Tell me about Yourself - With a Sample Answer!

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welcome back to supercharge my name is sonal and HR director and this channel is all about giving you practical tips on how to supercharge your career so tell me about yourself you've got my CV in front of you you know I'm looking for a job what more could you possibly want what is stupid question the candidate is thinking right wrong this is a brilliant question it's completely a blank slate and you can fill it up exactly the way you want and this question of the answer to this question sets the tone for the entire interview and if you think about it sets the tone for maybe your entire career hmm if you get the dream job that you're looking for that could change many things in your career so tell you what we're going to be doing is looking at why they asked you this question what you should say what you should definitely not share or avoid how to answer this question in terms of how not just the what but the how and finally we're going to go through a demo answer together that you feel mmm that is the best version of me and that sets the right tone and I'm pretty sure it's gonna go well at the end of the interview so let's get started why do they ask you this question three reasons firstly they want to know how you deal with open uncomfortable questions and situations do you fumble or are you a smooth operator second reason is they want to know what matters to you what's important to you I once interviewed a candidate and we spent a lot of time talking about his hobbies and to be specific cricket I think five or six minutes were spent on cricket and I was like at the end of the interview I wasn't quite sure if he was serious about the job or not the third reason they asked you this question it's a bit of a secret don't tell anyone they're lazy and don't judge if you were interviewing five anything from five to eight candidates every single day you don't always have time to prepare and go through the person CV so when they ask you so tell me about yourself or the another form of this question why don't you walk me through your CV what they're doing is they're actually looking at your CV for the very first time as you speak and trying to understand it and buying some time so that they can ask another question so that's the why and then the other thing is how to answer I have another video that talks about energy levels in an interview and I'll link that somewhere in the description but I also want to talk about two things here one is keeping it conversational it's a dialogue not a monologue don't forget that so it's important that you're not like literally reading from your resume I've had candidates do that and not very professional and the other thing is confidence and that comes with time it comes with practice I have candidates who answer this question really fast because they hit it and they want to get it over with as quickly as possible and if you've ever been in a meeting with people and some people are speaking really fast it's also a sign of nervousness so take the time all the time you need to answer this question so let's look at what not to do two things number one as far as possible try and keep personal information out of this meeting where you were born where you grew up what are your hobbies who's in your family what does that have to do with the position that you're applying for pretty much nothing if you really want to talk about the stuff save it for when you get the job I know when acquaintances become friends and you can talk about this to your heart's content in the meantime they don't care about all of this stuff so keep that out the second thing to keep in mind is it's really early and in this answer to be sort of selling yourself in a very major way that comes and that comes later so this one is all about the subtle art of giving them a few Nuggets here and there a hook I like to call it and then they bite and then they want to know more and that's what we want we want to be in control we want to share what we want to share so that's as far as what not to do and now finally let's talk about what to do and that is the heart of this video and I like to call this the driver's seat formula and that's a formula which something I've made where you are in control and you get to decide what you want to talk about so the first part is pleasantries politeness starting with a a little bit of a small talk and I'll show that in the demo the second part is a description really really short not the first job you've ever had till today that's a monologue that will take forever but current position and how long you've been there that's it and if there are any interesting projects the third thing is we wanna sort of sneak in a sucky achievement what is that something that you're doing that you think would be interesting to the interviewer and you want them to ask you a question about it and finally the fourth thing you want to talk about is why are you here why do you want this job so now let's get into the demo part of this video I'm going to answer this question as if I am the candidate okay let's go hi my name is Anne it's so nice to meet you thank you for taking the time to see me in person I really appreciate it so as you can see from my resume I've been working at company X for the last ten years and for the last three years I've been a senior financial analyst and I'm basically responsible for analyzing financial data and making recommendations to higher levels of management and I'm currently working on a very interesting project on how big data has implications on not only the finance department but the organization as a whole so I was really excited to read about the job opening of group of Group Financial Controller and the thing is I'm currently looking for ways in which I can grow in my career and I'm really passionate about the work I do and I'm always looking for new responsibilities to add on and learn new things constantly and in fact the project that I'm working on and I mentioned right now I'm leading a team of five people and I've learnt an enormous amount by working so closely with them so that's it that's about me and you see this question checked all the boxes pleasantries force the person if you rank someone they automatically will say welcome or no problem and that gives you a macro second to think about what you're gonna say next the next the description was really short and sweet she didn't go on and on the subtle achievement you saw she sneakily put that in the sound is a clever clever girl she's gonna go far and the project brilliant she didn't waste any time and talked about the project immediately and also why she's here so the energy level was good as well so hopefully this is something that helps you and the idea is take it customize it personalize it to the way that you feel comfortable and remember you're in the driver's seat you share what you feel comfortable sharing and if you stick to a professional answer like this they're gonna sort of take the hook and and then say that project sounds really interesting but it tell me a little bit about that or tell me about the the team that you're managing called because they want to know all of that stuff but you know what they want to know this stuff and the reason you know it is because you've seen the Job Description so that's it that's the driver's seat approach start with pleasantries give them a short in suite descriptions make it a subtle achievement somewhere there and talk about why the reason you're there today so that's it I hope you find this useful and if you do give this a thumbs up and consider subscribing there's plenty more where that came from and I shall see you in the next video ciao
Channel: Sonal Bahl - Career Strategist
Views: 631,419
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Keywords: tell me about yourself, tell me about yourself job interview question, how to answer tell me about yourself, tell me about yourself interview question and answer example, tell me about yourself for freshers, tell me about yourself good answer, tell me about yourself interview answer example, tell me about yourself interview question and answer example pdf, top interview questions and answers, how to introduce yourself, job interview tell me about yourself best answer example
Id: SWIWm3k-A4s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 7sec (547 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 28 2019
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