How To Be Overpowered Early And Annihilate Everything | INT Build Guide

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I am the witch Ronnie [Music] I stole death long ago [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hey guys thingfishy here and welcome to build guide number 26. so back in January we broke patch 1.08 using glitches and exploits to make the most overpowered build as early as possible and after spending three weeks making an rl1 video I decided it was about time that we broke at 1.09 so welcome to what is without doubt the most powerful build I've made in elderly all of the glitches that we're going to use are possible on all platforms and not ones that will make you lose your sanity so it gets set up you can well you know the drill you only need the somber smithing stones for this one so we pick up the action here at Lena's rise in caled Jump onto the side of the bridge realize that you don't have a weapon equipped equip one then bait the knights Cavalry into heating himself off then to Fort farath to kill Grail with the morning star and the bleed grease using a foul foot just as she dies foreign now we need a bunch of crack pots for this run so first head to Carla at the church of Ella to buy his three the crafting kit and the missionaries cookbook you also want to grab a bow and arrow then to the merchant just east of the Saints Bridge for another crackpot now to the minor Earth tree in the west of Khalid and onto this Branch for another now we ride up the eastern coast of Leonia and drop down the cliffs into the most wholesome place in the game to grab three more [Music] head to the ball prawn Shack and ride Southwest into the village of the Alvin Eric's to grab some mushrooms there's a bunch that respawn in the area around this grace and as much as I have an allergy to farming it is worth spending five minutes here to get as many as you can the more you have the less stressful the next bit will be [Music] now to the Third Church of America and South into the Mistwood to the minor air tree we're here for the tarnish golden sunflower there's a dozen of them that respawn around this tree so it's again worth taking five minutes to farm as many as you can now head to the Church of the plague in catered and rides South towards this mound we're here to kill the death bird for our main weapon the death's poker now there's dozens of ways of cheesing this guy but I wanted one that would be as consistent and as completely idiot proof as possible when you're on the mound craft all of the holy water pots you can and make sure you have a bow and some arrows equipped we're not actually going to use them they're just here as a visual indicator line up the death Bird's body with the arrows on your back then throw a sleep pot this will hit him every time I suppose you could just use your character's waist here too so maybe the bow and arrows are Overkill whenever the bird starts doing something back away and let him return to idle now if you're a bit ham-fisted like me you'll probably miss a few and run out of pots in this case run over to the part of the mound that overlooks redan's Arena you'll lose aggro here and can craft more pots carry on lobbing pots till the bird is dead and grab our weapon for the Run next we head back to Leonia and towards the minor Earth tree to kill the tree Avatar here and for all the stuff I've heard about this weapon it really doesn't seem that great with a plus six I should be utterly bullying this guy perhaps I picked the wrong weapon for this run now back to weeping Peninsula and to the Tower of return up to the top to get teleported to line down we're here to use the ruptured tier skip for Early Access into the capital once again rise is very comprehensive guide to this skip is in the description walk out onto this invisible bit of collision drink your physic and walk off as your character raises their hand then while falling time an R1 for when you hit the ground send the lift back up and run through and run through the capital to the West Rampart Grace from there make your way down to the West Avenue balcony thank you [Music] and finally from this grace jump across the rooftops and head into the sewers across all the pipes and jump down to grab a somber 7 by the lobsters [Music] now head to the lift in the Mistwood and down into the black reach ride to the Sea for a river and then Northeast to this broken pillar use the teleporter on top and ride around the edge of the lake to grab America's scars Hill from under the waterfall we're also going to do sullivas's questline a bit later so head to the castle mourn Rampart and jump up the spirit spring behind it to grab the Starlight shots then to argue Lake South in Lim grave to do the same thing and finally up to the outlets Plateau to drop down into this little clearing to grab the Amber Starlight warp to EG and level up the death's poker to plus nine while you're here jump down and head north along the wall to grab the intelligence tier and to join it in our physics flask head to the other minor archery in Leonia and kill the avatar for the magic shrouding tier [Music] laughs now to Korea Mana run all the way through and up to Loretta now we have a plus nine weapon so Loretta really isn't much of a threat but this is a break video so run over to this corner and quit out against the wall when you load back in the game doesn't realize you're still in the arena and Loretta's AI is completely disabled [Music] so the reason we're here is to grab some Exquisite fashion much earlier than we should be able to in the form of the snow witch set you can get this early by doing a series of jumps from this Rod first jump onto this ruin then onto this tree then immediately onto this shoe all right let's try that again building first tree second trip building [Music] first tree second all right bear with me [Music] okay so I tried this skip for 45 minutes straight and never got it once I'm certain it's still possible on current patch but even trying it using precise lineups with the telescope didn't work so to prevent everyone from losing their sanity we won't use this one if you're on PC and are familiar with the zip glitch getting here is quite easy but don't worry console players we won't use this one either I have been working on an entire zip glitch video for about the last two months and you'll be seeing that as soon as I figure out a way of finishing it so we can't do the beginning of the game with the snow Witcher unless we did something silly like fighting radon before Margaret thank you [Music] so radon and as so far this weapon had failed to impress me with its standard attacks I thought I'd try the ghost flame weaponor [Music] thank you yeah that works head down into knockrum cheese the mimic and grab the Finger Slayer blade now back to Ronnie's rise to speak to her and the boys then give her the finger slider blade this will open up Rena's rise so we can finally grab our fashion now head down to check out celibus's creepy puppet dungeon and then over to speak to him in his rise and sullivas dies when we give Rani the Finger Slayer blade I'm so good at this okay so before you get the Finger Slayer blade speak to syllabus then back to the round table to give Gideon the potion then back to celibus buy let me solo her then the other pop in and reload the area three times to get the magic scorpion shot [Music] then go grab the blade pick up your passion and head to Leonia up to the top of the Korean study hall to get the Stargazer heirloom and for the final part of our setup go to The Walking mausoleum in Weeping to duplicate redan's remembrance you don't have to use it yet though so as we're now at level 47 with a plus 9 weapon I think we are finally ready to take on Market the death's poker has three options for its webinar the initial cast on its own the follow-up heavy which deals an immense amount of damage from that explosion and the follow-up light attack which leaves a trail of ghost flame on the floor this will proc Frost all the time an enemy stands in it for godric two ghost flame Heavies we'll do phase one and then another for phase two now I know what you're thinking but thing fishy this damage sucks can't we do more I agree and yes we can head to the Rose Church in Leonia to speak to vary do the three invasions or if you have far too many mods on your game to even consider going online and go kill Magnus the maiden's blood you can head into the frenzy Church in Leonia or if you're in a rush and think sleeping is overrated you can kill Irena in Weeping do his funky thing with your finger and use the pure blood Knights medal to get to mogwin's Palace first up on the agenda the ancient somber so Chuck something at these lot and run behind them to loot it from the chest head up to moog's Arena activate the fire and quit out immediately then head back down the lift to follow Possum's route for an early Moog cheese [Music] now if you do diet at any point during this you will have to reactivate the fight again before attempting the rest of the room [Music] [Music] thank you head all the way across to this hole and double jump into it while you're falling spam your weapon after a minute or so Moke or despawn and you'll get the message saying he's dead at which point you can open your map and warp out to a Grace so after all of this my in-game time was about 3 hours but I reckon I'd only actually been playing about 90 minutes or so we have a Max Level weapon and we have enough runes to level our main damage stat to Max obviously this would work with any build you like I kind of want to try this with a royal Knights resolve giant Crusher build if you'd like to see that please let me know in the comments as I'd really love an excuse now that two demigods are dead we can head back to Enya in the round table to grab our third pouch and to fill it we can go to the Lux ruins in the office Plateau to kill the demi-human queen for the ritual sword talisman this bite is really complicated so the best strategy is to melt a volcano manner for Noble now as much as our damage is ridiculous we're super low on health so don't take this fight for granted he still really dangerous for any fight that you want to play safe on this build just use that very first part of the webinar as you can see here it's very quick and it kills Noble in forecasts [Music] thank you [Music] foreign honestly only I could follow an rl1 run by making a build that has less Health than an rl1 character head through the dungeon all the way to reichardt standard speedrun strats here Lance in the right hand serpent hunter in the left and spam crouching pokes for both faces head back to Altus for the laying down draconic and for this guy I thought I'd see how the light ghost flame attack worked from the West Avenue balcony Grace head into the avenue to absolutely bully the tree avatar for the Lord's room for Godfrey the safe play is again just using that very first part of the weapon art there's enough time to get in in most of the openings in this fire and as you can see the damage is ridiculous and low Health Morgan is usually a major problem but not on this build the heavy attack is much easier to squeeze into gaps here but the light attack will do more damage if you can do it before one of these long animations thank you [Music] right through the mountaintops all the way to fire Giant now I've always thought that pest threads against fire giant couldn't possibly be beaten in terms of speed but this comes pretty close [Music] foreign head through faram all the way to the duo there's nothing to say about this one use the light ghost flame attack and it's one of the safest godskin fights possible ready head back to rodan's Arena to speak to our main man then speak to him again in Mount Gilman run up to the stone sword keygate and throw it to speak to him on the roof do a little sparring with him and take The Shard he hands you while he tells you he's heading back to the church of valves to chill with Miriam now we all know the deal with the pharam draconic whatever works for the first one definitely won't work for him due to the massive health bar never mind he's absolutely fine for Beast there is a really cool Strat that you can do with this weapon walk in and wait until just after he starts running at you then cast the ghost flame light attack and tank his stab then throw a sleep pot at him instead of healing because you're an absolute idiot for Malachi the ghost flame Heavies do massive damage and are great for punishing those slow one twos you only need two of these to kill him [Music] now you might think that Gideon would be purely a formality on this run but this weapon actually does too much damage to be useful for him the initial attack does so much immediate damage that he's rolling away before you can follow up happily though the heavy ghost flame will knock him flying so chase him around with this for a bit and you'll be absolutely fine [Music] for Godfrey exactly the same strats as the first one although if you're quick and get the timing right you could take advantage of that long stomp attack by casting ghost flame under him as he starts it [Music] and for horalu [Music] thank you run in and hit radagon with a light ghost line dodgy's next attack and hit him with a heavy then deal with that last smidge however you want [Music] run up to Olden beast and hit him with a light ghost wine try to aim it slightly diagonally so he'll back up into it then hit him with a heavy for maximum damage Dodge the ring attack then all we have to do is figure out how we're going to dodge Elven Stars and the answer to that with this build is what Eldon starts [Music] [Music] head to faram for classic and I'm just going to let this one play thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] ER and lock onto him then put the right summon between you and cast a light ghost flame deal with the other summon with a backstab an initial ghost fight attack then get Noel's Health down to 80 any way you like all you have to do now is wait for that big tornado [Music] foreign all the way to ordna town once again I'm using Ordnance kit onto this pillar line your compass up to the right of this notch then do two jumps with the direction order 12 o'clock nine o'clock for Loretta I went with a light ghost flame attack whenever I got the chance as always those big blue combos are the perfect opportunity for these looking back at this footage I reckon the Heavies might have been a little better here due to how much she moves around but either way this fight is not going to trouble you [Music] now as we saw in the Gideon fire the ghost flame heavy attack will knock humanoid enemies flying and can effectively stumble them so I actually reckon you could completely stun lock Melania through both faces if she gave you the perfect RNG if however you want to take a safer approach just go for ghost flames after the jumping attack or after a successful ripost doing this fight after fighting her last week on rr1 honestly felt like I had cheats on and while you watch the rest of this fight it's probably a good time for me to admit something about the damage in this run back when I fought Reichard I swapped to the strength physic from the in physic to use the Lots and just before I did this Millennia fight I realized that I still had the strength physics equipped so this combined with the fact that I also left 12 damage on the table by not wearing the spellblade set on this build means that the damage you've seen in this video is probably only 80 of this build's actual potential which without any shadow of a doubt makes it the strongest build I have ever made in album Rick the deaths poker and ghost flame ignition is absolutely insane now because of the way the leveling Works in album ring if we don't use melania's runes here we find ourselves only one level higher than we would have been if we hadn't killed Moog earlier on as I really wanted to see what this build would do against him with the power of cheat engine I bought him back to show you probably the most insane Moog fight I've had in the game [Music] foreign [Music] and that's it how to get overpowered early and annihilate everything hope you enjoyed the video let me know what you want to see next in the comments as always thanks for watching see you soon [Music] [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: Thingfishy
Views: 70,475
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Op early, Overpowered early, Best build, Most powerful build, Deaths poker, Somber smithing stone, Snow witch set
Id: 2bieTHoGzPY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 23sec (1823 seconds)
Published: Sat May 20 2023
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