HOW TO: C.A.M.P. Electrical Guide Fallout 76 (Tips & Tricks)

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how's everybody doing today i wanted to go through and do a new or updated version of my electrical video the last one did was received really well and i got a lot of views but i wanted to add a few things to it and hopefully help make more sense of things if it didn't cover in the last one this one's gonna go over a lot more and uh with that being said hopefully this helps and you enjoy it let's get started all righty let's talk generators so your small generator the small one and the valve tech prototype i actually use this one quite a bit because i like how small and compact it is and it's quiet uh your medium is five the solar panel is also five the large is 10 power these are 12 so all the like the renewable energy ones like the windmill a really big crazy goofy windmill and the water mill um there we passed watermelon or all 12. the fusion and the super reactor are 100 for the most part the only reason you should ever really use these two guys is if you're powering a radiation shower or decontamination shower or a bunch of water for the most part if you're just putting lights on in the house you really all i need is this one these little guys if you're doing you can do one of these and power one vendor and all the lights in your house for some reason or not today of all days when i go to try to film this normally if you i don't know why you're on oh i know where you're on let's turn this spotlight off normally you power vendor which is three years produces three and you connect this to a thing you'll power everything but as soon as you normally it does not work right now for some reason it's bugged if i connect this to an additional power it seems to still work instead of what it normally does but if i disconnect this these two do not power but for some reason right this second on this custom server there's a bug where if this is connected to that it will power everything but normally on a normal server i'm pretty certain unless it's a bug right now um as soon as you connect this to an additional source over the number of power that this produces it will only power the first thing everything else additional will not power like he does right now but for some reason for this very moment we'll power everything i wonder if it'll do a raj who knows let's see how buggy this thing this game is at the moment nope way too much it's like nah not gonna do it but anything under the certain amount it'll run it so if you just want to run a single vendor and light up a house all you need is enough power to turn and turn on the generator and you can do that and light the house so that is power versus power rating or requirements let's talk about proximity power so um the power connector the wire one just the the plain wire connector let's go here these guys have a proximity range of about that much it is basically two squares in any direction and a sphere and i made this one so i could show this the small power radiators from the the uh conduit is way smaller is way less power it is basically one square in every direction so if you want to run proximity with these you need way more of them it's going to cost you way more budget that being said it can be used in some really cool ways like making light switches it actually work rooms instead of a whole house or whole floors um but uh overall i don't really use these a lot because they take to route them takes a lot of budget unless you're just gonna use one or two connectors to a wire but um that is the proximity of the conduit radiators and that is a proximity of the just regular wire connector and like i said it is two squares in every direction in a regular sphere and if you want to see like how far your proximity is let's take a floor connector you can actually see it now if i connected power to this the range of everything it would power it's kind of a neat little built-in feature if you're trying to connect power to it you can see the range of it with the highlights let's connect this back and there's proximity power all right switches switches do exactly what you think they do like the switch power pylon flip the switch everything it's connected to it gets powered you can take a switch run to something run to another switch and then make a sequence of things that would turn things on and off but you would need to have you know all of the one and the only drawback to that is let's say you have 10 switches and you have all of them on except the first one and you flipped the first one all of the everything would be on so making layers of that not really that interesting unless you're doing like puzzles and then for puzzles normally i make like a pressure plate and standing on the pressure plate powers a switch to do something but it's only for like a temporary thing um the random switch literally does a random power to one of the two nodes that's all it does i wish there was more we don't have logic gates so this thing will randomly turn on one of the two at random that is all it does i really don't see a really big use over this but that's that's what it does the tripwire is mostly useless um if it had a reset timer then it would be useful but for the most part is my regular switch turn it on power something turn it off power something or unpower is it pretty simple pressure plates same thing sends power when you're standing on it the counter is useless it doesn't do anything at least it doesn't do what it's supposed to do this is supposed to send power after it cycles a certain amount of times it doesn't it literally sends power every time so all it does is when you step on the thing or you power something it does a cycle and shows that it goes up to zero and then starts over but it does not function the way it is if it did then you could actually make some really cool um like sequences and timers and specific things but it doesn't work like it's supposed to maybe one day it will and then you could actually make like a combination lock that would be really cool but it doesn't so that is what it is the these lights here the cycling light will produce light at a different color on whatever you set it as you can do this manually by clicking on it and waiting it's really obnoxious but it does change color a way around that is use a terminal and terminal works by basically you connected to any part of the network your best bet is either connected after your main pylon or connected directly to generator and it will literally control anything that is attached to it so like light boxes you can set color let's say we want the blue and make it in you can set the lights to all the lights to blue now if you want to set each individual light that is connected to it you'll have to disconnect all of them except the one you're working on and then you can adjust each individual one one by one or you can go stand and click on it you can do random to all of them this will do all switch controls you can turn all switches off or turn them all on so if you want to control individual switches they would need to be on their circuits or work on them individually the optical sensor you can farm all and you can set trigger target to hostiles only or anything uh the biggest problem with the tripwire is it literally works and then you have to reset it manually after every trip if it had some sort of like reset after a minute that would be super cool but it doesn't um the power counter this is supposed to let you control when it sends power so like it's supposed to send power on six all right but it doesn't work so it just sends power and cycle is a number again this is broken and this is mostly useless it works that time but that's it it's done you have to physically rearm it or reset it and the only way i know to do that is with the terminal you go back terminal and then arm and then it just does the opposite of whatever it was so before the door was closed and then i opened it when i tripped it and now i closed it when i tripped it it's just pointless so don't use this unless it's like a one time thing so that's pointless again pressure switch stand on it powers things and that is the majority of the switches and mechanical stuff running wires and conduit through your house we'll start with wires they're pretty simple um one thing you really need to make sure you do when you do any um wiring and setup is if you're going to use wallpaper put it on first at least a wallpaper doesn't matter which one it is if it's final or not as long as it has wallpaper make sure you have your wallpaper on before you start what putting any wire connectors on or any you know like wall decorations because let's say let's say you didn't and you put a picture on the wall i'll just stick the chalkboard on there and then you stick a wall connector i always go past them all the time you know and then you're like oh i forgot to do wallpaper it just takes them off so if you are going to use wallpaper whether you're double walling single walling most every belt i use uses double walls if you don't have a double wall it's pretty much you place a wall this one doesn't like it let's go to a different wall if they have thick doors they don't like it all you need is and you can't do it on the wood ones either take this one here well spin it around stick it and then you can convert it to whatever wall you want one of my favorite combinations is this window with this window and then you have a nice set of windows with shutters i really like that a lot but the half walls and angle walls you will need to use uh the concrete and then torch them to double stack them but basic walls fall flip and then you double wall but let's say you're gonna run you have your generator on the outside let's take a generator sometimes it'd be nicer if these are more organized so you have something on the inside or outside and you want to hook to something on the inside let's just put a vendor in i know i've explained this in another one but i'm going through it so it all makes sense literally convert it to a doorway connect it convert it back uh it will work through a window too so you can go right through it and then convert it to whatever you want that's simple in and out for wiring so um if you need to go through floors no big deal it's let's just we know whether where the window or the wall would be just kind of stick this power connector here and invert the wall our doorway wire to it convert back but if you want to go upstairs you can actually do that too you take you a wall connector go to where you want it if you convert your floor to the mesh you go right through it down with the connector and then put it back to the floor you want and then you have a wire run through the floor and run through the wall super simple you wanted your vendor here set your vendor there oh custom server jump light stupid when you have it set and then you just connect it hurt [Applause] and you have your vendor inside super clean simple and this is covering quite a bit of proximity for power but let's say you don't like these wires and you want to do conduit conduit is pretty interesting it does take a lot more budget to use conduit so most time when i'm using it i'm actually using it more for like actually decorating with the conduit like making ladders and and whatnot different ways to use the uh the conduit is either using using it as basically like runners so you would just connect power to this and then you could run you know it over a long distance if you wanted to but again this does take a bit more budget so when it wants to snap sometimes it's just weird why are you fighting with me what is the issue but nonetheless you would either run it from point over to point connect or you would run point to a radiator which would radiate power you can also connect it to you can go up with it there are the lights the lights do just are just a one when they're connected you don't you'd have to run a switch to them to get them to be off but they're literally just always on as long as there's power so if you wanted to turn them on and off you need to undo a switch in between something like this guy here let's get rid of this and then you would be able to turn it on and off but it would take everything in that chain and turn it on and off so that is kind of basically how the conduits work but you can route power to them and then connect them to other things and that's how you would use conduit the pieces aren't too complicated they're fairly self-explanatory but with these unless using the radiator they don't reduce power unless you connect them to things so like this to a connector these power pylons do proximity power leave those two as well [Music] but this won't power until you connect to it at the end point so you need to go to this to something to do proximity but if you know how you're going to actually lay out your house before you build it then you can um easily hide the conduit in the wall so let's say i'm going to double wall all right you put your conduit right on the edge of the line right on the line here and then since i'm splitting the difference let's go to wall double wall go back to my power connectors put in a power connector or you could do proximity power but as i showed you earlier or later depends on however i order this um if you're gonna use a proximity connector they're not very good so don't use that just do one of these guys and then a wire connector and and then convert your back to a wall and if you did this and then you put wallpaper on it that's gonna disappear like i said before whatever one it's stuck to it's gonna remove so you'll have to go back put your connector back in convert your wall back again once you have wallpaper you can change between any of the wallpapers it doesn't matter that's why if you ever watch any of my builds like my live builds i'll go and put whatever wallpaper on all the walls and then that way when i go through and start decorating wiring it's already done you don't have to fight with it so that is a quick way to run your your conduit and hide it [Applause] but you'd have to know your floor plan or you can taken like you i could go in here i already know let's say let's we wanted to let's do a wall here so we would know i would i would be doing this so you could take your wall out since we know how i'm going to lay it out it could simply go in because you can't just stick this through it doesn't like it it wants to snap and be weird even with snapping off it doesn't go but take these out i can easily split the difference here and then start adding the connectors oh before we do anything we'll add a jank wallpaper just something to be on the wall that we don't worry about it put that on and convert wall back you did a window there you probably wouldn't like it so if you didn't want to do this with a window no big deal you just take your connector here drop our way down here and you have that and all you would need to do is connect her on the outside and then hook to your power source well if it was close enough well you get the idea and that would be how you would run there if you wanted to run our upstairs you know i haven't tried to do that let's try this because i don't know if that would work let's do this here on the edge i mean technically yep as long as you know how you're gonna run everything prior to placing the walls you can literally just run the conduit in place and then place your walls and you can have your conduit hidden in the walls but make sure you put wallpapers on there before you start filling it out or your stuff will disappear that's that's pretty much the uh the extent of conduit and you know you just have to basically tinker with and and figure out how you want to run things but that is a super sneaky way to hide your hide your conduit in the walls and even that doesn't look bad it's pretty clean the other way is just running it along the floor and on the roof you can do the same thing on the roof like i was mentioning earlier with the falls well you know do one of these and do everything and then just leave the open top within a roof or do double roofs run all your conduit in around and repair your roofs so that is conduit and basic wiring alrighty so if you're going to power structure and let's say all you want to do is lights and maybe a vendor you don't need a ton of things to power the place you could do this as simply as you know if let's say you want to do your generator outside all you really need to cover a structure this big is basically one connector you can put it here that will power every bit of this 2x2 building like all the way out of the edge both floors top to bottom you covered with that alone and then you could do your vendor outside if you wanted but let's say you wanted the vendor inside uh so we'll just do the big stupid one because it's visible just putting it inside doesn't do anything it needs to be powered directly but let's say you want to have your your uh your vendor inside and your generator on the outside all you gotta do is take and turn your wall into a doorway or a window connect through to the thing hopefully a little close move it in a smidge and then if you wanted to get it really sneaky you could put your connector you could do it inside and you'd have more proximity to the building by putting it inside here and just connect there if you didn't want to do that you wanted to hide this connector while this is a doorway you could put your connector there connect to it make it back wall and then you have powered the entire place as well as your your vendor i know that's taken through there if you do it a double wallet won't but that's that's the gist of all you really need to do to power a structure like this if you're making a much bigger structure then you need my power more places um you could run you know connectors up and around but knowing how far a connector's proximity power will do will let you know where to place your power and how to run it another simple way to power a structure without without if you wanted to hide it is do it in a roof so let's say you could even do a false side roof so if you didn't want to see it from the ground you could take these little half walls and build a false side of your roof and then put all your power in the top or you can do what i do a lot of times is i build a double roof double roof by you build your taller roofs and then you hit it with a flame thrower i'll take these other ones out so you can see it so you would just burn it and then you take place the flat roofs underneath it and then you repair if you didn't want to [Music] kind of fiddle with the roof placement to put your power in you could go now put in your generator you can place it wherever you want put in power connectors basically you need these about every i don't think you can do it every two because of the the droop of the wire it won't it won't allow you to so you'll do about every square and all you need is a strip down the middle and you pretty much have covered the entire building in reality all you need this is basically right there in the middle repair your roofs and then you have your power in the roof completely hidden and it's nice and clean but like i said you might need to do more connectors that way you reach all the way down so the other way to do power is spot power and that is what i do in a lot of my builds uh if i'm running vendors on the inside which is unusual but i have done it before if i want vendors on the inside what i tend to do most is taking these this little guy here and then taking a stash box you take place this guy on top connectors on the back so i'm going to put it really close there and then you take you a power connector and you use this one quite a bit connect it and i'll do this towards this side here and then if you have the terrain to work with you can sink this into the stash box another way to merge if you don't have terrain is use the pressure switch just need a pressure switch and a generator that matter which one it is connect the power and then you can take your stash box generator your power connector connect them and then set it on there and it just takes time it's a little weird later on because you've got like the wires fighting with you so you just gonna move around a little bit and you have a really clean power source that you can just put anywhere in your camp without looking like it's anything other than a stash box and you have power to basically you know cover that two square it like said it will cover the distance of two foundations in any direction in a sphere and that is spot power and if you wanted to have your your generator next to your vendor you could do that inside and cover everything and that is a super clean way to have a really nice simple build without a bunch of wires running everywhere and looking super obnoxious that is like you said the one of the ways that i do it the most and that is basic wiring for this and spot power if you're wiring over long distance um a couple easy ways to do that is either use you can use these power pylons simply link to them you can't really stretch them too awful far because sag gets to you but you can go quite a ways with these you're gonna go further distance you're better off using like the pylons because you can get these a little further apart and since you can take these much further apart they tend to be a little bit more budget-friendly but it's not a huge amount of distance because sag usually gets to the best of you but it's a little further but that's mainly if you're gonna run like power around your perimeter or running it from let's say your house to like um resource nodes or different stuff like that but that should pretty much cover the bulk of uh of all the electrical in the game if you are looking to figure out how to do something else more welcome leave a comment and i can try to tackle it but i hope this this tutorial helped out and maybe i'll see in the next one why can't i put the past on ice [Music] [Music] i wish that i could just move forward instead of being an emotional hoarder i think it's time for choosing what you choose [Music] [Music]
Channel: Rotomon
Views: 21,878
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fallout, fallout 76, fallout camp building, Fallout tips and tricks, C.A.M.P. Building, mmo, rotomon, rotomon tiktok, Fallout 4, bethesda, electrical guide, power guide, electrical tutorial, power tutorial
Id: KBczPcpy2VA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 43sec (2203 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 28 2021
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