Basics of Tethering in Capture One | How to Tether Your Camera

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hi everyone today we are talking about tethering what is tethering why should you do it how should you do it we're going to walk you through everything you need to get started in tailoring i want to take you back a little while in photography um and i want you to picture this scenario you as well okay because you don't remember so basically you're on set you have your camera you have your a-list celebrity and you have your clients and you have everything going on and you take a picture and everyone says how is it and you have no idea because you have nothing telling you how your picture is it's film and it's a camera so then fast forward a little while you have this amazing stuff called polaroid that you can put this on the back of your camera and you can take a picture but only three minutes later you get a polaroid you don't have it on film you don't have it on digital but you have it on a polaroid so your clients say how is this and you go oh my god it's amazing look at that expression and they go wow can you do that again and you go no i don't think i can and you're never going to see that again because just interject you didn't you never said no i don't think i can in your head you thought that but what you said out loud was like yeah of course we can right but but the bottom line is you didn't have it on film so then fast forward to kind of nowadays where basically your camera talks to your computer and can send a picture from your camera to the computer and you in real time can see exactly what your picture looks like and this is a game changer um it has been and it is and it will continue to be one of the greatest advancements i've thought for a professional photographer as i since i've been working but what is tethering tethering is anytime you use some sort of data cable to attach your camera to your machine so that you can get real-time data from the camera onto your computer monitor pretty simple tethering has a ton of advantages first if you're working with a client they can see the photos while you're taking them and give feedback right away that instant no waiting a week to see what you can fix in post second it lets you see the image that you shot on a larger screen which allows you to see a lot of the smaller details that just exist in there that you often miss on your lcd and then finally it lets you do some photo processing as the images come in so your clients get an idea of what these images are going to look like when they're not as flat exactly yeah i think i think kind of summing it up it's like you are reducing the leap of faith that a client an art director has to make from this looks great to actually it it does look great and you know of course i wasn't on sets before things were all super corporate right so the idea for me that you'd ever like party on set make the thing and then wait two weeks to see what you got on contact sheets is just mind-blowing yeah i mean that's that's what we did it was like did you get it i don't know had a great day well well flying home tomorrow yeah see you later guys it's super simple so what do you need first of all start with a camera now check your camera is capable of tethering there's loads of resources to help with that but basically any prosumer model camera is going to be capable next you need [Music] tethering cables um now you don't obviously need all of these tailoring cables but you know as with all things there's not one standard so your fuji camera might need a different cable to your computer than your canon camera or your leica camera and some are proprietary so make sure you have the tele cable that works with your system then of course you need a computer [Music] one big thing that can make a huge difference to the tethering experience is your workstation or your laptop you do not want a laptop or workstation that is way behind what you're trying to do if you want to make an adjustment you want to instant you want the picture that you're actually taking to be the one on the screen you don't want to be 40 images behind today for tethering we're going to use my dell precision 5750 it's a beast i can have photoshop capture one lightroom all open at the same time switch back and forth without compromising my speed on my tethering really really important so this is a good time to tell you that this episode is actually brought to you by dell we're super super thrilled to have them on board as a sponsor and if you guys are in the market for a new workstation desktop laptop i highly recommend looking at the precision range because it's just made my life simpler [Music] and finally you need some sort of capture software there's a few out there some are proprietary to the camera you own and many of them come with some kind of software canon has its own software i believe fuji has its own software if you're using a hasselblad then you have to totally rely on their own software because the hasselblad is not compatible with anything else so do some research find out what softwares you can use and then try them all out on trials or however you want to do it and find out which ones work best for you and your setup i'm a big lightroom user i have a lightroom catalog of about half a million photos it's really really easy for me just to shoot tethered into lightroom the photos are in my catalog and it keeps me in the adobe family however we're going to use capture one today because in all honesty capture one is actually better for tethering it is much much faster to bring the pictures in it gives me much better control of the color on the pictures and it's just better for today's workflow so capture one today [Music] so we have our tethering cable plugged in one side to our laptop one side to the camera we've got capture one open and we're ready to take some photos for fun today we're gonna do something way outside my wheelhouse and we're gonna do a splash photo now alex is saying that it's in his wheelhouse i don't think it's in his wheelhouse so let's see how well he does tethering today is really going to help us see our images come in in real time make adjustments and be able to present very quickly what we're seeing to a client if he was standing there so uh let's go okay guys so i'm gonna open a new uh session here um it's gonna ask me for a name i'm gonna call it can alex this off yeah of course you would um as saving in the right place i'm going to press ok and we are pretty much ready to roll here what i'm loving about today is that with capture one i can actually control my camera so i can i have my settings my f-stop my aperture iso and more importantly just by doing control and k i can take a photo so you know i don't have to move around it's a good part where we at alexis well oh you're taking photos well i just wanted to make sure the strobe was going to pop oh well i don't know so i think we're pretty set yeah it looks good here i don't know for sure ah i don't know for sure whether or not i have it lined up just right so i suppose you know we'll just give it a shot and see if uh it works so what i'm going to do guys my camera over there is set to continuous and just as a quick example if i press ctrl k keep my finger on it i can shoot as fast as my camera can shoot so ah i'm ready to start shooting when alex gives me the okay what's the likelihood that i get blue dye on my nice white sweatshirt today i would be disappointed if you don't yeah i figured that was it so what's in there alex uh you know just food coloring it's raspberry flavored nice all right we're ready to roll yeah you tell me when i am shooting all right let's see if we got one in the beginning so um our first few pictures are in and i can report that i was completely underestimated alex and it worked and it looks really really pretty um quick disclaimer if we were still life guys um we would be spending the next six hours getting the perfect splash here that's not what we're about today we're about showing the software so um a couple of things that i want to show you straight off which i think are really cool um a look tool so if i choose my loop tool i can set my loop and i can actually get a real good look at what's happening what's sharp what's in focus which is really really nice um immediately um then if i you know wanted to uh to go through my images it's very very quick to spin through them it's kind of fun doing this on this shoot because it looks like a little stop-motion uh video so that's that's really really cool um one other thing i'm going to show you is how to grey balance really quickly so we didn't shoot a gray card but if we go over here a little bit um and i choose my little uh gray balance droplet and then if i find an area that kind of works that you know mid neutral area we have a gray balance so that's pretty much exactly where i'd start i'd get everything to this point the exposure looks great and then i think we would take another set of images and alex is going to really show you some more details on how this software really shines so one of the great things about capture one is that it is incredibly customizable i'm not going to go into all the features right now because really it is just a lot and it's more than any one person would need for one project so maybe we can like dive into that in another video if anyone's interested but for now i do want to get you started on what i think are some of the most useful tools and what i would set up for my basic workflow so let's jump into it so let's start by looking through a couple of the images that we got the funny thing about these splash images is that even though we took a whole bunch of pictures it's only the first couple pictures from each cycle that are going to give us anything so let's just choose one real quick that one's pretty cool i like this one so let's start with this one so first things first we're going to look at what my workspace looks like when you open up capture one they have already given you a ton of tools right here but i like to reset mine to be much more simpler the first thing i want is my ability to control my camera where i can change my shutter speed and all those type things i can physically sit here and take a picture the next thing we're going to do is come over here to our exposure adjustments tool so i've really simplified this i have a white balance corrector i have a small exposure corrector high dynamic range um i have a clarity and then i want to remove a bunch of these actually because i don't need a d haze i don't need a color editor right here i have a color tool set up i don't need color balance i don't need black white i will like a vignette and then i'm going to add one tool and you see you have this huge drop down of literally dozens of tools that you can put on each page this is something that lightroom will never give you the ability to do because it's a little bit more user-friendly a little bit less professional and i am going to add a curve to it because i want to literally drop a curve right here as i work i'm going to move this down to where i want it under my high dynamic range so let's adjust the image okay so we'll add an image that we like first step we're going to come over here and we're going to check our white balance choose a gray spot sample change my exposure is pretty good i'm gonna leave it i'm gonna go ahead and add about nine points of exposure just so i can see my edges a little bit better i'm gonna come down to my highlights i'm gonna bring them down a few points again i'm really trying to make sure the edge of this glass is really visible if it fades into the background it's junk and that's something that this software allows me to do it allows me to fix it make it crisp that much faster i'm going to bring my shadows deeper which is normally what normally the opposite of what mark likes to do and then i'm going to come down here and put a little s in my curve it's going to add more saturation it's going to pop the color a little bit more it's going to pop those shadows and then i'm going to come down to the clarity and structure slider now everybody knows about clarity in lightroom and everybody knows that there was a period around 2010 where the go-to thing to do was just crank the clarity and then it became really passe really fast the cool thing is capture gives you a more finite system where you can choose the substructure or to actually pump the contrast which is what clarity basically does i'm not going to mess with the clarity because i don't want it to look fake but i am going to push my structure way up and if i go to my loop tool you're going to be able to see a little bit more juicy detail in those all right and so the next thing i'm going to do even though when it's time to process this image i'm going to use this as a starting point i'm going to sample this guy off the background i'm going to rebuild my glass and i'm going to put it in a completely new place but for now just so that the people on set get a little bit more excited about it i'm going to add a little vignette maybe drive a little bit more focus to the center and that's that now we got a point just so that when we start shooting again in one second which we're about to do i'm gonna sample this preset by clicking this up arrow boom scroll down to my very last photo apply the adjustments i just did and now in a second mark's going to slide in and we're going to shoot some more so we'll see you inside yeah so get out there and get ready and i'm going to do a test shot real quick from here so one of the great things about using capture one for still lives is that when your stylist or you set it up you can then sit back from your computer and control k shoot from your monitor so mike i'm ready when you're ready so you tell me and i'm gonna start firing any tips or hints uh aim for the funnel that's what she said all right i am just about to start pouring all right here we go hey not bad and one thing i want to point out is these images are coming in so fast and that's thanks to the nvidia rtx graphics cards that are available in the dell precision workstations so right off though we see the advantages of using capture one because this image just came in and it instantly looks awesome it has all the vibrance it has all the contrast we can see all the lines in the glass did we miss uh even missed the glasses a little bit yeah we did but that doesn't matter what's important is that we had all these adjustments come in just like that and if i had an art director over my shoulder who watched us slowly go through making the first image and then they approved it then they're watching these images come in they're happy they're being positive and normally everyone on the set's happy as a result tethering is an incredible resource when shooting fashion we always tether and normally we use multiple monitors so the client the stylist the photo assistants can all preview and to be honest normally we show the clients slightly different things that are coming to our capture so i highly recommend incorporating tethering into your photography workflow it's so easy and it's just really ups your game totally thanks for watching everyone please leave any questions you have about tethering in the comments and alex will certainly answer them for you also any comments about anything that you would like to see us make a video about would be greatly appreciated because we want to make videos that you guys want to watch so we'll see you next time you
Channel: Complicated Things
Views: 18,804
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tethering, capture one, tether, capture software, captureone, lightroom, studio photography, tethered, how to tether, tethered photography, photography tutorial, photography tips, product photography tutorial, leica, nikon, mark mann, complicated things, dell, nvidia, nvidia rtx, dell precision, fashion photography, splash photography, photography for beginners, photography basics, photography, photo, tether tools, tethering software, photography business, shoot, portrait photography
Id: 70myWFd6DCU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 18sec (1158 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 18 2021
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