The Ultimate Parry Guide | Elden Ring Advanced Tips and Tricks

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just work yo i'm outta here holla you need some work what the heck not important what's important is you are a parry bot like seriously full offense hand the controller to the dog and he will do better matter of fact give me that first off route second what's the script here but what can i do different i've tried every glad you asked dog water because we're here to turn you from my parry bot to a parry god let's go first off i put in the effort to time stamp this video so if you're only interested in the advanced mechanics feel free to skip to them and i won't hold it against you i appreciate the watch no matter the time spent now let's get to it parrying is a high risk high reward maneuver this is an all or nothing gambit where if you succeed it makes the opponent vulnerable for a critical hit but if you fail you're gonna eat that fool damage when wielding a shield you are sacrificing a lot of potential damage you would have otherwise had from either dual wielding or two handing a weapon so getting good at this mechanic can be a great way to make up that damage in pvp you don't even need to use your parry for it to have a drastic effect on the fight the act of holding a shield in and of itself is a threat even when not pressing perry the fact that your opponent knows that you can press parry makes them play entirely differently than they would if you didn't have access to it this gives a lot of free offensive pressure hi enough with the general details so why does it seem like you can never land these parries have a very specific timing that if you aren't aware of can make it very tricky to ever intentionally land them in the original souls titles demon souls and dark souls 1 parrying happened instantly at the beginning of the animation so it essentially functioned with the same timing you were already comfortable with from rolling in later titles they change this timing from the beginning of the animation to the middle roughly when the shield is raised up after all if perry's had the same timing as a roll and you knew you could comfortably roll an attack then why not just go for the parry every time you have the option now here's the part that screws up a lot of people not only is this timing later in the animation but each different type of shield has different parry timings as well as can be more or less likely to land their parry due to longer or shorter active frames we'll get the frames later for now let's stick to the basics now don't worry when i say that every type of shield has a different parry i don't mean every single shield in the game has a different timing that you need to memorize or worry about the type is something you can observe in the item menu under their names these types are small shield medium shield and bucklatery there are also unique weapon types such as thrusting sword claws fists and curved swords that allow you to equip perry as an ash of war this can give you access to a parry command without the need of a shield certain types of parries such as buckler just straight up come out quicker than others as well as last longer a great general concept to have in mind if you don't want to get into the advanced stuff is that the smaller the shield the better the parrot if you're going around trying to pair with a medium shield you are going to have a bad time although small shields have worse defensive stats generally they are sacrificing these stats for access to a much easier parry here's an interesting trick that many may not know that can help you give a visual representation to many of these timings stand next to a wall with your shield of choice and press parry you'll notice a puff of smoke appear on the wall that is roughly the time that you want an attack to connect the only parry i found that this doesn't work with is the parrying dagger doing this without even knowing anything about frame data you should immediately notice the difference when comparing a buckler parry to a medium parry buckler is pretty much the closest thing you're getting to the easy instant parry of the old days although it's not quite there yet keep in mind this only shows how fast the parry comes out and not how long the parry is active testing small and medium will appear damn near identical but what you're not seeing is that these small shields have over double the parry window to that of medium shields these active frames are significant so the tlbr of this section is parries aren't instant you want your shield to connect when it is already fully raised not while it is raising up if you're parrying directly before an attack connects stop it you gotta parry earlier the smaller the shield the better the parry between medium small and buckler shields medium has the worst parry window while buckler has the best it not only comes out quicker but it has double the length of its parry window all right so what am i doing wrong exactly you better not be here just to give me tips on timing better because i've done all that [ __ ] first off you're using a medium shield what's that matter that's the lowest amount of parry frames possible you are literally making this as hard as you can on yourself frames oh god frame data are the fundamentals by which we can base these decisions on what is better and what is worse and really although it sounds super nerdy and really complicated it's not all that it's really just adding fancy words to what many of us have already been feeling throughout our playthrough frame data consists of three things startup active and recovery these are things that although you may not be aware of them you have definitely felt them the classic example why does colossal greatsword feel so sluggish bad frame data the moves are very slow to start up as well as very slow to recover the lower the startup the better the lower the recovery the better ever equip an ability like carrying retaliation or golden parry and think damn this could just be in my head but these feel much better to me like i'm landing a lot more parries right i can assure you it is not in your head whatsoever what feels good are the active frames active frames are how long an attack lingers aka how long it is active in the case of shields it's how long your parry stays out waiting to counter another attack using this knowledge we can easily determine which parries are great and which ones are not so great i even included a few of the unique weapon parries to see if any of their data could surprise us now the baseline we're gonna use for this video is angbada's amazing video on perry's frame data showing their startup and active frames if you haven't watched this already i highly recommend you go check it out and show them some support we already have a good list of information on startup and active frames through this video the only issue is we don't have any good information on the recovery frames or total frames of each move once we know the total frames we can finally understand the role cancel window of each move a great roll cancel window is huge if any of these pairs have a significantly better roll cancel window different to that of the others then that alone can make the parry viable i did this through using adobe premiere's time code feature to line the active frames of each parry alongside angbada's data to determine the recovery frames from there the time code will end at the exact frame our character is able to perform each action keep in mind this isn't an exact science so we should consider any possible user error on my end i'm nowhere near perfect so what we're looking for here are the general time frames to the roll cancel windows here we can see why the buckler parry is so great it has over double the active frames of the medium shield as well as comes out four frames quicker four frames might sound negligible but these frames can be the difference between life and depth especially for the startup of a reaction based maneuver we already felt it earlier with the dust cloud trick these four frames are big with small shields we have a very similar startup to medium shield but we still reap double the active frames compared to that of medium all three of the parries had a negligible difference in total frames of the move aka their roll cancel window both buckler and medium shield have a cancel window of 52 frames considering this was the last bit of information we needed to find out if medium parry had any redeeming qualities this is the nail in the coffin buckler is a strictly better pairy in every sense i tested three specific unique weapon parries to see if we could find any surprising info here with what we know now the only way for these parries to be viable would be if they had a significantly faster roll cancel window than that of the shields after all you're giving away a full weapon art slot for access to these parries and there are some busted weapon arts out there so we gotta see if this exchange is worth it unfortunately i found that the weapon parries still seem to go off of this universal 52 to 54 frame roll window the simple way to think of this is they are all about just as good as a medium parry so bad perry dagger is slightly better with a bit more active frames but it's just not worth it to choose to hold this over a shield the cliff notes here are pretty similar to our first section but we gave a rhyme and reason to it all the startup is nice but the buckler's 11 frame active window is what really makes it shine over the medium perry's 5 frame active window all parries have similar role cancel windows so just go with whatever's the quickest and most active weapon parries are not worth it ultimately it's your playthrough do whatever makes you the happiest generally though i'd recommend many traditional ashes of war over this [Music] wait you're telling me i've only had a five frame window to land this trash a buckler has double the chance of a parry well i wouldn't say double the chance but yeah pretty much over two times the length on a parry window is huge so that's it then equip a smaller shield get way better at pairing we're done here let's [ __ ] go i promise to make you a god at parrying did i not bro that's double the frames i think i'm double's good but how about triple you said this was the best chill for perry's right it is but it's also not the best shield for parries [Music] there are two ashes of war in elden ring that completely flip the script on the fundamental differences between shield types these ashes of war are carrying retaliation and golden perry we talked about them a bit earlier even based off the wall trick alone no frame data involved you'll notice that the medium shield's parry goes from being noticeably slower than the buckler to being just as fast throwing the frame data in there we can see that both carrying retaliation and golden parry force our small and medium shields to have the same startup frames as a buckler not only that but the parries now have three frames more of an active window than that of even the buckle it if you went from flopping around medium shield parries all game to this you have just nearly tripled your active frames you are landing everything from this point forward now this has to come with a downside right that's the main thing i was curious about like maybe the recovery is worse and we can be punished harder nope all of the tests show that both carrying retaliation and golden perry consistently get around 53 frames for their roll cancel window every time no matter if it was a small shield or a medium shield these are the same roll cancel frames we'd be getting if we were using a buckler just we're getting an even better buckler we now know everything we need to make the ultimate decision what is the most optimal considering everything there was no weapon or shield with any significant difference to persuade us from otherwise just using carrying retaliation or golden carry if we ran into something with an 8 or 10 frame difference perhaps in its role cancel window then we might have had another option to consider here but so far everything including unique weapon parries landed in the range of 52 to 54 for their total frames when everything has relatively the same total frame count optimally we just want the one that's the most active and conveniently in this case the most active is also the quickest all upside no downside with this in mind we can determine that the best parry in the game is tied between carrying retaliation and golden parry these can be used on either a small shield or medium shield if you go with medium shield you aren't sacrificing any of the defensive stats that we said you had to sacrifice before to have access to a good parry this pretty much goes directly against the fundamentals of shields that we talked about earlier so how do you pick between carrying retaliation and golden parry so this one is actually just preference we don't need to be nerdy about this and go into frame data because both offer the same thing golden retaliation increases the range of your parry immensely this ability actually allows you to attempt parries from a safe distance so if you're good at consistently positioning yourself outside the range of your opponent's attacks you gain access to a very unique zero risk parry the downside to this is golden perry costs fp with every single use of it if you don't have enough fp your parry will just turn into the regular version suited to your shield so what about carrying retaliation carrying retaliation by design was intended to reflect spells because of this it only consumes fp when we successfully parry a spell this means unlike golden perry if we are using this for melee purposes then we never have to worry about running out of fp due to this move we still have to make sure we have enough fp to cast it but it will never be responsible for the fp drain itself carrion has nowhere near the range of a golden parry it's the same range as a normal parry though so as long as you haven't spoiled yourself too much with golden perry then you should already be familiar with this range aside from not costing fp it also opens up your options against mages by giving you a direct counter to spells since we can always still use it for its intended use and not just the amazing parry the tldr here is we found the best parries equipping carrying retaliation or golden parry allow you to hold a shield with the defensive stats of your choice without sacrificing anything assuming this doesn't get patched these are objectively the best ways to parry and there is no reason not to have one of these abilities on your shield pick golden perry if you prefer safety and can handle the fp drain pick carrying retaliation if you can not handle the fp drain and are okay with a little bit of additional risk to your parries this is triple what i had before huh that's crazy i can take on anything now yes you can now go out there and get them soldier let's go they grow up so fast i'm so proud you may have started as a bot but you are now an unstoppable parry machi well you still have to time it i guess [Music] you
Channel: Alfuh Ch.
Views: 62,778
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: parry, best parry shield elden ring, buckler parry elden ring, elden ring golden parry, elden ring parry build, elden ring parry everything, parry elden ring, elden ring tips, golden parry elden ring, Carian Retaliation Elden Ring, elden ring parrying, parry guide elden ring, elden ring best parry, elden ring parry guide, elden ring best parry ash of war, elden ring best parry explained, elden ring parry frames, elden ring pvp parry, elden ring parrying dagger, elden ring pvp
Id: DaZhiIPd6WI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 41sec (881 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 20 2022
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