How To Add Networked Finger Animations To Your Gorilla Tag Fan Game

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hi guys in today's video I'll be teaching you how to add finger movement to your gorilla tag fan game pretty much it's just like watching gorilla tag if you hold on any of the grip buttons or anything or these buttons up here your fingers will move now for this to work you need to follow my Photon tutorial Link in the description this was made by mass VR so shout out to him package to this will be my Discord server Link in the description and it'll be in a Google Drive Link also Link in the description like And subscribe and yeah let's get straight into the video so here we are in our project to start off download the file from any of the two options and drag it into Unity or you can right click go to import package custom package then just double click on it and then just click all at the bottom left and click import and it should import two scripts now once again make sure you have Photon VR imported or this will not work but then just find the scripts they might be in your scripts folder they're called XR hand controller and XR hand L then what you want to do go to resources go to Photon VR and go to your Photon VR player and you want to make sure that your model's fingers are rigged so for example here as you can see my fingers can move and then you know they they can move even more and then even further as you can see here so make sure that your fingers are able to do that and that you rig them so once you've done that you want to click on your hand now this is the hand that has all your fingers under so you see on this hand here mine's called wrist right it has all these fingers underneath it so this is mine now we're going to start off with your right hand so on your right hand you're going to drag on the XR hand controller make sure it's the XR hand controller not the XR hand L and then here where it says hand type just select right and then for View click this circle here and double click on player and now we're going to do the same for the left hand so click on your left hand here put this time drag on the XR hand L scripts for hand type keep it at left and for view once again click the circle and double click on player now that we added the scripts on the hands we're going to make the actual animations so what you might want to do is make an animations folder so right click create folder and I'm just going to call it animations you don't have to do this but I'm just going to do this for the sake of it so what we're going to do we're going to start off with the right hand so go to your right hand for me it's wrist right go to your right hand and then go to the top here where it says window click on window and then in animation go to animation and then for you will probably pop up here and then here just click create and you're going to call this rightand animations and then just click save so now you have rightand animations here then you're going to go here to where it say rightand animations click on that and click create new clip and then type in pose one make sure that it has no spaces no capitals POS one exactly like this and then just click save now for pose one you're going to click this record button here the red one then go all the way to the end not past here but all the way to where it says 60 here now what you're going to do pose one is the pointer finger so go to your pointer finger and then rotate this as much as you want so for me I'm just going to do something like this and then when you're done what you want to do just click this here now as you can see this is the full range of motion now we're pretty much going to do the same thing for the other fingers so click on pose one here click create new clip and then type in pose two once again exactly like that and click save now click the record button go to 60 frames and now pose two is the pinky finger or the grip finger now you can just move that you know do whatever and then click the record button again now you can see that's the full range of motion that it can go and now we're going to do the same thing so click that click create new clip do pose three and click save record 60 frames and pose three is the thumb here so for the thumb just you know animate the thumb however you want to animate it and then stop and then there we go there's the thumb so now we're done with those now we need to do the left hand so we're going to go over to wrist l or your left hand so once you click on it go here click create and now we're going to type in leftand animations click save now we're going to do this click create new clip instead of pose one 2 3 we're going to start off with pose 4 exactly like this and click save and now record go to the 60 frame Mark and now pose four is the pointer finger once again so just animate that however you want to animate it click the record button again and just stop it and there we go of course you can be more precise with your animations I'm just doing this for a tutorial now click this go to create new clip and pose five and click save record 60 frames now pose five is the pinky or middle finger or grip finger or whatever you want to call it then once you got that just click the record button again and as you can see this whole thing is good and now post five and then create new clip and then post six this is the last one that we're going to do so save and then record go to the end and then just animate it however you want to animate it and then record button to stop there we go now that we have those we're going to go back to our project here and as you can see all our animations saved in the animations folder if you didn't just find where it was it likely saved to the last folder you had open so if you had your scripts folder open and might to save to your scripts folder which is find wherever your animation saved before we do all the harder stuff on all of these you don't have to do it on these cuz you can't but on all of these ones that are like the triangle you're going to go up here to Loop time and turn off Loop time so on all of these go to them and turn off Loop time just like I'm doing right now as you can see on these two you can't cuz those are animator controllers so now I'm just going to save just to make sure that everything's good so far okay now what we're going to do you're going to click on wrist right your right hand or whatever your right hand is called go up here to window go to animation and go to animator now something like this should open up now what you're going to do you're going to highlight all of these all the poses and the orange one right hand animations and just click delete or right click and delete go here to parameters go to the plus and create three new floats so one float two float three float and on this float just click on it and you're going to call it pose one just like we did before and do the same thing pose two do the same thing pose three now keep in mind right hand is POS 1 2 3 left hand is POS 4 5 6 so just don't get it mixed up and then here in this space here just right click go to create State and then from new blend tree now click on this blend tree here and double click on it and then click on this right here and then here where it says blend type changes from 1D to direct and then here on motion click the plus and you're going to add three motion Fields so one 2 3 now here on parameter make one of them pose one one of them pose two and one of them POS three then for pose one you're going to drag in your pose one animation here just like that for pose two drag in your pose two animation for post three drag your post three animation and that's what you're going to do go here on this and slide all of these up to one pretty much it makes it so you can have the full range of motion just make sure all of those are on one and make sure everything is good like this and now we're pretty much going to do the same thing for the left hand go to wrist left or your left hand or whatever it's called and then here once again delete POS 456 and the left hand animations so delete that then under parameters add three new floats and once again instead of calling these 1 2 3 call call these pose 4 pose 5 and pose six so now that we have that once again right click create state from New blend tree double click on that click on that blend type direct add three motion fields and then here drag and pose four there pose five there and pose six there and just drag those all the way up but now we're not done these will give us finger animations but these will not make them networked so to make them networks go to your scene here click on one of your hands it doesn't really matter I'm going to start with the left hand click add components insert for Photon animator View and click on that now here where it says synchronize layer weight keep that on disabled and then synchronize parameters put all of those from disabled to discreet so make all of those discreet so it should be disabled discreet discreet discreet and then do the same thing for wrist right or your right hand so I'm going to add a photon animator view disabled discreet discreet and discreet now there'll be networks now one more thing that we need to do this next part you don't have to do it but I would recommend doing it under your model here under your model right click and create empty and call this networked fingers and then click add components and search for Photon view so this is a normal Photon view keep it how it is and boom there we go that's how you add NW finger animations to your real tag fan game comment down below what tutorials you want because chances are I can make them once again you need to follow my Photon VR tutorial for this to work and the scripts for this will be in a Unity package it'll be in my Discord server and it will be in the Google Drive Link in the description so you can just download those Jo my Discord server Link in the description if you need any help or something doesn't work for you or if you just want to be part of my awesome Community please consider becoming a channel member it's only $2 a month and you get a bunch of awesome perks including getting a shout out at the end of every single video that I make just like the people on the screen right now anyways like And subscribe helps me out so much and yeah guys that's it for me today peace
Channel: B.Awesome
Views: 7,134
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: B.Awesome, Gorilla Tag, VR, gorilla tag fan game, how to make a gorilla tag fan game
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 53sec (533 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 04 2023
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