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the real asset of a Believer is not just land it's not just Investments is time whatever attacks your time has attacked your life sir time it takes time to know God it takes time to raise Godly children it takes time to build anything that lasts it takes time to build a great church to build a great business and the devil is aware of this so he helps you live a fruitless Life by interrupting your time are we together now if you do not understand this this um this introduction my message may not make sense the secrets of the Kingdom among other things help you to exercise dominion over time so that you can redeem time why the days are evil H the days are evil that means it is possible to be a graduate and just because your father had a vendata with someone else you will suffer for 20 years before you get a job because someone vowed to punish your father through you are we together and if you do not know how to redeem time you will be a victim of many things time why do we want to prosper it's not just to prove a point Prosperity has a a unique ability to redeem time sir are you getting what I'm saying now yes sir the the time westage that comes when you are poor many people have not reflected on it if you reflect on it you will hate poverty um not just because uh how I hope I hope I'm all right can I can I so when you hate poverty if you just hate it because it makes you suffer it's not it's not a valid reason enough you must be able to attack it from the interruption that it provides for your time when you wake up in the morning and sleep late in the night only to eat the bread of Sorrow for instance and then one day your little child calls you an uncle because it takes time to know your child and the devil knows that once you have the keys in place you will have time to serve God you will have time to be serious notice before I continue Once Upon a Time the nation of Israel when Moses came to cry their Exodus to pharaoh and he said look the god of the Hebrews appeared to me and said let my people go Pharaoh looked at him and said ah I see we give you straw and you just walk so you have a little time to call upon God now stop giving them straw the time they use to pray let them use it to look for straw and immediately they told Moses don't talk to Pharaoh again we will remain in bondage time time is very very important oh teach us to number our days he says not because we're afraid of dying it says that we may apply our hearts to wisdom so the Bible says to walk circumspectly as wise not as unwise Redeeming the time why the days are evil let me tell you what that means by default every man's life carries a disadvantage listen just follow me you will understand what I'm saying by default there is no Advantage anywhere for any man you introduce systems of advantage AG into your destiny as you go the first of them being salvation are you getting what I'm saying that means that when you have two people who have to live their lives by default it's like making do with whatever grows in a farm and what grows in a farm without being planted is weed are we together now so I come from a family for instance with no advantage and now it is my responsibility under God God to understand God and his ways and then introduce to my destiny systems of Advantage are we together that begin to correct the the errors that I met so you come from a family where the first person builds a house at 50 it's not a testimony you come from a family where something is wrong when you are blessed early you see all these kinds of things now you come to a point where you know the Lord and you love the Lord and the responsibility is upon you to take advantage of the provisions that the kingdom provides to start correcting this is why we have things like restoration restoration is a system of advantage and I will restore what the years not just the things the years because when you lose time you really lost I will restore the years I hope hope you know um please next time I call two people um if you are not one of these gentlemen on suit just just sit quietly H please so let me have two people I said it uh please come s oh no no no can I have another person that yes come come you two come thank you watch this let's celebrate them as they come you stand here you two stand here watch this I want to illustrate something now both of you just follow me carefully this is this is this this um two people living out their Destinies let's start now we call this delay keep going this man wants to move forward move slowly but this one has been delayed for 10 years if I remove the constraint and he's moving this is progress not restoration because he's still delayed there is a provision in the Kingdom that can pick you and bring you back here listen so that if if you look at my life you will not find the Gap that the delay provided are you getting what I'm saying now please come again sir watch this again we have two people let's let's assume that they were married the same time okay and then this man now has not been able to have a child one year 2 years 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 if you give birth is a testimony but it's not yet restoration so when because if you will space your children 3 three years under normal circumstances you will need 9 years from the time are you seeing that now and so if God gives you three plates [Applause] he didn't just give you children he did something to time please understand this now this example like many more have in them shrouded the mysteries of the Kingdom that help us we engage these Mysteries it is because of this provision that the Bible says for we know they don't know but we know we are in the kingdom and we know that all things how many things all things can work together not for the good of everybody for the good of them that love the Lord and them that are called did you ever read in Scripture that those he predestined he called so who is the called here it's not just a man of God we have been called grafted into Glory the Bible says for such people the concept of being disadvantaged does not truly exist in the presence of the Mysteries of the Kingdom that's why sometimes you say God time has gone and it doesn't pay attention is because the provisions to remedy it are many there are too many keys that can bring you back listen to me God can keep you for a while while others are getting their jobs and moving God says just stay and know me and you say God but I've already my life and God says look the kingdom we operate in is a kingdom of light there are too many keys to bring you where you should have been that's why when we don't trust God because we compare ourselves with others the Bible says and they comparing themselves with themselves are not wise is God speaking to us now so you come to God and say Lord I lost one billion he will not even answer you because the concept of of losses is something leaving you not leaving the Earth is still there and the Bible tells us listen did you read in Ezekiel 37 that once upon a time there was a great Army and they all became Bor scattered you thought they were all gone but all of them the bones were there and under a certain condition not every condition under a certain condition the bones that you thought were dried the Bible says son of man can this bones leave even the prophet who was already used to spiritual things said Lord in this matter only you only thou knowest it says prophesy to the bones watch this and he spoke to the bones and the Bible says the bones had him they started coming one by one one bone to his bone then he says prophesy upon the Four Winds and say oh wind breathe upon this Lan and then they became an exceeding great Army So when you say something left you it didn't leave the Earth that means there is a condition that can make it come back so that we don't lament like unbelievers and the basis of our confidence is that we we understand that in the economy of God there is a way to do anything Al last Master for it was borrowed and he said no problem where fell it and the ax head float it floated right to the top and he picked it up are we together when the Bible says all things are possible will it is true but not under every condition and I want to show you very quickly just two just two of the secrets of the in addition to what the Lord showed us yesterday irrefutable principles that are backed up by God's Own Integrity hallelujah praise the Lord you have to understand that these principles are not opinions please understand there are not opinions it's not something where let's try and see if it works it truly does work meditate on these things give yourself holy to them and there is a guarantee that your profiting will appear onto all may God bless you thank you SS thank you are we together so let's look at two of them oh dear I'm wondering which one to Omit and which one to talk about no praise the Lord you see a this kingdom is a kingdom that operates by knowledge HOSA lamented in chapter 4 and verse 6 he said my people are destroyed for the lack of knowledge my people are destroyed for the lack of knowledge my people are destroyed for the lack of knowledge it takes knowledge to be able to rain the Bible says Isaiah chapter 60 and verse one arise Shine for your light is come and the glory of God is risen upon you are we together I always like to quote it from Amplified it says arise from the depression and frustration which circumstances have kept you rise to a new life rise to a new life for the glory of the Lord is upon you the Bible says dark Ness shall cover the Earth gross Darkness the people but upon you the glory of the Lord shall arise verse three says Gentiles will come to your light and their kings to the brightness of your Rising hallelujah praise the Lord so let's examine the mysteries of the Kingdom very quickly we'll look at um we'll just look at two of them oh dear number one is called the law of value is one of the Mysteries of the Kingdom Proverbs chapter 18 and verse 15 let's hurry up Proverbs 18:16 Proverbs 18:16 the law of [Music] value very powerful scripture it says a man's gift makes room for him please look up and brings him before Great Men a man's gift makes room for him before then there's no room for him a man's gift makes room creates space for him are we together will you be tired if I ask you guys to come again four of you come quickly please come come s yes come all four of you come let's celebrate them I'm sorry please permit me um just just stand close to me all of you just stand facing the crowd everyone look at this so here's what the Bible says just compress yourself there is no space for you anywhere this is call this the table of greatness there's no space for you that that idea that there is a place for you is a psychological consolation but in reality there is no space anywhere here's what the Bible says a man's gift will make room make room there was no space for you but it makes room it will push people left and right and create your own space the value value is defined as a measure of usefulness value is a measure of usefulness to be valuable means to be perceived to be useful as far as the context of a territory or a civilization is concerned it is very very important because most Believers and and Pastor sir I think um you will agree with me that one of the challenges with the body of Christ is we have not paid attention to the secrets that make us dominate over the cosmos because of the presence of the Holy Spirit and the advantage that the spirit realm provides sometimes we negate the power of principles like value and we have this understanding that things would just find their way to fall in place but we are dealing with men this is the cosmos the world of men and the Bible tells us that when it has to do with dominion over the cosmos to be wise as serpens and gentle as doves a serpent is not a good reptile but it says borrow wisdom from the serpent when it has to do with dominion over the cosmos the serpent is disadvantaged in many ways no hands no legs it crawls yet you fear it you have hands you have the feet and yet you fear that thing that just crawls there must be some level of wisdom there Dominion when a lion kills its prey you will know because blood will spill when a serpen eats his prey you will not find where it was or where the prey is because it does not leave the stain of blood behind it swallows it holy and the digestion happens there a lion will eat and crack the bones and leave the remains there are many lessons to learn from the serpent that can help us work in victory over the cosmos but that's not where I'm going to the Bible says the value the gift of a man your value is not just a measure of your skill please look up every time I talk about value I break it into two the first real value you have is is your virtue not your transactable skill your virtue is a measure of your closeness to the character of Christ this is value you know many times when we talk about value we think about our transactable skill the intellectual press and all of these these things are wonderful but they are secondary in the long run your virtue is what gives you an edge as far as value is concerned are we together yes you ask any blessed man they will not tell you they are necessarily looking for a person of skill alone but they they would have been betrayed by many many gifted Rebels they are looking for people who have virtue virtue is not cheap and virtue is not for women virtue is a measure of your closeness to the character of Christ let me tell you this when you contend to sustain the character of the Christ you become bu and heava it becomes difficult to ignore you the world is look what the world is looking for a man is what only Christ can give the fruit of the spirit your patience joy peace this is what we seek for you are valuable to the degree to which you walk in partnership with the word of God and the spirit of God to sustain the character traits that make you reflect Christ are we together now you will think what I'm sharing is very cheap and very simple and very basic until you see what lack of the manifestation of the character of Christ can do to a man why do you lock your homes when you leave because there are people who don't have the fruit of the spirit and you are aware of them are we together yes yes sir you came to church and yet you locked your car why because you are aware that there is an environment that may not exactly reflect your values what makes heaven heaven because there is a system that judges Rebellion immediately Hallelujah remember we're talking about the keys that reproduce Heaven here on Earth there was war in heaven and Lucifer was judged immediately notice that God is so secure he never gets up from the throne to Walk Around Heaven to check for loyalty there is a system put in place he's unperturbed Seated on his throne yet Rebellion is judged from any angle of Heaven that means you can sustain that same intelligence and save yourself the stress of policing people to check for loyalty there is an intelligence you can employ in your business in your life that from where you are you can detect Rebellion are we together let me give you an advice deal ruthlessly with Rebellion Rebellion is not an advantage under any condition sir you have a company and people are rebellious let them go don't feel insecured let them go whatever comes from Rebellion comes pregnant it will happen again H are we together yes so your virtue the character of the Christ by this shall all men know that you are my disciples not when you speak in tongues not when you pray not when you seow seeds when you have love there is a dimension of Love Agape that is not given unto men is the spirit of God that will shed that love abroad in Your Heart by the Holy Ghost so when you sustain this character traits how about being trustworthy imagine what you will do when you find someone you can trust genuinely and truthfully Hallelujah then when we deal with virtue we now deal with your skill your transactable skill but I think one especially for a generation of young people we have placed emphasis on transactable skills once you are educated you have a masters you have a PhD it doesn't matter what Spirit what demon what devil what I mean nobody cares I am skilled and I deserve to be at the highest position in life no you will get to a realm where everybody there skilled what then becomes your Edge there is a realm you get to where your transactable skill no longer becomes the basis of your lifting it is your closeness to the character of Christ even unbelievers are looking for Christ in everybody are we together let me tell you sincerely if by this conference you trust God for Grace to rise to a position where where there is an appreciable dimension of the character of Christ he said My Little Children of whom I travail Paul is speaking until Christ be formed in you he was talking to people who were already born again and filled with the Holy Spirit the formation of Christ ask any CEO here he will tell you the headache of every great man is not just skillful people in fact many times they become the trouble the wisdom the Loyalty are we blessed but I tell you this you know you are valuable by who pursues you if nobody is pursuing you is a report card that you are not valuable all men seek for you listen there are certain skills that when you have only the rich will look for you there are certain skills when you have only the poor will look for you there are certain skills when you have only the educated will look for you there are skills that when you have only your tribes men will look for you but there are skills when you have all men will look for you all men will look for you that was a testimony of Jesus all men seek for thee all men all men All Nations all territory seek for thee make up your mind that you will be valuable the kingdom operates on a reward system you know that and it is it is fraud to expect rewards when you are not valuable this is true we must contend to be valuable here is where our precious superstitious Africa will continually be cheated we have this understanding you know Africa were a wonderful place uh but we're also a very super ious place we believe that things can fabricate themselves for years we have been claiming Bill Gates wealth for years we have been claiming the wealth of um what's his name again who all these Great Men until now they are getting more blessed whereas many people are getting frustrated because God is not a fool he designed in this system that rewards follow value many people look at preachers and say why these people are just blessed for doing nothing let me tell you why preachers are blessed once and for all so that we just clear the air over this preachers are blessed because they are communicators of value the value may be spiritual in context but it is real value are we together number one they connect people to Faith a relationship that is superior to any on the earth number two they help to shape the mindset and the understanding of the people that makes for victory that's real value number three There Are Spiritual conduits that communicate the possibilities of God a miracle a sign and a Wonder cannot be bought in a bank cannot be bought in a market whoever aligns with God to receive that Grace and communicate the same is valuable are we together seest thou a man diligent in his business the Bible gives you an assurance that you will stand before men before Kings and you will not stand before mean men let me show you two scriptures very quickly and then we'll rush I apologize I would not take so much of the time and let's just walk with what we have ready Exodus chapter 4 please let's look at verse 2 and verse 17 would you be a bit patient thank you Exodus chapter 4 and the Lord said unto him what is in your hand and he said what let's go to verse 17 for time sake it says you shall take this listen say in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus I obtain Grace I obtain Grace to be valuable to be valuable I obtain Grace to be exceptional to be exceptional Lagos is a good land but the increase only looks for of value when you are valuable listen you know you are valuable when no no amount becomes too much to reward you at that point you are Priceless look at this if this handkerchief is say a th000 naira please hold it no matter how wealthy you are you will not pay million for this ordinarily are we together why because you perceive that although it is valuable it is not that valuable now if you are this handkerchief in my example people can give you a th000 n but when you demand for a million n they think it's unfair I told you yesterday everybody is a giver truly can you rise to a level of value that makes no price becomes unfair uh that makes for no price to become unfair on you that someone can look at you today and still give you a property what millions and and say please let it be a privilege for me to bless you because you are that valuable I made up my mind as a person that in the name of the Lord I would not just be a preacher but I would be valuable that I would never never have encounter with anyone and then you say oh it's nice to meet you go away no no it's a vow and a covenant that I made with myself so it calls for study it calls to expand your understanding as a preacher you talk to all kinds of people if you're a medical doctor the limit of your profession is just around the hospital and all of this but as a man of God you're talking with diplomats you're talking with business people you're talking with politicians you must sustain the intelligence that communicates God to their sphere it is not an impartation it is knowledge that is acquired is truth that is bought this is what will make you valuable and I tell you the truth anybody any preacher anyone in Ministry who is not ready to be valuable on this wise must be ready for empty pews your pastor is vast intelligent skilled that's why you come here that's why you love him that's why no amount you SW into his life becomes a regret you don't go back saying I would have given are people equipped empowered ordained and assigned by God to help you fulfill your destiny they are not people who just come they are ordained they are assigned they are empowered by God to help you fulfill your destiny and also to take you to the next level of your life let's hurry up you can get the tapes it is God that blesses but you would have heard me say it again and again that all blessings come from God through men to men nothing comes from God directly to men it comes from God through men to men please say it one more time everybody from God through men to men your promotion from God through men to men your property from God through men to men your miracle from God through men to men if God says yes and the middle man says no the answer is no I wish I had time let's do a little bible study the Bible tells us I would always want to use this scripture did you know that David in the wilderness already God had rejected Saul as king we are Bible people is that true and now David was in the wilderness having visions of himself as the next king and between God and David was a man called Samuel God said yes Samuel said no David remained in the wilderness David's life was being delayed and almost wasted in the wilderness because a man disagreed with God and you thought that God would just bypass him and say I am God David I anoint you God had to come and plead with Samuel and say how long will You Weep seeing that I have reject Saul as king God himself not bypassing men this is the world of men Believers please hear me our advantage is not just our spiritual connection but our understanding that when God wants to lift you he will connect you to Destiny helpers Hallelujah there are four dimensions or four kinds of Destiny helpers let me run them very quickly in two or three minutes number one the first dimension of Destiny helpers are called Divine connectors Divine connectors 2 Kings chapter 5 there's no need turning there I'll just tell you the story remember the story of Nan the Bible says Nan was the captain of the Syrian Army the Bible says he was a valiant man in war but the Bible says he was lepos are we together now and then the Bible says one time they captured a slave girl and the little Maid looked at him and said oh that my servant you know that the king that namon would go to meet a prophet and etc etc he argued here and there but eventually he went to meet elishah and the Bible says when he came to meet Elisha Elisha did not even go out to salute him he told him okay go to the Jordan b seven times you'll be cleansed and the man got angry he said I mean with my pedigree this man did not even come out to acknowledge me and so on and so forth and it was the little girl that also advised him Divine connectors don't have what it takes to bless you but they can link you with who has what it takes now listen very carefully these are the systems of Dominion in the Kingdom they may may not have a job but he may have be at the park holding a flyer that doesn't make sense walk in Canada and is waving it he's a bus conductor and you are laughing at him yet you do not know that the vision you saw that's how it will come to pass you will collect that little thing and look at it and see a number and call jokingly and that becomes the next level of your life it takes discernment toy Divine connectors because they call in fashions that are not receivable you will need discernment a destiny connector can be your little child he talks nonsense every day except that that day the spirit of the Lord is upon Him Mommy why don't we pray in this house and you think he's just talking as a little child and it's in that prayer you will have the vision that will become a great business you need discernment divine connectors many of us pass them every day on the streets of Lagos the Bible says to learn from the ant the Bible says to honor all men do you know why because the list of people can still be used by God if God used a donkey he can use a bus conductor God can use the person plating you and while they are disting in the salon and you are listening they will communicate one information that fills the Gap you have been looking for sustain discernment Believers Divine connectors number two very quickly the second category of Destiny helpers are called men of influence these are Gatekeepers they have what it takes to bless you they have the resources the track record and The credibility no man thrives just like that there are times that you have the skill and the gift but you do not have access to the gate you will need someone who is already at the gate to recommend you their voices their track record their credibility can speak for you and they can lift you overnight these are men who can endorse you one Speaking o um uh over your life from them there are people in Lagos one signature can give you and your siblings a job it's true it's not an issue of a prayer point the answer is with them it is within their power some sometimes believer say it doesn't matter God is only you are sick you are right but you are wrong you are very wrong and and sometimes if you don't understand this I tell you sin listen unbelievers know this is an advantage they do not trivialize Yes Men of influence men of influence men of influence many times we insult rich people we insult blessed people we we neglect people's track records because we cannot see what happened when they in the cave of adulam you don't see it you only see the manifestation and you can see a blessed man and say what is there it was his father not a rich man if my father to was a rich man and you see the moment you dishonor men you close the door for Access it's true isn't it amazing that in many territories is foreigners that come and eat of the blessings in the land because the people there trivialize the Nobles I never see men of influence and pretend they are not there I honor them vocally unashamedly I'm friends to politicians I'm friends to Men of I'm friends with people in the military I don't fight them I don't CA them they need me but but I need them there's there's nothing to lie about we live in a wicked world yes sir are we together the body of Jesus is hanging on the cross Pastor no prayer Warrior could bring that body down it took a man of influence called Joseph of arimaa to bring the body down please do not reject influence Joseph is dying with his dream in the prison Pharaoh is there with one decree that can set him to be the prime minister of Egypt but the middle man forgot the middle man did what forgot and then when God was ready to leave Joseph he gave a dream that no astrologer could interpret and when can look look at this do you know that there are certain levels of influence if you don't rise to God cannot use you in certain ways because showing you the vision is useless you don't have the influence to do anything about it listen they were Covenant people in Egypt yet God could not come and give them the dream of the fam coming because they didn't have the capacity to do anything about it so he came to the Pharaoh himself and when the Pharaoh had if Pharaoh if the Israelites were disturbed about the dream would anything be done but when the Pharaoh is Disturbed he can shake his government and the King sent for Joseph and they brought him out of his dungeon not God sent for Joseph the king sent for Joseph and they brought him out of his dungeon please understand this success system it is a secret in the Kingdom this is what makes people to rise miraculously one endorsement please help this person signed this and that and the person looks at it and looks at you and say whose son are you say well that's not the issue look focus on what I brought listen I'm saying this so you don't pray carelessly when you are praying you don't just say helpers of my destiny come it's not a very wise prayer you know what and who to call Lord I need men of influence in this season of my life I have the grace I can be on air the world can hear me but there is no one to connect me and God says I know how to make it happen come for wbe and whilst you are seated Pastor will say turn to your neighbor be Discerning you don't know who that neighbor is maybe let's try turn to your neighbor and say God bless you hallelujah praise the Lord forgive me my time is up I have to rush now watch this please just let me a few more minutes to just tidy this up look up please men of influence you must pray them in your life especially if you know that your background does not have any advantage you know what I'm talking about you must pray pray with understanding Lord take me out of this place someone can like you and just say I don't know but something tells me to help you when that happens after this conference call Pastor and say Pastor that's it it happened it happened Hallelujah there are many ways to pay for things the cheapest is through relationships sir there are seven kinds of currencies money is the least of them if you pay for everything with money you are poor relationship is currency show me the receipt of the things that were bought by relationship it's not always about money Hallelujah number three the third category of Destiny helpers that you need in your life they are called gifted people sometimes you just need skilled people not advisor not you need people who can get the job done when I came to your church and watched the protocol the greeters and all the wonderful people I said they are gifted people in this church you need gifted people because there are times you need results to be produced there are companies wasting money every time because they hire all kinds of people that came by sympathy they came by family relationships and the long and short of it is that there's no productivity you will need to pray Lord minimize my wastage by bringing people who are nations in one it's a real prayer let me tell you this the biggest companies in the world do not necessarily have a crowd of people they have a few people with the brain of Nations and sometimes you just need to pray and say Lord make my life easy bring gifted people to my life bring gifted people to my life bring gifted people to my life are we together yes you will need very gifted people please write this scripture down 1st Samuel chapter 16 from verse 17 and 18 just just leave it there would would not be able to turn there 1st Samuel 16:17 and 18 you need gifted people I pray this as a leader I pray this as a person when you meet gifted people Lord send a gifted driver to drive me it's a good prayer you you die for nothing because of someone's carelessness Lord send a gifted driver to drive the truck in my company you don't buy a truck 100 million and somebody will capside it in 2 weeks does it make sense what I'm saying send a gifted representative in my company not someone who goes and kills every he closes the doors that God you prayed you fasted you SED SE the doors open he casually closed it back because he could not represent you well it is great to find gifted people who love God and love you number four the last category of Destiny helpers this one you have to pray it all the days of your life they are called burden bearers burden bearers H who are they they are trusted please listen and faithful people people who will stay with you through the storms they will stay with you through challenges until your glory is revealed Ruth 1 and verse 16 the Bible tells us about um a dead woman called Ruth remember the whole story and Ruth said entreat me not to leave thee nor to return from following after thee for whe thou goest I will go and where thou lodgest I will Lodge and thy people shall be my people and your God shall be my god let's keep reading in our minds your pain will be my pain your tears will be my tears let me tell you something and if you find 10 of these people in your life you are the most fortunate person alive today it's true let me repeat it if you find 10 of these people in truth you are the most fortunate person alive today bden bearers are an endangered species in the presence of Interest everybody is a saint in the presence of Interest everybody loves you but when you carry the cross when you feed 5,000 with two fish with five Loaf and two fish why wouldn't to be king but when you carry the cross only John will stand there be careful when men say become our King because the same men will say crucify him let his blood be upon our head every great leader knows this the uploads of men is not necessarily a reflection of their loyalty if you have not joined me to cry I don't trust you no I don't trust you if the only thing you have eaten is my food I don't trust you if the only thing you have done is clap for me I don't trust you I trust you I trust you Hallelujah now please listen to me everybody in this life will at one point or the other go through situations and circumstances that may test and try your faith some of you are in one now you will need the gift of men and women who can look at you and say it was never about your singing and I pray for you may that person be your spouse because if that person is not your spouse listen there are times that even Jesus weeps you don't weep because you are no longer the Son of God You Weep because what is before you will require certain levels of sacrifice there are times the company may plunge down and to your shock you didn't expect it there are times that you have things happen around your life what happens at those times you will need burden bearers let me tell you these men will show up and stand with you and say if you go to the prison I'm there with you listen Covenant Christian Center don't just pray for burden bearers be bden bearers listen I want you to get to a point where you love your pastor unconditionally we live in a time now where everybody around everybody is warning everybody everybody is pointing fingers at everybody you know and all of that and we have to be careful every great leader prays for people who love them unconditionally don't pray for burden bearers until you are one listen my life's goal aside from being a man of God as I prepare to round up is not only to be a preacher and to travel and minister to people I truly pray that God will make me a shoulder that many can lean on yes when you hear me preach you think I'm holding a rod the Bible said d rod and thy staff it's not only a rod I'm holding I'm also holding a staff two of them are sticks but they don't do the same thing thy rod and thy staff they comfort me look at me how many of us have been responsible for the prolonging of the pain of others whereas you would have been there to say listen I don't know what happened in the office they said they charged you with fraud I'm not interested I just want to know you are fine I hear you might go to the prison next week but I'm here to say let's pray I didn't come to argue I didn't come to find out who is right or wrong I just came to hold your hands and while they cry you hold them you raiseed me up so I could stand on Mountain you rais me up [Music] I am strong when I am on your shoulder You Raise Me Up listen to me I'm rounding up this is my final session with us listen to me brothers and sisters in this life when you truly become a burden Bearer not just a destiny connector I know we are all smiling here but there are people who are been wounded through the years and they are standing here right now saying oh God can I not trust one person in my life can I not open up my heart to one person and just cry and know that I'm safe while I Cry men areen and sometimes what they need is not argument what happened why are you in court over the land issue that's not the issue everybody is saying it say something else ah I'm disappointed you are a Christian you are a lawyer you were involved with this politician you are a member of an Christian Center no you should be the first person to say it's all right don't explain I don't want an explanation I came here to hug you I came with my husband to your house to let you know that though weep he endures for the night imagine what it listen imagine the power imagine what happens to a person when you stand there to be the ones for them if you cry cry on me let your tears fall on my Shir as I hold you let us cry together you just lost your child why were you that careless didn't you see it in the spirit that's not the time to talk please I apologize can you spare me just one minute let me just drop this and then we'll Round Up listen our world is full of wicked people our world is full of heartless people people will clap for you when you are on the throne sleep from the throne don't just fall just sleep from the throne and they will say I all always knew you were not my king I'm a young man but leadership has exposed me to a lot I can tell you when you find people who love you unconditionally swallow your pride and pursue them you will not find many of that kind in your life you may find a worker in your company he may not be very intelligent but he's the one who when they are chaining you and the news is speaking it he can stand there and say they should pick my face too it is a token of my loyalty you have to pray for these kinds of people in your company pray for these kinds of people in your life this is how I pray I don't pray carelessly Lord send me Divine connectors send me men of influence send me gifted people but in all your sense in send me burden bearers Jesus is on his way to the cross and people are laughing at him he's looking at those who ate his fish he's looking at those who took this crucify him and he said can you help no I will not help you crucify him the blood coming from a 33 year old's body and they said I always knew to the point that they said Rel relas Barabas although a criminal we prefer Barabas be careful when people clap for you they can clap you to your grave listen Covenant Christian Center Jesus Falls and cannot get to gol go remember if he died not on a tree he could not become a cur because the LA is Cur is everyone that hangs on a tree but in the midst of that a man came Simon of sirene that was Africa picking the cross and saying Jesus as a continent they may run away from you but Africa will take you to the Cross we partook of the sufferings of Christ and that is why the glory that follows must come upon the continent of Africa I can imagine the relief Simon you are helping Jesus don't put yourself into that mess and he said no I've set my hand on the floor and he draged the cross listen to me hold hands with someone by your left and right this is a very serious issue this is 2020 I cannot promise you that you will not have challenges I only promise you Victory but between the challenge and the Victory you will not only need God you will need men not men who want you to discuss everything about your life what happened that you are no longer working the last time you were CEO I saw something in the news what is it it's not always about what happened can it now be about you I'm more concerned about your Victory than the job what happened
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Id: HI_Gu-ctkaA
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Length: 57min 26sec (3446 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 04 2024
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