How to use The Poiyomi Dissolve

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hi today I'm going over the dissolve tab in the Miami tune Shader the version I'll be using in this video is 8.1 appointment since it's the newest one to the pre-roster I won't be addressing the geometric dissolve feature nor will I be covering Point 8.2 as is still under development if you're interested in obtaining the most up-to-date versions of polymer Shader you can find it on point with patreon page where you can also provide support throughout this video I'll be exploring several tabs that relate to the stuff that you can use in the dissolve tab take this video with a grain of salt as poem it continues to refine both his Shader and his documentation on his website for those that are using 8.0 most of the settings will be the same with some little changes and if you're using 7.3 Gad speed U anyway starting right off pull down the arrow on your avatar select the mesh you want to dissolve go to its material special effects and then turn dissolve on a frequent option I'll be using is dissolve Alpha to show the effects and for this video as well I'll be using more than just my avatar to show the effects of the tab as well so I'll be clicking on my materials themselves since I can't select both of my objects so first off we have dissolve type basic will cause everything to vanish simultaneously point to point dissolves from one point to the other spherical dissolves in a circular pattern and Center out dissolves from where the player is looking notice that switching between the types certain options vanished while new menus appeared on the bottom these menus offer additional settings for the types you're using for point to point you have world slash local local is relative to the object's coordinates the world uses the world coordinates and vertex colors use vertex colors for the positions whammy says to generally set this to local for avatars unless you're utilizing the world positions for specific effects an example I can give any world can be at a different height Edge length makes the edge more thicker moving the start and end points will let you change the direction of the dissolve and clamp dissolve will dissolve the rest of the mesh if it doesn't fully dissolve notice removing the starting point will clamp the dissolve effect back to not dissolving anything it works both ways so removing the end will clamp the dissolve effect back to the end of the mesh or spherical Center Point changes the position of the dissolve Point radius makes the point bigger or smaller invert inverts the whole effect and clamp dissolve will dissolve the rest of the mesh if it doesn't fully dissolve for Center Out Center out mode has a view Direction meaning it will follow the player's View custom Direction lets you change the direction and light Direction Taps into the world lights for the dissolve going back to view Direction invert inverts the whole effect use pixel normals uses normal textures and power when increase lowers the power of the dissolve moving on to the edges Edge width adjusts the size of the edge making it larger or smaller its hardness makes the edge smooth or solid Edge color allows you to select the edge color Edge gradient lets you apply gradients to the edge clicking on the small circle you can choose from your gradient textures if you want to make your own click on the long box to open this menu you can use the top arrows for Alphas while the bottom arrows affect the colors selecting one of the bottom arrows you can adjust the gradient positioning and you can make more arrows by simply clicking on an empty space where the existing arrows are selecting the modes blend mode Blends the colors together while fix snaps the colors together lastly for edges edgy missions when turned up will emit it Glow for the dissolve category dissolve color lets you change the color of the mesh when dissolved turning the alpha slider down by the way will let you go invisible this is what creates the invisible toggles effect if it's not working for you change your rendering preset to cut out applying a dissolved texture on the other hand will show a texture when it's dissolved and dissolve the emission strength we'll admit a glow just like Edge emissions or transitions the dissolved gradient uses gradient textures for dissolving take a gradient texture like I have here or make your own and it will follow the flow of the colors note that this option will only appear in basic for 8.1 for its counterpart dissolved noise it works very similar applying a black and white noise texture will let it dissolve like that noise there is a variety of noise examples that you can choose by searching noise when you alter the type as well you'll notice that the effect behaves a little differently compared to the basic dissolve type a bit off topic but if you're wondering why my shirt is having a hard time showing these effects it's due to my UV map setup my textures are Atlas together to reduce texture count which can have a whole other video on its own but what you need to know is that my shirt is very small in this UV map to fix this problem clicking on the Arrow you'll have more settings which I'll get into shortly but increasing the tiling will help the gradient or noise you're using show its effect better on your mesh detail noise smoothing Smooths out the dissolved noise despite my efforts I wasn't able to get this to work for the life of me switching through all the types and then through most of the noises yielded no results as seen in this clip in the poyomi Discord when the noise smoothing came out this is what it was supposed to do I'm not entirely certain if it's a bug with the version I'm using the mesh I'm using or just my way of using it so you might have better luck than me dissolve detail strength influences The Edge detail turning up the strength will increase the effect of the gradient slash noise you give it dissolve Alpha controls the actual effect of dissolving before moving on to the rest there were these arrows I mentioned earlier I will be using the dissolved texture and the dissolved noise menus to show what these do tiling allows you to make the texture repeat itself horizontally or vertically across the object offset lets you move the texture around the object and increase the illusion of motion note that this might not work right off the bat click on this effect box and enable animated materials UV refers to the four sets of UVS you can have and the presets point we gave us UV 0 is the main UV on your mesh and UV one to three are the extra UV sense if your mesh only has one UV map changing this won't really do anything if you're wanting to learn more about UV mapping it involves blender-like programs which I'll go into a little bit more later in the video now the presets relate to the modifiers tab pulling it down you'll find more than just the presets I'm covering so just remember I'll be only talking about these four modifiers panosphere makes the UV appear panoramic or spherical enabling stereo typically refers to stereoscopic effect meaning that it will give each eye a little bit of a different look from each other now just keep in mind that this is very unpleasant on the eyes so enabling perspective correct will correct the perspective in VR World position uses the world position for the dissolve effect moving around will look like the dissolve is staying in place and pulling down local World UV you can use World X and Y to change the directions of it local position uses the mesh position for the dissolve effect going back to local World UV you can choose local X and Y to change the directions of it as well polar UV creates circular or radial patterns pulling down polar UV and modifiers you can see that it has its own sets of UVS Center coordinate lets you move the effect on the X or y-axis radial scale makes the effect bigger length scale makes the effect shrink say that 10 times and spiral power makes the effect spiral more distort UV applies a distortion or wrapping effect going back to the modifiers tab enabling Distortion UV it has its own UV sets with masks you can choose where to apply the effects when using a black or white texture mask remember Distortion only occurs and the white portions it covers pulling down the arrow if you wanted to get a little crazy with it you can use a mask with other colors like this one applying the Distortion textures lets you further mess with the Distortion effect I'll be using Morehead noise textures as an example strength 1 increases the Distortion effect of the first texture and the strength 2 increases the Distortion effect of the second texture note that turning panning up will create this effect and lastly invert inverts the whole effect everything that you can adjust usually offers the same amount of options even beyond the dissolve tab so feel free to tweak them to your liking dissolve mask uses black and white textures whereas the name says mask to dissolve parts of the mesh the black areas remain unaffected while the white areas will dissolve global mask relates to the global Mass tab pulling down color and normals go to global mask enabling textures going into it allows you to have four different rgba texture masks an example putting a texture that has red green blue or Alpha like I have here we'll let the global mask work in the dissolve tab going back to the dissolve Tab and selecting one R will only dissolve the parts that are read on the mask this goes for 1G being green one B being blue and when a being Alpha for the rest as in 1R 2R 3r and 4r they correspond to the textures in the global mask you're using two is the second texture three is the third texture and fourth is the fourth texture now if you do want the opposite effect change multiply to subtract you can try the rest of these but pretty much they do all the same thing just in a different way for what's left in the global Mass tab I would feel bad if I didn't go over it since it's not really documented right now so I might as well do it in modifiers backface masking lets you dissolve both of the faces on your mesh the back only faces in your mesh or the front only faces on your mesh to use this properly go to your rendering Tab and put kolta off this is how you see your front faces and your back faces at the same time mirror masking lets you dissolve both in the mirror and out of the mirror inside the solves only inside of the mirror and the outside only dissolves outside of the mirror camera masking lets you dissolve both in the camera and out of the camera inside dissolves only inside of the camera and the outside dissolves only outside of the camera distance masking dissolves by a distance in position to use pixel position uses the furthest pixels on your object to dissolve an object position will undissolve the whole object maximum distances allows you to change the distance to where the dissolve will dissolve you can reverse this effect by increasing the Min distance then decreasing the max distance from Min to maximum distance Alpha it changes how much your object will dissolve you can reverse this effect as well by sliding Min Alpha up then Max Alpha down in blending replace doesn't use the mask as in it will dissolve the whole thing and multiply will apply the mask for those parts not to dissolve now note testing this effect in game only works around the zero zero area ideally I thought it would make it disappear when a mesh gets closer to you as it does in my project but that isn't actually the case I found that this effect only works around the zero zero point as well in my project I tried talking about it in the poem me Discord and I never really got a response so I guess I'm in the same shoes as oblivious over here options allows you to dissolve the global mask part of your mesh switching the types for Max Min sliders moving the slider more to the right will dissolve part of the mask and moving the slider more to the left will undissolve the regular dissolve enforce toggles forces that dissolve on or off using vertex color mask uses the vertex values to dissolve stuff depending on if your model is vertex painted unlike mine any vertices that aren't vertex painted will dissolve for example in blender if you vertex paint parts are red and select red on the vertex mask anything that wasn't painted red will dissolve and lastly continuous dissolve speed will make the dissolved move on its own continuously moving on to the final three menus Hue shift lets you change the Hue of course dissolve speed Loops the color of the mesh itself when dissolved while dissolve shift as you slide through the colors manually instead we don't have a texture like I do you can select dissolve color for the same effect enabling Edge lets you change the color of the edge changing the edge color to Red Edge speed loose The Edge color and Edge shift lets you slide through the colors instead UV tile dissolve relates to the UV tile discard section with UV tile discard does is it lets you discard specific parts of your mesh located in the UV tiles for instance let's say you're like me and one of your meshes has multiple clothings fused in the one selecting discard UV picking from UV one through three then using the toggles will discard those parts you put in those tiles going back to UV tile dissolve it works the same way it's just set up a little differently selecting UV tile then pulling down the last row using the this letter will dissolve it instead of it just disappearing like its UV tile discard counterpart now this also ties in the UV Maps so before jumping in the blender to figure it out I recommend to at least watch a video on how UV Maps work once you know how to use UV Maps it really only is one video by cams on how to do UV tiles I'll say this is a little Advanced for some beginners so take your time learning both UV mapping and UV tiles for your avatar there's more to UV tiles than just dissolving you can increase the performance of your avatar since parts of the texture are discarded and are not being rendered on screen anymore yes the polygons are still being rendered but parts of the texture isn't another is you can remove clipping pretty much entirely by discarding parts of the body that are under the clothes you're going to have to find an alternative way to do these toggles when uploading for Android since the poem Shader isn't available for that platform I recommend not to use this technique as a way to dodge doing weight painting you know it's a bad idea it's not that hard to do and I swear once you start doing it you'll get pretty good at it there's a video from Royal Skies about how weight painting Works he did a really good job at explaining it and I highly recommend it because that's how I learn earned it I'll show you a picture I made the visualize where everything is on the UV tile compared to the UV map it uses so use it as you please locked in animal sliders functions the same way as dissolve Alpha this option can be used if you have multiple materials on a mesh like this Cube I have here now pulling it down there are 10 Alpha sliders to mess with you can record different ones for various materials on your mesh renderer now if you're a little confused into how this works let's say you want to dissolve multiple materials separately from each other on the same mesh locked in and the sliders will let you do this note there's actually two ways of doing this and I question why this menu still existed as you can use the rename and lock option instead of lock the anim sliders for the same purpose but as stated in the dock rephrasing what it says you can have multiple materials dissolve independently on their own Alpha Sliders in certain scenarios if you wish to dissolve them simultaneously as well you can record a single Alpha slider for all the materials I'll give you an example on how to use locked in Adam sliders as well as an example of using rename with locked instead just to know I won't be going over anything in the animator on how to do these toggles for the anim slider example go into the animation tab make an animation for the first material on Alpha zero zero being undissolved and one being dissolved notice I have to add animators for Lots since I'm on a cube and not an avatar this option should appear automatically when you animate these effects you may have also spotted that it dissolves both materials instead of just one bear with me I'll show you how to fix this creating another animation pulling the second material down and recording Alpha One Zero being undissolved and one being dissolved now the reason it didn't dissolve separately is because the materials aren't locked yet as in the name of the option locked in animation sliders so locking the materials you can see that it dissolves separately now if you're in the scenario where you're wanting an animation to dissolve them all together as well make another animation and record all the materials on one of the sliders that aren't used yet I usually do the last one now as you can see locking the materials and the slider works on both of them for the renamed when locked example right click on dissolve Alpha and hit renamed unlocked this will lock the animation and create a unique suffix based on the material's name if you don't know what that means that's fine all it does is makes the material unique from the other materials with its name when you record stuff as it's locked enabling it for the other material as well lock the materials before you record the animations if you record when the materials aren't locked they will just record the basic path of that setting making animation for the first material on dissolved Alpha zero being undissolved and one being dissolved and you'll see that it only dissolves that material creating another animation for the second material zero being undissolved and one being dissolved you'll see that it only dissolves that much real as well you could do this for other things as well than just dissolving just know that some options may not work the documentation for renamed when lock goes over pretty well all right well that pretty much covers everything you'll find in the dissolve tab I'm starting to consider diving into more of the parts of the point machine or later but first I need to explore more of the other effects I'm more of a blender guy to be honest as you saw in this video alone it went beyond just the developed head I wasn't expecting the dissolve tab to connect to so many things when researching for this video and as poem is consistent with the Shader updates it can make finding a specific information challenging so I actually wanted to give out some recommendations primary's documentation is helpful for understanding how things work though just be warned certain areas might lack documentation and haven't been added to it or just haven't been updated in a bit so much of what I discussed like global mask was me figuring it out Twitter at I mean X is a good place to find out how people are using the Shader and poem is Discord server is likely the best resource if you're keen on diving into deeper into this complex Shader remember this Shader is a real beast in terms of capabilities and it takes time to learn it anyways thank you for watching if you learned something about the dissolve tab or any of the other stuff I'm glad I've helped you can support me on Kofi as I to upload more stuff in the future but until then I'll see you next time bye-bye
Channel: Tooth
Views: 2,076
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Poiyomi Toon Shader, Poiyomi, VRChat, Tutorial, Dissolve
Id: bs2aqQ5xrqY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 51sec (1011 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 16 2023
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