How To Be Charismatic With Women: Robert Downey Jr. Charisma Breakdown

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the difference between Robert Downey Jr and many actors is charisma all of them are charming and charismatic on stage but in day-to-day life most actors are living off of the Charisma they showed on screen see Rober Downey Jr does not do that because he's charismatic both on the screen in real life so we're going to watch an interview of him with Chris Evans as they talk about the Avengers movie that just came out and I'm going to reveal to the nine secrets to his100 million Charisma so that you as well can get more attention from people and get what you want even more [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] easily now right there I wanted to notice how both of them entered the show I'm going going to show this to you one more time but notice the difference how Chris Evans enters the podium and how Robert Downey Jr does the same thing because even though they just walk in the podium they do it entirely [Applause] [Music] differently Chris Evans waves and looks entirely uninterested He Walks Like audience is making him nervous but Downey Jr on the other hand the charismatic guy here he's like I'm going to take all this in I'm going to take as much time as I need and I want to feel the audience that's why he walks slow with self-confidence like he just saved the whole world now charismatic people move at their own pace they walk slow if they want to walk slow and they walk fast if they want to walk fast but if they're getting a ton of attention from the cheering audience of course they will take their time and enjoy the moment now Downey Jr knows he's incredibly charismatic and he establishes that right [Applause] [Music] away how's it [Music] going now the Downey junr ENT to like a movie star and they have both said down look at who is the start of the show from the moment Downey entered the room everyone's attention has been set on him because he literally stole the Thunder from Chris Evans now on the screen even Chris Evans and jimm mck Kimmel subconsciously accepted the frame that down is the start of the show and they're looking at him to see what he's going to do next see when you're the charismatic person in a room everyone's attention is focused on you your actions matter you could literally do or say whatever you want and everyone will accept it and act to it now Downey enjoys that power but before we go from here notice how Chris Evans and Jimmy Kimmel are looking Downy right here look at that admiration and respect but also notice how Downey is seated here you're probably set on the end of the table or have you ever been drinking with your friends and you were kind of on the outside so you're feeling like you're not part of the conversation or you were kind of trying to participate in conversation but then no one was paying close attention to what you were saying and then you got in your head and you fell shitty the whole night well look at how Downey Jr is seated here he might be on the outside but he is actively participating in the conversation if he hears a question he has a badass answer to of course he's going to answer it no matter where he's seating or who the question is intended for now I wanted to watch the next 20 seconds of the interview and I want you to tell me who leads the conversation because of course Jim M Kimmel asked the question but which of the two actors is leading the conversation and why you guys are very uh very color coordinated here I like that we we we texted beforehand we yeah Tuesday's Navy I like that Robert D Jr is so charismatic that whatever he says people just love him for it but this is so obvious that even Chris Evans feels it so when downe interrupts his sentence here Evans stops talking and lets Downey finish it because even he feels Downey is simply better at it also notice whom Chris Evans is looking at as he answers Jimmy Kimmel's question is Jimmy Kimmel's show yet he looks at Downey it's Jimmy Kimmel's question yet he looks at Downey you can see he wants Downey's approval just by looking at him but why would he want Downey's approval well because Downey is the most charismatic person in the room here he's the start of the show here now most people will not notice this because they do it subconsciously as well but whenever Evans says something he looks at Downey as he's asking for his approval he's literally telling him I'm a lower status guy than you with his subcommunication and I'm going to play this to you one more time so watch how Evans looks at Downey for confirmation but also try to notice the Way Downey answers the question he's using a famous technique many showmen used in the early 20th century and it works nuts you guys are very uh very color coordinated here I like that we we we texted beforehand we Tuesday Navy I like that I'm very happy you guys are here we have many many things oriented toward the movie to talk about well first of all you where did you shoot the this movie Hot Atlanta in Atlanta lovely Atlanta Georgia yeah and was it when you say hotlanta was that because it's hot or sticky Atlanta in July you know so you're in the it was beautiful I don't know what you're talking about basically when attractive man responds to a question he's always going to say something funny short and kind of witty and then after that he's going to give a real answer to the question that's the famous technique now Chris Evans doesn't do that he straight up answers a question he's boring and there is zero playfulness in it but when Downey answers the question he's all into it he's like Atlanta in July it was beautiful I have no idea what you're talking about and just because he's all into it when he's talking notice how when dony talks everyone including Chris Evans laughs at his joke but he doesn't that's what charismatic people do they make other people laugh but they do not laugh at their own jokes themselves so Downey made everyone in the room including Evans laugh but he's not laughing himself he's got that smirk now on the other hand whenever Chris Evans tries to joke he does absolutely the worst possible thing he a laughs at his own jokes and B he looks at Downey as he's telling a joke like he's asking for his permission I was either in a lovely sprawling uh rented home or an air conditioned helicopter I mean I did see you on the tarmac doing action for 6 months but you see once the helmet closes I'm not there you go home now Downey keeps piling up the jokes and everyone's cracking his charismatic his the sord of good emotion and he's literally owing the situation now I'm going to fast forward like 15 seconds so notice what happens next should have thought of that I know believe me every day you just wish he had that full it is brilliant and by the way I think about that all the time did you think about that before you agreed to do this movie or was that something that you realized along the way this movie oh before you did Iron Man the first Iron movie yeah like I was thinking it's the best thing that ever that ever happened to me I mean it's just been a great job and we've all made good friends and stuff you know you not only does Downey have a complete control over the situation with his millionaire friend but he also tells the audience what to do he literally tells them you can clap now and of course everyone claps now even Chris Evans claps because he's under the influence of Downey's Charisma But to answer your question you know Evans is a very very capable guy I mean you know chick s him too very very capable guy I've saw a wild amount of action that that you perform I do I got a couple moment you do I've seen it but I really just wanted to come to set of my days off and watch you suffer here down is giving compliments to Evans but notice how he ends it he is literally using the pushpull technique on him he's complimenting him actually he's giving a serious of compliments but he doesn't end there he ends with a joke if he had complimented him and stopped right there Evans would feel pressured to say to say thank or compliment Downy back but charismatic people never make other people feel pressured to do or say something so that small teas so that small tease or push at the end takes away all that pressure is the same with a girl if you compliment her for something like you tell her she looks so much like Kim Kardashian or some celebrity that she loves you're pulling there and she's expected to say something to that now to remove that awkward silence all you have to do is add a little little push you could say like I've just mistaken for Kim Kardashian dang but you know don't worry I'm not into Berets removes all the pressure she knows you're interested but now it's fun it's playful and it's mysterious now what Downey does here is called the dark side tease it's basically complimenting someone like making them feel special but then ending with that egoistic twist at the end such as saying I wanted to compliment you but actually said this because I wanted to remind myself how amazing my life is or what dowy Jr just said I just wanted to see you suffer you worked a lot more well it is Captain the movie title is Captain America you should work more it's true it's true that's why it's hard to complain you know you're on set you're like well that's that's what these movies are so you're you're just dripping sounds like you're having a civil war with yourself though I mean because I mean I mean it's I I I would have maybe chosen not Atlanta in July but but it's fantastic I have no recollection now again Evans is insecure in his words he slows down and starts rambling so he just lets Downey take over the lead again and no one really cares because Downey has already established himself as the charismatic person here and everyone would rather listen to him than Chris Evans NOW Watch What Happens Next I heard a rumor and please tell me if this is true that you had your furniture from home shipped to Atlanta so you would have your own furniture while you were there notice how Evans looks at Downey it's like he's thinking what do you have now Mr popular it's not that Evans wants Downey embarrassed but he feels he's been in the background for the whole show so he thinks downe is going to screw up there but notice what Downey Jr does to handle the sneaky grin I didn't do a thing the moving [Laughter] company now if you want to know what are the exact nine things that made women shiver as they watch Robert Downey Jr play Tony Stark we have this special VIP Hollywood Secrets Edition for you over 300 guys got it within the first day only so I hope that you're going to love it too
Channel: The Attraction Switch
Views: 857,232
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to be charismatic, how to be charismatic with women, how to be charismatic in groups, how to be charismatic leader, how to be charismatic ted, how to be more charismatic, how to be charming and charismatic, robert downey jr. charisma, robert downey jr interview, how to attract women, how to attract girl, how to walk with confidence, that social asian guy, how to be more confident around women, attraction switch, charisma, robert downey jr charisma, how to be attractive
Id: 1cES2pr8x0w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 15sec (735 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 17 2017
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