how to add a mod menu to your gtag copy V2

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hello guys welcome back to another video and yes I am fall 2022 except for I got signed out on my YouTube account again I don't know why but I'm going to be showing you how to add a mod menu to your tag copy updated version two so first you're going to want to just go on your girl tag copy I'm just going to clear this and you're going to want to start by with a cube 3d object Cube you can just start off with that for now now you can name the cube whatever you want I'm going to name the cube um Greg menu menu or if you or you could just do this back so for it be like the back of the menu cuz you're going to be making it empty soon but we'll get on that later so now you're going to want to size your menu to where you want it now you can give it a a material if you want doesn't really matter I'm just going to give it this material not I'm actually going to give it this material okay okay now now the most important step make sure these don't change any of these on the on this on like that part and make sure to take away that okay now you can just um do make sure this make sure you clicked on your menu back and click control D and then size that down and then I'm just going to do this class my blast going to do this since it's technically going to be your mod menu button when it's like on not not not triggered so I'm just going to size this to where I want it but if you want it to be one of those fancy mod menus you can just do this size it down a little bit put it like that maybe make it a little thicker like wide like that and then you and then you're and then you're going to want to make sure make don't I don't I don't really think you need to change any of this so wa a minute I think you do yeah add a box collider to one of these just in case but if it doesn't but if yeah add a box collider to that you need a box collider okay and I'm and you don't I don't think you need is trigger on hold up I I I forget a little thing sometimes so sorry about that yes you do need is trigger so you need is trigger on I'm sorry about that and make sure you have this go to layer make sure you have Gorilla interactable on the buttons okay or it's not going to work and it's going to act like a um platform okay now you can just duplicate this just going to keep on duplicating it oops and there so now I have my mod menu now you can um you can name these to where you want I'm just going to name this platforms cuz it's going to be my platform button I'm going to name this um steam arms cuz it's going to be my steam arms button going name this no clip cuz it's going to be my no clip button I'm going to name this no tag freeze cuz it's going to be my No Tag freeze button I'm going to name this U what was the mod called I'm going to name this um big monkey cuz that's going to be my big monkey button and I don't know what I'm going to make this so I'm just going to put this as random letters so now you're gonna want to take all your buttons just drag them all in here and put them in there okay now if you want to make text just do this just do 3D you want to click on that do want to click on your button 3D object Legacy text mesh I just do this one because it's easier for me okay now it's a little upside down but just so it doesn't do that if it's doing that for you just do that take that out of there and then just put it at the right position that you want it to be hold up this is going fast just because I'm just because I'm not really making a mod menu because I already have a mod menu thing for already made that I've already made but I haven't put it in the game yet and also if you're too lazy to make one I'm not talking about you being lazy but if you want to make one then just go to mod menus and download one of these okay it'll already be all set so now I'm just going to drag this right there perfect now I'm going to need to turn this over so now it says hello world but your so it doesn't look all wacky like that I'm going to tell you how to change that so now you're going to want to go to R where itus Ariel find I recommend hold up hold up let me just take this out of there I recommend this one but you can always use I kind of recommend this one and this one at the same time but don't use that one that one's kind of goofy I'm just going to use this one but when you're going to use one of these okay like when you're going to use this or that one make sure to make sure to always put a capital like hello but just because this is my platforms text I'm going to do plat shoot plat forms I'm going put it to the position as I want it to and now I can drag it under there and now you can just do this put it at a button put it under that button control D again then put it under that button and control D again then put it under that button and then control D again and put it under that button and now now all you have to do is just change the text L big monkey now you have that done so now you can just do this but but make but you've already have gotten all that so now you can just close out all this stuff and you're tactically done but you're going to want to join the Discord Ser which is Link in the comments okay you're going to want to go to mods okay you want to either download this I recommend downloading this one and it's not my made my be credits to Whitebeard okay um you're going to want to drag that in here so I already have it in so I don't need to drag it in but I'm just going to put it on you want to put it on your Cube that you're going to be using and now here's where you do it this is why you want to put the pla the the plastic material on it okay cuz we're just going to press where it's going to you're going to put on where it says press material just search up pre oh pre and click that one and where it says unpress material you want to make sure it's at plast this one and now you're just want to drag this there and if and since since the text text mes Pro that we made is not going to be able to fit in there okay then just go over here my gosh why is this so slow just go over here and just take one of these or grab one just click you can just just click duplicate this one and then just drag it over to where where your um mod mod menu is so like it's easy to access so if you're adding more buttons you can just do this it will just be right there for when you need it like right now you can just name this um helper text for so it helps you help I'm just going to do that helper text and platform so now we have that now we're just going to click on this and we're going to find the mod that you want see platforms and then toggle is going to be pre and then the original is going to be plast and that's how you set up your mod menu but if you want but if you're going to get some mods okay like steam arms okay if you got steam arms for and you added steam arms okay you're going to want to put turn par in your steam arms okay you're going to want to make sure that when you when you make this section okay make sure that this isn't empty make sure that all of the stuff that's under isn't empty so when you make this okay the mods okay make sure you add the stuff and make sure you turn it off when you're done okay unless if you want it to be enabled when like so like like it when like I join like I have steam arms as soon as I get in and yeah well that's technically it and I'm going going to be teaching you how to add where was it big monkeyy is technically the same but I don't have big monkey in here but yeah that's all you have to do to make your mod menu and but you're going to want to use this script now so yeah you're going to want to use this script now and you're going to want to make something called just I'm just going to call it open open menu okay this video might be a little wonky because I'm kind of getting a little confused cuz I forget stuff a lot okay but just go with the flow with this video okay now it's going to say all this stuff now choose the hand you wanted to be on it okay and just put your mod menu so this is where you're going to want to do this this is where you're going want to do this just do this create and empty called it whatever your menu is going to be called I'm going to call my menu Greg menu V1 V1 and I'm going to drag all that into there so now you're going to want to put your open menu you're want to put it in there and I'm going to drag my my menu all the way over to my hand wait what the heck where did it go oh shoot you don't want to place it to where you want it to be what why did it go so far wait what the heck yeah wait what the hell just happened my gosh I hate when this stuff happens okay let's retry this drag the menone all the way until it gets under here my gosh sorry about this gosh okay now we got that done now we're going to have to add it to here so F so now I'm going to take this going to turn it going to do this I'm going to turn sideway cuz that's how normal mod because that's how a lot of mod menus are so now I'm going to put it up to my left hand because that's what I'm going to be using for the mod menu cuz I can see your left hand now we have this here now you're going to want to search up P Palm for and if you're going to use uh I'm going to be using this one so I'm just going to do that one Palm L now I'm going to drag this you need to drag this up here now I'm going to drag this o shoot I think I went up farther hold up no apparently I didn't now you want to drag this under that and now you just want to disable that and but by the way don't disable don't disable your open menu and that's how you add it add your mod menu a working mod menu okay and when you're in game since you put it as left always make sure to click the um x button so it pops up and that's how you add a mod menu this is version two of how out a mod menu I hope you like it and by the way the um mod menu script is going to be a Unity package in here okay well that's all for now bye
Channel: greg
Views: 2,703
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #gtag, #copy, #helpful
Id: GhltDBIi51A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 9sec (729 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 14 2023
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