How to add Emission masks on your VRChat Avatar

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emission masks if you want to make some areas of your avatar glowy or your whole avatar glowy you came to the right place today i'm going to be showing you how to do these things and i'm going to go through it nice and simple so without further ado let's get started so first of all you're going to go find the material of your avatar click on the little image here now you have to note that i'm using poyomi shaders and you can get these you can get the free version on their website if you just type in poyomi you should be able to find the link but i can provide a link in the description for it just so it's easier so uh i'm using pyou me shaders what i did is i made a new material and so i'm going to show you so you create material now you have your new material here and it's going to look like this where it said standard here you click on it and there should be a little poyo me option you click biome tune and then it looks like this now you're going to go find your material on otters and audios it's already your it already comes with bayone and some avatars do as well they automatically come with biome shaders so everything is automatically applied now what you want to do is you want to click on your main textures find it and you want to drag it into the krita now i don't have that many details on my avatar as you can see but i have these little pink areas that kind of looks like stockings but that's not what i that wasn't my goal i just kind of made it so it looks a bit nicer so it has some color and i'm going to be making them glowy so how to do this so first of all you want to click on the top here to mirror the options so whatever you do on left side mirrors that on the right side so what you want to do to make an emission mask just for these is you have to paint everything besides them black so we're going to do that now i also suggest making a separate textures just so that if you mess something up that way you don't mess up your you know your main textures so a backup is always nice and required so as you can see i'm going to make everything black besides these parts once i have that done you're going to end up with something like this now you want to make sure that you save this on your desktop and name it something memorable so emission probably spelled that wrong but it's fine so now you want to drag that new image into the material slot now you want to find uh we're going to create a new material just for this video so i'm going to drop my textures there go peyomi tune and we're going to drag it onto avatar now you want to find the special effects emission here enable it extend it now take that picture that we just did the emission mask select these color this white and now as you can see when i upper here you can see the bits here are glowing so as you can see and you can also change the hue shift so if you want to change some some colors of it you can do so so this is pretty much done it's not that hard to do at all the only thing you have to do when you're making this is you're gonna have your textures and then let's say you have a few lines on your avatar that you want to make them glowy you just have to take a black paint tool and you just have to color everything black besides those bits that you want to glowy and you're pretty much done now if you want to make your whole avatar glowy then that's really not hard to do you're going to have to find your main material and now instead of emission masks you want to put your main textures here and then you can just mess with the slider here you do have to note that this slider is really powerful so don't go crazy like like at the end or towards the end because you're going to be basically white in game if you do so i always prefer to go like this here maximum just to you know make your avatar you know to make your avatar more pop in game just so that in like dark maps it's not too hard and you can't see it at all and you can of course always change the colors of it by using a hue shift now this works on every single material so you can even make with make your eyes glowy by basically finding the special effects and enabling the emission masks and also dragging the main texture of the eyes onto that on the emission masks and just you know making it more messy with a slider now if you know me and if you've seen my avatars i usually make them glittery simply because i love the way the glitter works and i'm a big fan of it now how to make your avatar glittery that's also really simple we're going to find our material the body material you want to find special effects where the emissions are and you're gonna see glitter here you basically just want to enable it and then you can mess with these sliders here like the size of it how how much is it and you can of course change the color of it here if you want like white glitter or pink if you want like white glitter or pink or purple you can do so you can mess with these shaders here um there are some pretty nice things you can have for example if you go to outlines here you can enable them and you can control so let's say 0.01 or 2. and you can basically make your avatar have a nice little outline and it kind of looks like it's been drawn almost like it's a drawing and i really like that i really like the way how that looks like there's a bunch of options that you can mess with here but today i just wanted to focus on those um on how to do the emission masks because i've heard a lot of people ask me for it and it's a really simple thing to do especially in krita now i'm not completely sure if you can do this in substance but i know for a fact you can do it in krita and that's what i use mainly so again if you want to make certain parts of your avatar glow you just have to go to the black brush you have to paint everything black besides those parts so and then just save it on the desktop name it something memorable and you just drag it onto the emission mask i really hope this video helped you guys uh if it did make sure to share with your friends who are also struggling with it um i know shaders can be a bit tricky to work with um but i'm i'm here to help you with that uh if you want to see more of these or if you have any specific topics you want me to show you on how to do on avatars make sure to let me know i'll see you guys next time till then take care
Channel: 20Nik
Views: 30,051
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 8zNV3I8VdCw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 5sec (425 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 16 2021
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