how to MAKE a PLAYER MODEL Gtag | Gorilla Tag

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Hello everybody welcome back to another video today I'm going to show you how to make a player model what looks like this one because there's not many tutorials but show you how to rig it so you can pull it into your game well and just generally how to make a good character so as you can see this is the actual monkey in blender as you can see the monkey's fully rigged in all of the places for example it can even move in these directions here let's hop straight into the tutorial first thing what you're going to want to do is open up blender if you don't know where to get it they have a website on it where is a nice download button here or you can get it on Steam so anyway when you load in what you're going to want to do is Click General click a on your keyboard selector and click delete after that you're going to want to add in a nice simple cue go to the modifier panel add modifier and click subdivision surface put right to two and as you can see got a nice round circle click on this little drop down arrow and click apply what you're going to want to see is Ctrl C Ctrl V and you should have two cubes what you're going to want to do is disable this first one and you shouldn't really see any difference because they're both in the same spot now duplicate this again click J and click Zed move it up to somewhere like here scale in a little bit in fact I think I've got to bring it down a little bit because I do think it was a bit too high and now with this Cube here you're going to want to click s the scale and click Z stretch it out a little bit I think something like that will be fine G then Z to line up with the body so I'm going to do it just like this also don't worry about seeing these like faces because at the end we're going to do something like that and when you add the texture it will look way better anyway carrying on you want to click on this little y face click on this body here and click tab or go up here and edit go into wireframe view up here select for button vertices if you don't know how to go into vertices click that button here click G mnz move them up a little bit to create a little bit of a flat bottom but if you want you can scale them on the z-axis by doing s and Z again and by the way all of these move tools and stuff and scale they are on the side but there are quick keybinds for it when going back into object mode and viewport display you'll see it will look a lot better but the side of a body is still too wide so to fix that you're going to want to click on it and do s and then Y and you should see this yellow line here up here and you're just going to want to scale in slightly like that now after doing that you're going to want to click on the face view in edit mode on the body go into the x view so you can see it from the side click e to extrude it and then you're just going to want to scale in a little bit like this now if you're wondering why I did that well what it does from the side view you'll be able to tell this is more of a front because it is kind of extruded more in fact I've just sprung it out a little bit more it also makes your player more unique to everyone else's models but what we're going to want to do now is make the Ops click on the live view again and show this Cube select it Ctrl C Ctrl V and just deactivate it again after that with the cubic dupe players move it up on the z-axis by doing G and Z of of course clicking remove tool here move it somewhere like here scale it down can do is by clicking s or clicking the scale button and now click the scale button once more and click X and it will scale along this axis click G and X to move it this way I recommend having a clipping into the body because it will make it easier for when you're rigging it and the end here doesn't really look that good and not many tutorials show you how to make it look good so what you're going to want to do is Click tab or go into edit mode wireframe select the revert to C selection scale on the X a little bit just like that G and then X and now when you go back into viewport shading it'll look a lot more like now also I feel like these edges here I've just selected them on both sides I feel like I should come out a little bit so I'm going to click s and x and that will scale them along the x-axis and now I feel like that's a lot more suitable because it gives it a little bit of boldness around the shoulders anyway carrying on with the arms what you're going to want to do now is duplicate this part here so Ctrl C Ctrl V then click G and X to move it this way and now I recommend you go into top down view like this click the rotate tool and rotate 180 degrees an easy way of doing this is just spinning it a little bit going down just rotate tap down here and select 180. or negative 180 it doesn't really matter because it's still spinning directly halfway now what you're going to want to do is scale in a little bit to make it look thinner because of course this is the lower arm then once more click scale but this time click X so you can stretch it out a little bit so it's still got the same length now you can see it's created a nice shape more of a realistic arm and next up we're going to make the actual fans so for this bit what you're going to want to do is find everything you've made adding a new Cube go into edit mode and select face View going to top down view select these two faces here by clicking on one and then clicking shift going to top down view right click click extrude along Norms I move them to two square things out two of these or a normal square if you don't know how to gridlock it hold down control you should get something like this after that select these three faces here by router dragging or shift clicking each one after that go back into top down view extrude them out again hold Ctrl to get that nice grid lock after that extrude out one more time to these squares and you should get a three by three grid now select these two faces here go back into top down view extrude them out to two of these squares do it again and finally do it once more now we're gonna make the font so to do that you're going to select this face here go back into top down view click e to extrude and do two squares click J and then hold down control to move up like that I then recommend you rotate you don't have to do this bit but some people prefer to do it and rotate 45 degrees so here I'm going to change that to 45. then once again click e don't worry if it goes like this now we're going to rotate it so like 20 degrees so I went with 30 degrees now click G and just move it up something like that I recommend scaling it down a little bit and with a little bit of adjustments you should get something like that so now you've got the blocky shape of it you'll probably like I want the and shape well don't worry because I'm going to show you how to do that so you're going to want to select it go to add modifier and select subdivision surface and as you can see now you've got a nice hand what I would recommend doing is scaling these along the x-axis just a little bit in something like that and then by grabbing these bits here click G and move them in a little bit I want to see like half a grid so I'm just gonna move it like that and when I go back into viewport display that looks more like a hand so now what we're going to do is do what a lot of guides Miss and that's creating more of a 3d hand with a curve because as you can see in this photo it has quite a curve to it towards the part so what we're going to do before we add that curve is go into edit mode by of course going up here and selecting edit or clicking tab select this middle face and then scale it on the x-axis just like this and these faces should have barely any space in between them and now the fingers kind of move into each other like a real hand after that select these two end faces here and then scale them in so now we're going to want to scale down the ends of the fingers so to do this you're going to click scale and then hold down control and move them in something like gray I've just done the same for the other hand and as you can see it goes to more of a pointer so now it's finally time to add the curve so what I'm going to do is Select for hand Ctrl C Ctrl V and then with this second hand I'm going to rotate it 180 degrees just like that then holding down G I'm just going to move it across like that and now we have one hand for the left and one hand for the right now what you're going to want to do is Select both your hands go into edit mode select these two faces here and these two faces here also select this little one in between and because we selected both of these hands before we went into edit mode we're also able to edit another object do the same here so now we've got the unders and uppers of every hand selected we're just going to go into the Y View and move up a little bit not too much probably something like that will do and now you can see we've got more of a realistic hand where it goes in at the bottom now what we're going to do is create more of a bend in the fingers so to do that I recommend you go into the x view go into wireframe select these two bits of the fingers rotate and do something like 15 degrees click J and move just down a little bit and I think something like that looks good so we're going to do the same for the ends of the thumbs because that will be easy and just like that we got some very good monkey hats it's not what you're doing with your player model because if you're enjoying this video so far please hit the like or subscribe button because it helps me out so so so so much but if you don't then I'll throw this monster at your heads whilst you're sleeping anyway straight back to the video there is one final thing though I'm about to select these bits here extrude them and then one hand at a time scale them in a little bit I'm gonna do them by two and they'll finally select these two bits and E one more time to create that pretty much what that does it makes it easier for you to rig it later on because otherwise it will like mess up the bit here so now with these hands activate everything else and you'll notice that your hands are going to be giant what you want to do is Select both of them so the scale says the exact same for both of them scale them in like that actually the hand is a little bit too small so actually I'm gonna scale it back up and now you should have something looking like that decided to create the other arm I see a lot of tutorials using the mirror modifier but if you use that when you move them into Unity the faces will invert and that's a bit annoying to fix I do know how to fix it but it does take a couple of minutes so instead a better way of doing it is we're going to select both the yarn joints Ctrl C Ctrl V rotate them 180 degrees and just slide them across into the place if you're not sure exactly where we have ones line up go into wireframe gear okay so blender may have just crashed I'm so sorry guys but blender did crash so I'm not going to go into wireframe view again but I have quickly rushed another player model don't look at the hands row because I haven't followed what I just told you guys because you know I didn't have time so carrying on from what I said what you only want to do is Select these two hands duplicate them rotate them 100 and 80 degrees just like that then what you're going to want to do is line them up as best you can so I think something like that is probably good in fact I think it's like that yeah that looks right and of course with your other hand which is probably like up here you're just gonna want to rotate back so it faces the right way and then your rights want to move it into place just like that so now it's time to actually add for texture in so before we do that we're going to quickly select this part of a face subdivide it select these bits here I mean you're going to want to move them out so for you guys I think it'll be G and then why but because I've built my wrong way around it's wrong in fact to make it so it's still the same as how soon before I'll just rotate it like that so yep it was moving it on the y-axis and what you're going to want to do is just create a little bit coming out so now on all of the parts of the body you're going to want to apply the subdivision surface if you haven't already for example I've got quite a few on the arms which I haven't done after about you're going to want to do this so you're going to want to drag and select everything shift click the body so it's from glowing that like yellow color and then click Ctrl J and it will join and you should have it rotating around the body like now that you're done right you're going to want to go up here into textured view go down here to textures click new here click this little yellow dot select image texture click open and find your third texture so this is my photo texture don't worry about it being blurry or stretched we're going to fix that [Music] so first of all to fix it being blurry you're going to want to go to where it says linear here if you can't see that click this little drop down arrow change it from linear to closest and it will humbler go up to UV editing click a to select all the bases here pick a here right click unwrap and it should go like that then go to UV unwrap smart UV unwrap click okay and you should see something like one also I recommend going up here and turning on textured view so you can see how big for textures are good to look at this I don't really want my fur texture being that big so here I'm then going to scale it up don't worry about it going off it'll just like carry on with pattern and now as you can see I've got quite a nice fur texture and by the way once you finish it just go back to layout so for the stomach texture now you're going to want to select these faces here like that but it should be actually for you guys let me try it and replicate it it should be something like that I think yeah so I'm pretty sure yawn should look like that because how you've got the belly a little bit extruded also don't ask why my players so fat I forgot to scale it down when I rushed my mother but anyway once you selected these four faces click the little plus button here to make a new texture click assign and we should go white like that click new click here image check shot open and now select your texture like that it's not really that clear with my texture but you can see it there and now for the face you're going to want to select these bases here click new texture again click assign new here image texture open and find your face as you can see mine's here and again if it's blurry just go from linear to closest and go to UV editing because it will probably be here to unwrap it and it will probably be rotated on its side so you're just going to want to click r or go to a rotate tool hold down control to get a nice smooth rotate move it into the section like that so it's still a little bit rotated from it so I'm going to try and fix that I'm going to scale it a little bit and now I've got something what looks like that so back in the layout view I think that looks okay so now it's time to go on for the rigging so to start off click add and then find Armature go down to this little run in person go to viewport display and click in front from here move it down on the z-axis by of course doing G and Z all the way down to the bottom like that from here you're going to want to click G and you can hold down control or click said and you're going to want to move up to somewhere like that click e to extrude it I'm going to go somewhere like that and from here you're going to want to extrude It Again by clicking a and go to where your bone makes but just before that like that otherwise it doesn't really look that good in-game do that once more and again just try and get it on this point here instead of on the hand otherwise the hand is going to rotate with again now do the same for the other side so move it up like that then I'm going to extrude it again to this point here shoot it once more to there extrude it up to the neck like that and then once more like that on the hand you're going to want to extrude it to there then extrude it back to here up like that up like that and up like that one more time then for this bit you're just going to want to go like that also I know that you should probably have two bone joints here but having three makes it a lot easier for you to make a great animation and again you just want to go like that now moving on to your other side you're going to want to click e-twitch to read it like that then like that one type like that like that and like that extrude it to there there there and there and of course there is for that fingerer now what you're going to want to see is name these so this one's going to be my left shoulder this is my right shoulder so you're going to want to put an r in front at this joint here this little bone here you're going to want to name that our hand just like that at this hands here do L hand this bone here called neck and finally this one here call it base so from here select these two little circles here e to extrude and extrude them like that now select these two balls here and pick e switch screw backwards now do alt P clear parent and just do that for all of these and now you should be able to move these ones freely so you're going to want to do G and then move them forward slightly like this it's kind of weird to explain what these do they're just something called like polls if that makes sense so your arm will bend correctly again name this our pole and this one here are Pole now your character should be fully rigged now you've done the Bones hold down control and when clicking on your mesh click on your Armature Ctrl K click with autoplastic weight and now your Cube should went under the Armature now if you click on the armor chart and go pose mode up here when you move these joints here you should see your hand move like that so to export you're going to want to go file export and then find fbx and now you can just save it wherever you want for example I'll save it in my downloads as monkey now if you guys did enjoy this video please hit the like subscribe button it helps me out so so so much and apart from that have brilliant rest of your day and goodbye
Channel: Screen VR
Views: 24,074
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gtag, vr, gorillatag, unity, gtagfangame, blender
Id: fhPcKZzoI98
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 21sec (1221 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 29 2023
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