how to add networked grabbing to your gtag fan game. ( discord below)

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hey guys welcome back to another gorilla tag fan game videos today I'm going to be teaching you how to make networked grabbable items in your gorill tag train game so first what you want to do is you want to make your item it could be a cube could be anything I'm going to make like a gold bar okay how you make a gold bar you want to make a cube bring it on here oh my gosh where my stuff make it smaller and then make it kind of like this thing of a gold bar kind of like that and then you want to go to probuilder probuilder Rize it click this go to faces and then when you go to faces click the top face and then go down go bevel bille Beville I don't know how you say it um and then bring this up click the middle bring it up and then boom you got your decent gold bar for right now you can make one in blender or whatever but this is our go bar for right now what you want to do is you want to delete the Box collider and then once you do that oh God once you do that you want to make another Cube this is for anything literally anything but what you want to do is you want to make it if it's a if it's inside of the cube you want to make it very small you kind of want to put it in the middle of your object this is where the player will grab it so you want to put it wherever um you would want want your player to grab it so like like scary baboon they grab it it's always like right here so it always grabs the end of the thing but for this video we are going to put it in the middle make it just a little bit smaller right in the middle just like that and once you do that you want to go to my Discord and you want to go to the grab items thing you will see the grab the nwork gravel um script on did that on here you want to add it Network XR grab Network interactable it'll already add the rigid body perfect that's what you want and then uh keep the rigid body like this don't change anything on the rigid body make the Box collider is trigger and then also make a new layer called capital N non capital W walkable oh my bad I spell that wrong no just like that that click back on the cube un walkable same the gold bar un walkable make sure the gold bar does not have a glider at all right here once you do that you're going to make a new XR interaction I prefer putting it on a gorilla rig make sure you have XR origin it's easy just go here search up XR origin and it should show up but what you want to do here is you want to add a x R manager interaction manager and then just can't don't change anything right there and then go to your left and rightand controllers once you do that you want to add a direct interactor XR direct interactor once you do that you want to go here interaction manager click gorilla rig and then boom you don't that for right now and then you go to the grabbable que part you go here make this Gilla rig and then go out now what you want to do that's basically it for that oh wait now you got to add a photon so just search up Photon view so you want to add a photon view keep it keep everything like that it's not going to change and then Photon transform view keep it like that and then Photon rigid body view not 2D just rigid body View and then yeah actually I would say keep that as fixed change this to Reliable Delta compressed that'll make it so like once you let go someone else was holding at the same exact time it will go to them it won't just break out and just fall through the map and then you want to turn off the mesh render and then right here make sure that's not loable no colliders and then boom basically what's going to happen is your player is going to come over here it's going to grab it and then yeah it'll work grab it's going to go wherever so like let's say oh also what you want to do you want to make sure the gold bar itself you want to drag it into here name the cube uh gold bar whatever I forgot to say on the grabbable script go down and where it says Photon view add the photon View and then yeah boom there you go that is how you add networked inter gravable interactors there you go
Channel: T&M tuts
Views: 204
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: vSVJe_DFIxc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 4sec (304 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 02 2024
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