Krita 5 - Color Your Animation Fast With The Bucket Tool/Fill Tool

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what's up hello there welcome back uh today we're gonna do some coloring on this amazing very original very original animation only chasing a mushroom because that never happened yeah one time that happened okay shut up so i'm gonna cover this uh animation that i did i'm gonna show you how you can color your animation and we are going to be happy ever after is this even work i i don't know here's the animation even i need to play the animation here i'm using a free program called creator uh if you're new here i knew that uh i have them sorry okay all right and i do make some anime stuff with three programs like this one today we're gonna color this chord here as i said in the beginning we're not going to call the motion because mushroom is evil nobody likes mushrooms end of story this one is a funky mushroom so it's a very short animation as you see i have the the devil mushroom water i have the corgi another layer and it is the secret it is the cleanup of this so all you need to do now is to color there's a couple of ways you can do the coloring how i do the coloring usually i make another layer from here i double click on that layer and i call this layer color that's how you spell it apparently so they there's a couple of ways you can color but this is my way you can how you can color i'm gonna keep the dark lines i can change the color of the dark lines but uh it's important to have proper line work of your animation done before and i'm gonna show you why it's not a good idea to let's see if i hide this core here and i reveal this little corner here and you see the lines on this one i'm not quite closed and clean and all that let's just review our uh proper line of coffee and let's just cover that proper flight up clean up [Music] i usually change my car from here uh what's the car in the car here i guess orange orange this is a new color i don't know so i have my color the next thing i want to do is to grab my bucket slash filter or filters last bucket too the other thing you need to do uh go to settings go to dockers and now my two options is already open so it is over here what what the two options panel does for you it helps you to uh helps you to adjust any tool that you have here so in my case i have the filter it's important to put your color the the layer that you're going to color if you need your landlord clear and one because here's my call uh corgi and here's my uh color layer now and when you select your working slash filter here are my options for my uh uh for my bucket slash field too i have the threshold 32 the girl selection can be two pixels i don't want any feathering the place of the style that you're going and a very important option that is hidden right over here on the sample when you select from the sample to have all layers this will help the filter to see every single layer that you have on your canvas if you select the sample to be the current layer so what this will what this will do is it will tell your filter to see only this layer here now remember on our color that we did there's nothing there so if i call it now it will call the whole layer i don't want to do that so ctrl z and go back to our two options over here on the sample on your filter just click this to be all layers now when it's all layers it will see every single layer on this layer we have nothing on this layer we have the lines on this layer we have the the mushroom so although our goal here when we come here and just call it this part you can see these lines which is great i don't know i wanted to keep this to be maybe a different color like like in the previous in the um in my health animation we'll see how that goes but that's great so are we done yet no we're not we're not so if i go to the next frame which is over here you'll see that hmm my coloring doesn't change because i didn't cover the next frame uh basically your color coloring will work according to your frame by parameterization so on the next frame if there's a different frame different drawing you have to recall that drawing so in order to do that we need to create a new frame from here so let me just get you through this quickly here are my three frames of the call here they're over here now on my cover let i have no frames i only call the first one and that first one stays through all the other frames so in order to create a new frame over here for this new drawing i need to click this button over here and my previous calling will disappear and now if i color uh i will call the new drawing on the next drawing which is over here if i move my frame you will see that my previous color in space so i need to create a new keyframe so now when i color i can call again if you go back and go from the frames you see that all my animation so far is color because i created a new phrase for each position of my um uh animation of the line work on the call here right so basically you're going after your animation that you already did you just need to call that animation and you need to make new frames for that it's kind of time consuming but at the same time it does save you time when you use the filter rather than try to color the whole thing by hand so that's a good thing i think now there's a problem here because i was in this one and i don't know maybe this one will be white not my background color and white so i want to change my background color and i will change my background color to be slightly grayish and i can color with my uh bucket to my fill tube but if if we go back we will see that there's some stuff missed because right now as we mentioned if we put this back the sample is on all layers so it sees everything so the best way for me i will hit the currency to cover my background layer at once i'm going to use a shortcut control shift and then backspace and that way the whole thing will be color so if i go through the animation everything is there so i'm going to go back to my car here i'm going to change this to i can grab this picture too over here can put the car here maybe this color is better let's sleep so we are on this frame right so we're gonna color this that's all right to me i'm gonna call the belly as the belly will go forth or the building again or there you go and that's okay now the other thing i need to color if i zoom in is the eye oh i know you see that i have a little little gaps here and there so i'm gonna grab my brush and i want this to be white so i'm just gonna do the brush with the brush the back ear and legs i want color in a different color maybe this kind of color yeah blue i'm gonna go with the blue or this color that or this maybe the tail we can uh this color i'm just gonna do this for the rest uh while i'm painting it uh blue i don't know i i want to either black but i said no let's just do a blue okay so this still looks weird because child of mine and the lineup the the linework is black we can change that either to grab our um brush drag this reverse to a bigger number here we can increase our size check this box over here and now this helps us to only color the areas on this layer that i have filled on them in this case the areas that we have here are the line work i'm just gonna do something like this only share a keyframe and now we have this sort of effect going on you can ah add some highlights and such but i think this isn't good your father this looks great to me this is how you color your animation sequencer you make your line work and you do the line work with clean up of your over your hair a little bit of your line work and if you need that layer you create a new layer which you're going to notice into the coloring now you don't have to cover your uh your lines in blue or gray whatever but this was just a stylistic choice by me okay anyway this is all for me from today hopefully you like this and i will see you next one bye [Music]
Channel: Munkaa
Views: 11,548
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How To Color Your Animation, animation cartoon, munkaa, how to, how to color in procreate, fast way, krita 5 animation, krita 5.0, krita 5 beta, bucket tool procreate, photoshop animation tutorial, jumping corgi, free animation software, beginner animators, coloring with the bucket tool, frame by frame, tutorial videos, krita tutorial, fill tool procreate, easy tutorial
Id: Vqgnc1g2xMI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 51sec (591 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 06 2021
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