no big deal pastor is an average of sorts there's technology now and when it comes to God operating there is no distance soon you will like that I know you will like it well you should know one person cooks for the public they will finish it when the public cooks for one person you go V finish what we have it means well it means Baba means it's only when the thing is very critical they get me directly what the means works but I do it every week I mean it's not a large number of people but I hooked up with me in the system so you can join that there's nothing wrong with that I think you should create whatever do you see like us or DC is a huge queue you want to do maybe should do HQ then you do DC like let it be it's important when people have issues let it not drown them when there is help okay now now now now everybody remember they said the devil can't touch me without permission say this in autism and say in autism and it needs the permission of my father today that the New Testament has come he has to also get my permission he's not going anywhere without it's say say it's not going anywhere without it some rights you have as a son you better know that talk about that another time so if you consent reposting to ever but there is an area there is an area an area that has to do with character development where the father loves him sure than the book of James the trying of your faith is what produces patience patience is just one of the fruits of the spirit one of the godly character that God wants also have stuck you don't start it may even be good to stuff on last one so they can get a contest James a servant of God locate to the tribes that are scattered was to my bread and count it all joy when you fall into divers temptations no a poster James what are you saying this thing is no funny a colectomy to rejoice when I'm building busted with some trial is that you no reason you will rejoice is that every exam is meant to give you promotion if you think the exam is to harass you you will get angry which medical students we not prepare to write the second MB the Todd MB and the final exams do you want to die in school you don't write it you can practice which person coming out of second school do not want to write jam or GCE and somebody's entrance exam do you want to die a degrade because trials can be troublesome this can be disturbing but then the Bible said he was led of the Spirit why would the Holy Spirit lead him to exam hall and then when he gets there the devil takes over and he's the son of God they put it down for us so that we know this what happened to Jesus it can happen to you and that the Holy Spirit was gonna let him there the way you parents take your child yeah oh yeah you see home and you don't go inside you're right for him leave him there driver will pick you how long is the example we'll come and pick you when you finish you don't wanna sit down and sigh right if you wrote your own now that's why you're a bank manager you wrote your own now that's why you're graduates then I write the exam and some of you are rightly high exam for higher levels in life so the Holy Spirit to the mother plus the father sitting in heaven the current son of God querida Mia you're gonna write three purpose if you pass it you enter into greatness and there are three major issues that decide people's character they're going to be tested with money it's called the loss of the eyes because greed you're going to be tested on the loss of the flesh has rude appetite of which the chief is sex and for some is food there you're gonna be tested on the pride of life power eco prides if you pass it you can't go on so tomorrow when you tell the devil come out you say not really tame come out he said with this one so when the Lord explained this to me I just had my attitude from what did I do that trying to keep me I don't know what is happening oh god you've abandoned me and i justed i realize that your father dropped in exam hall and went out to his office he's going to come back where you finish he has abandoned you he cannot enter the hall to write it for you nobody has abandoned you listen my friends listen very very very well be careful what you say what you do as such moment everything is being recorded they are all part of them right they are watching your attitude now watching your words they're watching what you do em even give you guys another secret this is somebody that has written some of the toughest exams by stalking and have been helped to graduate through and can I serve I don't have which ones to write it will be a joke be careful what you do or when God is not answering you when God is not talking you know it's something about when God is silent I cry crack not I have prayed nothing I don't know what is happening no God used to talk to me even those of you that hear from God and a moment when he's not talking be careful because like they put you here they gave us a sign meant as lecturers and tutors will teach you sometimes a particular costs about the clock cause it will reappear in another form so that you will get it and God would teach you he can spend five years teaching you but the day they put you inside halt for example you be calling him in obscenity or two out of that please that's where you go teach a teacher excuse me ma please what is that formula for solving quadratic equation in mathematics that you were talking to us about it was well at your birth please because exam hall is not lecture time it's time to text lectures you will receive so here as people our seat area the Lord said I should talk about it because they're people who wrote serious exams in 2018 was very very trying here for them is as you move people into these 20 nights and help them close the deficit because we are back in classroom you are getting explanation they know not some causes you just write nonsense the moment you leave the hall hey I noticed in your position it look like elephant to you [Music] I just came out of what exam and I asked my friend and he I said no no no I say I knew it happened yeah I do understand and now I wish they can just take me back I need to correct freeze sucker can I get my paper back I need to Coruscant time is up and I'll stop in on other things I wrote that I passed enough to get a plasma and I have written a receipt before in real school I'm talking about University now and I've written a receipt before in life some of life is tougher than school example James James James count it all joy when you fall into diverse trials and temptations knowing this what are we supposed to know that the trying of your faith does what the word issues there's character patience is just one of them some of us or dance is not patients that they need the only is integrity they don't have it the word God forges integrity is pressure for smaller pieces not integrity now is self-control akin to their sexual appetites is a pretty girl just smile at her be nice she will land in bed with you is the how cheap woman who has become what men used to fight and so that time but to have so who can find a virtuous woman how price her price her price is far above rubies you know trinket treasures come by her virtuous woman that's for another person is another to do is kindness this guy is very mean why they go chachi when you deal with him is all we can do maybe you have not met them I have let the wicked Christians and you'll be wondering how can he play like this see he's close to Jesus like this and his ladies he's not better to be closer to the devil than to be closer to this guy if the devil is push him in are the guys watching me I don't know which way to go because if I look here this guy the devil I know how bad he is I look here this one too is as bad I better run off in another direction as I should be running to him is a blow is a believer with me he's wicked the character god ones of watching him is kindness is compassion a difference oh you know another person the character they're putting pressure is to create generosity the man is like this now so isn't be erudite it can give to God it can't give to his pastor that's a revelation so you can understand what his wife is going through a to a woman that discourages the husband from being a giver towards God or the things of God you had one doubt suffice what you don't know is that those translation experience that happen when the Vatican things are going on is what ends on flowing at the horizontal level if you pushing towards God and his more godly you get a more faithful person if you push him and is more generous you get a more generous husband oh yes if you see him criticizing God or attacking the things of God Memorial and complainer you encourage him guess who is going to live with a mom or that complainer it can't touch God now or even someone like me that you're criticizing when you go see me I'm very far my ego I fly that high what were you see me when will you see God so when you finish there has to be somebody to pour all that on you have the one that will pay for it but that's what job swiped it is a cost gonna die if he causes god and amazingly in the story she ended up being the one that dies she died when the Dabu restoration came she wasn't there to enjoy it was another wife it's a co wife some of you don't know that yeah he walked well too because they lost 10 children and they got 10 new children several boys three girls that's what they lost that's what they got but I got a relative double well I say walk well is because that older woman to do or that you wanna talk job to so sometimes even the things God permits that might be his witness on that he sees things differently than the way we look at it so you can see that what is being tested yeah one of them for job is integrity and the wife was saying what I drew is the key pinning integrity throw those things away cause God and I yeah Ponzo a - maybe you are in a position in our office what you don't want to steal what where you are they didn't flow the pass I want to make your own money honestly you don't want to do something but just because you want it doesn't mean mrs. job at home is ready to take that - because there might be some financial needs and this thing day your front and this need is actual and so what are you talking about look at what your mates are doing to hell with this your church thing well this is your Bible to keep the Bible aside you think I don't want to go to bahamas go to Dubai well as it across the Bahamas is a constantly our daughter don't you have a ghost mo this year this is my year I've already claimed the things I'm and don't beat my hindrance our characters should release after you don't know what people see at home and so that the manifold in the good Jojo then leave that Talk That Talk position I didn't tell you leave that one because in a classroom everybody listings it is when is put to test you know who is who and that's when God selects separate the boys from the men that's when he does a separation without these exams who know who is moving forward is somebody hearing what I'm saying I'm trying to help you make sense of life so that you can start be because now winning at this game I'm winning but distance confuse me till I understood it I read them in the back way they understand why should button happen to a good person I didn't understand that part the bad politicians should I play with God oh I am forward with him and I said some things from my mouth which I had to swallow back after when I understood and I felt so ashamed I didn't know how to know they worship for more important is later I was feeling funny when I want to come and talk to him I went I would avoid got missing in my life Oh part of it is that I was guilt some of the things I said you don't understand I told the past I talked send me to him I would tell everybody that yeah you alive I know after everything you said to do what is all this now after an hour understood okay the Christianity you got a different version of Christianity from the one in the bible in the book the one you God is one with our trials the one in the book has exams the man that is our example look at him he is one we are talking about he said you got a croissant without the cross in Christianity there is such a thing as take up your cross and follow me we don't follow Christ only in good times we follow him in bad times because the god of the mountain is also the god of the valley and it doesn't matter when we're finished changing its balance again no Mohammed and a blow now give it a couple of weeks come to Legos people complain about heat wave calm weather go but God's principles remains the same at that moment you know this kristen has started mature is not that baby anymore now you have a son my beloved son with whom I am well-pleased you have one that can weld Kingdom Authority you have one that can hold power and Noble karate karate abides you have one I can trust with women all around and is not tented you have one who is not a prisoner of his own appetites a prisoner of losts that's the one the other man put him back in class let him learn a little more then we send back say him back together right not example that's why you should not be falling into these temptations because you put delaying your you're prolonging your days some people have overstayed in the wilderness going around God needs children to graduate and move forward so we say I'm sorry I repented he said I'm forgiving you that's what Jesus died on the cross for and I'm no tamales and is true for one thing is you have to rewrite the exam and a forgiving you by principle doesn't mean automatic graduation Oh i forgiving you as when i was growing as a Christian I thought was God self forgiving you I have because I go through small party and then you know who can repeat it in and then come on and repent again and then when repeats and then come and repent it was after I understood what was going on that's why I've been in this class my method I started the class which is nine University I'm seeing class one and yet the God is a just God it doesn't love one person more than the other is me I refused to graduate from here because I thought okay the fact that God is kind means I'm getting away you're not getting away with anything what he's doing that he won't destroy you I will send you to hell is forgiving you but you have to pass this exam if you don't pass it on to your tested you are not trusted go back to that James the Train of your fades walk eight patients then allow patients to have it's perfect work today you might be Torah an entire wanted not let patients have a prophet walk and you may be perfect and entire wanted not you become my charge you know why don't you give me another translation of this give me a message let's start go back to 1/2 you know less that with vast you consider xiè xiè gifts friends when tests and challenges come at you from our side vast tree you know that under pressure you're fed life is forced into the open and shows his true color you know how you bring just now a technology system now that can what is you you put pressure then we choose for comments and then if he's orange you can now sock it out that's how God does it on the pressure that's where strength is formed in a human being verse four don't try to get out of anything prematurely let it do is walk so you become mature and well-developed not deficient in any way Oh God level where did you come from up-and-down business on edge I don't have any address down there I'm just walking up and down it was sleeping he's walking okay what is your case why are you here I brought the key so who is the person his job job don't you know job to be super fit man God says you have integrity you have it if God says you have charata you have it but sometimes God and God and the devil disagrees God is saying I know these guys and I trust him every say oh you know this is the criminal he he kind of thinks everybody is criminal like him is a his job God is nobody like him he fears God is an upright man now report God is given is angels reports but the way they do this example the one that they give you for school your teachers good a 90% 80% finally a time course we took on right externalism or bring external examiner's to come and a invigilator should we know what are these could have given you three months and - you get because because the world you're going to deal with out there you are not going to have all these teachers - you may let's test this denim be sure so that angelic report job find everything a applause is that mr. Dubois is a I came here to repurpose Oh David they've reported me as a gang pastor if I have ten of his type I will have problem on it is it don't mind him he's only subbing you because you are blessing him that's what he said about you all this one is because you are blessing him let me touch his finance and then you know see his struggle and the Lord said look at what he'd ever said he said house down on midday hedge about him about his house and about all that he had his Rajasthan you blessed this man you put protection around the man you put petition around his family I told you their people the devil can't touch then you put protection around everything everywhere has business everywhere has impressed you put protection and then he said his substance is increased in the land put for your hand now and touch all that he had he will cost you to your face yeah I went through job tests just that he reaches level reaches level he didn't reach anywhere but it was enough to shake me as some part of this particular test that was very heartbreaking for me for job when he said touch order he has this these are material today that is money can buy and the devil left the place and destroy division where I had the Angels God give him permission the Angels can stop you why would God allow such a thing they are trying to know where your faith is is in the car or in God they're trying to ascertain these sad things that are good a day in heaven and they don't it because III yeah yeah yeah oh Balian sudha go down to the nest was lost said to Satan behold all the heart is in your power only upon himself put not thy hand even when God allows the time to do it puts limits if you didn't put limit you L to say thank you even better password you will be in life that's why when you go to trial if fire bones things or you come out what did every I expect you to do which is what means that's what what this is what shows that you fail the exam is you come out there murmuring complaining come out they're confused lose your faith and what happen is watching is to see if you still be grateful even in the mists of order so you came out no smoke a very close friend of mine the wife they live they live in a crowd they came to Nigeria this December period you know on their way back they were driving to Lagos to pick a flight back chakra all of them the wife the four kids we're in Egypt and the gypsum and he was with me at that time he was in Abuja with me because he said I'm following them he flew me to object for something and they had to catch up with them in Lagos and then the people that recognized pick the call and sent to him and where they sent it to him you can have had attack because he got impression that he lost his whole family Kodaka was a write-off so when he called me I heard him I said calm down we need to get all the facts to know what fire left because when God allows it and he always puts a limit he always puts a limit how far you can go so after more information I came out oh the cow was wrecked not even a scratch on any of the kids on the wife what happened they were carried to a hospital people that came on that road so demand I was calling didn't see then we thought it was their dead bodies they want to drop it much are ever Carter wanted to check them and when they finish the fan and I was not and they have to check the children I found out they were fine so they desired to sleep and the next day they got another vehicle and found their way to Legos so how can a person be tongue when this kind of tragedy happen yes you can be thankful because and there are cases where people died that's Reverend dr. Mott I carried the whole family wife himself and the children and drove to waterside there was was a pass the bridge and continued their journey but they wanted to buy something that's what I was selling so they packed the calf by the side of the road but as his stream there it wasn't a stream that that bridge was built and they went to buy and continue their journey and when they went on one of the babies release you know the crotch and so the car roots and the children Wallace and I rode into the water and the Audra and then why of all people chasing demons doing Crusades how can this happen did you see the introduction maybe do you want me to show you again and then what no matter who said what did pastor do that God is punishing him everybody interprets and when a person goes to trier he has done something please put it up let him say would it pass to hope I do or what he passed at the way I do he's been on the news he team here and here this somebody will be hitting hard this work of saving souls this walk of healing the sick this walk of delivering people from captive there's somebody we've been destroying his walk he's looking for way to get back but people of God needs to be aware of what you're involving his walk and now is not positive boy is now your kiss God why why me the other time it was the other person you were on the internet lambasted maybe you are not that popular your case you have done Internet case where you got these to exist God is still on the Tron the other time somebody was in exam you were making noise instead of praying for them now your own exam has come you shopping Lennon accent them for past quest on purpose mashaallah have you noticed what I do anytime a man of God has been attacked I will beautiful I don't care it doesn't have to be doing us into water I'm beautiful I raise prayer defense and I'll be able to forefront defend him that people don't know why people don't know why is a judge not that you be not judged condemned no that you be not condemned for with the same measure you mete it shall be measured back to you that exam will finally come to you that's what Jesus is the warning you about beyond that when you pray for people like this sometimes they are real mistakes made oh what a day no human beings is it because that be used by God we are not true that I am your men of God are perfect not even the way you read about in the Bible you know Abraham even in reading you hear about Hagar the one that was the right just man why don't you show me that guy the bodies so power Genesis chapter 6 where he said Noah was a righteous man go to that path you have found grace in the eyes of God I think might be verse 7 ok pass it Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord then the next verse look at it know whether Noah was a just man perfect in his generation and Noah walk with God and he was the only one gossip with his family he destroyed the whole world and save this righteous man this demanda Buda ACK that saved eight people one of those people that he saved his name was harmed his son somebody whose ministry saved you from flood that killed another person somebody whose ministry saved you from Berenice somebody who's menaces same differencing somebody whose ministry saved you from the demons that we have been attacking you somebody whose ministry stabilizes your home somebody whose ministry but guess what the man God calls righteous after the flood got drunk yesterday producing wine and he got drunk now in a drunken state he wasn't properly covered and ham ham ham ham for God it was this man who have died with orders his ministry saved me his sword opportunities saw opportunity to render back ministry to the man in this vulnerable state let me find clothes and cover him that's not were harmed eat ham went and entered social media entity via broadcast come on see men of God now Justice even observe look at it semen semen Oh God tomorrow you come on stop preaching to me they can't even control he got drunk oh I saw you my eyes my to Kuroko eyes I don't have pictures to prove it the idiot didn't know his own exam was coming and that is the measure you use for another person dance the exact whatever they will give you they're not going to lower your puestos that go look good in steady if I even become tougher now as he was practice Mounties to product who also we're saved but they have sense when they had it their heart was broken the same man God used but this shows you that even all of that all this thing all these people are men he's just got riding a horse all these are men in a man of God as the Son of God and the Son of Man you know our teaching improv or the conference about priests these people I carry the glory of God and all of them they are dreadful head down they said top on the wheel on the head and they come and they wear on the body the only place where there's not is their feets God say no Santa no shoe why God to show you that you still touch dust even though your holy man or whatever you still touch dust so anytime you coming into the presence of God they put a bit of water wash your feet before you go in they have found of that family teaching his young kids the principles of priesthood he said wash before you go to minister wash after you Minister even ministry a basic hygiene that go with the job but it's not just physical hygiene is talking about the consecration is required for the job in showing them with all this glory of God that you see you see touch that oh yes the human and so a cost came upon that boy huh because came upon him I was gonna be a father of slaves produces slaves and the product Jeffords and brother Shem got clothes the bullet II will look they don't want to see don't tell me I'm don't want to hear pastor the way I think it's over time his truth shot it out his either him or Chuvalo or one of them will be rated at the greatest solo for a euro Boland one his investment and legis was education this one his legacies priesthood you know all this copper award now weighing up a studies co-pastor this empty pastor this pastor this passages last man that has changed the order these are young men that was a touch more money Oh bunny will collect them this one will go on get involved instead of that and you don't know what breaking a power of witchcraft breaking the influence of the money whatever does for the development of any society or any people group I'm still within a terrific walk down south is for young businessman that makes more money they want to go into when you're going to I do worship going to whatever and we have not yet cracked it at the level is been cracked yet and that man why you are making noise about they did noise because he has a craft on because he has words what is this supposed to happen you should be jumping more to show the humble people actually get twisted ideas about ministers but you know all of them nasty men then God never uses puffit vessels no he uses imperfect men it will purify all but even at the best when the fires we need doing his work you can say that they steam no impurity design but he has come to the point where it can be used you that is talking fire is waiting for you is it not character is it okay one of the greatest screw of character is marriage what is noise your neck you know is your wife when we get to how we'll know who you are all these noise you're making is won't get to yours but will know who you are talk is cheap marriage tests character like no that's not I don't even need them to invite the devil it would test patients it would test tolerance it with test forgiveness it would test this giving 10 hunts today ladies so everybody please show them that there and there was a day when this awesome job got ups it might be two verse six I'm not sure you know we've seen the day heaven okay this one Titan now there was a day when his sons and daughters were eating and drinking these kids that that is very well job was whereas Manning is so they do all these parties we had bad days and order and invite her friends and then the days mister a the other ones who go to supports to celebrate and all of jobs children we're in this house one of them was hosting the party and all of them came that day this a day on earth you see they they have there was a day when the sons of God gathered Satan came among them now there's a day on earth is done jobs children are gathered to do Pat you none see now how the unseen world can affects the physical world the God now this thing children about to die and they died that very day where did this I shouldn't come from the human explanation is that the house fell on them the people apps investigated costs said it was wind the wind campers over and shook the beautiful at the Buddha collapse and kill these children what they were people that escaped for some I was a day when he saw inside that as well eatin and drinkin India air does brother's house was fortune and there came a messenger on to job saying the auxins and all these ones will taking care of it's okay I why was yes speaking that Kim another said your sons and daughters were eating and drinking in the eldest brother's house yes vacinated and behold there came a great win I wanted to see what happened in the physical why did he play crash there must be something everything must be some explanation instead I have a list of all cool and then we now rushed in Rossum to know and then they talk those were and he died there must be explination it was winds the winds were the four corners of the house and they fell upon the young man they are dead but I only escaped to tell you so there has to be a newsperson then the devil doesn't touch it our as we somebody to go because it's not in ventnor they I get the target is joke forget this this fate this thing you say you are doing so I started creating electrical work in this house asari Gretchen is it the wind protection on which you where did we make a mistake now there are human errors oh let's not blame the blame those ones on the devil whatever does to his feces loophole because an opportunist maximizes I only picked out this one because it's the one that broke my hands where he lost his business and order those ones come children that one got me he broken hearts and it was at this Josh on the wife said what I wish did we had two of us left in this we stupid integrity cause God and I judge a good church Church a man of God like you what has God done for you what do you have to show for this your subbi him I don't don't call me for money pray again I don't don't you submit in this house this year I will sleep let me get some rest do you want me to go mad you don't know what we are dealing with as pasta sauce what kind of situation well bringing and you have to do whatever do to help you so have to understand that person because well this level of pressure follow one human being a day on earth three God by a day attained the physical world that was triggered by a day in the spiritual that's why when time comes for fast and prayer do you know why we action so you can go in the spirit world and clear the whole year because a coach there if they're getting Junction a case was brought against job job was not even invited to answer and approves the cuto got injunction and he's out now is Akutan is the man doing execution he is one like Jeanette the wind the forces of nature are money palatable in the hands of Satan he's wondering gene-editing we can engineer a trailer a trailer at the moment way seized a car loose brick them I will go back to check the trailer later and the brick is walking say he said this no hydraulic it didn't he has killed just crushing a lot of the things that you've seen the physical and not just normal and taking heaven that regard now I finally understood it so I can understand why some of Tolstoy some things happened the way happened but what I didn't understand when it was my turn then is God why will you allow it I taught you my side how can you tell the guy all that he has is here on how can you do that why don't you give me a project to come on answer back in the coach you say Oh young man sit up prayer time is caught time court sessions every day go into the courts make your case but this program is for long concession where you can actually clear issues where all year time is called session you have been invited to the troll room to come make your case if you don't they say pulls akuto the battle causing the accuser of the Brethren there are quizzes them day and night before God maybe I should show you to your room instead of the two of us then okay now he's come the salvation of our God and the strength of our and the Kingdom of our God and of his Christ for the accuser of our brethren is cast down which accused them before our God how often how often do they attend court is a prosecutor it works around 12 law God as he goes there to fight case so when God I watch this that I watched it I watched it I watched it is there something needs to be done about this she's out do two things number one I'm going to provide a solicitor and advocate here in this court to intervene on behalf of my children on the edge and that was the whole thing about Jesus dying and after dying rising to go into heaven so he can be an advocate for your life so he provided somebody to be speaking for us there but then that doesn't just walk just because there is a lawyer hired by God Almighty to defend you it doesn't make you win the case you have the potential to win the case the issue NIH's if what you say contradicts what is trying to say he loses did somebody hear me should i spray cheated the accuser of our brethren is cast down which accused them then that before God and they overcame him how by the blood of the Lamb or the second one now the blood of the Lamb a lot of teachings you've sure you've heard dad's a lot of teaches on the body is a second element we are waiting for the accused to say something what what is he saying that's what I told you that before he just gets permission from God he can't go ahead now he needs my permission and many times we give the permission we just things we say with our mouths okay watch now I'll give you a very good example go to that book of Jasher case about Abraham and Isaac I wanted to see how that case God tested Abraham he was certain the prodigies please go before you do it go to Genesis to teaching so they do see the kids they will read innate I'm about to help you understand it Genesis 32 verse 1 he came to pass after these things that God did tempt Abraham and said unto Abraham Abraham he said Behold here am i yes verse 2 he said techmount i son that only son Isaac whom thou lovest take him to the land of Moria offer him there for a burnt offering or one of the mountain and this example is not telling the devil go do something eise Abraham you go offered a boy a test exam if you check our answers they said God tested Abraham exam but if you look at it here is Dan your Bible you think God just woke up one morning and I want to examine Abraham no set up brought a case and the case he brought is a since you bless Abraham Isaac he's hot and shifted doesn't care about it is of God anymore and he made the case so strong I got the let's check distant okay go to book of Jasher let him see when Isaac was 37 years old I want you to see the edge of the boy that was sacrificed I was at a baby it was a man that was why when God in response to whatever ahem did give his own son you also give us a grown up manner of Adam on the cross and what Isaac did by allowing himself to be offered because became an example of Jesus willingly surrendering his life to die for now do you want to clap clap well no this is this you by board needs to become a life again G and that will is surrender become an example for all Christians all what it means to surrender self your will to God's will if we win is painful so that's what this whole exam is all about total surrender is where graduation happens it's not it to test again resistance to God's will is what is making us repeat class I want you guys to see what the issue is okay when Isaac was 37 years old Ishmael his brother was going about with him in the tent Ishmael was 42 you know there is a gap of 30 years between them you can go to Genesis and check it ok Ishmael boasted of himself to Isaac it was a bosom he said I was 13 years old when the Lord spoke to my father to circumcise us and it's true go to Genesis usage gaybraham this acquisition they also delish man and Ishmael was that's in the Bible specified I was 13 years old when the Lord spoke to my father to circumcise us and I did according to the word of the Lord which is fed to my father and I give my soul unto the Lord and I did not transgress his word which he commanded my father he's talking about Sauron dad knees a Titanic who have rebelled because circumcision is painful you do it a baby day 8 after birth because when complete teenage I said break who is going to let you do that it's not they don't want they have time for but I don't nobody wants to pay the price but circumcise only where you can be part of the Abrahamic covenant so an old man that is hundred years took a knife and circumcised itself and then it takes days to hit children even him faster hello guys and that's what men in this house hello unnerving zipping zipping zipping zipping up and the T Hook's you was American know what I'm talking about he would ask 80 lakh who danced more before you Holland rate is a carry sharp knife and then when you finish you have to be in pain listen brothers and sisters today the New Testament is now talking not about circumcision of the flesh but of the hearts it is that stop wanting that that makes us resist God's way God wants to cut out and to cut it out in a panel like this year you want to cut boyfriend for you so we can give you a husband you are hustling hustling ten years of your life horse Allah in Legos jumping from bed to to take it you resist you will find what do you mean do I can I survive on only myself how we manage what circumcision mean what some of those extra dissociation energies on phone do so for now you know how to call make your point and get out cause some of the Zestra because every fashion that call you have to buy you put on the eye you put behind you put at the back you put every quarter and go back to simplicity of life somebody's looking for a real wife not a masquerade [Applause] [Music] calm down on someone who's extra that's why you have not been tight cause by time you finish with your Babylonian ministry there is nothing left to give God savoury Allah take my I use me lie lie now if the kingdom of God we're to be depending on your type he was shot down long ago so I you know Ishmael's boss is I surrendered at 8:30 no so it's time to make Isaac what do you so watch what Isaac said when people are talking they don't know in the remedies with a record words and Isaac and Ishmael say why does thou boast to me about this a little bit of flesh is he he's he's taking lightly he's one exam is coming he's taking lightly another example somebody even though there is no need to put up a but he said a little bit of flesh which you did take for your body concerning with the LORD commanded thee as Lord liveth the God of my father Abraham if the Lord said to my father take now thy son Isaac and bring him upon an offering before me I will not friend but our job joyful as situates he was not expecting God to do it hello Godhead Ito but he didn't but somebody has had it everyone's a prosecutor and the Lord had a word that Isaac spoke to Ishmael and he seemed good in the sight of the Lord and he taught to try Abraham in this mother the problem with the this small boy and what came out of amounts out of his mouth that there is an old man as good to go through song was when a child that is what the child had Christ now a dead person doesn't cry he's a father Damona and verse 44 the next verse yeah and the day arrived when the sons of God came and place them said before God exactly what you saw to happen to joke Angels have come now setter also came with the sons of God possession I even seen the Bible call my life Reverend that your daughter that reached the gates of hell and I saw in p.m. pure if you see the hawk I gave that girl because there's no way I could recognize the girl I saw then was like skeleton they brought me into the theatre where all kinds of things I think what collapse acid Adam was in the lungs the lungs had collapsed and they give another girl was going to go what I was saw there even you have to close your eyes so you can have feet but that's the type of prayer if you're praying that you are looking at what your prainha you can't believe I said when I got there I saw your wife I think she had been there for I don't fight for something days she has not taking about you not go home a woman is crying for her daughter about how many days already about three days she says she has don't bring home what I sin theta and normally they weren't allowed people in what they insisted it's a reverent because you know you know bacterias okay don't worry I came to assist your work they peep the angels came to present himself and said I came among them the Lord said to Satan where did you come from the same answer from going to and fro in the heads for walking up and down in it the Lord said to set up what is the word to me concerning all the children of the adds do you see how God's holes in heaven any case you have is a essa is Emmanuel that we are bringing today it was a back to sender what is not as simple as that it's not as simple as that back to saying that doesn't solve all of them the word of their testimony the blood of the Lamb the finished work of Christ on the cross and you are pleased to know your rights to stand your ground said that we are not having my child oh you are not having me either you are not crossing anywhere here pack your loads and leave and then you give evidence based on what Christ did on the cross hello somebody help me help this morning Nigeria now needs teaching priests now help God's people come up the level of understanding of God and His Word has gone down so bad fellow people shouting ah prophesy that's not how you mature Christians is it absolutely children of men who owned the ads and then he said who's subti I remember thee when they required it in front you I ladies and gentleman I ever seen now the devil understand is the only come when they need something from you I can see them I see wiping feet churches the next one when thou givest them that in which they require one did they sit at their ease and for safety and they remember you know more until they have another present knee now watch o have now seen Abraham the son of Terah God was not boosted he said the man is different who had fans had no child he is sub D Saturday stocking Hadassa Devorah ham the son of Sarah son of Terah who had friends are not children he sobbed do he erected otters to you everywhere see I was planting church doing evangelism given now see oh I have brought up offerings upon them he proclaim your name continually toward each other may was preaching telling people about you now that his son Isaac is born to him he has forsaken D he has many great feasts for all the inhabitants of the land and the Lord he has forgotten because there was a day Abraham through a feast Isaac to WHMIS tearing your Genesis to him we will not do it a hundred years I got this boy but amazingly that day somehow in the midst of that celebration they forgot to go and do all three to give some years he didn't happen the devil picked on it it said can you see that day it trophies people he forgot you did he do anything for you girl next line let's see for and miss all that he has done he brought dinner offering neither bond offering a piece of neither oxen Lamb of God or that he killed on that day that his song was wind even from the time of his hoes Betty now being 37 years he builds no oughta before the Abraham is to build altars he hasn't since Isaac he hasn't built any oughta know brought in your friend today for his sword that thou givest what he requested before thee and he therefore forcibly he has not really fun forsaking God what the devil has proven a case in the courts if you go to the money his heart truly an officer King God I lent my own lessons about how to manage promotion how to manage prosperity l don't know why where their problems are coming from now just two few more line yes and the Lord said to Satan how doubters considered my servant Abraham there's no like keep on the edge the man is a perfect and upright man before me one that feel good he avoids evil as I leave if I said to him bring up Isaac before me he will know it hurt him from me much more if I told him to bring up a point of him before me he would do it and Satan answered Laura said Speak Now to Abraham as you have said that that lets see whether he will not diss they transgress and cast aside your would you moon unseen where instruction came from Abraham take your son Isaac and was an example you will prosper DCO and the remaining years of your life God is handing you secrets it's all a tests at the end of it everybody gets double whatever I to us [Music] when I understood and I adjusted a Nana's sat down the study tricks and I wrote it in and got a and to my shock there are things have fasted for years gives on the spirit all kinds of things I think they took me up interred and give me all the decorated with all of them took another level of anointing put a trace of things I said Lord what is good and then opened abundance in some dimension and so what is going on here is a base double for all your trouble it's because that's where it always leads to promotion I don't have time to read through but if you go to Genesis and if you read down here you see the something when Abraham passed the exam God said now I know that you fear me maybe you should show it to them Genesis 22 now go down to where he said now I know that you fear me but I had God's telling the devil before the exam I promise above everyone he feels God know this now I know is it has been proven he has been tested this one we can take it to the bank the other one is just fits that I haven't you have in my friend Abraham but now Abraham has proven it he said lay not thy hand upon that child Doon thou anything don't do anything to him for now I know that you fear God seeing that you had no with Hell your son died only solved from me so what is the next result busted and Abraham lifted up his eyes of God God gave him a around to kill ya 14 gone 15 system God knows what an oath by myself have I sworn said the Lord because you have done this thing I has no withheld your son your only son by 17 in blessing I will bless thee a multiplying how multiply thee as the stars of the heaven as the Sun which is upon the seashore and your seed we possess the gates of his enemy at 18 and in thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed because thou words obeyed my voice is the A+ that's what the bank came out and then he came out loaded go to job for the two I'll show them high ended no no no I think before before before he showed the final resort for job show them and in all these job did not see didn't listen to his wife he didn't do what the devil expect job did not job felt Anna worship in all this job did not blame God actual look a hard Bible sanity job rent this month we shaved his head fell down upon the ground and what worshipped a man that just lost his children how can you worship how can you be thanking God how can you do that and said naked command out of my mother's womb naked shall I return the Lord gave the Lord has taken away blessed be the name of the Lord how can you do that you then in all this bastard teaching job sin not no charge God foolishly give me another translation maybe message let him what does it mean to judge God foolish not once through all this the job seen not once did he want blame God say DP if either one I was so fast no if you blame charge you're blaming God as was something I do if you stop blaming your posture is good you're blaming he just didn't know how to pass the ball to the big man you stopped at the middle month is just a test so go I showed in the end of joke chapter 42 so I can get out and the Lord turned the captivity of joke where he prayed for his friends and the Lord gave job twice as much as he had every was a token for your trouble past 11 all his brothers and sisters all his friends and aquaintances everybody began to come to his house some to comfort him orders to come and rejoice with him that last part is what highlights every man also give him a piece of money everyone and airing of what gold is rare accumulated to Ares and money a part phone table the table would all that he had and then could give him a favor people started one step further even even was twelve is interested so the Lord bless the latter end of job more than his beginning for a hard 14,000 ship before they say happened there were seven thousand you can go to chapter one I check six thousand comments there were three thousand a thousand York of oxen there were five five hundred in chapter one and beyond that if you don't know why these things I important do you know why people were killing human beings for cutters this is well you don't know there is money in cattle business they serious money eight thousand she assists yes next one and he also had seven sons and three daughters exactly the same thing that he lost in all this ending there is only one person missing is the wife they got a younger woman who had this children for him the wife died I was a little sad what last Wharton these are the names he kept it the girls that three of the Jemima cancer carry Harpo and in order land there were no women found so beautiful at the daughters of joke and their father gave them inheritance among their breath when he was sharing word you had to give them it's too much fun here let me give us also carry and go help your husband I believe in women get any haircuts this personal conviction don't worry about sixteen [Music] after this job lived what a hundred and forty years that's twice a lot of people's life span here these days this is the general he's lived very long before the wahala but for the trouble the gerra on top 140 years when I saw the kind of promotion the level of anointing the level of blessing that came after I came out of the furnace as a lot or if that's how does the bureau my friend has a meal I don't want to write this time please there's no give me physics Balaji is good let me just write small small words that's why there are levels in life don't envy people you don't know their story or people check is what the guy is driving how much he has you don't know what he has been true no heavy people don't envy you don't envy people don't envy you when you seek glory check the story check the story what kind of cross did this man go through to get here check the story that's why you never find me envy people I am happy when I see others doing well I want told us to do I want everybody if you - me some I'm grateful if you don't - man stick glad for you and it shows me God's faithfulness if you can be kind to you be kind to me God God is no passion Farah we thank you the password that changes this is the right attitude is the right attitude beginning with the one job demonstrated talents give it worship in the midst of trial that's why they call it a sacrifice of Thanksgiving because there's tons vu twenties are going well it's not a sacrifice but there's another type of x given when everything is going against you God takes it like a sacrifice you can stick thank me and still worship me in the midst of this and like in my case they took the particular Devils that we came to do the assignment and he ordered for them to be tidy chain and tie is a kind and put them there I said no he said you're doing were like I'll lose them or don't make sure you never do that no carry compassion richness and I said and say yes our instruction so there are some exams when you finish there's no no chance of that again because the Bible's affliction shall calm now one time I wrote you see I already have it I can write bigger thing so well you can send me back to duty see how fast I never I have passed it some of you has passed it but some have not written it so right it's written come up there are bigger things in life God wants to put billions in the hands of people this is a year of double glories a year of double honor is a year gotta go to settle but it's gonna settle for your troubles but it's going to settle for some of the things you've been through but it's going to set that is gonna balance our clouds yes God is going to but is going to visit but we'll pick up man he we use in different dimensions [Music] God is gonna wipe out yes gonna rewrite people's stories and then people would think you just came out overnight they wouldn't know you've been on a journey you paid serious price to get here talk to him talk to him anytime too deep covenant with him this year [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Dominion City
Views: 11,274
Rating: 4.9000001 out of 5
Keywords: Dominion City, DC, Pastor David Ogbueli, David Ogbueli, Combined Services
Id: 70zbpXm4Xpw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 124min 27sec (7467 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 16 2019
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