How To Be A Parry God | Dex/Arcane Dagger Build Guide | Patch 1.08.1 | Elden Ring

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I dreamed for so long [Music] ly tarnished [Music] tarnished Warrior cannot kill a god foul tarnished don't worry torrent Fortune is on her side [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign so make your character choose the Bandit starting class and grab a golden seed as the starting item welcome to build guide number 14. and to round off my first year on YouTube I decided to make a full guide on the build that started my channel the one that I used for my second playthrough of Eldon ring learn all of the bosses on and made all of my original boss and Parry Guyton my Parry build so unlike any of my other guides for every parryable boss in this run there is a full in-depth tutorial on how to do the fight on this build only since I know a lot more about the game now and I made most of these guides on deliberately low levels you'll be a lot more powerful than I was in those videos I'll also be talking about any strategies that I missed back then and some better ones for certain things that I've found since this isn't a build like others in this series where we'll be absolutely melting bosses with insane damage this is a run to try if you want to up your game and get better at fighting the bosses I found my first playthrough of veldom ring so tough that I never thought I'd be able to beat it without summons but getting through the game on this build taught me that I could now you've probably noticed that I'm not heading to weeping Peninsula to start my standard setup route and that's because in my mind there's only one way to start a Parry build [Music] Margaret Remains the one boss in Eldon ring that I never made an in-depth Parry guide for and the reason for that is he's probably the easiest boss to Parry and will teach you an awful lot about Eldon Rings Parry timings if you figure him out for yourself if you don't usually use parrying in Souls games or haven't relied on it too much in album ring I'd highly recommend using margit as your training dummy every single attack he does with the stick is Parable even the ones that don't look it now of course fighting him straight out of the gate is completely optional but he's one of my favorite bosses in the game and every time I've seen him in the last 14 weeks I've killed him in 10 seconds with a plus 6 weapon so I wanted to have a proper scrap with him again with any dagger you can actually get three r1s in between the parries if your timing is perfect however two is completely safe and what I would recommend these are the levels to get if you do want to do an early Market but if you don't you can start off as usual by following my standard setup guide link to the full video and play along in the description and unfortunately you've got to do all of it as we're going to be using both somber and smithing weapons on this run now while I was back in my inquisitive Parry mood I did discover something about the Onyx Lord in the seal tunnel I always fight him on an unlevel character for a laugh when I'm doing a smithing Stone run and on this one I worked out that not only can you parry the sword attacks but you can also Parry these bare-handed attacks as well as that meteorite cast might be useful for fighting the year next tunnel versions of these guys if you have to go there for something so we pick up the action here at Learners rise in caled wait until night and jump onto the side of this bridge to bait the night's Cavalry into yeeting himself off [Music] okay hopefully my runes on on the side of the bridge brilliant [Music] and relax now head back to the gate front in Lim grave and ride South and down into Argyle Lake and through the valley now this Invader is usually pretty tough but today we're doing a Parry run and we have the Buckler okay I'll edit that out let's try again now I did have a later weapon here as I'd already killed Margaret but if you haven't you can just gank him with Euro like we did on the Arcane build guide It's relatively easy as long as you're not too greedy now heads of Fort far farath and apply bleed grease to your great knife kill Grail and pop a pickled falfa as she dies head to EG and level the reduvia to plus six if you haven't killed Margaret yet head in with radagon saw seal equipped and the decks here in your physic to completely bully him now head through Stormville Castle dodging all of the arrows perfectly through the plaza and light the lift side chamber Grace then double back on yourself and head back through the enemies and into this room with the grafted Scion then take the door on the right before the lift and stone sword key to unlock the armory run in and grab our other main weapon for this run the Missouri code walk back to the round table and pop the runes you have from the setup to buy the smithing Stones you need to level this to plus 16. I did this earlier in the run with grail's runes so if you don't have the runes you can do this after godric speaking of which now the main reason I love dagger builds for learning bosses is how fast they are you can really get a good idea of how big every opening in the fire is by counting how many r1s that you can get in and because your attacks are so quick you don't have to worry as much about being locked in an animation like you are with bigger weapons so as long as you don't get super greedy you can always have time to preempt your enemies next attack godric is easy on this build while the damage doesn't look like much at first the reduvius DPS and the bleed procs make his health bar disappear quite quickly [Music] good foreign [Music] strategy wise this is very similar to every other build give him plenty of space for the majority of his attacks but make sure you capitalize on those attacks with slow cooldowns like the jump attack punishing a single jump attack is enough to do about a third of his health [Music] grab the stone sword key in the courtyard and head up to give the qari and Parry God a taste of his own medicine [Music] and you might imagine that Ronaldo might be a little bit more of an issue than normal with this build but happily not we can one cycle her in Phase One drinking our physic as she dies then for phase two the DPS that we're doing means that we only need about three decent openings to fully deplete her health now before we head to volcano Manor we need to grab some bits and Bobs first off walk back to the Saints Bridge in Lim grave and up the hill and up this Cliff to the right to get to the death touched catacombs kill the black knife assassin boss for the Assassin's Crimson dagger Talisman this is one of the best talismans in the game for a Parry build and you'll see why later now walk to the highway Junction in the Altus plateau and let's talk about infusions there are dozens of different ways to set up a Parry build with the Missouri chord in Elden ring for my playstyle bleed heard with a DEX Arcane hybrid build is a logical option as I like to get stuck in between Paris for a sakuro style fight whenever I can however both lightning and fire infusions would yield more damage if you were going for a more passive Style with the majority of your damage coming from reposts alone bleed infusion also means that the bigger unparriable bosses like Plassey are a little easier to manage with a dagger to get our infusion kill this little Scarab in the lake and put the blood blade Ash of War on your miserical now head to volcano Manor for godskin Noble and I don't really have anything to add to my original guide for this boss the Crimson dagger Talisman is a splendid Edition though to all of these Parry repost fights keeping our health topped up between parries one thing that did happen in this fight though is when he did his rolly thing in phase two I wasn't near any of the pillars so I jumped behind this altar and in a single moment realize that this is without doubt the easiest and most obvious solution to this attack and I was so angry with myself for never thinking about doing this before it's almost like it's there for this specific reason [Music] run through the dungeon to the stone sword key gate then off the ledge and through to grab the dagger talisman and all the way down to grab the somber 7 by the abductor now head to Altus and all the way to the draconic Sentinel for this one get your parries in and hit him with our ones in his recovery if you're not confident with the close range quicker parries you can keep your distance and continually bait that jump attack which is much more clearly telegraphed run through Lindell and grab the Avenue balcony Grace now you can run back and Bully the avatar before we head into Godfrey take a little detour and head up to the Coliseum to grab the ritual Shield talisman now for one of my favorite fights in the Run fighting Godfrey with a dagger is so much fun fit at least one R1 into every single Gap regardless of how tight it looks so this fight becomes a dance of back-to-back Dodges and attacks it's ridiculously satisfying when you get it down [Music] now for Morgan and Morgan is a very peculiar fight for me on a Parry build without doubt I think Morgan is the hardest boss to Parry in Elder album he's also the riskiest to Parry especially on Lower Health characters as I said in my guide back in June one of the factors here is how similar a lot of his attacks are to markets but with completely different Parry timings I have worked out since that original guide that all of the dual wielding attacks are parryable as is this upward swing if you have lizard reflexes a lot is said about melania's quick one too but this attack comes out so much faster this might be the hardest attack to Parry in the game and my final Discovery for this fight is that this Blood attack that he does is kind of variable there's no animation for it but if you get your Parry timing right you'll take no damage and you can get stuck in with attacks and I did test this to make sure it wasn't just a wonky hitbox now head up to the mountaintops of the Giants all the way to the zamor ruins run through to this seller to grab the smithing Stone Bell 3. then just as you're leaving there's some more ruins double back on yourself to hit this Scarab out of the tree for a somber 7. then over the bridge and kill the big Scarab on the other side for a somber 8. then up to light the freezing late Grace from here go wake this guy up from his nap and bait him into attacking this statue for some smithing Stone sixes now ride through the rest of the mountaintops to the Grace by fire type then run back and grab the ancient dragon smithing Stone from this giant skull now up until now we've only had the decks here equipped to our visit it's time to put something useful in there so head back to the Third Church of America in mimgrave and up the spirit spring behind it and around into caled to light the rock view balcony Grace now head towards the minor archery for the putrid Avatar this guy's pretty dangerous but he doesn't have a lot of health so this won't be too much of an issue if you get Scarlet rotted you can just open your map and warp out to a brace straight after he dies you'll get the tears when you load back in oh that's right if you do this you'll get the tears when you load back into the same area again um oh grab the green burst here and the flame shrouding tear the green burst here is a great option for this build as that extra stamina recovery will mean that we can keep spamming attacks for bosses with bigger attack windows now we're going to walk back to Langdale to the West Avenue balcony Grace jump over this barrier and head down into the sewers light the underground roadside Grace across all of the pipes and down to the bottom I'd recommend equipping the ritual Shield Talisman here in case you take a 50 cal from the lobster now head into the Lane Dell catacombs to get catastrophically lost for 20 minutes thinking you're retracing your steps when you're actually not happily although the dungeon is a little rough the boss is relaxing Fair most of all [ __ ] [Music] [Music] okay so this is the only fire on this build where I went for the nuclear option if you want to go for as much DPS as possible you can dual wield both of your daggers for bleed procs I have no advice for you on how to bait this guy on this one I killed the dogs and then fought him one on one but it felt like more luck than judgment on other builds I've yellowed him with the dog still alive go for whatever seems logical at the time this fight is a nightmare now head to caled for Radon and you want to equip your shiny new Lord of blood's exaltation for this one and this is actually one of the easier fights on the run because of our level if you want to have a little bit more of a scrap with radon feel free to come here earlier [Music] after the fight speak to Alexander go back to the Round Table and use the runes to level up your Missouri chord to Plus 20. now head back to the Third Church of America in Lim grave and rides South into the misswood grabbing the spike cracked here by the minor air tree and then Southwest to the Mistwood ruins for the ax talisman equip these and head through volcano Manor for rycard and first up I owe some of you an apology we usually fight Reichard with the launch and the serpent Hunter using the crouching L ones and I've seen a few comments recently saying it's patched and when you have the serpent Hunter equipped in your right hand it is actually patched however swap it over to your left hand and the Strat still works I assume this came in on patch 1.08 but because I've always equipped the Lance in my right hand I've just never noticed I've tried my best to get back to all of the comments that I responded to on this but if I've missed yours and you've been struggling with it apologies none of these Shenanigans today though we're fighting him straight up for a straight up Reichard fight I like to go for charged r2s to take advantage of the ax Talisman and the crack tier most of the sword attacks can be counted with jumping r2s I'm just too used to Rolling them now unfortunately for phase two be on the lookout for him raising his sword as the sky turns red this is the start of that mental skull attack and your weapon Arc can actually stun him out of this if he does manage to get it off though just run sideways as much as the skulls are scary make sure you're also keeping an eye on him as you have to dodge this big slam attack at the end as I'm pretty sure it'd be a one shot at this level now for fire Giant and I'd say that this is a pretty average fire giant fight phase one is a little longer than usual as our base damage sucks but the bleed procs go a long way phase two is a little simpler than usual because of our bleed build use all ones on his hand and leg at the start of the fight then stay in front of him and hit his arms for the rest of it now before we speak to melaner we've got some bits to grab first walk to the outer's plateau and up to mount gilmir to speak to our best charm then walk back to the Celia Crystal tunnel in caled and ride out into the swamp of aeonia for Commander O'Neill now as I said in my original guide the safe and sensible strategy here is to kill all of the summons before engaging O'Neill but if that seems a bit too logical feel free to run around like a madman like me and Parry him whilst dodging all 10 of them foreign take the needle to gallery for repair then give it to Millicent now head back to Altus and all the way to the Shaded Castle up the ladder and then head left to grab the Valkyries prosthesis from this Tower then give it to Millicent at the Earth tree gazing hill now heading north across Altus to The Windmill Village for the godskin apostle phase one is actually the bit that you need to worry about here as this guy isn't easy to Parry phase two is easy enough with our bleed and DPS rest at the grace then speak to Millicent again then um wish her a very merry oh this is so not Christmasy now we'll level up at the grace ah 7 000 runes for another level what an easy optional boss we can do for seven thousand runes [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay so I said ages ago that I'd fight that guy on this channel and I never did so consider it done he's an absolute nightmare though so I won't use his runes so you don't have to fight him unless you want to [Music] run through faram all the way to the dragon Temple transep Grace and this is usually where we head back to Lim grave and Leonia for all of our sleep pot materials but this is a Parry build my strategy for God skin Duo has not changed at all since my guide ignore skinny and Parry Faye I use the redo via for this fight as it was a little more leveled up than the Missouri chord but either will be great as soon as they're dead head back to Leonia and ride North up the eastern coast to the Church of vows to speak to the big pup we don't need anything from him but it's a good place to unwind after a goskin Duo fight head back to the round table and buy all of the smithing Stones necessary to level your misericord to plus 25 . [Music] The draconic Sentinel on the bridge is much the same strap wires as the earlier one it's just a far longer fight something that I did notice with this build and my last one is that when you use a battery strategy and it's quite a long fight he seems to get himself caught in this little attack Loop no idea if it's consistent but I thought it was interesting [Music] now before we fight malacath head back to volcano Manor and speak to Barnard in the drawing room then head back to faram turn left on the bridge to get to this little area where he'll invade you you can get a cheeky backstab at the start if you time it right then go for parries pick up and equip the Blasphemous claw item and then head into Beast now while I'm swapping talisman's mid-fight like an idiot this is probably a good time to talk about them as we've got them all now for any boss that can be reposted go for the dagger and Crimson dagger talismans for any boss that can't go for millicents and the Lord of Bloods the ritual Shield is there too if you want some extra tankiness now Beast clergyman is actually quite easy on this build as it's one of the only builds in the game where it's safe to fight him up close if you want to be super safe you can go with the traditional method of punishing with jump attacks and the malikath fight is actually pretty easy and the Blasphemous claw item almost trivializes it one thing that I do need to remedy from my original guide on malacath is how to deal with destined death the method in my guide was actually unnecessarily complicated the best way to deal with it is actually to just roll backwards if you're not right next to him or rolling into his right side if you are even without Blasphemous claw you can kill him very quickly by punishing that one-two combo but I wanted to finish with that immensely cool flying Parry [Music] [Music] now for Gideon and I know it's become a bit of a meme on this channel that I hate him and think he's the worst boss ever and we'll go to extreme lengths to choose him rather than fighting him but after fighting him on my ultimate Bonk build he really wasn't that bad and since it's the season of Goodwill to all men I decided to fight him straight up and see if we can put our differences aside nope I still hate him genuinely this fight took me longer than doing the whole of the late game if you want to fight him straight up on this build backstabs are by far the best option but don't worry there is also a cheese option that we'll get to later now for Godfrey and this fire is epic with this build but you do have to have your wits about you are ones between every attack on Godfrey as we did with the shade version [Music] for horalow you have to be much more patient Hora Lou is probably still the boss I'm least confident with in Elden ring so if you're anything like me you want to keep at full health with the ritual Shield active so you don't get one shot by any of the grab attacks take your time and wait for a safe opportunity to get attacks in the stomp attack is by far the biggest one now head back to Pharaoh for Plassey and this is a really nice fight on this build while the damage does look rough at first glance because you can get attacks in pretty much constantly that massive health bar will disappear a lot quicker than other builds for extra DPS feel free to go for dual wielding you might also have noticed me swapping between the Missouri chord and the reduvia on this run and I don't really think there's much of a difference between the two for most fights reduvia has slightly higher base damage but the Missouri called prox bleed quicker and gives higher reposts I found myself using the Missouri chord early on for bleep procs then swapping to the reduvia for that higher base damage halfway through fights when bleed is less effective now head to Castle Seoul for Commander Nile stand over on the right side to bait the right summon for a Parry then either backstab or Parry the other guy for the commander it's the same Strat as always for a safe strategy keep your distance and Parry the electric foot follow-up or the small tornado attack or just get stuck in and Parry the standard attacks if you're more confident with them [Music] now head back to Korea Manor in Leonia run through and Bully Loretta light the grace in Ronnie's rise and head Southwest from there to drop down into this building and bicarian retaliation from pydia knit back to the Village of the albanurics in the hernia to grab the second half of the secret Medallion then head to the Grand lift of Road right through the snow fields all the way toward in the town from here head Southwest now take the teleporter to mogwin's Palace to Moog now I never made a Parry guide for Moog but this is a fight that can surprisingly be made an awful lot easier with parrying you can use Korean retaliation to Parry all of his blood flame tosses and the shower you can see the results of this here with a little luck with RNG you can get him to half Health without him being able to hit you once this when combined with the purifying tear from elianora resulted in by far the most surprising and cool Moog fire I've ever done in Elder ring building up enough posture damage to break his 120 boys with a dagger and staggering him somehow with a Parry thank you thank you now it's time to head down underground so back to Lim grave and down into the head through knockron light The ancestral Woods Grace for later then through the woods and into the aqueduct for the gargles and this is rough bleed won't help us here but the biggest problem is our range we need to be so close to them with either of our daggers that it makes it really hard to see what the other one is doing yeah this isn't very fun happily though after a ton of research I found out about a very rare katana that might work well with this Arcane decks build I doubt any of you have heard of it before but according to the wiki you get it from an Invader in the mountaintops foreign [Music] for anyone who didn't see that coming this is your solution to the earlier Gideon problem grab a Samba 5 from the alley Southwest of the Celia Crystal tunnel and while there is an easy somber 6 in Mount gilmir I went back into the aqueduct for some Crucible night parrying for a far more exciting option [Music] if you want to use corpse pilot you can head back to faram through the stone sword keygate and up to Alexander do some sparring with him then take The Shard that he hands you before he wanders back to the church at vows to chill with Muriel rivers of blood makes the gargs a lot easier due to its range I ended up doing it with the reduvia as I enjoy the suffering but we will be using rivers of blood later so do grab it now for deep root depths and fears Champs not much to say about this one cheeky backstabs for the first two are one spam if you miss them for the trio keep your distance and Parry them one by one [Music] now back to Ronnie's rise to speak to her and the lads then down into the night sacred ground for the Finger Slayer blade then speak to her again and use the teleporter in Rena's rise to reach ainsel River [Music] run through the lake of Rock all the way to Astor this is a really easy one spam are ones on the head and let the bleed do its thing the light rolls make dodging all of the AOE stuff relatively simple the hernia and head east to the car in study hall to place the inverted statue and head up all the way to the top for the curse mark of death now head back to deep root deaths for four sucks and on this build he's a lot harder than usual as it's a much longer fight having said that our attacks are quick enough to not worry too much about getting constantly interrupted by the lightning unless you're too greedy I just went for r1s on the foot [Music] now back to ordna town and Ordnance skip still works but since glitches are out for this run here's how I like to do the ordinatown puzzle head first to the tower on the right by the invisible black knife assassin then through and around to the ladder and up for the second one for The Archers make sure you have the ritual Shield equipped take a dozen attempts to do this very simple jump and then use your light rolls to avoid the arrows backstabbed this Archer light the third then jump down for the final one run through the halick tree all the way to Loretta nothing much to say about this same strats we've used for all of the other Trace handles [Music] run through the rest of l5l picking up the ancient somber for rivers of blood and light the grace at the Haley tree roots now for rather Beast radagon with the Missouri chord is a little tougher than usual but not insanely difficult however doing a tough radagon fight before trying to kill Eldon Beast with a bleed-based dagger build wasn't something that sounded particularly enjoyable so we quit rivers of blood along with the flame shrouding tear at the grace remove your chest armor for a light roll no changes to my original guide for radical the flame damage from Rivers makes this a far more bearable fight [Music] and the usual strategy for eldenbeast I went with Millicent's Talisman and all ones for this but you could easily swap that to the ax Talisman and charges if you'd prefer unnerfed Bloodhound step was my previous solution to helping Stars however since the Nerf I just go with a light load and use light rolls wherever I can the biggest lesson that I've learned fighting eldenbeast time and time again is to try not to let Elden Stars distract you from what he's doing whilst Eldon stars is scary it's far better to tank some of it in order to avoid what he throws at you Elden Stars can make you panic and in an effort to avoid its relatively low damage you jump right in front of one of his higher damage attacks as I do here which I obviously did intentionally to demonstrate this and finally back to the halic tree for the ultimate Parry challenge the fight that took me 12 hours to do on this build for the first time although I was level 80 rather than 120 in that guide and despite that video being 20 minutes long there were some things that I missed like the starting attack and this stab attack both being parryable but the biggest change since that guide is waterfowl now being dodgeable with a light roll three rolls back when she starts it and then three rolls to dodge the rest one o'clock one o'clock six o'clock this is a far better option than Bloodhound step it's much simpler the turtle Shield method still works great for any build that can't lighten up and I found it quite fitting that on the last guide of the year with the first build that I ever beat her solo on that this was the first time I beat Melania on my first attempt [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] and that's it how to beat Elder marine by parrying everything in April this year I started this Channel with a very nerdy and badly edited video on some to everyone who has watched my videos and given me support encouragement and helped me get to nearly 14 000 subscribers since thank you I'll be back next year getting through the massive list of other bills that I want to try please do keep giving me your suggestions for this I will get to everything eventually until then as always thanks for watching Merry Christmas see you next year [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Thingfishy
Views: 297,091
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Parry build, How to parry, Elden ring, Parry guide, Dex/arcane build, Tutorial, Walkthrough, Build guide, Reduvia, Miserichorde, Buckler, Carian retaliation, Git Gud, Dagger build
Id: fcRRR4rbESo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 13sec (2773 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 22 2022
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