How To Apply Eyeshadow - Hacks, Tips & Tricks for Beginners!

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hey you guys welcome back today I'm going to be kicking it old school bringing it back to the basics and I'm going to go over all of my tips and tricks on how to apply eyeshadow please subscribe if you haven't already and let's get started okay so we are zoomed in really nice and deep so that you can really see what's going on on the Honorable so the number one thing that I get asked all the time is how to make your eyeshadow less or how to get the colors to look so vibrant and the number one thing as an eyeshadow primer my favorite one is the Mac painterly paint-pot this is amazing it kind of covers up any discoloration on the eyes I can also use this to almost prime for my concealer as well having a primer is extremely important because it's going to make your eyeshadow look the best that it possibly can and it's going to make it so your eyeshadow doesn't crease I also think it's really important not to apply too much but you also don't want to apply too little I don't really have any tips and tricks on how to figure out how much that is I think it's something that you kind of have to play with and personally see what works best for you and your eyes but yeah don't apply too much but don't apply too little then what you want to do is grab any sort of powder that matches your skin tone for me I'm just going to go in with the banana power from the Anastacio contour kit and you can use any sort of fluffy brush that you want this isn't matter but go over that primer and set it in place and just pack it in like this you don't want to do any like swiping around but just pushing the product in on top of that primer and the reason why you want to do this is so that when you go in with any other products it's not going to be what underneath if I didn't set this with a powder and I went in with a very dark color any color honestly and I started to blend it over my eye it was picked up really pigmented where I first placed the eyeshadow and then not as pigmented where I blended it out you go over with a powder first then it's going to make the other eyeshadow slip right over it evenly but still have that longevity from the primer underneath I'm going to be using my favorite eyeshadows from this palette these are individual eyeshadows that I put into an empty eyeshadow palette we're just gonna be going for a basic look at first and we will be gradually building it up if you want to do something basic and not then you don't have to do the dramatic steps but if you want something dramatic you still have to do the basic steps to get there first thing that I do after setting my eye primer is to go in with my transition shade a transition shade usually goes in the middle crease part of the eye not always but basically that transition shade is just going to help you blend out your other eye shadows the reason why I love to do this first is because it creates a base and anytime that you create dimension in the eyes or on the face if you go in with that transition color first it helps it so that it looks more seamless more blended and more natural-looking if you do the transition shade after doing the other colors you end up messing up the other colors too and it becomes really hard and complicated you can do it that way if you like but if you've never tried it this way I highly recommend it because it's the easiest in my opinion my favorite color for this is Anasazi as birkin this is such a beautiful Brown and it's the perfect to transition shade for my complexion if you have a deeper skin tone go in with something a little bit deeper and if you are lighter you can go in with something a little bit lighter I'm going to pick this up on a Smith 232 brush I'm just going like this to tap off the excess we want to do that so that you don't apply too much product at once and then if you do apply too much product it ends up falling all over the face and then sticking to the foundation what I like to do is take this mirror here and I will put it down here almost that like chin level you know and then I will look down into it when you do that see all of this available space sets here you can access that so much easier when you're looking in that direction if I have this here that I'm going to be like squinting and it's going to be like hard to access my eyes because I'm coming at my eyeballs a brush and your instinct is to blink in to squint and then it doesn't end up turning out the way that you want it to look because you don't just walk around squinting all the time unless you're in the Sun so I put this down here almost at chin level a little bit lower even and then I look down into it and then it's more natural for me to go in and access that area so I'm going to pull back on my brush I'm not going to hold it up here because if I hold it right here it's going to go on super harsh and pigmented it's going to be hard to blend it out because it's going to skip around and be more pigmented some areas and not in others so I hold down kind of like in the middle sometimes closer to the end totally depends on how comfortable you are but I usually do like right here right there I look down and then I start in the crease and I'm very lightly feathering this in the crease you can do circular motions like I'm doing or you can do when shield wiper it's totally up to you and I'm just going in the natural contour of my eye and that makes sense so you can feel where that brow bone is you want to go right underneath the brow bone and I'm very very lightly feathering the skin I have not gone in with more product and then once the majority of the product is off of your brush you can kind of tell because it's not adding any more color you can go a little higher and kind of feather out that product a little bit more okay I'm picking up a little bit more product I kept dabbing it in and then tapping off the excess the other thing that I find really helpful is to pretend that you are approaching your eye from above I want to come from the north and bring you your brush downwards if you bring your brush coming up from the south and blend it then you're going to get a really harsh line right here it's going to end up being really messy and it can be really hard to blend out already you can see it's a little bit more harsh so if you bring your arm and wrap it around and bring this coming from above and face it downwards it's going to be so much easier to blend out that's one thing that I highly recommend is when you are applying eyeshadows just use a little bit at a time and slowly work upwards to deeper color as you can see this is already starting to look too deeper it's the same exact I shadow make sure that each step is fully blended out don't think to yourself oh wow I'll blend that out later because it's going to be harder if you wait to do it right now make sure it's fully blended and then you'll be good I'm ready to deepen this up now I'm going to go in with the color they and this is from makeup geek to see you guys know I will list every product down below in the description box and where you can find it online this is just slightly darker than Birkin this is Birkin and this is brothei and now I'm going to go a little bit more precise with my brush so this is the brush that we were using before this is the Smith 232 now I'm going to go in with the Smith 230 it's a little bit smaller still fluffy not too precise but more precise than one from before tap off the excess now I'm just going to focus this in a more precise area so I'm going in little circular motions right here on the outer lid and crease and then I'm kind of feathering it in just a little bit so that it fades doing a little circular motions and sometimes I'll go in rocking motions so I feel like there are three types of little motions also there's more than three but when you're working with with fluffy brush and Sarah so a couple different ways that you can do it in the crease you could do windshield wiper which is like this all over it's like a windshield wiper you can do circular motions which is like this and do little circles or what I like to do is rock and that's winch's wiper motions but a shorter area to do it in so sometimes I will just rock this here just kind of like bounce bounce bouncing back and forth you just kind of wanna get in there right in the crease and I usually do it right here in the outer corner now what I'm going to do is go in with whatever is left over on that bigger brush and blend right in the crease here I'm not adding any additional product this just helps to blend it out if I added more product it might get messy too far up so that's why I'm going in with whatever's left over on if you have it where you tend to bring your eyeshadow up too high and ends up getting really dark up here what you can do is go in with a face powder or an eyeshadow that is exactly the same color as your skin and bring it down over where that eyeshadow went up to high I'm not up too high right now but if it was just bring this product down you can bring this down almost into the crease and then go in with your fluffy brush with whatever's left on it and then lightly buff over it and it will help you clean up that area that it's not too sharp and that you don't have any dark eye shadows that are up too high okay so now we're going to deepen this up even more so this is kind of like the trend that we're doing is working light to dark to add the dimension in the eye and make it look seamless without having to blend the crap out of your eyeshadow to where it's just like a pain in the butt so this is what we just went in with which was frappe and now we're going to go in with can lines this is also from makeup geek and you can see it's just slightly darker this is still dismissed to 30 and putting it even deeper in that area and I'm going to feather this on the lid a little bit because up today what I'm doing is darker in the outer corner and lighter on the inner corner just because I feel like that is the most common thing that people want to achieve you know this is mainly focusing it on the lid part not so much the crease go back and blend it with the big fluffy one I'm going to take this eyeshadow from Mac it is called nylon it's a shimmery highlight shade I'm just going to pick that up on a flatter brush like this and bring that right on the brow bone okay so now we're going to get a little bit darker on that outer corner and start to smoke this up a little bit the one that I was just using was tan lines but now we're going to go in with cabin fever from makeup geek a slightly darker we're gradually building up to a deeper and deeper shade I'm going to get a little bit more precise with my brush I'm going to use the Smith 2:47 which is just a little bit more precise and a little bit less fluffy and it picks it up just on the tip and doing little swirly motions in here so now when I'm accessing the outer corner of my eye I'm still looking down into my mirror but I'm kind of tilting my head a little bit because that helps me access the area from my right hand and I'm just going to push it on the outer corner just kind of pushing it in and now I'm going to lightly do circular motions just in this area to kind of diffuse the color I don't want to blend it out in a wide area like I did with the other shades because this is a darker color if you do that then it's going to go everywhere and kind of mess up and look a little bit I'm going to go back in to dismiss 2:30 brush you could use whatever's left on it or pick up a little bit of that tan lines or froth a shade something like that and very lightly go on the edge here and that will help to blend out this shadow you don't want to use this deep shade to blend out the shadow you want to use any of lighter shades to blend it out because you don't want to bring that color up too high I'm still kind of approaching this from above you know when we approach it from above the tip is where you want to blend and then the rest of it kind of helps to blend it upwards you go this way it's going to bring the harshness up too high and blend it downwards which is kind of the opposite of what we want and I know you can't see my arms in this but it looks really funny when I'm doing this because I'm holding this mirror over here and this arm is crossed over my chest so I'm honestly like making this weird X shape you know so I look really funny on camera you can't tell so if you're doing it you're like why am I looking so funny totally normal now as you can see I feel like it's gone a little bit too high up there so I'm just going to grab that really fluffy brush which was the Smith 2:32 and blend and then I could also grab that brush they did the eyebrow highlighter with and bring that product down a little further just like this and then go back in and blend it out that way it's not too dark too high up yeah so we were just using cabin-fever from makeup geek and I'm going to go in with americano for makeup geek this is almost black it's like a really really rich rich chocolatey Brown now we're going to go into an even more precise brush which is the crown see five to eight brush small like pencil tapered brush and for this you want to put this right on the tip of the brush and swirling it in the product tapping off the excess and now this you want to make this as precise as you can so I'm bringing this right in the outer corner and keeping this right in this they call it the outer view you know so this is the V here from the lash line up and then lightly pushing that inward and then what I like to do is on that brush I'll pick up some of that cabin-fever shape and use that to help blend out the shadow putting this here on the lid picking up more cabin-fever going not a buff but I'm going to go right on top of it right here with the cabin fever which helps to naturally blend that out so as you can see it still looks a little harsh right there so what I'm going to do is grab the 2:47 which was the most precise out of my fluffy brushes and grab any of those mid-tone shades come from above and get right in that crease to help blend it out and you can see it very slowly kind of blurs that and gets rid of the harshness that keeps the deepness at the same time very important if when you're doing your eye shadow is that if you're kind of like doing it in a really small mirror like this and you're kind of like all up in your eye after each step you want to step away and look into a bigger mirror or look further away and look from there so you can see what it's going to look like in real life because sometimes you're so up close to something and it looks good from up close but not from far away maybe it looks a little too smoky or something so you want to just like step away look back in another mirror and see what it's looking like I just put up writin up that inner corner and this inner lid part now I'm just going to grab that nylon shade this one here this is what we have on the brow bone I'm just going to use that flat brush which was the 239 I'm going to pick up the product I'm looking down into my mirror and for this I'm just pushing it in on the lid for the lid you could use whatever you want today I felt like doing this color sometimes I just believe it matte like this and call it a day but today I want to move a shimmer also bringing that down into the inner corner now on that first initial blending brush this myth 232 it doesn't really matter what pressure used for this I'm picking up that first shade birkin on the belly of the brush so this is the tip of the brush and this is the belly of the brush so I'm bringing it right on the belly and my lay it flat and kind of mend that shimmery shade with the deeper shades over here so this is the transition shade with everything so this is also going to help bring the lightest color with the darkest color because this is our medium tone colors just kind of buzzers it in so that they stay eat together kind of blending here too okay so now for the lower lash line we're basically going to do what we did on the top I'm taking that big fluffy brush picking up just a little bit of Birkin and now the only difference is that instead of looking down into your mirror because that's going to be really hard to get that area it's like almost impossible you're going to bring your mirror up above you up here and look up like this and then I'm feathering that underneath the eye and now we're coming from this out and that's going to really diffuse that color give a nice and base for what we're doing again still make sure you tap off the excess so that it doesn't go everywhere especially on the under eye because if you don't have off the excess that powder will go in your eye and it will be very very uncomfortable for you now I like to go a little bit more precise so I'm actually going to be using the Sigma flat definer brush it is an e 15 it's a really flat took rectangular brush I'm going to pick up frappe which was that second shade that we use and I'm going to get really precise to the lash line so I'm going to bring this right here I'm putting the most of the product here on the outer corner so anywhere you want the most pigmentation or the most darkness apply it there first because that's where it's going to be the most pigmented so now I'm going to grab some of that tan line and do the exact same side and push it in at the lash line move it downwards just a little bit and then lightly feather that inwards and then we're going to go into that cabin fever shade keep it as close as you can to the lash line and then very lightly bring it down not too far so now I can go into americano on that flat definer and I'm bringing this really close to the lashes right at that lash line and me right in the outer part and that with that color I'm not bringing it downwards so now I'm going to blend it with a fluffy brush but I'm not blending it around I'm just moving it close to where that americano is so I feel like the eyeshadow is complete I'm going to go ahead and finish off the look just with some mascara liner and lashes if you want full videos on those I will link them down below because they go this in detail on all of those topics so I will link those down below if you're curious how I do those so I'm going to do that and I will be right back so this is the completed I shadow look I really hope that this video was helpful and then I covered as much as I possibly could there's something that I didn't go over at all please let me know your questions down below in the comment section and I will be down there talking to you guys or applying your comments and answering any questions that you might have so if you have any questions as to what products I use or forgot or whatever all of that will be linked down below in the description box right below this video and that is pretty much it thank you so much for watching this video please subscribe if you haven't already so that you don't miss out on any new videos just like this one and I'll see you later bye
Channel: Brianna Fox
Views: 6,417,100
Rating: 4.9091039 out of 5
Keywords: makeup, artist, how, to, brianna, fox, brimariefox, beauty, cosmetics, art, eyebrows, winged, liner, fleek, pretty, perfect, glitz, glam, routine, morning, night, quick, easy, simple, dramatic, smokey, natural
Id: BuPZjBlmyD4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 30sec (1050 seconds)
Published: Thu May 11 2017
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