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hello guys and welcome back I'm going to be showing you how to step by step do a full candy paint job this is going to be the the car that's going to take that candy paint job it's a 03 a Mitsubishi Eclipse and um it's going to get a full candy paint job inside and out so I'm going to show you the steps what you need to do and uh go from [Applause] there [Music] first of all guys like every other job first you got to look for the dents this car has a a lot of little dings which to me it seems like it's like hell damage I don't know if you can see has a lot of little uh dings here and there so first of all I'm going to have to repair all that before uh starting to sand and uh the way you do that is like always look down the side that way you can find every single little Dent that the car has and address those dents first that's your best way uh to do it you address the dents first before starting to s the entire car because you're going to lose those stents once you find all the dents fix them and go from there let me start doing [Music] that you saw me uh locating all these dents let me just finish the entire car locate every single little dent and I'll come back that way uh you don't get bored just watching me Circle every single little Dent so let me just finish it up I'll come back there it is those are all the little dents that this car has so now um I'm going to start addressing them I'm going to have to go one by one and uh just put a little bit of body filler so that I can put the primer on top and I don't have to do a lot of uh a lot of work I'll just block the primer and it'll come out straight I'll show you how I'm going to be doing this and uh let's just get to that as you can see I already started fixing the dents on the hood I'm going to go ahead and prime the whole Hood so I can block sand it um let me show you these little things all this is cracked uh paint with uh clear and all that so I had to bring it down all the way to the primer as to where the original primer from the vehicle is but let me show you a little bit closer right there all of this is crack clear coat and crack paint all this needs to come off um I'm going to show you on the next video how I'm taking this off but on this video guys this is going to be several videos because I want to show you every single little step that I'm taking to do a candy paint job I'm going to show you the materials that I'm going to be using right now in regarding to the paint and the candy but uh for right now let me show you how I'm fixing these dents it's not that hard and um I'm still going to have to Prime because there's a lot of dents so I'm going to have to be applying some uh 2K primer so that I can block everything out okay so let me just jump over to fixing these STS show you how I'm doing them uh the quickest way and you've seen maybe some people are going to say that's not the right way but you've seen my paint jobs and you've seen that the method that I'm using works so uh let me just show you how I'm doing it and uh if you have a better method hey by all means use that one whichever is easier for you use it all right let me show you first of all I'm going to get myself some 80 grit sandpaper and I'm going to just start roughing up the area I know that the dents right in the middle where I circled so I'm going to do about a 2in uh sanding away from the dent let's say I'm going to sand the entire sander and 2 in more than what it needs reason being I want that uh body fit fer to feather edge real nicely so I'm going to be doing that to the entire dents that it have has here okay [Applause] [Music] right there you can see the three little dents okay these dents right here still need to get scratched so so what I'm going to do I'm going to get the angle grinder with 36 grit and just rough the the surface so that I know that the body filler is going to stick to that to that area [Music] [Music] okay and that is it everything's sanded everything's roughed up I'm going to mix my body filler and start applying it after applying the body filler just leave it let it sit uh I usually let it set for about 15 maybe 20 minutes so so it gets nice and cured then I'll come back and start sanding all right let me just uh do everything else uh I'll come back to show you how I'm going to address those but let me just start doing everything else I'm not going to show you any every single little dent it's there's too many but I'm going to be doing the exact same thing to the rest of the dents the only Dent that's going to have a different uh type of uh fixing it's going to be this one okay this one I'm going to show you how to do it I need to pop this one out straighten this little Crown right here and uh I'll show you this but this is going to be in a in a different video guys all right but uh let me show you how I'm fixing these I'll bring you back back once it's uh nice and dried it's been about 15 minutes of drying nice and dried I'm going to get myself 180 grit sandpaper on the da and start start sanding it oh and there it is nice and smooth now what I did I got myself the 180 grit roughed it up okay leaving the da as flat as possible okay just going with the with the Body Lines after that after everything has gotten as close as possible I got myself some 180 on a soft uh uh block and start sanding it in a cross pattern motion and after that everything's done that's how I'm going to be doing every single little Dent before I can start applying the primer all right the hood has been primered and it's been blocked already that is ready this Fender is ready all these little dents that the car had on this side they're fixed the only one is this one this one I'm going to show you the tools that I'm going to be using to fix it and how I'm going to fix it all right let's start off first of all I'm going to have to grind all this area so that I can start pulling the dent out I'm going to show you the tool that I'm going to be using to do that but first of all I'm going to use the angle grinder with a 36 grit I'm going to grind everything off get get every single little thing off of [Music] there everything has been grinded off right there now what I'm going to be using to get that dent out it's going to be a stud welder right there I'm going to show you how I'm going to use it and uh let's start uh pulling that dent [Music] [Music] out for okay of the dent is out I still have some little high spots here there it is I think I need another another pin here I need to pull this out but all in all it's good I'm going to get some pliers just to cut the little wire off and then I'll just take the grinder with the 36 in uh 36 grit uh sandpaper and take it off grind that those little pins off and that's [Music] it [Music] and there it is I'm just going to pull this little dent out the one that was left and uh that way I can start applying the body filler uh before starting to apply the body filler I need to sand all this all this is still glossy so I need to sand it down so that the body filler can uh can stick to it I'm going to do it on the both on both sides then I'll come back start applying the body filler I'm going to show you how to do that also and if you guys are wondering how I'm going to get the style line that the car has I'm going to show you that too so just pay attention as to how I'm going to do it in order for me to get that style line those are very important if not you they're body work is not going to it's not going to look good [Music] now in order for you to get the style line back I'm going to do it in sections you got to the working sections or you you're not going to get a perfect style line what I'm going to do I'm going to do the top one first then the bottom one what I'm going to do I'm going to place a tape that's going to be my guide that's going to be my guide line let me place it and uh and show you it is there's my guide I'm going to start applying body filler just in the top area I'm going to I'm not going to worry about the bottom yet I'm just going to put body filler on this on this area okay everything has been uh is dried up so what I'm going to do I'm going to get 80 grit on the da and I'm just going to rough it up that's all I'm going to do then I'll go back and start uh using the block sand [Music] okay once everything has been roughed up I'm going to start removing the tape now you see the style line right there now I'm not going to jump to this yet I'm going to block sand this make sure everything's perfect then I can start doing this side now that I finished block sanding the top I'm going to reverse the tape I'm going to put the tape line on the top area so that I can start putting body filler on the bottom there it is so now I'm going to start applying the body filter on the bottom and uh do the same process but on the bottom the body filler is hardened already so I'm going to start removing the tape I can take the 80 grit rough it up and then start blocking I'm going to continue uh I'm going to need a little bit of more body filler right there and this is a high spot so I need to hit that back down and this one's a little bit coming out so I'm going to hit that one back down uh all in all it's coming out real good let me let me just um put another tape so that I can apply a little bit more of body [Music] filler these dents guys you don't have to hit it real hard it's just like a little tapping all you need to do is just push that a little bit in uh also this one there it is okay so the body line is not perfect yet but that's going to be uh done with the primer I still need to put some uh 2K primer then I'll block sand the the primer and I'll get that body line the way it's supposed to be but uh in regards to the body work it's there there it is guys uh the car is ready for primer all this side and uh let me show you one thing uh in order to get not to get a hard Edge I did this I folded the tape in half and just pasted it and that's not going to give me a hard Edge once I once I start spraying it's just going to even everything out and I won't have a hard Edge you'll see uh I did this and uh I also did the same thing in this area right here it's it's just for me to so that I can sand the block the primer and not have a hard Edge all right let me start I'm going to start uh applying the primer with the ACU spray all right guys this is the ACU spray I have the gun upside down because what you need to do is you got to press the trigger and um hold it until the the primer starts coming out that way this vacuum all the air from the cup is going to go out and it's going to going to create a vacuum that's what's going to start and you can spray upside down and stuff I'm going to show you right now for [Applause] there it is I just took this portion off and cleaned the needle it's good to go for another one that is uh I can clean it but there's no need for me to clean it I'm just going to uh discard it but uh I already applied the I already applied three coats of uh primer waiting 10 minutes in between I'm going to let it set for couple of days so that I can start blocking it and go from there all right it is the car is on mased already it's ready to block in well not quite it's 3: in the morning but I'm going to wait for a couple of days but this is what I was talking about the hard Edge everything's real nice okay so there's no hard Edge there and there's no hard Edge right there that's what I was talking about with that uh with that tape the way it is so it works with that now I'm going to put a guide coat to the entire side of the where I primered and start blocking it okay in this video I'm going to start with the door jams I'm going to start applying the sealer the base the candy and the clear I'm going to show you how to mix it I'm going to show you how you shoot it so let's just get started I already taped everything up that's going to get uh that's not going to get painted so I already cleaned it I used some uh wax and grease remover I'm going to leave all the products that I used on the description below so uh the car is ready the car is ready to get it uh it candy paint let's just get to it I'm going to start with the sealer and uh let me mix it up I'm going to show you how to mix it let's go I'm going to start applying the sealer I'm going to start mixing it a lot of people have been commenting and talking about when do I use sealer when do I use primer and uh what is sealer sealer what it is it's primer the thing is that you don't sand it it's it's reduced and it's not sandable you apply the sealer and uh you can spray the the paint on top of it uh when I use the sealer it's because when I'm going to change the color of the of the vehicle that's when I use a sealer uh I also use a sealer when there's a lot of body work done that there's patches of uh primer and patches of uh other colors of the vehicle and all that that's when I use sealer also that way I can get the car to a uniform color and I won't have a lot of trouble painting it okay the primer I usually use the primer on the body work areas like you saw me do on this area I use primer on that I still need to block that and I still need to put sealer reason I'm going to put sealer on top of the primer going back to the same reason there's Body Work under it so I want every single part of this car uniform the same color because if not it's going to give you different variances of colors when you start applying your base that's basically it that's basically it what the the sealer does but sealer it is primer but it's a non sandable primer all right let's just get start mixing applying SE the sealer guys it's mixed four one one four parts of the paint the the sealer one part of the activator one part of the reducer okay so let me mix it up show you how and get started for I'm going to start applying the sealer with the SATA 3000 um with the trigger wide open the fluid wide open let's get to it it's going to be a 29 PSI [Applause] I [Applause] that's the first pass of sealer that's the only pass I'm going to give it uh as long as the sealer covers you're good to go now let me show you the paint I'm going to be using the paint's going to be from Grand 7 and it's called liquid Diamond this is uh heavy silver metallic base so it's got a lot and I made a lot of metallic which is going to give that uh cobalt blue candy to pop you'll see it right now I'm going to start mixing it and uh let's start spraying it this uh paint is mixed one to one and uh you don't need a strainer for this because you don't want to get those metallics out so I'm going to get my cup one to one start mixing it all e there it is guys the silver is ready to go the liquid Diamond has been applied I applied three coats waiting 10 minutes in between and uh it's looking nice looking real good the the metallics on this silver is incredible uh I'll show you with the light right now I guess if you go more metallic it's going to be metal flake because all in all the metallics are real heavy let me show it to you with the light hopefully the camera will pick it up but uh yeah well I don't know if the camera's picking it up but I love it it's real real heavy metallic which is going to stand out real nice with the with the candy all right so let me just um mix up the candy talk a little bit about the candy how it's mixed and start spraying all right guys this is the candy this is premixed now they do sell it in pints which one pint of this will will go into a gallon of clear and it'll create this it'll create the candy okay but you can buy it premixed with which I did it's a lot easier um this is Mix 4 1 one which is four parts of the candy one part of the reducer and one part of the activator okay so let me just start mixing it look look for the 411 in my cup mix it up start spraying for [Applause] and there it is this is after four coats of candy that's more than enough if I do more coats I'm going to darken it so it looks tremendously good it looks real pretty this cobalt blue is one of a kind also that uh liquid diamond is just popping out of this blue I love it I'm going to show it to you with the light hopefully the camera captures it because in person guys it's it's one of a kind it looks real nice now the clear that I'm going to be applying you guys already know which one the grand 7 oh my clear with some medium activator I don't have the slow hopefully it'll do uh right now it's about 98° in here I think it'll do it but uh let me show it to you with the light okay the clear is mixed two to one so it's two parts of the clear with one part of the activator let me show it to you start mixing okay all right guys um I forgot to mention in regards to the adjustments for the candy it was a trigger wide open full trigger and the material it was wide open at the 29 PSI for the for the candy okay now for the clear coat I'm going to do the same thing uh trigger wide open the material wide open but I'm going to do 33 PSI for the clear for for [Applause] and there it is guys guys came out real nice real glossy the metallics pop like you wouldn't imagine also this color is a real nice color the cobalt blue and that's the way you do it to paint the door the Gams from the inside I still need to paint the door jams from the actual doors I need to paint the inside also so I think that's coming up next and uh the outside the outside is totally different Bo game the outside there's a technique to it so you don't get striping blotchiness or anything I'm going to show you how to do that also uh but yeah this came out real nice guys and I applied two coats of clear it doesn't need more it's the inside it's not going to be subjected to the Sun that much so after painting the inside I it's been drying for a couple of days I just cover it up so that the dust won't go into it I'm going to have to start sanding ing the the body work area let me show you what I did this black thing is just a guide coat let me show you what I used I just sprayed some uh matte black just uh to have a guide coat so after this I'm going to start sanding and uh blocking everything out okay I'm going to start blocking everything out I'm going to be using 120 on the Block and start uh doing a cross pattern motion until everything has been been blocked and uh straightened out I almost forgot before starting to block you need to put a tape on the style line okay so that you can get a a a good style line on the vehicle let me do that and uh continue blocking now I'm going to start blocking to this point so let me start blocking everything out and uh do the top first right after all the block sanding has been done all I'm going to do take the tape off and reverse it I'm going to put the tape on the top start blocking the bottom that's all you need to do in order to get that style [Music] line all right all you got to do is just take the tape off just uh refine the the the edge but as you can see the style line is there all I got to do is just refine it with a block I'll be good okay guys now what I'm going to do I'm going to get the quick check check my work there it is the body work is perfect so that quick check guys works like a miracle you can check all your work if you need a little tweaking here and there you can do it all right guys I'm going to show you how I'm going to do this uh first of all I'm going to start sanding with a DA with 80 grit sandpaper that should uh take the majority of the roughness out so let's just get to it I already sanded it with 80 grit then I went to 120 and 220 that's where it's at right now at 220 grit I'm going to start applying that high Build primer there's a a bunch of little dents but that high Build primer is going to cover them up up then I'll just block sand it it'll be ready uh for the sealer so let me just start applying the the high B primer and go from there all right guys after applying that primer I just took out the car Let It Bake on the sun and now I'm ready to start painting the inside of the door jams everything has been covered everything has been cleaned with some wax and grease remover and uh we're ready to start applying the paint and for this one guys I'm going to be using my new welcome this is the new version of the carbonio 360 but this this is a light this is a uh genesy carbonio 360 light it's exactly the same thing as the other gun that I have the carbonio one but this was a little bit lighter than the other one all right guys they changed the the the cap this is now aluminum the other one I believe was metal but uh it's real light and this is the one I'm going to be using to spray the sealer spray the base spray the candy and spray the clear so you can see that this gun can do everything all right guys so this is the gun I'm going to be using let's see the review in it let's see how it sprays kit comes with the with all you see here which is your your oils some filters for your gun a brush so you can clean it uh this one did come with a regulator uh some extra rebuild kit which I know you won't need as long as you take care of it you clean it the way it's supposed to you won't even need this but it's good to have and your tool your tool to disassemble that's uh the kit I'll leave the information as to where I got it from so uh let's get spraying all right guys I'm going to start by applying the sealer this only you only need one coat of this I'm going to use slow reducer and slow activator reason being it's like uh 99° in here so uh I need the slow one let me show you how to mix it so we can start the spraying for is this this is one uh coat of Base that's all you need I'm going to wait 10 minutes before starting to apply the the base the color let me show you the color I'm going to be using it's going to be liquid Diamond it's the same one that I've been using for the inside of the the door jams on the on the actual car so I'm going to be applying three coat of this and remember on the other video I applied four coats of uh of candy okay so I need to apply the same amount of candy in order for these two uh pieces to match the car okay I can't go less I can't go more so let's just get to it let me wait for a couple of uh minutes I'll start applying the the base [Applause] good for is it is that's three coats of base now I'm going to let it uh I weighed 10 minutes in between coats now I'm going to just wait another 10 minutes and uh start applying the the candy the candy base uh so let's just wait I'll come back with the candy I'm going to show you how to mix it I'm going to show you which candy I'm going to be using here it is this is the candy I'm going to be using this is already premixed it's the cobalt blue uh if you're not following the this candy paint project guys go back to the beginning start following it uh you'll be surprised how many tricks and little tips you can pick up so I'm going to show you how to mix it it's uh it has some reducer and it has some activator I'm going to be using slow so let's just get to do it I is and this is a four coats of candy it's uh looking real nice so now it's uh time for the clear uh on the candy I sprayed it at 29 PSI and also I waited 10 minutes in between each pass of candy okay uh so um let me show you the clear the clear is going to be grand 7 the old my clear there it is and um I'll leave all the information on the bottom guys on the description so you can order these uh materials and uh try them out for yourselves you're not going to be disappointed all right so let me just uh mix up the clear wait another 10 minutes for this to to dry up and uh start spraying I'm just going to add two coats of clear it's the inside it's not going to get a lot of uh uh subjected to the Sun so that's all it needs two coats you'll be good there it is guys this is after a couple of hours of drying we're right there came out real nice real shiny real glossy the color it's going to match so as long as you do the same amount of coats in the candy you might be able to get away with it this is the inside so it doesn't really matter but on the outside I'm going to be adding the pore coats also all right uh today I'm going to be painting the exterior of the car uh I'm going to show you how I'm masking it I already did one side let me show you the other side as to what I'm doing in order for me not to get paint inside the door jams all right guys this is what I did I sanded down this area right here and I put the tape underneath the sanded place the sanded area okay this is what everything I left a little I don't know if you can see a little blue showing just a tad on all the area okay all this has been sanded all this has been sanded so whenever I take off the tape The Edge or the the yeah the edge of the the paint is going to be right on this right on the edge of this area and you're not even going to know that it's been Blended or that it's been uh overlapped on the other one all right I'll show you once it's done once it's been painted I'll show you how it looks but the top the same way I sanded all this area right here and placed a tape tape on the bottom okay now in order for me to close the door I'm going to put one of these this is a a a tape that it's sold for the door jams and uh I'll leave all the information as to where to get it uh let me place it so that I can show you how it's going to look and how it's going to protect the actual door and there it is guys this is how it goes so once I close the door it's going to create a seal between the door and the inside and you're not going to get any overspray going inside the door jams let me close the door so you can see how it looks there it is there's a seal there's a protection like I mentioned the tape I I only put the tape for Extra Protection so it I'm just certain that nothing's going to go in okay there it is guys so there's nothing that's going to be going inside the the door jems and that's how I'm going to protect the door gems all right and the exterior glass you just cover it like normal okay everything has been covered like normal and uh that's it that's all you need to do so now let me just uh do the back do the the this area I'm going to show you how I'm going to do that back I did the same thing you can see the the seal right there so I did exactly the same thing I just put a couple of layers of tape then placed the the seal and uh we're good to go where I start I got to start applying some adhesion promoter to those plastic bumpers the front and back let me apply two coats waiting 10 15 minutes in between then we can start shooting and before start starting guys I changed the desin beads I need every all the air clean so that the paint job can come out real nice I do this to every fulls sizee paint job so that's another little tip of uh what how to keep your jobs clean the two coats of uh adhesion promoter have been applied everything have been has been cleaned with the wax and grease remover we're ready to go the sealer I'm going to be using it's a medium Gray from UAM and it's mix 411 the gun I'm going to be using is the iada Supernova inch gun it's a 1.3 tip needle nozle combination guys I'm going to be using this uh 3M uh uh cups the 3M cups so let's just get started and uh if you haven't seen the other videos guys as to how I mix these the sealer how I mix the candy I'm going to show you how to mix the candy and I'm going to show you how to mix the the paint also but the sealer uh if you haven't seen the videos go back to my videos to the beginning so you can see the full paint job or the full preparation for this car all right guys let's get to it the sealer has been applied I'm going to wait about 15 10 15 minutes for the sealer to dry and uh start mixing the the paint let me show you how to mix it it mix one to one one paint one part of the paint one part of the reducer and the paint I'm going to be using is at liquid diamond from Grand 7even all right I'm going to be using slow reducer let's start mixing [Applause] I [Applause] I there's the first coat of the liquid Diamond I'm going to be applying two more coats which will make three coats okay um I'm going to wait 10 minutes in between each coat so that uh the paint can uh cure properly okay guys so let me just uh wait 10 minutes and uh I'll come back there it is that's the three coats of Base from that liquid Diamond so now all I'm going to do I'm just going to wait 15 minutes for it to dry and uh start applying the candy I'm going to show you the way the candy is supposed to be thrown um just pay attention as to what I'm doing and uh look at the way I I do the motion of the of the of the gun all right guys is I sh for sh [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] is [Applause] [Applause] e and there are the four coats of uh candy guys it's looking real nice uh now I'm going to wait 15 minutes um I've been waiting 10 to 15 minutes in between coats uh so now I'm going to wait 15 minutes and uh start applying the clear and you know the clear that I'm going to be applying is the grand 7 the OM my clear all right guys and that is mixed 2 to one I'm going to show you how to mix it and I hope you paid attention as to how I was doing it uh these colors these candy colors are extremely hard to apply I actually started at 11: in the morning right now it's already 3:00 in the afternoon and I'm I'm barely at the at the candy I barely finished the candy so that's how long these uh paint jobs take guys I still need to apply the three to four coats of clear but uh let's let's just get to it the adjustment that I'm going to be using it's full trigger I closed the the the material all the way opened it three and 1/2 turns That's Where It's At I'm going to be shooting the clear at 33 PSI let's get to it [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] for I [Applause] [Applause] I for there it is guys this is after a couple of hours of drying came out real nice real shiny and uh I hope you guys paid attention as to how I was doing it um I applied four coats of candy and four coats of clear so this is it I'll be showing you the car in its entirety once I assembled everything and uh put everything back together but uh everything came out real nice um another thing guys uh the video of the me spraying the sealer I kind of I don't know what happened I thought I was recording also when I was on the other side for the candy I also thought I was a recording this is a real long process guys on the candy paint jobs and uh I just forgot I I didn't know I wasn't recording I'm sorry about that but it came out real nice uh you saw the other the other way I was I was spraying um I think it was the fourth uh code that you saw that I was spraying so guys thank you this will be it for this video hope you guys learned something I hope you guys enjoyed it and uh uh there's more to come guys there's more videos to come and uh subscribe subscribe if you're not subscriber uh have a great weekend guys and like always thank you and God [Music] bless [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] m [Music] Beau
Views: 64,369
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to spray clear coat, how to paint a car, how to paint your car in back yard, kandy paint, how to spray candy paint, how to spray kandy paint, candy paint, candy paint jobs, three stage paint process, spraying candy paint on a car, how to do a candy paint job, candy paint tutorial, candy paint process, painting a car at home, how to paint a truck, candy painted donk, 1974 chevy caprice paint job, candy blue donk, hok candy blue, custom candy blue mix, allkandy wet wet
Id: NoXYsykIRyA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 98min 0sec (5880 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 21 2024
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