How To Be Confident In Interviews

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- So tell me a little bit about yourself. - I'm well, I was born in, and then. - How did you learn about the opening? - Well, I saw it online on, I think, Facebook? - Why do you want this job? - I'm broke and, you know, money solves a lot of problems. - What are your biggest weaknesses? - I, my triceps, but also, you know, I'm, I'm very good work ethic. - What are your biggest strengths? - I'm very good at answering questions. - Where do you see yourself in five years? - In Hawaii or Mexico, maybe, depending on how this goes. - Out of all the candidates, why should we hire you? - 'Cause I'm a very decisive and good at public speaking. - You don't sound very confident. - And no, I'm super, super confident. - Take a deep breath. It's okay, relax it's normal to be nervous in an interview or even fearful. Maybe you've been wanting this dream job for years. And finally you get the interview or, maybe, you've been looking for work for months and you need to pay the bills, you need the income coming in, and this is your only shot and you don't want to blow it. Today I'm going to share with you some important tips on, exactly, how to be more confident in interviews without coming across, being arrogant. In fact, I'm going to share with you four fears that you have during an interview and exactly what you could do to reduce or eliminate that fear. - Fear is not real. You see, we cannot be more confident if we don't know what is causing us to feel nervous and fearful. And there are four fears that you experience during an interview. The first one is, embarrassment of personal appearance. Let's face it, most of us, don't like how we look and how we sound, maybe we don't like our weight, we don't like our body shape, we don't like how we talk, we don't like our facial expressions. We don't like, whatever that we don't like, about ourselves, right? There's certain things that we don't feel confident about. And there may be certain things about ourselves, our appearance, that we feel very confident about. Sometimes this is a story that we have in our minds. Oh, what if the interviewer, the employer, doesn't like this, doesn't like that about me or what about this? And we try to hide the fact that, that is part of who we are. So what could we do if you have this fear, by the way, comment below if you actually experience this fear in an interview. So, what can we do? I always say, when you look good, you feel good, when you feel good, you perform better, right? So dress to impress. In fact, I suggest whatever position that you're applying, you dress just one level up. You never get a second chance to make a first impression. Go get the haircut. It doesn't matter if you're doing that interview through Zoom. Imagine you're actually doing it in person, right? Put on that cologne, dress properly. Don't do that where, Oh, you're dressed in suit and there's, actually, like sweat pants below. No, because affects your performance. When you take it seriously, when you give your 100%, you project your confidence, even through the camera, even through your webcam, on Zoom, as well. If it's in person, of course, right? Shine your shoes, make sure the hygiene, personal hygiene, all of that. So then, you're confident you're walking in, You're going to ace that interview. That's my first recommendation. Fear number two, fear of saying the wrong things. Comment below if this has ever happened to you during interview. The employer asking you questions, you're like, you're stumbling, you don't know what to say. and you're like, oh my god, I shouldn't have said that. I should have said something else. You'll regret it, right? So how do you solve this? The best way to solve this and I am shocked why most people don't do it. You actually, rehearse, because guess what? Most of the questions are the same. Most of them, they ask the same questions and again, again. You know what those questions are going to be, be prepared. So, rehearse with a friend with a family member, have them ask you those questions multiple times, right? From different angle. It could be the beginning, during and after interview. Just do that. What you want to do is you want to rehearse so many times, so you don't need to think about it. Doesn't matter what question they give you. You already rehearsed that so many times, you can just deliver, naturally, right? What about this, what about that? You already know the answer. So you're not trying to search, oh, maybe I should say this, oh, I shouldn't say that, maybe I should say more of that. No, you already know, it's almost having a little script. There's nothing wrong with scripting this out. But then wouldn't I sound unnatural? Well, guess what? When you're stumbling upon sentences, when you freeze, when you don't know what to do, when you look awkward, now, that's unnatural, right? Being natural doesn't mean you don't prepare, just like a performer, they perform on stage. A speaker, they speak, doesn't mean they don't rehearse. They give their 100%, that naturalness comes from emotions. So deliver, but prepare, rehearse multiple, multiple, multiple times, especially before an important interview. Fear, number three, fear of not getting the job. You lose that opportunity. So, what could you do to boost that confidence? Before you're going for that interview give yourself a little bit of time, close your eyes and visualize, you going in there or joining the Zoom, that people are smiling at you. Imagine success because positive expectation leads to positive outcome. Imagine if you are thinking about, oh my god, what if I don't get that job? Oh my god, what if they don't like me? Oh my goodness, what if I never get this opportunity again? Oh, I don't want to say stupid. Oh, I'm going to say something stupid. All this negativity, it doesn't help with your performance. Instead you visualize success. It's almost like, before you go into the interview, it's a done deal. Now, not coming across cocky and arrogant. I'm talking about, you know, you've got this, right? This is it. You've seen it many, many times in your mind, the outcome and the success that you want. So visualize success just before the interview. Fear number four, fear of what other people think. As a human being, we are very, very concerned, most people, what other people think of us, it's normal. So how do you reduce this fear? I believe one of the best advice that I could give you, which I teach in negotiation, is walk away power. You want to have walk away power. Let's say you have this job that you really want, but you don't want that to be the only job that you're applying for. You want to have multiple jobs lined up. You want to have multiple opportunities. You want to have multiple interviews, even though those are not the ones you want. But because this is the one you want, this is your dream job because of exactly that, you don't want little bit of neediness or you don't want to sound like you're desperate, at all. - You must be truly desperate to come to me for help. - You've got multiple things line up just in case, knock on wood, that doesn't work. You got a fall back plan, you've got a plan B. But if this is everything you've got, it's very difficult not to get nervous. It's very difficult not to be fearful because there's too much on the line. But when you know, you know what, I've got a interview at one, and I've got another interview at 2:30, I've got another interview tomorrow. I've got multiple interviews lined up. You know what, if I screw this up and I don't want to, that is fine. That confidence, it shows through. It shows through when you are answering those questions because you're calm, right? Then you can be yourself and nothing's more powerful than being yourself, being authentic. And you do that. And the interviewer, the employer, would sense that, will feel your emotions. So those are the four fears. So it's not just, oh, I'm fearful. No, those are four specific fears that you experience. So comment below, if you have ever experienced any one of these fears or if not all of them and go apply these techniques and come back and comment and let me know how they work for you. Go ahead, go out there. You got this, close that deal. - Oh man, you know, working on set with Dan Lock, just, ugh. It gets kind of hot in here sometimes but it's good, otherwise, you know.
Channel: Dan Lok
Views: 633,723
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Keywords: How To Be Confident In Interviews, how to be confident in new job, how to be confident, how to be confident starting a new job, how to appear confident in a job interview, how to gain confidence in a job interview, how to look confident in job interview, how to overcome interview nerves, confident job interview, speak confident english job interview, body language, confidence for job interview, interview confidence tips, job interview, job interview advice, job interview tips
Id: wBJ0MUkA1cA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 52sec (532 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 29 2020
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