7 Speakers from around the world Share How Restoration of ALL Things has Changed their Lives!

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welcome to Kingdom talks where we engage leaders teachers creative artists and everyday people in conversations that awaken listeners to new revelations of the kingdom age all of our courses community conversations partnership links and much more can be found on our website kingdom cox Mediacom now enjoy the show [Music] tonight's each of us that are speaking or did we're just going to share for about ten minutes on what restoration of all things has meant to us how it's changed us how it's impacted our lives and I think this is important because this isn't just a fun doctrine we're not it's not that and Dean and I will share more once we get going here but yeah you're gonna find it's extremely significant as the whole body is moving forward so I'm not gonna reach or anything we're gonna start since Mike Parsons isn't here I was trying to figure out who we're gonna get to go first it's like he's not here so he's gonna go first he we have a video that he put together for us that we had shared beforehand that we wanted to start the night off with each of us sharing why is this important to us and so he's put a video together and we're gonna play that to get started he will be here tomorrow so he's just not here tonight so he'll be here tomorrow morning I think I think as the plane arrives in the morning so he will be here and we will have a great time was this good I can tell you we could just stay in this place and there would be a ton of stuff that would be accomplished just in the spirit all right anything else you want to share Medina has trading money does anybody else have we have a little bit left okay so actually anybody who has the trading money if you could come over here we might not have as much left right now but we will have some tomorrow morning again yeah if we don't have enough we'll pick up what's thrown out in recycle it I wouldn't worry about it just yet Nancy but let's see if we have enough we might have enough all right Wow I'm just blown away because what this is accomplishing and what's happening is just phenomenal and we're going to just let Holy Spirit speak to each one of us because we're all and again now we're here together all right so I do want to explain that for the most part you know it's going to be up to each speaker but I think many of us want to have a little bit of engagement as well so there's going to be QA toward the end of each each session and except for tonight well there might be a little bit a little bit in between if you got something to say we might do a little bit but it could go very long if we have a lot of people sharing tonight because we're gonna do seven speakers doing 10 minutes so we're gonna go ahead and get started you guys ready all right I'm gonna see if I can work this thing do we have a tech guy that could do it make sure it's done right let me see oh that might be it I am so techy person missing out on all the fun tonight but I will be there tomorrow I'm really looking forward to this time gonna have together in which we're going to be looking at the restoration of all things I'm passionately committed to the restoration of all things more than I've ever been before because of my own personal experiences over the last few years that has been leading me in this direction it is a long journey that I've been on as probably most of us have to bring us to a point where our beliefs changed to such a degree because we've experienced the love of God and my belief in restoration and all of what restoration entails has come through personal experiences there are many milestones along my journey which were significant points where God met me revealed his love in a deeper way unveiled that love towards creation itself in a way that now you know my experiences of that for me are totally in line with the very nature and character of God you know my own understanding of God through my upbringing you know very evangelical upbringing really warped and twisted the reality of who God really is but by meeting him in sort of these mystical encounters if you want to call him that you know I've discovered face to face that God is good he's always good he's only good he's nothing but good and he is love and love is the key and everything when you really experience God as love unconditional love and that that love will never fail never give up you know it's totally changed my whole perception of the world people and everything else I can't look at people the same way as I did because now I see them through the lens of love and if woody view everything through the lens of love and the lens of Jesus effectively then we're gonna see the world differently and we'll see God differently and on this journey there have been many deconstructions I had to go through of my belief systems and God would encounter me I would experience them it would create cognitive dissonance in the I didn't believe what I now experienced and I didn't go back to the Bible to say I'm gonna use my understanding of the Bible to explain my experience I went back to God you know God then father son spirit engaged me in relationship and revealed the truth of the things that I had experienced and it was deeper and deeper and deeper into love and then God's love for everything and everybody became so obvious that I couldn't deny it and then being involved in helping people to become restored you know as just confirmed that to me over and over again but I know these are very controversial issues to some people but face-to-face encounters of innocence restored innocence you know the fact that we're justified the fact that through the cross that Jesus has reconciled the whole cosmos to himself these are the things which really have changed the way I think and through my experiences realized how deep this rabbit hole goes how deep the love of God goes so on one point in my journey in preparation for all of these vast changes in my thinking and my experience I met with God one day and we were talking and the father said to me I want to show you something so we went into a place of intimacy within my own heart where first he engaged me and there's a place there where it's a special place an intimate place and we went there and I saw hanging in the tree which is there a big tapestry and this was a tapestry which was woven beautifully and it was you know intensely real and you know a k3d tapestry if you could get that the image and I'm looking at all my encounters with God over the previous seven or eight years and I was so enthralled by looking at this image and all these stories woven into it that I even lost sight that the father was standing next to me and I thought wow and I remembered this and I reminisced over this and I had this amazing thing and I was looking at it and then in the middle there was a little thread and I thought wow I wonder if I can take that thread and follow back into all these journeys and experience this in a deeper way I was so excited and I thought how great so I I took the thread and when I was a kid my mum was always telling me do not pull the thread yeah and I just could not not pull the thread I just had to pull it and and I just pulled this thread and the whole tapestry unraveled in front of my very eyes and was just a part pile of the yarn on the floor and behind it their stud the father smiling at me no more laughing at me really and he said to me very something very profound he said what is an image of me and I got it instantly it's an idol he said yes don't let your encounters with me become idols you don't need an idol you don't need an image you just need an ongoing relationship and therefore don't lean to your own understanding about me and create a new theology or a new doctrine just continue the process of engaging with me relationally and we'll walk this journey out little did I know in the next two years I had major competent encounters of love how deep and wide and high the love of God is and it was just amazing experiences which so changed how I felt about myself about the world everything else and I made it a point not to try and lean to my own understanding of those experiences or even use the Bible to explain those experiences because that would be using my understanding of what I already thought it meant and that's our problem we use conformational bias to to agree with what we already agree rather than allowing God to renew our minds and change our thinking all of us have to have our minds renewed and for me that inevitably led me to restoration because as I experienced the love of God for myself those experiences just overwhelmed me and then enabled me to see people differently and to see that we're all included with Christ and that we all died in Adam but were all made alive in Christ and we've all been alive and in him that's so challenged by thinking and suddenly changed everything I viewed in terms of evangelism and the desire for seeing people come and engage God it became an experiential thing rather than an intellectual thing so you know now if I'm sharing the good news with someone I want to relate to the light that's already were at work in them to help them realize that Jesus has already forgiven them that they're already innocent from God's perspective and made righteous they just don't realize that yet so it's changed everything how are you think about things how I do things how I relate to people you know and I had one really amazing encounter and I was walking in the realms of heaven one day and I was just engaging in the river of life and I went under the waterfall which is a place I loved being and I was stood under the waterfall and it was cascading down me deep calling too deep and I was just just meditating and being in that place of total rest even though there was this cascading energy coming all over me and I felt that the water had changed in some way and I sort of was aware that it was multi-coloured and all of these multicolored works were cascading down in this amazing waterfall and I was standing under it and all of a sudden I started to feel each one of these colors was a specific group of people who God loved and immediately I started to relate to those who had been victims or have been abused or been trafficked or had been in some way hurt or damaged by people and I felt how intensely God loved them and I was just relating to that and empathizing with that and just one it would see wanting with such a desire to see those people healed and restored and come to know the love of God is the only place of restoration they can find and all the sudden immediately I felt God's love for the victimizers and the abusers and the serial killers and the murderers and the pedophiles and my soul reacted in such a strong way that I was just about to think that's not fair and yet the love overwhelmed me and I realized that God loves everyone the same there is no distinction in God of course he lives within the moment of everyone's pain and can totally empathize with it but also he loves everyone the same and that experience totally changed how I viewed people and the next day I was in my office and I was just preparing something and immediately I found myself in the spirit and I was standing at the front door of our building and we run a day center for people with addictions and homelessness and different disadvantaged States and I was watching in the spirit people walking into the building and with a totally dishevel'd state song I'm looking like walking skeletons you know from the outside they look the worst of the worst but I saw the light that was within them I saw as Paul realized that Jesus was at work within him but God was at work within each of these people they had just not realized how much God loved them because of their circumstances and I just was moved with compassion because I just saw how much God loved everybody and everything and as sons of God he's calling all of us to be involved in the restoration of all things to bring creation itself into the freedom of the glory of the children of God which is are in essence of who we are as sons of God so the creation itself can be set free from its bondage to corruption so we can be restored not just to God's original purpose in the garden but where we would go so we're going to be restored to even greater than what we would have been if we've not fallen so that I believe restoration passionately and I'm really looking forward to some of the questions that get asked and well I guess the question everyone wants to ask is what is all mean you know and hopefully over the next few days we'll discover some of the answers to what all means in this journey together so looking forward to seeing you tomorrow I just want to say something briefly about Mike for those who may not know him that well is in the beginning of our journey into this movement we hadn't even watched Mike that much we really didn't even know really who he was but we happen to be in England and somebody set up an appointment for us to go and visit you know his place and he set time aside for us took us on the tour and what I was so impressed with what he just shared is you know he's on the tour showing us everything and there's the homeless you know who are part of the community and he interacted with them exactly the same way he was interacting with us and I had never seen that before if you know what I mean you know there's always this kind of leaders and okay well I'm gonna talk down to you and talk a different with there was none of that and I'm so grateful because it really set the tone for us in beginning to walk this out and so I honor him and excited Larry is going to share next and many of you may not know Larry we're getting to know him more and more but we just so honor who he is and have so enjoyed the opportunity to get to know you more and to share a building and all the joys of that and so we just honor you Larry and want to hear what you have to share so want to get a shout out to those of you upstairs hi yay okay I'm self monitoring here so 10 minutes right all right cool Wow that was that was fine listen to my guy I'm looking for to get to know him I haven't met him yet my journey to contemplate the restoration of all things and to begin to believe that thank you it basically it started I I went through a season in my life I've pastored for a really long time but there was a prophecy spoken over my life that God's gonna put a seal on your call that was in 1992 and you're gonna be fulfilled in a ministry you don't have to apologize for ever again but spoken by a guy named Paul Cain was pretty cool and at first the first thing that impacted me was the idea of a seal and I knew I was standing there we were over Nuremberg Germany I felt this oil come over me like a seal of approval and then I knew I was going to be sealed up like a jar peaches and put on the show I thought it'd be a hiatus for a couple of years turned out to be seventeen years I was in business I actually worked in this building for about ten of them and then Lord called me back in and one of the first things that happened when I got back in church and started Joyland is I realized that I had in that 17 years off gained the benefit of laying all my beliefs on the table taking a fresh look and the questions that I asked her like this is this something that I believe for something that I borrowed from someone else cuz you know when you go to Bible School are you getting a dump all that kind of stuff comes so I was able to lay those things out and then is this really what your scripture says is this really what you're saying and does this reflect on Jesus does it look like Jesus or and then later I got some more sophisticated questions and they they came as a result of getting tired of formulating thoughts and doctrines about God without taking God into consideration and that is the point even though there was some key scriptural points like Mike mentioned the idea in Scent Corinthians 5 of God is reconciling the whole world for himself the whole cosmos himself not counting their sins against him so so this idea of how many doctrines do I hold about God that don't take the revelation of God in Scripture into account and then I was confronted by Jesus confronting the Pharisees and the Sadducees when when they came up to him and and and he said you search the scripture thinking that in them you find life and they are that which testify of me but you are unwilling to come to me and receive life in the combination of that awareness of how easy it is to glance at God and then start formulating and I'm not laying that at the feet of the scriptures because the scripture is the revelation it is the testimony but I get busy making up things that make sense so when I realize that I I start taking a fresh look at that stuff you know makes sense to me my side I started taking a look at stuff and then second Corinthians five was really important to me well if God's reconciling the whole cosmos to himself and we're a bunch of reconciled people and I would have people say well what's going to happen in the end if somebody goes hell well they're gonna be reconciled people going to hell and I don't I don't know how to do that I don't I don't know what the dividing line is there so I started looking at it again looking at it again but then this is the one that sealed it form there's two passage in scripture and I started paying more attention to declarations than two parables and it's not to dismiss the parable but a parable tells a story and it's totally dependent upon your interpretation of it a declaration all you got to do is read it and understand what it says and try to believe it or line up with it so here's here's this and I I thought this was so fascinating especially in the situation we're in because I really was I was putting some prayer into this idea of how to be good citizens and how to honor that what the nation's going on and still facilitate all this stuff and and so in second Timothy they both came together for me today all right yeah first Timothy chapter 2 sorry first Timothy chapter 2 first of all then I heard that entreaties and prayers petitions and Thanksgiving be made on behalf of all men for kings and all who are in authority and all who mainly that we may lead a tranquil and quiet life and all goodness and dignity all right I've never associated that with this reconciliation of all things passage that's coming up here but I did today just to let you know and it was fun so in the normal rough-and-tumble of life we're being called to pray for the people that have authority and influence over us so that we can live quiet and tranquil lives and look what it says it says this is good and accept in the sight of God our Savior all right so the God our Savior part when I was a Baptist and when I was an Assemblies of God pastor I had a category to put that in but I didn't see that category being nearly as tight or strong anymore so one of the titles of God in this thing is our Savior and I know that I mean Jesus name means God saves so okay and then it says that this God our Savior is one who desires all men to be saved and come to a knowledge of the truth okay so like Mike said we're probably gonna have to deal with the word all but he desires all men to be saved and come to a knowledge of the truth then I got in a good debate with a friend of mine that I love he's Radiological guy and he goes well that's desire it's not will because in his mind if God willed it it would happen if he desired it am I not and I busted him later because he was talking about how desire is the emotion that drives action and that God's desires drought drove his action to create and then I caught him in the hall and I said now remember that conversation we had two months ago anyway who desires all men to be saved and come to a knowledge of the truth and then it goes on and kind of reinforces that it says for there is one God and one mediator also between God and man the man Christ Jesus who gave himself as a ransom for all all right so you have here the nature God is our Savior you have here the motive God desires all men to be saved and come to a knowledge of the truth and you have the method that Jesus Christ was sent to give himself a ransom for all so that scripture started to hit me and then there's one over in Peter that says something sort of similar it says this this is the rebuke that Peters given to people who say oh everything's going to stay the same everything's going to stay the same he says no he says but do not let this one fact escape your notice beloved that with the Lord one day is like a thousand years and a thousand years is like one day the Lord is not slow about his promise as some count slowness but is patient toward you not wishing for any to perish but for all to come to repentance now this is new American Standard and I'm not going to go on a bunch of exegesis in a three-minute an 11-second remain talk but here's here's what what happened and then what happened from what happened what happened was I go ok this a plain declaration of the heart of God God wants everybody to be saved our desires everybody be saved and here it doesn't bother me that it says he wishes that all men would come to repents you know I started looking throughout scripture and kind of going through that rolodex in your mind if you study the Bible a lot where is the permission for me to not want not desire not wish what God wishes I can find it and I've never been able to give anybody that answer I mean get them to answer that question so I just couldn't find a way to not try to align my desire with his and then all of a sudden I realized what faith was for because I don't see how God's gonna do that necessarily I don't see all the particulars and there's a lot of arguments there's a lot of Scripture and hopefully we'll be able deal with a goodly number that because I'm not as confused about that as I once was but we're called to be believers who exercise faith were given faith as a gift and if I'm not supposed to be able to put my faith into something that God says he wants and I don't know how he's going to do it what the heck is faith for isn't it to believe in the word of one who makes a promise that you don't see how he can keep and so there was a long season when that was all I stood on I go look friends I know what God wants and I am giving my faith to want it with him and that was enough for a long time i i've got a couple more things that are a little more solid now but you know what really those are just icing on the cake they're just icing on the cake because the what happened because of what happened is that i found that there was a greater joy in me and flowing from me when my desires were aligned with god then when my actions tried to follow him or glorify him or or put some image forth and i never tried to do it hypocritically on purpose but to put some image forth it I believe you Lord I believe you when I gave myself to let my heart want what God's heart wanted in this most challenging of topics frankly okay I mean hey I got I got Baptist and Assemblies of God roots and you know things in there you don't want to mess with but when I saw my heart and when I yielded my heart to what God wanted and IIIi could sit there and I could I get think Papa I want what you want there's not anything better than that I want what you want and that's that's how it's infected me Thank You Larry so much so appreciate that and just what I love about each one of the speakers is they're so unique in their focus and the direction that they come I had to add it and so it's gonna be a lot of fun and so next we're gonna have Lindy and I just want to say I just met Lindy in person back in November but last year I listened to the restoration of all things from England and you know I didn't know who you were and that as I watched as you shared selves Arnold vulnerably it just touched my heart and you did one act and I'm not gonna say it like hey she want to do it but she did something and I was like I want to know this woman this is an authentic you know powerful woman who isn't afraid to be who and so I'm just so glad you're here Lindy well I'm gonna self-regulate myself okay so I'm just gonna talk very fast so that awesome okay okay okay so the two things really that the restoration of all things have empowered me in the first is immortality we cannot get to immortality without the restoration of all things because the restoration of all things means that we can be completely restored that everything is going to be completely restored and that actually we can step into the fullness of who he created us to be so that's the first thing the second thing is Authority the restoration of all things says that I can rule and reign as a son with the authority of heaven to declare and decree how it will be in the earth okay now let me tell you what that says that is not a well I kind of hope that is a Linde decrees and so it shall be that is who we are guys and it is time for us to step up to the plate and start to function in that place of authority because the time of willy-nilly carrying in the corner is gone we have got to be the sons we create we're created to be okay now I just want to put something out there not to guilt you but actually just to impassion you and that is that Jesus died for the fullness and you know when I discovered that I could be that person who takes the pic and doesn't move in everything that he died for I have seen his bloodied mess of a body and I'm not gonna be that person that put him there without having everything every drop of blood that He shed for me I'm gonna walk in the fullness of that and if I don't I'm gonna die trying because that is who I am I am gonna walk in what he accomplished for me and faith says I have that before I do not we don't need faith after we healed guys you know when a judge passes a sentence he doesn't go home and think oh well I hope that guy ends up in prison because he understands his authority and we have to move out of Hope into faith that when we decree something it's a done deal now we can only move in that authority when we understand the heart of the Father because he doesn't release that authority until he knows that we're trustworthy otherwise he's giving a loaded revolver tear tear old and that could be carnage so what he's saying is will you mature will you pay the price because there's a path to pay will you pay the price of your hopes and your dreams to live his hopes and his dreams will you pay the price for immortality so those were the two things that this has done for me and it has been a journey and it's been a relational journey and the first time I started functioning in this before I even knew about the restoration of all things and actually what he was doing in 2007 he started to deconstruct my theology because I was in a market offering spiritual readings dream interpretation and healing and people would come in and the father words I wanted to do XY and Z and I would say to him oh I can't do that because do you know how ridiculous that is and the father said to me are you gonna believe me or what you've been talking about me that was a turning point in my life I literally went home I went in the spirit realm I took all of those notes that I had ever written anywhere under anybody's teaching ever and I tore it up I said I'm done I am going to the source himself because John 16:12 says that when the Spirit comes you see when Jesus was around he said hey you can't bear this you can't bear what he's got for you but when he comes he will teach you in all truth so when we take Holy Spirit's hand we move into all truth because that is the place of safety the place of safety please excuse me here the place of safety is not with the pastor or the the leader or the home group leader or the that is not the place of safety guys the place of safety is in our fathers lap where our motivation while we get out of bed every day is so that at the end of the day we can climb on her head upon his lap and we can see his smile do you know Jesus talks about only doing what pleases the father there is my natural I live to make my father's because there is nothing on earth that is so good as my father's smile and I could never have got there outside of the restoration of all things and from the place of the restoration of all things every man on this planet every woman every being is accessible to me because that's what the crust did made everything accessible and from that place everything is accessible because he's already working in them he's already got a relationship with them I remember one day a man came sat down and he wanted to spiritual reading and he said I'm an atheist I said oh that's no problem I said it just means you don't know him it doesn't mean he doesn't know you because that's who he is and the more we get to know who he is oh my goodness how can we believe all this other nonsense how can we because it's not who he is he is just love and love and love and love and love enough and actually you know what happens to me I get to a place when I move into that that I eventually pull out because I'm like I am going to sell thing combust I'm going to explode I can't you know you know with resonance you know if you release a resonance into an organism if it will draw on that resonance if it's its resonance like the opera singer and the glass and the glass will explode okay we are created for love that is our resonant frequency and we get you that we've got to learn to expand it it expanded and expanded and expanded so that we can carry that resonant frequency of love because that resonant frequency of love is the healing and restoration that we need to step into immortality so I'm back to where I started with immortality the whole circle of life is encompassed in the restoration of all things thank you so much lady that was awesome awesome awesome and I can't wait for you to get to hear a whole lot more from her but now I want to introduce a incredible powerhouse in that is Shannon and so for those of you who don't know I mean any woman who bursts 10 kids runs a ministry it keeps up with her mom it's just amazing and I look forward to getting to know you even more as we've moved here and so I just honor you Shannon and amazing woman of God comes here it's good to see everybody here because I wasn't sure quite how many people would venture down with everything going on but there's such a drive for what it is that we're stepping into and there's such a passion for it you know mike said it Lindy said everybody that's gonna talk Larry said it is is there's that one common denominator which is love you know the Lord has I was when I was a very small little girl my daddy didn't get saved til I was a teenager somewhere between 14 and 16 and one of the one of the very vivid moments of my life because we were very we were in a wonderful church but you know the Left Behind series came on and it was like the very first time when I really I really started thinking about what it what what God was because you know we were all working we were all following the Lord and we were all this but our dad hadn't seen yet and mm-hmm I I kind of questioned where where the father's heart was in all of that because what that movie that came out that was the old really bad movie it was black and white I mean it was terrible not like I mean I haven't even seen the new one but the the old one and it scared it terrified me it terrified me as a little girl to think that God couldn't love my dad as much as I did that the heart of the father wasn't wasn't big enough to LUMS loves somebody who hadn't seen him yet he knew who my dad was I mean he he made him my dad for a reason you know it's to be able to sit and go Lord why why why is he condemned to all of this don't you love him as much as I do and and then you start looking at everybody that way you start looking at each person that way you start saying Lord why you know he brought up a really important point about the traffic you know the traffickers and the and the people that were doing horrible horrible things and how he loved them as much as he loved us he you know repeatedly over and over in the word it says all all all it doesn't say you know this person this person this person it's very clear all and that's that that's the time that that we're coming into his recognizing he means all he doesn't mean that this drop was for Pearl and this drop of his blood was for Nancy and this drop was for Lindy he said it was for all of Korea and and that's that's the place we're coming to we're all walking this journey because our desire is to have the fight he was our pattern and if he was willing to put himself up on the cross and to spill his blood out for all of creation then we need to be willing to do the same thing that means we can't hold hold the trafficker without any without saying I love you because he loves you my son did a my son Tyler he's 23 years old and he did a had to do these prerequisites to go on this mission trip to Thailand and Cambodia for human trafficking and he was having a really big struggle Lord how your word says you love all how do you love him he was balancing out he was doing it in front of everybody cuz he was putting on Facebook asking these questions he was actually in the questions of God he didn't care what anybody else said because he's kind of opinionated but he he he he wanted to know and was trying to figure out how to balance the love that he had for the person doing it the thing is is is when that person responds to the love that is in us the industry gets shut down so we have to be the frequency we have to be the light you know every morning when I wake up I have a a very specific thing that I say to the Lord Lord let me be light and let me be loved in everything that we do it's that place it's not what the neighbors doing that doesn't like you know you build the fence in the middle I don't like their dog I don't like their kids or climbing on stuff they're everything it's being the light because all of a sudden people are coming and responding to us because we have accepted the frequency of who he is we have stepped into a new place and into a new a new mode not that any of it was bad but when he spilled his blood and the the blood tore the veil you know they spent two that they tried to sew the thing up the system tried to sew it back up that thing was like 12 inches thick it wasn't like a piece of little you know Laci material it was 12 inches thick but they didn't want that to that to get out because all of a sudden we had an access we had an entry point and we have gone it now every single day we're stepping in and we're saying let me be light and let me be love in the midst of every situation you know when people do things that are wrong to us it's really hard to love him sometimes but you have to all of a sudden say okay what does the father see my father saw my dad is an amazing man my father my father didn't see the fact that that he didn't respond to the call yet that he didn't that he didn't hear the frequency because he knew he was coming and the thing is is when we step into the restoration of all things we're stepping into the same place that he was identifying with what he did for us because not one of them will be left behind because that is his word all things everything was bowing everything was praising it doesn't give a specific person of Pacific people a denomination this or that or the other because some of the Dhamma nominations don't even think any of us are going to be there even though we have we have a intimate relationship with the Father but it's true because it's doctrine I I want to step outside of the saying of this stream or this doctrine because that divides us we have to be very very careful not to divide what it is that he's establishing and to honor the people and where they are walking at this very moment because if we respond with the same thing that he responded to us then all of those all of that stuff doesn't matter anymore it's there there's no longer separation because he said he'd never separated from us so if we if we stand in the place right now where we are are following the pattern stepping into him you know what she said into his lap when we're sitting in his lap nothing separates us that means the person that is unclean untouchable and that ever that everybody end the system says that they're not worthy you know that the place that we're going the whole the whole thing of what we're doing right now and the thing that that I talk about the most is the love the family table bringing everybody down to be able to talk about it no matter what denomination or what belief system or whatever we can all have that one common thing which is love which is who he is which means that if when we step into that position we will no longer have to go out and shake the Bible at people and say oh you got to do this my dad was pretty turned off by that but the thing that he noticed the most was the love that in in the midst of in the midst of when she was out doing and she was out ministering and she he'd come home and all these homeless people would be sitting on our floor having coffee and toast and their kids would be running all the house he's like oh my god you know because he didn't understand but all of a sudden that frequency started resonating in something in him because he saw the love he saw the unconditional love that has been bestowed upon our family because of a relationship with him so now you as we look at everybody and you know what Mike said earlier about loving everybody the same way we don't have a you know this sends a little worse than this in and this little sentence works in this and it's it's it doesn't matter when you look at your children it doesn't change how you feel you know it doesn't it doesn't change yes there have been mistakes made but it doesn't change the way you love them so why should it change the way he loves all of us that is where we're going that is the passion of which is in his heart because when we make a choice to sit inside of him and sit in his heart there is no other question it is it is complete reality it is complete utter encompassing love it's the warmth of his breath its the touch of his hand and when we can respond to somebody the same way that he responded to us everything else works itself out so that is kind of where we're going in all this everybody's got that commonality some have a little different some are very very deep I'm like already taking notes Mike's not even here yet till tomorrow but it's it's that bringing each one of the pieces together so that we can all gather together and that we can all be the frequency when the frequency emanates out of this place everything's going to be changing because we are in the midst of massive massive change hey I was not out of time yet because everything will change thank you so much Shen and really appreciate that and I guess I get to introduce myself anyway I get to share now thank you so I was I was raised in a very legalistic home and I'm grateful for the seed that God had planted in me that I just desired to please God and so it was like I don't I didn't care about you know rule that didn't bother me it's like if God wanted to do it I would do that if he wanted to do this I wanted to do it even more and so you know I love how God takes us on this journey of discovering love it's amazing you know I thought I did what love was back then but not even even close my whole world was in this box about what's right and what's wrong and you know it's been the graciousness of God to take me step by step on this path and you know we've started to get into the heavenly realm and we begin to hear about these crazy people like Nancy Koehn and you know some things that were shared it was like oh I don't I don't think about that you know cuz it was so contrary to how I had been raised all my life but there was something about the love and it's like I can't there's nothing I can do you know with that love and so we were inching our way towards it you know just going okay I don't know you know trying to figure this out and looking at Scripture and all of those kinds of things and as God would do he snuck up on me in a very unusual way and I just want to share a little bit of my testimony it's a little bit vulnerable but it's about how God took me to help and so it was totally unexpected I was going to a conference and it was more of a networking conference and by nature I am very much of an introvert and the first night was just networking so you walk into a room with a room full of strangers and I'm supposed to walk around and talk to people that I don't know and I would notice I was beginning to notice more what was going on inside my emotions and and all that and I was realizing that I was really tensed up and I'd say okay I can relax I'm safe nobody's trying to get me and I would thirty seconds later I'd be tense again and so that night when I went to bed you know who spent some time with the Lord in his presence it was just cold like I don't want to be afraid of people I don't want to have that deep-seated fear that's coming somewhere where I can't control because it's not up here you know it's deep down it's in my body and I had just learned a couple months before just through some inner healing work that ten generations back with some pretty severe SRA human sacrifice trafficking and all of that and so it's processing that so anyway I'm heading off into sleep just about to go to sleep in a good place with the Lord and all of a sudden these images are popping up and it's this huge barren Valley this enormous warehouse and I know it's my generational bloodline stuck in there this is their hell and they're screaming and they're cursing and it's horrible and I'm like god I need to go to sleep I'm like I can't deal with this right now and I love the graciousness of God because he's like okay he let me go to sleep so I usually wake up around 3 to have some quiet time with the Lord and then go back to bed and so when I woke up at 3 he was like he brought me right back to that place and he says I need you to go there and forgive these men and I argued for a little bit because I don't want to go down there but he said no I'm with you he took me down there and the building was locked from the outside and he said you have to break the lock and again I was like I don't want to break the lock I don't want to face these men I can hear them in there and I can feel this vibration of he grows stuff I don't want to do you know but he said no are you willing to forgive so finally broke the lock open the door and out stream these men and all I could do because I was in a place of fear I had not been perfected and loved yet and I'm still in that journey but I just did I forgive you I forgive you I forgive you and most of them continue to run but there was a few that received it and they dropped to their knees weeping there with Yeshua and it was like this radical shift that God began in my life and I noticed it the next day I was able to interact much more freely without fear and the process wasn't over the next night I'm drifting off to sleep and all of a sudden these images start popping up and this time it's the victims side because what he's shown me is they're stuck to in their own personal type of Hell and in this scene it was this dark woods and this black water in this pond and I see this beautiful little girl and she's dressed in white and she's just laying in there in the black water and as I came closer I could see that around her private areas was bloody and when I looked at her she said to me Jesus did this to me and I so freaked out I was like God I'm done I can't take this I don't want to go here don't take me there and so graciously he let me fall asleep and so at 3:00 in the morning when I wake up again guess where he takes me immediately right back to that place and he said to me she can't come to me because she thinks I did this to her and he said are you willing to go down into the black water and are you willing to minister to her and again it was like what you want me to walk into that black water I don't what to but okay Jesus you said to and so I walked down there and I held my arms out to her and I said I'm safe would you let me hold you and I can't quite describe this fully but she climbed into my arms then she climbed into me and I stepped out of the water and and Yeshua was right there and I stepped into him and I stepped out of him she came out of me and ran around and embraced him and it just began to shift my whole life about Who I am and about my generational line and about the restoration of all things because most of Christianity is we cut off all that bad stuff and we just move forward into the light that's not I don't believe that's concentration because we're called to redeem our bloodlines in incredible ways he took me on this encounter where I was seeing my generational bloodline backwards and forwards and right where I was and I saw the power light of God come down Oh like an explosion and go in both directions and it's just so shifted Who I am and what he's called me to do and it's it's caused me to enter into seeing my past trauma in a completely different light in the old pattern it was the victim and it was like you'd go to office in her healing and deliverance to try to get free so you can walk in the glory but being able to see it through the lens of love that I chose this bloodline I chose it because in this time period God would reveal to me this restoration of all things so that I could redeem this bloodline through the power and grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and I'm hoping I'll have more opportunities to share some amazing encounters that God's taken me on he's taken me back to that Valley and showed me different things and different encounters that I hope I can share more with you he's leaded me into this place of ministering to girls who are being sexually you know trafficked right now in the moment but in the heavenly realm and it's been so amazing how everything shifts when we look through the lens of I want to tell another story but I probably don't have time but I just want to say the goodness of God never fails sometimes in these encounters with these girls ministering to them in the heavenly realm and then going back down with them into the earthly realm and and this time I remembered Nancy saying about the abusers and about loving that and so it was like I'd been focused on the girl and just ministering love to her and then it was like I remembered and I shifted to look at the man and begin to that frequency of love seeing you are loved I forgive you and he stopped what he was doing I believe there's so much more that we can do in the spirit than we know from the heavenly realm in the problems that are happening down here on earth in in this time there's so much more that we can do for our family and our bloodline and so I'm looking forward to hopefully being able to share more of that as we go through this time but this message has radically changed my life and my family seeing changes in my family and so I just want to encourage you I know many of you are already been on this journey way longer than we have but it's the most exciting thing in life and now it's my privilege to have Nancy come up who I just owe so much gratitude and love for what you have released and I want to say one more thing just real quick I had a few seconds left on there when I was going through some of these encounters in the first little bit it was actually at the time we came here to Colorado Springs in I was so full of it and I couldn't share any of that without just weeping and weeping and weeping and I had a chance to share it with Nancy and she just didn't say a whole lot but just ministered to me with her touch her frequency in her vibration and I've never had that again been able to share freely and I just so thank you for who you are you've made an incredible impact in our lives thank you oh wow I don't know where to start after all that mmm I want to share a very brief testimony and then give you some instances where the Lord showed me the intensity of his total complete absolute unconditional love even for people that are in the depths of what we would refer to as depravity my encounter with the restoration of all things came all the way back in 1979 and the one thing I want to share with you this meeting is a culmination of something the Lord planted in me 40 years ago and I've been carrying it all of this time actually it's a redemptive plan that we're doing it in Colorado Springs because the first time I ever released the information that the Lord had downloaded regarding the restoration of all things was in Colorado Springs and as a result of that I was placed on the international heresy list for saying and and I understand why that happened and actually it was for good purpose in 1979 well in 1974 I had a very radical radical conversion experience I was a self-avowed atheist and I taught people that God was just a figment of man's imagination to give him an excuse for things he couldn't understand Jesus was dead he was in the grave he's not ever coming back again but on November 6 to 1974 the Lord praise the Lord he didn't give up on me he I had a personal of PIFAN s appearance of him in my and when he came he actually x-rayed my entire body because his light was so brilliant I could see my bones through my body like I was in an x-ray machine I became so full of zeal and so full of fire but had no wisdom and I was very very interested in finding about endtime eschatology so I went on a three and a half year journey to find out about endtime eschatology and it's a very interesting story what the how the Lord brought me through all of that but after three and a half years of diligent study I read over a thousand books concerning that and I actually went to the Library of Congress and looked up every single solitary instant in the Library of Congress on the second coming of Jesus the more I read the more confused I got because every book had a totally different scenario and it was all backed up by Scripture so I'd read one and say oh yeah that's it because that's backed up by Scripture and then the next one would be a totally radically different concept but it was all backed up by Scripture so at the end of three and a half years of studying literally twenty hours a day every day I I came to the Lord and I cried out and I said father I really really really want to know the truth and he just laughed at me it's amazing how our anxieties don't bother him at all but he laughed and he said if you want to know the truth you must come to the truth because the truth is not a doctrine the truth is a person on that particular time in my life I took my Bible into the wilderness for seven days trying to figure out how to come to the truth I was already saved I was already filled with the Holy Spirit I'd led thousands of people to Jesus and prayed for thousands of people to receive the baptism so when he said that I was working out of myself all of this endtime eschatology which was so engrafted I was the expert by the way mmm so one day I was I closed my eyes and he said just come to the knowledge of the truth when I went I he dropped a verse into my spirit and that verse is from Revelation chapter 5 and it says I John was caught up into the heavens to see as it were every creature that had ever been created those that are on the earth under the earth over the earth in the sky in the sea every creature I saw before the throne not wailing singing blessing and glory and honor and power be to him and I looked at that person I thought well that's not right because we know if people don't confess with their mouth and believe in their heart Jesus is Lord 90% of all creation is died and gone Dale so I actually rebuked the devil for trying to deceive me okay and but all through that day he would not allow me to escape that verse and so finally I come and I say father whole cults are started on the misinterpretation of one verse so if this is true I want you to show me where else this is in the Word of God because you said take into account the whole counsel of God and so for the next four days I sat with my Bible by myself in the wilderness on a little piece of carpet going back and forth and back and forth everywhere I went and put my finger down it was there just as an Adam all died so in Christ shall all be made alive but every man in his own order Christ the firstfruits that's us afterwards those that are Christ's at his coming I would everywhere I would go I would find that word I didn't come into the world to condemn the world but that through me the world might be saved for I am the savior of all men but as ashle of those who believe everywhere I would go it was and when I came out of the wilderness I had over 500 scriptures that conclusively say he is going to restore all things so when I was finally released the very first time to stand up in a big assembly in Colorado Springs and mention that fact I got I got the left Buddha fellowship real quick okay so uh in during the last many years the Lord has really privileged me with going to probably some of the darkest hell holes in the world and I've been to the cannibals and the headhunters into tribes where they cut off the heads of 6,000 men and I've seen how the love of God can bring total complete restoration even in the midst of hideous devastation so I only have two minutes and 41 seconds so I want to just share a little bit about how he prepared me for this particular message everywhere that I would go I used to do a lot of street ministry in at Mardi Gras done in New Orleans and I was ministering there to an ex-nun who left the nunnery because she'd been raped by a priest and I'm standing there and the outside of Tom they had this satanic can't encampment and every year for Mardi Gras they would come to Mardi Gras and they would strip themselves and shave their entire body and paint their entire body with these hideous perverted twisted Garden of Eden scenes this one guy I was ministering to this nun and he walked up and he raised his hands up over his head and he began to shout to me I bet you'd like to do blah blah blah blah there's sexual stuff coming out and I raised up my hands but to call down fire on this guy which I can do by the way and suddenly the Lord said stop and look into his eyes and I looked into his eyes in the Lord whispered and he said he's just a lost sheep just a lost sheep later on we did this huge parade where we gathered together and we marched down Bourbon Street on Fat Tuesday which is the high holy end of all of the raucous activity because the next day they have to go into all of the sacrifices for Lent so we are locked arm and arm and we have to stand faced with like chest to back and side to side and we have to lock arms because they're actually trying to drive cars through our parade and battering rams to break us apart as we were going down the street singing oh the blood of Jesus in the middle of Mardi Gras your feet would stick to the road because there was so much vomit in so much urine and so much stuff in the street from all the drugs and as we were going down in the there was a balcony that were right over the place where we were standing and the men would urinate into the crowd they would fill of beer cans full of stones and throw them at us and some many of the men were cut and had to go to the hospital the women would bare breast themselves because they had one of the things that they did was to put all of these necklaces on for the number of sexual acts that they did so whoever had the most necklaces actually got the actually got these awards as we were walking down Bourbon Street this woman threw open her breast hurt her blouse and began to wag herself in front of all of these men and I got very angry and I looked up at the Lord and I said God why don't you stop this and he said to me 20 years ago you were that woman I looked up and of course I didn't bear breasts myself I was very very shy about that kind of stuff but she was standing on the very same balcony in the very same hotel where my husband and I went to celebrate Mardi Gras you see we forget where we came from so today when I go into the places of greatest darkness deepest wickedness grossest depravity and they come at me with their swords and their spears and try to cut my heads off I don't see them for who they are I don't III begin to vibrate with the love of God for them and the frequency of his love stops them in every case even when they come to try and kill me they can't because they hear the frequency of his love emanating out of me so I have many many things that I want to share in but before I sit down I know I'm past my time but before I sit down I just want to say you're here by divine invitation and you are the fulfillment of my dream because for the first time I'm seeing the restoration of all things being embraced by a people that have a different level of relationship with him so thank you very much well thank you so much Nancy I love what father's doing and I get to introduce my awesome amazing man thank you for going on this journey with me and opening the way because I proud I went dragging my feet and he went charging forward but we've we've managed to find middle ground so here you go all right is everybody doing okay we're almost done for tonight how many of you have watched Kingdom talks before all right a good portion of you well when Heather Rainer had said that she was going to introduce me to Nancy you know I'd heard about Nancy I'd never met her and I'd heard about her and I honestly was afraid to have her on the show so two hours before we were actually going to do a live show together we did a two-hour thing with Heather and her group and as I'm listening to Nancy in that two hours she won me over and so I told her at the end I said I think you've just become my favorite person just because of the love and that's been the incredible thing about this journey so here's here's the thing is you know there may be most of you we did a survey so we know that most of you are kind of already you're you're convinced you're moving down this path with us so it's not like we're trying to convince you but we do want to hopefully answer some questions and build a stronger foundation because obviously if you've been in this for a while you know that when you share this with the wrong people you either get shut down or you get kicked out and it's not a pleasant experience so you know we we obviously are learning wisdom and how we approach people with this and you know I think most of us came from a place that Dean and I it took us about nine months to make the shift because we'd heard Nancy talking about restoration of all things we'd heard Mike talking about it and I can say that in my you know my theology did not line up I had been taught something totally different but our spirits resonated with it so I'm just gonna say if your spirit if you're new to this and your spirit is resonating with it go ahead and take the time to begin to study it and here's some things that we we began to to see and this is something the father downloaded to me because he said to me at one point what is in you speaking to me he says what's in you that makes you want to take in line up Scripture with this idea of a eternal Hellfire that destroy everything and that I'm going to enjoy it while I do it what's in you that makes you want to take and you'll try to line scripture up with that why don't you start taking in that same scripture and line it up with the fact that I am a God of love and so that began a journey to go in and relook at everything all the scriptures with the through the lens of love because when we don't take that time then we're just simply blindly following what we've been taught and so what happens for with most people when those people want to kick you out or you know slam you down I can tell you that for the most part it's because because I was in this place that I have taken what other people have taught me that I should believe and I have now taken that in it has become part of my identity that my identity is not in him it's in what I've been taught and when someone starts to try to pull that away from me the walls go up the guns come out and I'm ready to fight and so that's the thing when you see that happen just back off you know that's been part of the journey for us is learning that you know when you come up against that there's no reason for you to try to move forward at that point you will just get more resistance but that you need to back off and love them unconditionally even though this is you know something that you know they may be throwing rocks at you but just you know to back off and let that let that settle in because what we need to do is continue to plant seeds because one of the things that never ever made sense to me even when I was you know pastoring in a very conservative Church it never made sense to me that we were expected all of us every person who's ever lived that we were expected to come to this earth and with basically amnesia of not knowing who God is completely not knowing why we're here not knowing much of anything that in this little bitty span of time maybe 70 80 years or whatever it might be that we live here that in this span of time we are expected to make one choice and if it's the wrong choice we're going to burn in hell for turn 'ti because we made a choice without all the information available to us to make a right choice does that make any sense at all and does that line up with a God of love and so that was one of the questions that always burned in the back of my mind is like why in the world would God be that way and so that again began the process of go back and relook at the scriptures and when you have been taught something and it's so thoroughly ingrained in you it is very hard to take those glasses off and when you know when I came out of the conservative denomination that I was a part of I literally did not study studying my Bible for five years because every time I looked at it all I could see was with these lenses that I'd been given that I'd been taught and I couldn't get them off and I just I couldn't stand it every time I'd look at the Scriptures that's all I could see is what I had been taught though it took that five years and so finally having all of that you know forgotten honestly I forgot it after five years it took me that long to forget what I had been taught so that I could begin to look at things again but still I was in the church you know that was still teaching that there's a hell that we all have to make sure we try to avoid and get everybody else out of but one of the wonderful things that I love about finally adapting to this idea that there is a God in heaven who loves us and he loves every single one of us and that he's not a weak God okay so you gotta remember he is limitless he is infinite you know why do we think that we can put limits on him and tell him what he can and can't do and that he's going to lose that's the other thing you know we put these limits on him and we developed this idea of Hell which was I'm hoping that some of us will have chances to share with you that even historically hell is not something that was taught in the early church it's a pagan concept okay so I hope we have time to somebody in the seven of us have time to get into but believe me it's a pagan concept it was not something that was taught from the beginning and so we have adopted that into our theology something that doesn't even belong to God and then we tried to say we tried to plaster that on God and it's no wonder the world doesn't want anything to do with him he's a schizophrenic God saying I love you I love you please come to me oh you're not gonna come to me I'm gonna burn you in hell forever what kind of God is that and who would want to come it's like you're walking on eggshells all the time you know we'd always hear the stories about you know hey would the person be saved if you know they're following the Lord and doing all these good things and then something happens at home and they just get angry and they cuss up a storm they walk out and they get hit by a truck are they going to hell or heaven that was literally some theological some discussions that we would have in our classes in college it's like what kind of God is this that we are serving that he is so weak and that where our salvation is so fragile that something like that would you know it's like oh we're gone poof we're gone he's we're out of his hands you know we were saved all that time before but one wrong decision and now we're gone how strong is your God and I believe I honestly believe that over the next five to ten years because of people like you Nancy and others who have stormed the way blazed the trail to get this into the mainstream that in five to ten years this thing is just launching it is just taking off in getting roots all over the world it is going to be something that I hope in five to ten years it's going to be ridiculous for us to think we're gonna look back and think I can't believe we believe that and that people will be set free I love the fact that I can sit down and talk with a Muslim a New Age person it doesn't matter who they are and I can just enjoy them have a conversation with them and we can go back and forth about what I believe in what they believe and I'm planting seeds but I don't have to beat them over the head with the Bible I'm simply planting seeds and loving on them and sharing with them the true love of the Father I don't have to win the argument and that if I speak to them in a way that they feel comfortable that they would be hopefully open to having more discussions I did to have a conversation not my husband a few months ago now but with a New Age guy totally new age and we did for three hours we sat and he would he would share something and I would share something on the same thing just our points of view and he was blown away that by the fact that I you know I'm a pastor you know that's what I was considered you know back there and that he was that I'm a pastor and I was not trying to convert him but we were just sharing thoughts and he was free to think whatever he wanted to think because we're not Universalist you know we're not saying that every way is okay but everyone will eventually go through Jesus when it says every knee will bow it's not that God says hey I'm done with you guys I'm making you bow now he doesn't take away your freedom of choice he doesn't do that so he's going to win everybody over with his love so anyway I hope you guys have enjoyed tonight and got a little bit of perspective from each one of us of where we're going and why this is important to us if you want to talk to us between brakes and on them you know lunch times and so forth feel free to all right bless you all have a great night thank you all thank you for taking time out to listen to Kingdom talks you can find out more about Kingdom tox media and our mission to unite and faith and grow as mature sons at Kingdom talks Mediacom please continue to like subscribe and share with your friends you can find us on Facebook YouTube Spreaker Spotify iTunes fringe radio network and many more places go to our website to find links to all of our media outlets as well as fantastic online courses and conferences including the life-changing interactive course ultimate impact and last but not least we ask that you consider partnering with us to fulfill the mission to get these messages to the world to become a partner go to the partnership tab on our website thank you and until next time live a blessed life and keep carrying us in your heart and sharing us wherever hearts roll [Music] you
Channel: Kingdom Talks Media
Views: 11,145
Rating: 4.9006209 out of 5
Keywords: Kingdom Talks, Gil Hodges, Adena Hodges, Bralynn Newby, Heather Rayner, Next Age, transitionaries, Chris Carter, Mike Parsons, Ekklesia groups, spirit realm, beyond church, move of God, revelation, Spirit-Centered Business, Meditate on Me, Ultimate Impact
Id: dVqm4mkFfr8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 4sec (4984 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 24 2020
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