how to add long arms to your gorilla tag fan game

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add long arms to your gorilla type fan game so first you want to open up Chrome and click collect the Discord Link in the description and just download these once you've downloaded those you want to go back into unity and just import them into your uh folders I already have them here somewhere else now what you want to do is make two new parts you want to put this long arms just the long arms on one and then long arms disable on another for the head tag don't keep it as hand tag you want to go to your rig so look for your player gorilla player turn period and left hand controller if it's untagged you want to make it untagged if it has a tag put them into that so because this is untagged I'm gonna put untagged and you want to put that on both for the gorilla rig what you're gonna do you're gonna take your gorilla player and drag that in any sort of collider and put his trigger on so let's just quickly test it in VR and see if they work what you want to do is just click it doesn't matter it doesn't have to be displayed on you so now if you click it turns on long arms uh now that you've done that enjoy
Channel: Hertz _Vr
Views: 1,667
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #unity, #tutorial, #short, gorilla, tag, gorillatag, gorilla tag
Id: oL2saFmEphA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 41sec (101 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 25 2023
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