Breaking Down the Ashes of Creation Scam Allegations

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The Narrative that ashes of creation is a scam was not entirely without Merit when the kickstarter first launched a 10,000 USD tier is off puding after all we as a community have experienced time and time again getting our hopes up for an MMO that promises everything we want to be a poor choice and then ashes of creation comes around checking every box it can looking just a little too good to be true especially when it's a super rich guy making the promises and not some small Indie company so let's take a deeper look one of the main accusations is that ashes of creation is just a cash grab this one can be thrown out quite easily if Ash's of creation was some sort of elaborate cash grab it has failed spectacularly Intrepid has earned over 3 million USD from the kickstarter alone with a minimum of 2.5 million coming from the Cosmetic packs Steven has been pouring money into game development creating the best MMO he can opening offices in Europe and moving to a larger office in the states to contain all 145 employees on his payroll in hiring this gentleman here Wayne mlin former Elder Scrolls Online lead writer unless losing millions of dollars in hiring employees and hoarding industry Talent is Steven's master plan as it costs a tremendous amount more than the 5 million USD to hire that many Professionals for so long with the average salary being around 100,000 USD but if that was Steven's ultimate goal he got us good but that's not even When taking into consideration that stepen has stated on multiple occasions that ashes of creation is funded to completion with him putting 45 million USD of his own funds into the project so why is a project funded to completion having microtransactions in the form of Cosmetics although the packs are a form of fomo in their own right the Intrepid team aren't just creating Cosmetics just for the money do you want to play a game where all the assets are the same no probably not it's insulting to even imagine giving up your hard-earned cash for some half-baked product Steven feels the same way he wants to populate Vera with his many unique assets as possible and that's what the Cosmetic packs are they are assets being used to populate the world giving us a quality experience when we venture into Vera seeing the same assets over and over again doesn't do very much for immersion after all Steven has gone on to dissuade people from bu buying the Cosmetic packs saying just wait till launch you are not obligated to buy an alpha pass or Cosmetics just wait till the launch of Ashes of chis to join us well also saying Cosmetics available in game will be on par and in the case of legendary skins even more elaborate than the shop items the largest stigma against ashes of creation is the Battle Royale ashes of creation apocalypse and is the darkest time in ashes of creation development history but did have meaningful intentions behind it it was just extremely poorly timed after a year or so of staying off the radar the appearance of a battle royale instead of a highly anticipated MMO people were hoping for was disappointing to most to say the least it was seen as yet another cash grab trying to cash in on the Battle Royale Niche at the time Intrepid did come out stating their intentions behind this battle royale and it came out of them wanting data on combat sieges and their servers performance this move irrefutably damaged their reputation and hype for ashes of creation at the time and is still a dark spot in ashes of creation development history after this unspeakable event we were given the monthly live streams that although started slow we all came to enjoy them these live streams have helped further dispel the Notions that ashes of creation is a scam all you have to do is look at how everything's evolved over time just looking at this Mage gameplay you can see the UI has gotten more refined animations have changed for the better the environment looks stunning everything is just getting better they are dedicated to open development they answer our questions on social media and during the Q&A segments of live streams often interacting with the community they don't leave us in the dark being open with how things are going and developing and if that's not enough just looking at Alpha 1 testing should be the alpha 1 t testing experience although delayed it gave us a stunning experience to the people testing it showing a gorgeous world there's multiple long completable quest lines with meaningful content Siege gameplay was available showing off its mechanics and how its systems worked we got to see what Intrepid was going for with the classes giving us more insight into the archetypes and what they're going to do going forward we got to see nodes up to stage three seeing their development and how they work and finally we got to see the world bosses and action the amount of money needed to make alpha 1 possible is most likely the 5 million USD that was gained from the kickstar starter in cosmetic packs alone and that's not even taking into account licensing costs as those can get pricey the potential player base is too small so even if it does launch is going to die off and be quickly forgotten is another argument that has frequently popped up and this can truly be debilitating if ashes of creation cannot pull enough player base as Steven has stated ashes of creation is not going to be for everyone and this is not a bad thing an MMO does not need to cater to everyone to be successful the basis at which most of these posts are created come down to three main things one open world PVP for some reason open world PVP seems to just tick people off I understand how it can be annoying to go out of town just to get ganked but there are already precautions in place to not prevent but highly dissuade players from doing so I don't really understand this one there's PVP in every MMO nowadays it's just varied on how it's implemented open world PVP is not something new two the hype is too strong and Ashes couldn't live up to it we have all on occasion witnessed this firsthand going to a movie or playing a game that was supposed to be the best of the year just for it to flop it's okay to be hyped for something a lid just needs to keep it from overflowing and and it's not just up to us to keep our own hype down the developers need to be open about what's happening and not sugarcoat things which I think Steven's been doing well so as long as Intrepid keeps doing what it's doing and keeping its promises I doubt this will be too much of an issue three there is no pre- standing lore to fall back on and yes it is true both World of Warcraft and Final Fantasy 14 had extensive lore to stand on and it did help them rise to prominence but the only reason Final Fantasy kept Rising was not because of the lore but a dedicated fan basee and the developers constantly making their MMO better and Ashes of creation are already has both of these though we don't know too much about the lore we've been told that the lore will be told through story arcs and our efforts out in the world and that it is just as rich and diverse through all the features we have been shown throughout the live streams we've gotten all the core systems we have seen the Tower of Carin plus some story arc system seen their improvements in the combat system the Caravan system and PVP how Nos and freeholds are going to work we've got to see the character creation and Artisan classes the corruption system and a bunch of other minor systems while the graphics and certain features may not be up to some people's standards everything is looking good and with Alpha 2 coming out quarter 3 this year we'll be able to test the systems ourselves and if that's not good enough for you not to think ashes of creation isn't a scam what is if you enjoyed this video please make sure to subscribe this has been quaser and thanks for watching
Channel: Kvasir
Views: 11,758
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ashes, AshesofCreation, Ashes of Creation, AoC, MMO, MMORPG, Beta, gameplay, Fighter, Summoner, Mage, Tank, Cleric, Player, World of Warcraft, Final Fantasy 14, Elder Scrolls Online, ESO, Runescape, Classic WoW, FF14, Lost Ark, LostArk, LA, Alpha Key, Review, Quest, Release, Class, Overview, Help, noob, Dev, Races, Instance, pvp, Raids, Groups, Release Date, Cosmetics, Asmongold, Bellular, thelazypeon, NDA, Purchase, TBC, Classic, News, Combat, Test, Sharif, Steven, New, NewWorld, New World, Endgame, Freeholds, Crafting, Farming
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 13sec (373 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 02 2024
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