How the USSR Lost the Afghan War - Panjshir Valley Battles DOCUMENTARY

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The Soviet-Afghan War was one of the  deadliest conflicts of the late Cold War   era. But even beyond its immediate casualties and  the instability it brought to the wider region,   the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan is one  of the most important wars of our times,   as it holds an outsized influence on  world politics today. In this episode,   we will see how this war started and how  the USSR lost it and was forced to retreat. We live in an ever-changing world,  but one thing remains unchanged in   any historical era – knowledge and applied skills  are crucial both for a single person and for   humanity in general, and the sponsor of this video  Skillshare is all about adding to your knowledge   and mastering real-world skills invaluable no  matter what your goals are. Skillshare is an   online learning community offering thousands  of inspiring classes for creative people,   real, working creatives, be it beginners, pros,  or hobbyists! There are classes on Graphic design,   animation, productivity, marketing, and much more,  all of them a combination of video lessons and   class projects, perfect for any schedule and skill  level. Skillshare classes were essential for us   when we decided to start our second channel – the  Cold War. Hallease Narvaez’s class “Learn Premiere   Pro and Edit a "How-To" Video for Beginners”  gave us critical knowledge of Color Correction   and Grading – we received so many compliments  from our viewers for that aspect of our videos.   Meanwhile, Manon Louart’s awesome “Animate  Your Illustrations with After Effects”   allowed us to add new dimensions to the Kings  and Generals videos. Every human is born to   create and Skillshare is there to give you  all the skills you need to create in your way,   so join us and millions of others. Skillshare  has a special summer offer for our subscribers:   The first 1,000 of our subscribers  to click the link in the description   will get a 1-month free trial of Skillshare!  Start exploring your creativity today! In the previous episode, we covered the operation  Storm-333 of December 1979, during which the   Soviet special forces eliminated the president  of the newly-established Democratic Republic   of Afghanistan Hafizullah Amin, in hopes that his  successor Babrak Karmal would be able to stabilize   the country. In reality, the presence of the Red  Army, instead of being a stabilizing presence,   triggered the creation of a deadly insurgency. The  Soviet Politburo expected that the invasion would   be a quick and simple affair, but they were warned  by the military that it would not be the case.   The leadership still decided on invasion, as  Brezhnev sought to use the 1968 invasion of   Czechoslovakia as a template: He wanted the  troops to return by the end of January 1980,   though it would become apparent quite  soon that retreat was no longer an option.  The USSR’s intervention garnered  massive international condemnation,   especially from Western, Muslim and Non-Aligned  countries, and this event would bring back the   Cold War to a level not seen in many  years. The UN adopted a resolution   deploring the Soviet invasion – a resolution for  which an overwhelming majority in the UN voted.  The Soviets were also opposed by the Islamic  resistance movements, collectively known as   the mujahideen. They consisted of many smaller  factions, divided along tribal and ideological   lines. Meeting in the Pakistani city of Peshawar  in late January, six Sunni mujahideen resistance   groups banded together and announced the formation  of a united Islamic Alliance for the Liberation of   Afghanistan. The most notable of these groups  was Burhanuddin Rabbani’s Jamiat-e Islami,   whose members included Ismail Khan of  Herat, Naqib Alikozai and Ahmad Shah Massoud   of Panjshir. The most powerful and most  fundamentalist of the mujahideen leaders,   Gulbuddin Hekmatyar boycotted the meeting, not  wanting his power to be disputed by the others.  In the following years, millions of dollars in  financial aid and weaponry flooded into Pakistan   from the USA, China, Saudi Arabia, and other  donors. It was there that the mujahideen received   training from the Pakistani Armed Forces and the  Inter-Services Intelligence. Later on, Abdullah   Yusuf Azzam, the so-called father of modern jihad,  and Osama bin Laden established their own funding   channels and training schools. Although financial  aid came from the aforementioned countries,   it is reported that even more was received  from the various religious organizations within   the Muslim world. Azam and bin Laden were also  responsible for the recruitment of the majority   of foreign volunteers. Their organization, Maktab  al-Khidamat, the de facto predecessor of al Qaeda,   played a significant role during the war. Karmal felt that the situation could   not be completely entrusted to the  notoriously unreliable Afghan army   and demanded that the Soviet military provide  aid to the DRA’s army in order to stabilize   the country. It was envisioned to last for only a  short period of time, however, the Red Army ended   up bearing the brunt of the fighting. Indeed,  only several days after Operation Storm-333,   on New Year’s Day, they had to put down a mutiny  by Afghan soldiers in Kandahar. Simultaneously,   violence started breaking out in Kabul, Ghazni  and Herat. On January 5th, as Soviet forces were   taking control of Jalalabad, three battalions  of the DRA deserted during the operation.  Initially, the Soviet forces were mainly focused  on securing the major cities, infrastructure,   and civil and military installations. Therefore,  they did not seek combat with the insurgents,   fighting only in self-defense. It was during this  initial phase of the conflict that Soviet troops   engaged in looting, which drew the ire of the  already uncooperative Afghan rural population.  Merely a few weeks after the Kremlin hailed  the entire operation as a resounding success,   stiff resistance by local Afghans began hounding  Soviet troops. The initial resistance was intense,   however, the Soviet forces decisively  defeated the mujahideen in open battle.   It was then that they realized that their best  chance for survival would be guerilla warfare.   For the rest of the war, the insurgents mostly  engaged in sabotage missions, cutting power lines,   blowing up radio stations, and attacking  critical communication and supply lines.   Considering the fact that going  over all of the smaller offensives,   raids and ambushes would be impossible, we will  cover the most notable encounters from the war.  One of the most crucial points of interest  during the war was the Panjshir river valley,   to the north of Kabul. The valley offered easy  access to the Bagram military base, Kabul and more   importantly, the Salang pass in the Hindu Kush,  through which much of the Soviet reinforcements   and supplies passed. From the earliest moments  of the war, the Salang pass was targeted by the   mujahideen, causing significant casualties and  logistical difficulties to the Soviets. Moreover,   the valley was under the control of Ahmad Shah  Massoud, the “Lion of Panjshir”, a skilled   commander who turned out to be one of the most  renowned guerilla leaders of the 20th century.  Realizing the strategic significance of  the Panjshir valley, the Red Army launched   an operation to capture it in April 1980.  Three Soviet battalions, under the command   of General Pechevoy were chosen for the task,  together with a battalion from the Afghan army.   Besides these units, the 9th Company of the  345th Airborne Regiment, a unit previously   involved in Operation Storm-333, had the role of  securing the mountain passes at Sayat, east of   Bagram. They rode in armored BTR vehicles and were  accompanied by Mi-8 transports and Mi-24 gunships.   Massoud’s forces did not number more  than 1000 men and they were scattered   throughout the valley. Unlike the Soviets, the  mujahideen were mostly armed with outdated rifles   and whatever equipment they managed to capture  in previous raids. Almost as soon as the Soviet   forces had entered the valley, they came  under fire from the mujahideen. They left   their exposed vehicles immediately and took cover  behind some boulders. This was of little help,   as they were unable to see their enemies  and were being picked off one by one.   In an effort to take the fight to the  insurgents, they climbed the mountains,   only to find nobody there. The mujahideen did  not wish to engage in a direct confrontation,   so they moved further into the valley. Once  at the nearby village of Ruha, Soviet forces   came under fire once again. Unable to discern  which houses the fire is coming from, the tanks   started destroying them indiscriminately. After  securing the village, they further advanced to   the provincial capital of Bazarak. The insurgents  suffered some casualties during this operation,   but they ultimately retreated to the  mountains and waited for the Soviets to leave.   Before the end of the operation, a garrison of DRA  soldiers was left behind in Ruha, with the goal of   hindering further mujahideen raids and providing  a haven for offensives into the Panjshir valley.  However, the garrison in Ruha proved to be more of  a nuisance for the Soviets than for the Massoud.   The Afghan army, suffering from high desertion  rates, low morale, and little combat training,   was besieged shortly following the departure of  Soviet forces. The two subsequent campaigns into   the Panjshir valley had the goal of alleviating  the pressure on the Afghan army. Soviet aircraft   provided very little assistance, as they could  not fire on an enemy that they could not see.   In December of 1980, Ruha was finally abandoned,  leaving Ahmad Shah Massoud in control of most of   the valley. The Soviets made an unsuccessful  foray into the valley in 1981, however,   their fiercest offensive took place in May 1982. Before the Panjshir V offensive would start,   the Soviets prepared with a thorough  reconnaissance of the enemy.   What the reconnaissance found were 95 detachments  with up to 3000 men, 100 anti-air systems,   several supply points, and strong fortifications.  Reconnaissance data, as a rule, never disclose   more than half of the actual situation, which led  the Soviet commanders to the conclusion that they   were dealing with an extremely powerful foe. For  this operation, the Soviets used one regiment each   from the 108th and 201st Motorized Rifle Divisions  and the 103rd Airborne Division, the 66th Separate   Motorized Rifle Brigade, and subunits from the  860th and 191st Separate Motorized Rifle Regiments   and the 345th Airborne Regiment. Together  with several units from the DRA’s forces,   the total amount of troops numbered around 12000. The operation was envisioned to have two thrusts,   the main one in the Panjshir river valley from  Bagram to Evim and a diversionary attack along   the Gorband river valley. The Soviets also  employed a disinformation campaign – they told   the Afghan army command that the diversionary  attack was the main focus of the campaign,   knowing that the information would  inevitably be leaked to the mujahideen.  The first phase of the offensive started on the  15th May, with the diversionary attack. This plan   achieved positive results, as the mujahideen  sent a large number of troops towards Gorband.   On the 16th, Soviet units captured the area  around the entrance to the Panjshir valley   and placed artillery in firing positions. On the  morning of the 17th, the main offensive started.   Aerial and artillery bombardments were undertaken  across the length of the river valley, while the   main Soviet and Afghan forces began advancing.  Meanwhile, a Soviet Motorized Rifle Batallion   and Afghan battalion landed near Ruha and Bazarak.  A few more landings took place over the first day,   bringing the total amount of troops near the  two settlements to 1200. Aerial assault units,   using the element of surprise, captured landing  zones, high points, and enemy strongholds.  The first day’s success allowed the main body of  the attackers to advance along three approaches.   During a confrontation with the enemy in a canyon,  Soviet troops would hit the enemy with helicopter   gunship fire, artillery fire, and mortar fire.  After this, they would use a subunit to bypass   the ridge on the height to create a fire sack  and complete the destruction of the mujahideen.   Simultaneously, they would employ remotely  delivered mines on paths and mountain passes   leading out of the valley to the north and  south. This served to isolate the battle   area from the influx of fresh reserves from  the neighboring regions around the Panjshir   and to prevent the withdrawal of remaining,  defeated groups into other provinces.  On the 20th, Soviet forces landed at the final  point of the operation, Evim. In spite of Soviet   and Afghan success, the mujahideen continued their  stubborn defense by adopting a mobile defensive   strategy. By the end of the battle, the Soviets  had successfully removed enemy fighters from the   valley, destroyed their anti-aircraft systems,  and disrupted supply routes from Pakistan. From   the 22nd to the 24th, the attacking forces had  retreated to Bagram. Although the operation was,   by all means, a success, the insurgents did not  suffer significant casualties, thereby leaving the   tenacious Massoud with his most powerful asset,  his men, relatively intact. Massoud continued   his insurgency, forcing the Soviets to ask for a  truce in January 1983. This truce allowed him to   further strengthen his position, at the cost of  being berated by the other mujahideen leaders.  As the war continued, Soviet forces progressively  delegated more responsibility to the Afghan army.   This became especially true after Mikhail  Gorbachev took power in the USSR in 1985.   He saw the Afghan conflict as a  “bleeding wound” for the Soviet Union   and deeming Karmal a weak and unpopular ruler,  replaced him with Mohammad Najibullah in 1986.   With Soviet assistance, the DRA’s army grew  significantly, however, it was still plagued   by the same issues as before. In 1987,  Soviet troops started leaving Afghanistan.  In November of 1987, the Soviets launched one of  their last great operations in the war – Operation   Magistral. The aim of this operation was to secure  the road between Gardez and the besieged city of   Khost. For the conduct of this operation, the 40th  Army assembled the 108th Motorized Rifle Division,   103rd Airborne Division, 56th Separate Air  Assault Brigade, 345th Airborne Regiment,   and the 191st Separate Motorized Rifle Regiment.  The Afghan government provided the 8th, 11th,   12th, 14th, and 25th Infantry Divisions, the  15th Tank Brigade, and the Commando regiment.  The area around the road was heavily defended  by the mujahideen. General Boris Gromov ordered   dummy paratroopers to be dropped near the area  so as to reveal the positions of the enemies.   Soviet artillery barrages and airstrikes  were precise and the Afghan commandos started   advancing on the Satukandav pass by the beginning  of December. Soviet paratroopers started joining   them for the assault by December 19th. Paratrooper  units were flown to strategic heights to cover the   armored columns making their way up the road.  One of the most important of such places was a   cliff at the top of Hill 3234. The already famous  9th Company of the 345th Airborne Regiment was   chosen for the capture and defense of this hill. Shortly after landing, the paratroopers came   under fire from the insurgents and Pakistani  commandos from two sides. In spite of being   heavily outnumbered, they defended their position  stalwartly. The 9th company was assisted by   artillery strikes that were extremely risky,  due to the proximity of the Soviet troops to   the mujahideen. Just as they were running out of  ammunition, reinforcements arrived via helicopter.   The fighting continued until morning when the  insurgents ceased their attacks. The mujahideen   and Pakistani lost over 200 men, while the  paratroopers lost 6. It was through this   battle that the 9th Company achieved its legendary  status. The operation was a success and Khost was   relieved. As with all Soviet successes during  the war, this one was also short-lived. Their   inability to capitalize on hard-fought victories  simply meant that a stalemate was inevitable.  On the 14th of April 1988, the USSR signed the  Geneva Accords, thus committing to the withdrawal   of troops from Afghanistan. The withdrawal  began on the 15th of May and the last of the   Soviet troops left on the 15th of February 1989.  The Soviet Union lost over 14000 men to the war,   mostly in the numerous raids and ambushes  by the mujahideen. The mujahideen themselves   lost more than 200000 men, while  civilian casualties were in the millions.  Although not one of the main factors, it  is undeniable that the Soviet-Afghan war   played a substantial role in the fall of  the Soviet Union. The war, together with   the 1986 Chernobyl Disaster damaged the Soviet  Union’s reputation and its aura of strength.   The conflict left an even more complicated legacy  for the country where it was fought. The war did   not end for Afghanistan with the departure of the  Red Army or even after the 1992 fall of the DRA.   With no end in sight to the conflict to this  very day, it is impossible to know the full   ramifications of the conflict, but it still  exerts an outsized influence on global affairs.  Our series on modern warfare  will continue in the near future,   so make sure you are subscribed and  have pressed the bell button to see it.   Please, consider liking, commenting, and sharing -  it helps immensely. Our videos would be impossible   without our kind patrons and youtube channel  members, whose ranks you can join via the links   in the description to know our schedule, get  early access to our videos, access our discord,   and much more. This is the Kings and Generals  channel, and we will catch you on the next one.
Channel: Kings and Generals
Views: 380,958
Rating: 4.898581 out of 5
Keywords: Soviet, withdrawal, magistral, panjshir, how the ussr lost Afghan war, soviet-afghan war, OperationStorm333, Operation, USSR, Afghanistan, invasion, afghanistan, cold war, modern warfare, documentary, kings and generals, full documentary, decisive battles, history channel, animated documentary, history lesson, military history, documentary film, documentary history, modern war, world history, history documentary, animated historical documentary, winter war, battle of greece, massoud
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 19sec (1159 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 23 2021
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