How to Avoid Starbuck's Disaster & Hire the Right People

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hi this is Drew Harden you know recently I saw a story where a Starbucks employee got fired so she leaked all the Starbucks drink recipes on social media the post went viral there were all these comments including this one which is probably spoton clearly this was an issue for Starbucks and now it's a problem for the employee who could face future issues getting hired or even a law suit so the question is how can you as a leader avoid destructive situations like this well here are five things that you can do to be proactive and ensure that you are hiring the right team member number one is don't hire quickly don't fix a short-term problem set up long-term success with this hire it's really tempting sometimes there's someone maybe who left your organization you're trying to fill a spot other people are getting the work that's left undone there's a lot of pressure to hire quickly but avoid that pressure remember this is someone that could be with you for many many years in the future it's so important to think about the long-term success and hire someone who's going to fit in for the long term who's going to be able to bring you results in the long term I've seen a lot of situations where organizations hire really quickly and then they get someone who's not the right fit we used to do that years ago when we were less experienced we would hire someone quickly hope for the best and sometimes it wasn't always the right person so take your time follow the process ensure a lot of people on your team are are involved you're not rushing through things you got to do multiple interviews you should do at least three interviews maybe more take your time sometimes you're afraid that maybe they'll get hired elsewhere and you'll lose this candidate that you think is good you still have to take your time and do your due diligence it will really pay off in the end number two is to hire primarily based on values and personality it can be really tempting to look at this little piece of paper that somehow distills everything this person has known or done over all his or her years into one resume and make a decision but it's so much more important to look at those soft skills and pick someone that's really going to fit into your organization we always say that you can teach skills but you can't teach personality it's so important to get someone who's going to follow your company core values who believes in your company core values who has a great personality that's going to fit in with the manager with the team that the person's going to be working with this is someone that you or your team members are going to spend each and every day with you want to get someone who's positive and who's likable who you're actually going to enjoy spending time with the biggest thing that you can do to impact your company culture is add people to it take the time to ensure this person is going to be happy positive and fit in number three is to research your candidate this is another thing that a lot of organizations Miss but check out the candidates websites social media posts what type of content is he or she putting out there does this person have YouTube videos what does this person's LinkedIn look like you know what statements are they making you want to ensure you're not going to get someone who's problematic sometimes a background check is really important personality test in a lot of organizations is important too you know whether it's a disc assessment or an anagram or something like this it's also really important to call references sometimes organizations forget this or miss this because they just assume the reference is going to say something really great about this person so why waste the time to make the call but you'd be surprised how often if you ask the right questions you'll get information other than just praise we've called references before and they've actually badmouthed a candidate which wasn't a good sign so ask the right questions about the references don't worry about inconveniencing that person it's okay to ask a difficult question dig a Little Deeper it might feel a little uncomfortable at the time but if this can help you avoid months or years of a painful employee it's totally worth it number four is to set and understand expectations before you hire make sure you understand exactly what that person expects from your organization sometimes when I'm interviewing I'll say what do you believe your employer owes you I think that's a good question and sometimes that can be very revealing when I get the answers from it make sure the expectations are set from you as well make sure the person knows what do success look like what is he or she expected to do every day expect to spend his or her time sometimes employers they're interviewing they're bragging too much about their organization how great it is how great the culture is you got to be honest about it both parties need to be as honest as possible you have to set accurate expectations beforehand setting an understanding these expectations is so incredibly important because it can avoid months or years of problems down the road and before we get to number five if you found this helpful please like And subscribe i' really appreciate it and I share videos like this all the time and number five is to coach and communicate okay you've hired this person it's going to be fantastic this person seems like they're going to fit right in everything checks out that's great but you can't forget to coach and communicate as time goes on ensure that this person's manager is going to be checking in constantly is going to be onboarding spending a lot of extra time making sure this person's up to speed and then coaching this person ongoing one-on ones not just meeting with this person but asking how are things going listening guiding this person and ensuring those expectations continue to be said and understood you can't just hire someone and forget it the work of managing the person of listening of communicating of supporting and encouraging is something that you have to continue to do so there you go there's five things that you can do to ensure you hire the right people I hope that's helpful for you like And subscribe I'll talk to you next time [Applause] [Music] so [Music]
Channel: Drew Harden
Views: 569
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: K_ZhTuPhTmI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 12sec (372 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 07 2024
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