How to Basic Electrical and Power Connectors Fallout 76 (Tips & Tricks)

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how's everybody doing today we're gonna go over some electrical basics and see if I can help get rid of a lot of the mess in people's camps because like I see a lot of camps and there is just wires everywhere like I'm guessing people just really don't have a grasp on how the electrical system works in this game and how to use it and cover everything so let's start with the generators you have your small generator which it does three power you have the medium it says five power the large which is ten they windmill which honestly if you're using it's probably more for aesthetics than anything 12 power and then the good old fusion generator I like the windmill for the aesthetics and the fact that it's fairly quiet compared to some of the others but for all of these stuff we are going to focus with the fusion generator because it is somewhat compact so let's say you're building a a 2 by 2 house just do a simple 2 by 2 nothing crazy get rid of middle walls everything just to be with you I'm gonna go ahead and put wallpapers on and the reason I'm gonna put wallpapers on and and I'll show you if you have wallpapers and you actually get this wallpaper off you put anything on the walls let's say a picture let's say you want to wire to it let's put a connector on the outside and you convert that to one with wallpaper those things are removed so if you're going to build and you're going to use wallpaper make sure you put wallpaper on before you start applying wall decorations and power so house this big you can literally one connector connected to generator and this house is powered so let's put a light let's just go with a I like this light it works it'll work pretty much anywhere within this space it is a sphere around the connector alright that's as simple as electrical can be like you literally don't need to do anything else if if you are just building a simple house you know and you can put this on the bottom you can actually tuck this inside the foundation and you still have power in your house I believe this is good up for one story let's just put in the big stupid stare actually let's not do the big stupid stare let's do a stare that I can remove if I so chose I'm just gonna do stare up we're not doing advanced building we are just seeing if we have power on the upper floor let's grab our light and we have power you will be out of the circle if you say put it out here because the connector is a proximity of power within a sphere so if you want to see how far away you can put a single connector let's get rid of this connection I can show you the distance in which that works so the best thing if you're gonna do a two-story house I'd probably put the connector probably a Midway or on the the floor level of the second floor is where I would connect in by just for the sake of this we are going to I'm gonna use this taller one so I can move it and I can show you so once you put in your connector hit the spacebar if you're on PC connected all right if you want to see your the proximity distance you grab your connector I need it let me put it forward and so I can stand over there and you can see what I want to show you let's put it forward so if you grab a hold of your connector you see the light in the distance it doesn't highlight but as soon as you get it close enough it'll highlight and now you know your proximity so we're saying I'm pretty much pretty sure it's just it's a circle or a sphere the size of two foundations is the size so basically the size of would that be be a 4x4 square or a 4 by 4 cube roughly but it's a Spears fear so the corners of that cube would not be powered but you could always add more connectors but if you're building a 2x2 square and you power it with one connector it should cover the whole thing so hopefully that explains how how simply the power can work for powering a house on the basics so let's get rid of the upper 4 I need to give her the whole upper floor because we're you're not gonna need that second floor we don't need second floor what we're going I'm just gonna stick on flat let's just say we're doing a single level 2x2 let's take a power connector on the wall so we have power on our building our house is powered our lights should be on our light is on but let's say you want to put your vendor in the house well this requires a power connection and you don't have power inside you have power to the structure but not in the structure there is a few ways there are a few ways to actually get power into the house the absolute simplest way to do so would be to turn your wall into a door and then you connect through the door to either the connector you have on the wall like that one or if it lets you directly to your power source and then you convert this back to a door or back to a wall that is as simple as it needs to be and if you wanted to have your generator nice and cozy right up against the thing we will convert this - it has to be the node has to be in the right angle or it won't turn green you can it simply is that literally just that and then you have power inside your place it is that simple let's say you've wanted to mess with this one light bulb that doesn't seem to work the one with the colors if you hang it you notice it says requires power requires one power if you place this it does nothing it needs to be wired to function and it is probably one of the most slept on lights in the game it is very good add some amazing lighting to a room if you take the time to place it and organize it normally you would need to you would need to physically click on it to change the color I don't have my UI own because I wanted to be pretty and you can click on it and it will change colors that takes a while but what you can do let's say let's hook up a few of these and then they need wired together connect hey you good act but let's say you don't want to go through and click all them because that's ridiculous and who has that kind of time you can take a terminal terminal does require power and you just connect this good old terminal to this and then you can go in and you can change all the colors so we could set color let's say we want this all purple click purple and then we can click the different brightnesses there's bright and now there's normal I truly like the dim dim really looks good and it's a really great lighting which I probably should do an entire video on lighting but I am blacking a couple lights to really do that on this character on this I use this character for all these because I have the most budget so so that is these lights they look like they're off and sometimes you can basically hide them but the color is so good don't sleep on these bulbs they're fantastic but unfortunately they do need power so that's gonna be a part of the aesthetics but let's move on to conduits we're gonna get rid of these get rid of these I'm just gonna scrap the roof rid of all those conduits if you're going to run condos there are a couple ways to do it if you try to do it without thinking about conduits first you will hate them if you're going to do conduits you should build your electrical before you do anything else at least if you're going to do it in a structure so let's say you place this here there and then you want to do a simple connector to go through the wall it does not work the best thing to do if you're going to do electrical is let's get rid of a couple of these walls let's put the ceilings back in not really necessary actually we're not worried about ceilings is you can actually place the conduit before you place the walls and route your entire power before you before you place your walls completely with this piece and connect outside of it because it wants to be done so we take this this will connect let's put our wall in and then you can since that is there you can make this hole a solid wall make your wallpaper and you can have a power connector hidden in the wall and then if you want to power to your room through this connector you can take I know I'm gonna take these little flat ones and then I like to set this just on the edge of the doorway that way when it's connected you won't be able to yeah you can do it on you just connect these two together let's finish this up over here and do a connector that was too long I see were short should still be able to do a wall here connect this to your generator put a wallpaper on and now you have completely hidden your conduit and then you can let's say you wanted to power a vendor you can now since you have your power connector there will place this vendor connect to the to the node you have to hunt for it and then you can tweak its position turn it into a wall and now you have completely clean and hidden wiring in your house and the only thing is sticking out is this little guy and it is wired into the house into your building oh I think when I put did that get rid of that when I made it wallpaper or what I do where's my power loss here I'm missing power connected somehow another that floated the wall that again put our connector back in now we covered in let's put our connector back in so our house has power little paper still get power that's sometimes it's a little bit of trial and error again now we have clean power now let's say you wanted to move this if you go to move it's gonna turn red turn your wall back into a doorway and now you can move this around as long as it's not conflicting with the wire you can move it around in your room and still be fine but when you're all done you're gonna have a really clean wiring and the only thing that's available is there so I hope that shows a little bit more of how to power and how to wire and hopefully that's just like said more of a basics not too crazy on getting wired throughout your camp you can use the big pylons if you need to get if you need to get power from wherever you're putting your generator to it's like different areas of the camp you can you know run these guys one thing you cannot do with the power is you can't just you know how we put the connector from here to the the power connector to the wall you can't just put a connector on the wall and continue it will not pick up power you can only send power to it which is going to send proximity to your camp but you can't connect to this and then connect it to something else like it has to be either wired direct or this is gonna send proximity power to things you've mount on the walls or hang from the ceilings like lights or the like the posters but I hope that helps with a little bit of your electrical but hopefully if you if you like this video please do like and subscribe I'm gonna try to knock out weekly tips and tricks I do want to do an advanced power connectors and and wiring video later on but this one is more of a quick one and this thing's already 20-some minutes so I do appreciate y'all hanging out for me to this far I do stream every single night on Twitch slash Rotom on Saturday nights I do a brain you can't build I just finished up a spaceship you should stop by this week and check it out I will do a walk-through video on that for next week but I really do appreciate if you would would definitely like this video it helps helps me going and definitely saw been hit the notification bell if you enjoyed it but that's me and y'all have a good night I will catch you guys next time
Channel: Rotomon
Views: 45,133
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Id: Z4nzJKIRrmA
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Length: 20min 18sec (1218 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 16 2020
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