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hello guys welcome back to my channel far away we're going to get started with this candy paint [Applause] [Music] [Music] job this is the Avenger this is the car that's going to get that uh candy paint job like I said showed you before it's going to be a candy apple red uh the top of the car is going to be black just the top itself everything everything else is going to be red all right it does have some minor damage that I need to get that needs to get fixed first of all so um I'm going to start with that uh other than that the car is pretty good um the bumper cover the front bumper cover is going to get replaced uh the reason being is that I want to add some um fog lights to this uh to this car this is my daughter's car so I'm going to add some fog lights to it and uh I need to replace the bumper cover I already got the new one so I'm going to be taking this one off I'm going to be taking all the the headlights and everything so I'm going to show you what to what you need to do in order to get started and uh let's go all right guys like in every project that I do I first look down the side and start marking all the the dents that's the first thing you need to do start marking them so you don't lose them once you start sanding all right so let me do that let me start marking them and uh I'll come back as soon as I'm going to start removing the front bumper all right I found all the dents like I said it doesn't have a lot of dents the thing is that it has a lot of little door dings well not a lot of them but it has a couple of door dings uh right now I'm starting to take off all the the front bumper cover I had to take off the grill so I'm going to start the removing the bumper cover but let me show you all the little door dings that it has and um that's it that's all you need to do at first start looking for all the little dents I already circled everything so I'm good to go I'm going to like I said I'm going to start removing that bumper cover all right let me do that and I'll bring you back there we go bumper cover is off headlights are off the tail lights are off so uh this car is going to have it's going to be painted black all the inside the door jams and uh the doors and all that from the inside it's going to be painted black the Top's going to be painted black the entire car is going to be painted the candy apple red so uh I'm going to have to take off the door so that I can start uh preparing the the inside of the door jams to paint them black all right so let me show you right here everything's been taken off so it's getting there it's getting there so let me start taking off the doors I'm not going to start fixing the dents yet I'm going to take off the doors I'm going to try to prepare the inside and the top for the for the black paint and there it is guys doors have been taken off all the the seals have been taken off everything that uh rubber was taken off so I'm going to start preparing it I'm going to start sanding it I'm going to do as much as possible with a DA after that I'm going to get myself that uh red Scotch Sprite and start uh sanding the rest okay so uh let me get started all right guys I'm going to start sanding the entire top with uh 220 grit sandpaper then I'm going to progress to 320 400 and 600 so I'm going to do it with the da it's a lot quicker so let me let me start doing it all right guys I'm uh halfway done on the on the roof like I said this is going to be going black the reason I'm taking off the majority of the paint I don't know if you can see it has a lot of pitting on the clear and uh whenever I start started sanding the clear uh in order to get these pittings out I needed to go to this to the I guess the sealer of the vehicle so I just decided you know what I'll just uh start removing everything uh it'll be give me a better Foundation and also this is going to be going black I don't want any imperfections um for the black base because it'll show so this this was my best uh option all right let me show you one thing that happened that uh I wasn't expecting all right guys this is what I was going to show you um there's a big hole which uh there was a bunch of rust um what I'm going to be doing I'm going to be coating it with the KB s coating I'm going to clean it up protect it and then start welding my piece my new piece to to add here because I wasn't expecting this but I'm not going to leave it like this so uh I'm going to clean it up put that KBS Coating in there and uh cut it up and weld another piece of uh of metal there all right let me show you the other side the other side's almost the same so uh let me show it all right guys this is the other side um it's not as bad but it's still in there and uh that's the reason I removed the fender from the other side I'm going to have to do the same thing to this side um uh that's how it goes that's what you need to do so let me patch up the other side I'll come to this side patch this one up and continue on the roof uh like I said I'm not going to leave it like this so let me let me get to it all right guys the entire top is done already um what I'm going to do now I already patched up the the hole that was there but uh what I'm going to do I'm going to start adding some body filler on that and uh I'm going to gut everything out I'm going to gut everything out guys I'm going to take out the seats I'm going to take out the carpet wash everything uh leave the car brand new so um that's what I'm going to be doing I'm going to start on the other side side I'm ready to start spraying the black this is a candy paint job guys but like I mentioned in the previous video it's going to be painted black from the inside door jams and the top I'm also going to do the hood and the trunk all right everything else is going to be that candy color so um I'm ready to start spraying the black the base and uh let's get to it [Applause] is St [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] St [Applause] e [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] all right guys this is three coats of Base everything came out really nice so um I'm just letting it uh dry for a little bit I usually when I spray the first coat of paint I wait 15 minutes in between each coat guys so 15 minutes in between the first 15 minutes the second and 15 minutes on the third right here there's a black cover that goes there so I don't worry about that but all in all it came out really nice for the base now a lot of people saw me use this gun I've had I have several guns but this uh gun I've had it for like 2 3 years uh it was in retirement so I'm taking it out of taking it out of uh retirement now the clear that I'm using that I'm going to be using just for the inside and the top is going to be the the quartz the Licor liquid glass that's the clear that I'm going to be using for the inside and the the top everything else is going to be that TCO clear all right so um my adjustments on the gun if anybody has a a supernova my adjustments are I opened the the trigger all the way then I closed it half halfway back in now on the fluid I opened it all the way and I closed it back two and 1 half turns back in and that's the way I've been doing it for this gun for the Supernova um if you have one of those well that's the way I set it up now on the paint I was shooting at 29 PSI on the clear I'm going to be shooting at 35 PSI all right and I'm going to be waiting 15 minutes in between I'm going to be adding two coats of clear on the inside and four coats of clear on the top reason being is that I'm going to be buffing it so I'm going to once I cutting buff it's it's going to stay with three coats that's more than enough all right so let me get started on the the clear let me start shooting the first code and uh so you can see [Applause] [Applause] e [Applause] is [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] St [Applause] what [Applause] [Applause] there it is guys this is uh two coats of clear on the inside and four coats of clear on the top reason being I'm going to cut and bu so I want uh enough uh clear on top uh once I cut above there's going to be three coats of clear left so that's one of the reasons uh everything else came out real nice so uh this is uh the beginning of that candy paint job like I mentioned inside black outside candy the doors are already done they're ready to get uh installed back in the car um I've had a couple of comments stating that uh how come I did the painting on this first and not start on the body work the thing is that this is inside this is going to be inside the car everything's going to be closed so I'm not going to mess with this once it's back on the car that's one of the reasons I'm going to start on the body workor the body work on these doors are already done so I'm not going to mess with that so the fenders are already done let me take you towards the car the fenders are already done on the body work they're already been sanded I still need to start on the hood the trunk and the the cell areas that's the only thing that's uh uh left on the car so I'm going to install these back and uh close everything up so I can start sanding the rest of the car um that's one of the reasons I did it this way and besides this is going to be the inside was going to be black and the outside's going to be that candy red so I need to do it this way I'm going to show you guys how to tape off the inside so you don't get overspray and uh uh you'll have a nice clean uh lines where the two colors meet so I'll show you that um another thing is that um all right guys this's another thing I wanted to show you everything has been gutted out carpet's going to be pressure wash seats everything so the car's going to be brand new when it's when it's done I'm going to show you how I'm doing it in order for me to overlap the candy on top of the red and not get anything else uh with overspray what I'm doing I left the line just a little bit I passed the black just a little bit then I went with a gray scotch Bri and I'm starting to scuff everything down so whenever I paint the candy I know that the door is going to be right here and it the paint's going to go in there I know that so when I ever when I paint the candy the silver then the candy it's going to be overlapping this black so when I take this tape off the candy is going to be overlapping the black that's the way it's going to stay that's the way it's going to be so I'm doing that all over the edge on the door on the door itself I'm not going to be doing that because this is going to stay black this is going to stay uh just glossy black but here I am so that's what I'm doing right now that's the way to do it in order to overlap the other the candy color to the black all right so let me continue sanding this and preparing it I still need the bottom the bottom I'm also going to leave a little I'm going to pass the tape a little way inside and excuse me I know that the cand is going to go in all right so let me finish this and I'll bring you back once it's everything's covered um I didn't show you the fixing of the dents or anything because I have other videos that show that um I know you guys are interested in the candy color how it sprays how it's going to be laying down so let me just jump uh jump right over into that all right guys the car has been pressure washed has been wet sanded and it's ready to go so I'm starting to cover up I'm going to show you what I'm doing on the inside um I don't want to take any chances so I'm covering everything with uh with tape here in the edge like I'm mentioned um I'm putting the some tape all along uh overlapping the black then I'm going to I'm scuffing down the black so when I take off the tape once it's painted it's going to be overlapped it's going to be nice and it's not going to come off so um I'm also using the uh the 3M the uh I guess the soft Edge foam masking tape with um on the corners on the on the edges so I'm taping it up and I'm also using that uh 3M uh foam tape so like I said I'm not taking any chances I'm going to cover it up as best as possible and uh I'll give you a um a look after everything's been painted so you can see that nothing went in all right so let me continue let me finish the the car I'm already masking it and uh I'll bring you back once the the painting process is going to start all right guys this is it this is the moment you guys been waiting for so everything has been uh tacked off everything has been uh wax and grease removed the front bumper cover has been added some uh adhesion promoter as you can see it's nice and shiny right now and uh it's ready it's ready to go guys so I'm going to be adding the first layer of sealer and um sealer is you just need one sealer guys one pass that's it the sealer is uh for me to get a uniform color and all the the vehicle uh it does help with the Aion but all in all the sealer is just to get a uh a uniform cut I'm going to have a lot of different uh Grays and whites and everything all over that's the only thing the the sealer for so try to get the sealer as close as possible to your color uh on this application I'm going to be adding silver so I'm going to be adding adding a grayish uh sealer all right also uh I want to give thanks thanks to Eric Swinson I hope I'm pronouncing your last name correct Eric uh thank you for helping out and uh for me to purchase that uh that gun all right uh also guys I'm going to leave a link below of another YouTuber uh called uh spray away Customs if you haven't uh seen his channel uh he and I have been uh doing video videos for a while so uh check him out guys he's a real good uh uh painter he also does a lot of um fiberglass work so so check him out and uh subscribe to his Channel all right all right guys let me start spraying the sealer I'm going to be using uh 30 29 uh PSI 29 PSI uh to be shooting the sealer all right so let me get [Applause] started for all e oh [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] for he after [Applause] okay guys this is the first coat of silver um I'm going to put two or three coats U of silver it depends on the the the coverage but uh uh this is it hope you guys I know you're going to start saying oh you should have gone straight all the way on the silver you're going to get modeling and all that guys I'm not going to get modeling on the silver this is the way I've been doing it for the longest time uh after the third code or fourth code I'm going I'm going to do a control code What's called the control Cod which is going to eliminate all the modeling and everything on the silver right now it doesn't even have modeling but just to ensure that everything's been being covered the way it's supposed to I'm going to do that control coat okay so the candy I am going to do all the way straight the candy you do need to go all the way straight you can't be stopping so this is like if you're just planning a silver car right now the candy is the one that's really going to have a going to be a a thing to see as to how I'm doing it in order for you not to get any modeling or anything on the candy or or any other thing so just uh bear with me and uh here it is there's the first cat and I'm going to show you the second and third code because it's going to be the same thing so I'm just going to continue with it and I'll bring you back as soon as I'm going to start throwing the the candy the base was thrown at the 29 PSI all right with the full uh was I'm using the iada uh with the full full um trigger open and the full fan open I open the full fan then I closed it back up three three turns in that's the way I set up the the the iada all right so let me continue all right this after the three coats of uh of base and the control coat so uh everything's ready I'm going to start the adding the the candy color I'm going to leave it to set for about 15 minutes before adding the candy cutor so um I already tag raged the whole car uh because I need to get all the little residue and everything from the from the silver off before applying the candy okay so let me continue with the candy cutter [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] I [Applause] [Applause] for all [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] for [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] is [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] e [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] I [Applause] [Applause] is is the all right guys there it is this is after three coats of Base Four coats of uh candy and four coats of clear and there it is guys let me show you see if I can show you with a flashlight how it looks I know that the camera doesn't uh pick up the vibrant color but there it is and there's no uh blotchiness there's no difference in in color everything came out nice that's the way you you do it guys yeah there's a little dirt nibs here and there um I think that Fan's the one that it's causing it I didn't used to have that much uh dirt nibs but it's okay uh and yeah there it is guys I will show you this um this paint job out in the sun once I assembled everything I'll make a video of it and I'll show it to you out in the sun [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Views: 16,870
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: car restoration rust repair, rust repair, hot rods, car painting, how to paint a car, spray paint car, chrome delete, pinstriping, pdr dent removal, clear coat repair, single stage paint job, how to paint plastic, diy paint booth, air compressor setup, how to fix clear coat peeling, painting plastic, custom paint jobs, how to mix paint for spray gun, how to paint a motorcycle, how to paint a truck, CANDY PAINT JOB, EL CAMINO, frontera, grupo frontera, shakira, el camino
Id: FrE9THjfrcY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 58sec (3958 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 23 2024
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