How to Analyze your Level Performance in Unreal Engine 5 - Profiler Tutorial

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what's up guys welcome to new Unreal Engine 5 tutorial today I am going to show you on how to see what's affecting the most your performance in a real engine it's gonna be a very easy way to follow so let's get started alright so as you can see I have a little scene set up and I basically just played some random stuff so you know some lights some Nana benches and that's it okay this is to Showcase how we can you know see what's affecting the most the scene right now in here so what we can do is use a tool uh called the profiler in order to see what's consuming the most in our scene so what we need to do to access the profiler is go down into this console command and type profile GPU and that's it just hit enter there's no need to put any other stuff just hit enter and now in a few seconds there we go we have this new window now it might look very intimidating on the start but it's actually very simple we start to narrow it down the first of all the biggest thing here is this huge you know we could say timeline of colors basically the biggest ones are the ones that are consuming the most so in this case the biggest one probably is post-processing then it will be lights I have a lot of lights in the scene and then it will be the indirect and occlusion and then Nana items so as I have the United benches and so on and shadow depths so you can see that we can start narrow it down and see what's the biggest over here and then if you want more detail on what a specific lights for example are affected the most in the scene we can go down into this section over here which is just like a hierarchy of all the stuff consuming in the scene so what we can do is go and click this duration in milliseconds so now there will be well once again now yes it will be uh you know ordered by a highest lower so as you can see right now the biggest one is post processor same and then division I'm in occlusion with a lumen reflection so on and this is due also to the light so you can see the lighting and the ambushed light so you can see all my point lights that I added into the scenar here too so with that you can see what's consuming the most and you can start leaving stuff for example nanite and you can see all this stuff here all the shadow depths and another part night you know many of the things will also be divided maybe you know they're not nice on the read back and then it's the buffer and so on so you know you basically have to go slowly you know seeing what is the biggest over here so of course the biggest in milliseconds will be affecting the most in the lab okay so this is a great way to see what's affecting the most of course this won't cover a code itself in the background so for example for blueprints doing a lot of things the background of course the profile GPU will not catch that but in terms of graphical settings this will be perfect for you so if you have any issues whatsoever this is the place to go see what's happening and there started you know making decisions we have a lot of Point lights maybe delete them change them to be baked and so on so that's it guys if you found this tutorial helpful I would really appreciate if you like the video and subscribe to my channel so take them out Jay Madison shoes check out my patreon and get the members and now yes with all aside bye bye foreign [Music]
Channel: Gorka Games
Views: 10,994
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: games, videojuegos, unreal engine, unreal engine 5, ue5 profiler, tutorial, quixel, megascans, unreal engine see level performance tutorial ue5, ue5 improve fps tutorial, ue5 profiler tutorial, how to see profiler in unreal, unreal engine 5 how to check profiler, see level stats gpu, improve fpstutorial in ue5, ue5.2 profiler
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 30sec (210 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 16 2023
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