FALLOUT 76 | How To Get Camp Plans Quickly.

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good evening ladies and gentlemen how are we getting on welcome to a brand new 476 tips video and today we are taking a look at some of the best ways to get camp plans as rapidly as possible in fallout 76 [Music] okay so i'm sure there's a lot of people who already know this stuff but for those who are starting new characters or maybe want a little refresher or who are new to the game there's a few things we can do to speed up the process of getting camp plans overall it's not a particularly quick process but there are a few ways we can speed things up a bit so we're going to jump in and look at those first up first thing you need to know is that a lot of this is going to require caps and quite a lot of them so you're going to need to spend quite a bit of time focusing on making sure you're earning as many caps as possible a couple of good ways i like to do it is to run with farmer farmer that like per con and sell any excess chems that i've got to robot vendors either at train stations or at the white spring it's a good way of earning a few caps also grab any uh weapons things like that from fallen enemies that i happen to come across whilst i'm running around the game and settle those off as well as a good way of building up beyond that there are other things you can do as well but it's probably outside the scope of this video and certainly outside the scope of my expertise so something you might want to look into but you will need a good few caps to do a lot of these things one of the ways you can also get capsule is to sell any good gear any extra plans that you don't need things like that any scrap that you might want to get rid of often sells well in your player vendors at your camp and speaking of this this is also a good segue into the first way and the best way probably to get plans reasonably quickly which is to check out people's vendors if you have a look on the main map you can see a little icon that comes up when you hover over people's accounts to show what they've got on sale particularly show plans available somebody's got plenty of them then you can head on over there and see what they've got available the ui for camp vendors is very helpful as well it'll tell you if you already know a plan so you don't end up buying duplicates and you can scroll through there pick up any plans that you happen to want to make sure you learn them straight away that way that you don't end up picking up duplicates without realizing it because it only tells you you know them once you've actually learned the plan so always worth making sure you do that a little caveat on this one of course keep an eye on the prices people are asking for some of these plans a lot of them are reasonably common plans and if you're trying to pick them up quickly and early on in a particular character's lifespan for example then you may want to avoid buying some of the more expensive plans you do get some outrageous prices are sometimes so keep that one in mind that said if you're looking at something that is particularly rare and you particularly happen to want then it might be worth spending a little bit more so keep an eye on things like that check things out make sure you know roughly what looks rare what looks more common and if you're not sure google it's your best bet as uh obviously we can't really go through them all right now and it will change over time as well so watch those prices but you should be able to pick up a lot of plans very quickly for very reasonable prices a lot of the time as well and really build out the amount of plans you've got available to build with so speaking of buying plans the next option that is a very good way of picking them up is to head over to the white spring head inside the main hotel and down to the lower floor where you'll find the shopping mall down there you'll find a lot of different faction vendors you can also find these guys at train stations as well they'll often have a few unique plans as well you can only pick up from those faction vendors so you can head in there grab those caps as well they tend to be a bit more expensive at this point but a lot of them are unique to those vendors as well so if you want those plans that's what you're gonna have to do is spend a reasonable number of caps on them well there's a good few of those in the white spring as well so it's an easy place to find them without having to hop all over the map looking for them and the other thing in here is pendleton over at studio 58. here check this guy out he's got a lot of plans focused on the white spring and a few more general ones as well and these are all unique and the only place you can pick them up is from pendleton they're also pricey which has been unfortunate but if you do want these plans a lot of them are really good ones and definitely worth having the ones i use a lot then this is where you need to go to pick them up which again costs you those caps but it's a good selection and a lot of them are really worth having to say some are white spring scenes some are a bit more general there's some baltic stuff in there and some more obscure stuff as well and a lot of it's really really cool so definitely a good place to pick those up so moving outside of the shopping for a minute one of the best ways to pick up plans is to take over public workshops and the first time you do this you'll find you get a whole load of defense plans so definitely worth doing that at the very least once you can do it on public servers but if you've got private servers as well if you have fallout first and that's even easier to do but if you take over a whole bunch of these things you will get a plan each time you capture a workshop and shortly afterwards you'll get a mission to defend that workshop from whatever wasteland creatures decide to attack it when you successfully defend it you get another plan and a whole load of scrap as well if you have several workshops going at once or five or six something like that you can keep hopping between these various events and defending workshops over and over and you'll rack up quite a few plans you'll get quite a few duplicates as well but you should pick up quite a few plans reasonably quickly that way so definitely a good option for free plans basically and a whole load of free scrap as well which is always a win it is worth watching out for the pvp if you're going to do this on public workshop so it's not as much of a problem as it used to be but be aware sometimes other players will show up and compete for the workshop and you might have to fight to defend it or you can let it go not worry about that maybe server hop and avoid the person who's doing that and start over again and continue harvesting those plans so one other event in game that is really good for picking up certain set of specific plans is the powering up events that happen at the three power stations that's poseidon energy near charleston mononga power plant finally enough up in mononga and thunder mountain up in the maya if you complete those powering up events that trigger when you first arrive at those power stations you will get at the end of them a plan for a generator and that's your best place to pick those up it's a dead easy event to run through you've got about an hour to complete it in so no problem at all there and you get a unique plan each time you go through it for three or four times there's only three or four available but that's the best bet for getting a few extra generator options if you need to get some extra power into your camp so if you're looking for more specific rare rewards you can pick most of those up from seasonal events there tends to be quite a lot of really cool plans available from those so you've got fashion act meat tweak mothman equinox and we've got invaders from beyond as well all of those tend to drop unique sort of themed plans often some really cool ones for your camps that the world's picking up there's also the halloween and christmas scorched events which also drop a lot of unique plans from the spooky treat bags or the holiday gifts that the legendary creatures drop in those events those are definitely worth farming for and there is hunt for the treasure hunter as well which is a similar sort of thing with mole miners the hunt for the treasure hunt your best bet is actually not so much to hunt the mole miners down as it is to again spend a large amount of caps head over to vendors at either train stations or the white spring that works as well and pick up the empty mole miner pails if you go for the middle tier ones then you'll have your best drop rate to value ratio so definitely the one to go for don't bother with the most expensive ones the drop rate's slightly better but it's not enough to offset the massive jump in price so go for that middle tier buy a load of those up head over to tinker's bench craft up those pails and open them and you will get the best set of drop rates you're gonna get for the rewards from the treasury hunter but again fair warning that does cost a fair few caps to do so last couple of things seasons these often have a number of limited time rewards that you can pick up for your camp if you work your way through the scoreboard you'll find you're getting a few as you progress some of the best ones are offering at the latter portion so it takes quite a lot to get to those and it's also worth noting that often those don't come back around either so if you've missed out on them you might not be able to pick them up so grab them while they're available is there the advice there while you're doing that and you're earning score you'll probably be doing daily ops quite regularly especially if you've got um reasonably past the level 50 mark so that's a good way of picking up a few rare rewards as well there there's some specific daily ops camp objects that you can pick up the drop rates are not spectacular on those and there's quite a long list of things available from daily ops so you may have to keep doing those but chances are that's the clues in the name you'll be doing them daily so there's a good chance you'll pick up a reasonable number from that the other option is you can also pick those up from gold bullion vendors that applies to the scoreboard in general and daily ops you often find things popping up in the gold bullion vendors inventories you have to have completed the wastelander storyline to do that but you'll find them at foundation and crater and you'll also find minerva who is another gold bullion vendor who travels between a foundation fort atlas and crater usually at the start of the week she's not there on monday tuesday wednesday she will probably be there uh in one of those locations at the end of the week tends to be towards the end of the month that one night you can usually find a few plans available there for gold bullion which you can definitely pick up so the last thing to mention is the atomic shop and a lot of people are not keen on spending real world money on picking up [ __ ] game items which is fine however if you want to pick up what are arguably some of the best objects in the game from the camp building perspective then the atomic shop is where you're going to find a lot of them you can get atoms through doing challenges in game if you have a look on a challenge menu via the map you'll find a whole load of challenges there that will drop atoms for you they're one-offs unfortunately and they take a while to earn and the rewards for them aren't great you also find you get atoms from completing seasons as well if you happen to have fallout first there's items included with that and you can also buy them if you so desire but it's worth bearing in mind because a lot of the coolest stuff does come from the atomic shop which is unsurprising really because they have to fund the game somehow if you keep an eye on that hit through there you'll often find some really cool stuff those tend to cycle through so you'll see older objects coming back if you've missed them and you get another bite of that particular apple there's a good way to find some of us say the best decorative items some of my favorite things to use a lot come from the atomic shop as well particularly with things like prefabs stuff like that which are always fun to include in your camps but there we go that's the main ways to get plans for your camp and to get stocked up it's not a fast system at the best of times but hopefully there's a few tips in there will help you speed things up and collect the plans and flush out your camps a lot more quickly so i do hope you found this useful and informative if you did please do consider dropping subs and likes i do very much appreciate it do check out some of the other tips guides i've got on the channel as well you'll find them linked up in the top right corner of the video on a card and uh check out some of the campaigns i've done as well hopefully there's some cool ideas for you there as well if you check down below the video as well in the description you'll find my social media links merch store and channel memberships on that blue join button if you're interested in supporting the channel in that way i hugely appreciate it really helps out some massive thanks everybody who's done that and if you get a chance to join us for live streams as well we are of course playing fallout 76 and we've usually got a secondary game on the go as well it's always good fun so do drop in and hang out for those as well but for now thank you very much for watching and i look forward to speaking to you all very very soon [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Darth Xion
Views: 140,621
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fallout 76, Darth Xion, fallout 76 how to get camp plans, Fallout 76 how to get camp plans quickly, Fallout 76 how to get camp plans fast, fallout 76 camp, fallout 76 c.a.m.p, fallout 76 where to find plans, fallout 76 camp guide, fallout 76 plans, fallout 76 base building, Fallout 76 camp plans, fallout 76 guide, fallout 76 tips and tricks, fallout 76 tips for beginners 2021, fallout 76 tips for returning players, Fallout 76 tips for new players
Id: d-x5GpUuDlw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 20sec (680 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 15 2022
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