Hitler's Ashes May Still Exist! Exposing a Shocking WW2 Secret

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[Music] if i were to tell you that some of hitler's physical remains still exist today and they're in germany you'd probably not believe me after all the story of what happened to hitler is well known let's briefly examine that story historical evidence suggests that after adolf hitler shot himself on the 30th of april 1945 his body and that of his new wife ava were cremated in the reich chancellery garden in berlin soviet investigators subsequently recovered two bodies and following autopsies hitler's charred remains which were identified using dental charts underwent a bizarre journey east being buried each night by red army troops and exhume for onward shipment each morning his corpse packed inside an old ammunition crate hitler was accompanied on these perambulations by the corpse of his wife his propaganda minister dr joseph goebbels and his wife magda who had also committed suicide and been partially cremated and by the intact bodies of gobel's children poisoned in the bunker on their parents orders shortly before the end and finally the corpses were joined by that of hitler's dog blondie one of her puppies named wolf and ava brown's two terriers they all ended up beneath a car park at the back of what became kgb headquarters in magdeburg east germany until in 1970 the head of the kgb yuri andropov ordered the remains exhumed cremated and the ashes dumped into the biederritz river so nothing remains of hitler today right well for the past couple of years i've been researching an astonishing story that is not widely known some of hitler's remains may still exist secretly hidden in germany the story of where those remains came from and the story of how they were transported out of berlin is fascinating and compelling and has been quietly corroborated by very high level nazis who survive the end of the war so let's go back to hitler's last day the 30th of april 1945 where the trail first begins and start our quest for hitler's ashes the hunt for the fuhrer's surviving remains by the 27th of april berlin was completely cut off and soviet forces were fighting street by street and house by house towards the central government district german forces fighting stubbornly and fanatically everywhere by the 28th of april the red army was into the central district containing the ministry buildings and the furo bunker hitler was informed that the defense would fold in a day as ammunition ran out hitler now made preparations to end his life shortly after midnight on the morning of the 29th of april hitler married ava brown inside the bunker a reward for her years of loyalty to him after a wedding breakfast hitler dictated his last will and testament to one of his secretaries traudol junger and several copies were made three being sent out by military couriers who attempted to reach grand admiral karl dernitz military commander in the north the document allowed for a new nazi government following hitler's death with dernitz head of the navy appointed reich president at his headquarters in northern germany and dr goebbels to become reich chancellor at about 4am on the 29th of april hitler retired to bed later that afternoon hitler was informed that his ally benito mussolini had been executed by italian partisans and along with the body of his mistress clara patachi and several fascist ministers the bodies have been abused by a crowd in milan before being strung up upside down from a petrol station forecourt hitler expressed his order that his body and that of his wife were to be burned to prevent such indignities at the hands of the soviets to this end a message was sent to the underground reich chancery garage and hitler's chief driver eric kemker ordered to gather sufficient fuel in jerrycans and stack them inside the fura bunker's emergency exit kemker and his men manage this partly by siphoning fuel from some of the redundant mercedes-benz limousines trapped inside the damaged bunker garage hitler now wanted to ensure that cyanide capsules given to him by himmler who had fallen into disgrace on the 27th of april after it emerged that he had been secretly negotiating a surrender to the western allies would work properly accordingly his beloved alsatian blondie was killed with one in the bunker lavatories at 1am on the 30th of april the head of the german armed forces field marshal wilhelm keitel reported to hitler that all attempts to relieve berlin had failed at 2 30 am hitler and ava paid farewell to their loyal staff and then retired to their private rooms by late morning hitler hosted a final situation meeting with the berlin defense commandant general helmut weidling the situation was extremely dire vitaling informed hitler that soviet troops were some 500 meters from the bunker and were preparing an assault on the reich chancellery complex the german defenders would run out of ammunition that night with the wider berlin defenses unlikely to last much beyond 24 hours weidling requested that the remaining german forces be permitted to break out west hitler gave no reply and weidling retired his command post at the bendla block however at 1pm hitler gave permission for a breakout that night hitler had lunch with his wife secretaries and cook and then paid farewell to his staff including gerbils and boarmen at 2 30 pm hitler and ava entered hitler's study and closed the door hitler's adjutant ss stumban fura otto gunter stood guard outside after waiting for an appropriate time the door was opened by gunshot and hitler's valet fury heinz linga entered the room though there are several versions of what the scene looked like based on witness testimonies of those present hitler had evidently shot himself having a bullet hole in his right temple with blood soaking the arm of the sofa upon which he and ava were sitting and blood pooling on the carpet as well ava had taken poison her face set in a death rictus associated with cyanide there were three pistols present hitler had a vaulter ppk and a pp the ppk lying on the floor at his feet ava's ppk was still on a table in front of the sofa unused the room smelled strongly of bitter almonds a telltale sign of cyanide poisoning gunsher went into the corridor and informed the bunker occupants that the fuhrer was dead several members of the staff now viewed the bodies including hitler youth leader artaxman who had grown close to hitler in the last months and had been laying plans for a network of hitler youth leaders in germany to act as a secret underground nazi organization to keep the flame alive after hitler's demise and the inevitable german surrender ss obergruppenfuhrer hans rattenhuber the head of hitler's bodyguard unit gave a written statement to the soviets that axman had taken hitler's walter pp pistol he was reported as saying as a quote souvenir and that he would quote hide it for better times it is clear that uxman viewed the pistol as a sort of talismanic relic that he sought to preserve for the future nazi generation that he was busily creating in the weeks that led up to this moment according to various witness testimonies the bodies of hitler and ava were wrapped in blankets and carried by hitler's staff up the bunker emergency exit staircase and out into the bomb-ravaged reich chancery garden soviet shelling had paused enabling the corpses to be placed in a shallow shell crater working fast the petrol brought from the reich chancellery garage was poured over the bodies puddling in the crater's muddy bottom then after some fiddling around a roll of papers was lit by boarman and thrown into the hole igniting the petrol the gathered spectators retreated to the emergency exit and gave the nazi salute until driven underground again by incoming soviet shells bodyguards were sent topside on several occasions to report on the progress of the cremations adding more fuel to the fire the staff face two major problems in attempting to destroy hitler and ava's remains completely an open-air cremation is very inefficient and heat varies due to the influence of wind and the shape of the cremation area in this case a shallow open crater the second problem was berlin soil which is sandy meaning that a lot of the petrol simply absorbed into the earth the ss reported that the cremation lasted some two and a half hours until at about 6 30 pm two bodyguards shoveled earth over the remains and attempted to disguise the site all who viewed the corpses prior said that they were blackened and burned had burst open but that some extremities were still recognizable now here is where things become very interesting at some point during the cremation in the burial of the bodies ashes were collected from hitler's corpse and placed inside a small metal box this is not widely known but it was noted at the time by some of the bunker occupants and in post-war interrogations so who was the box given to arthur axmann leader of the hitler youth so why oxman the hitler youth leader had grown close to hitler in the last days of his life having moved his headquarters to wilhelm strasse 64 opposite the furo bunker huxbahn who had a prosthetic right arm having lost his arm in combat on the eastern front earlier in the war had received two awards from hitler before the end the iron cross first class quote for his personal gallard efforts unquote thousands of hitler youths having been thrown into the fighting against the soviets and the rarest decoration of all the gold cross of the german order axman being one of only 11 individuals so honoured and one of only two that survived the war it was a mark of the esteem in which hitler held the hitler youth leader a few days before the end hitler had a long private meeting with axman from which he intimated that nazi ideology would survive his demise alluding to the next generation of young nazis that axman commanded remember aksman had already been for many months creating an underground nazi organization to survive the german surrender axman represented the future of nazism the living link between hitler and the new generation one of those who noted the collection of ashes that had been given to oxman was hitler's secretary traudel junger who was interrogated on the 30th of august 1946 in garmish bavaria by the united states army's counter-intelligence corps junger stated unprompted that she knew that uxman had taken ashes her statement says quote i know from gunshot that hitler's ashes were collected into a box which was given to reich's yugenfura axman about the further fate of aksman i do not know i saw him for the last time on the 2nd of may when i left the reich chancellery otto gunter was at the time of junga's statement in captivity in moscow the soviets had stormed and captured the reich chancery and furo bunker on the 2nd of may 1945 but these buildings were almost empty for on the evening of the 1st of may 1945 a breakout had been attempted by the remaining bunker and reich chancery staff when the soviets took the area around the furore bunker they quickly discovered the partially cremated corpses of dr joseph goebbels and his wife magda goebbels had taken over after hitler's death in berlin and attempted to negotiate a ceasefire with the soviets when this had failed he had shot his wife in the reich chancery garden and then himself his adjutant ss hobstone furo gunter schweigermann supervising some centuries to burn the bodies in the open the soviets also recovered the bodies of goebbels young children who had been poisoned with cyanide capsules to prevent their capture inside the bunker vice admiral hans foss hitler's naval adjutant was forced to identify the bodies and help locate hitler's corpse the soviets fueled the rumor that hitler had escaped from berlin by not admitting that they had found and identified the burn corpses of hitler and eva brown and suppressing the autopsy reports and dental identification investigations only releasing these reports long after the war in 1968 so what about the breakout in overall charge of the 10 planned breakout groups from the furo bunker and reich chancery was ss brigado fuhrer wilhelm monker who was commanding the 5000 mostly ss troops defending the government district artur axeman was supposed to be in group number four but somehow lost this group and instead joined group number three the members of this group were hitler's chief pilot ss gruppenfuhrer hans bauer the fuhrer's second pilot bates goebbels ss adjutant schweigerman and goebbels chauffeur rak plus ss surgeon stumban fura dr ludwig stumpfeger an extremely tall man who towered over the rest of the group but perhaps the most important member of this group was martin bormann huxman had many adventures escaping berlin including reporting seeing martin bormann lying dead in the street with dr stumpfeger but the fate of borman will be a different video in the future akzman was certainly very lucky to get clear of the soviet encirclement as nearly all the members of his escape group were captured he claimed in his autobiography published in 1995 that his intention was to reach grand admiral dernet's new nazi government in the north oxman also claimed post-war that he had buried hitler's walter pp pistol beneath berlin's zancroog bridge a claim later dismissed by hitler's adjutant otto gunter interviewed by historian david irving in march 1967 at his home in germany gunshot said that oxman had retained the gun as a memento quote there is some reason to believe that his family still has it it would be worth many millions on the american auction market akzman certainly seemed to be better prepared than many other nazi leaders during his escape carrying false identity papers with him this would fit with what is known about uxman's ultimate plan he wouldn't simply disappear into hiding but rather he had already predicted the fall of the regime and planned for the post-war continuance of a shadow nazi regime under american occupation this plan would dictate his subsequent movements around germany in 1945. british military intelligence officer hugh trevor roper was commissioned to investigate hitler's death in 1945 and was able to interview several witnesses who had escaped to the west he stated in 1947 concerning the ashes story quote it would have been a logical act to pass on the sacred relics to the next generation end quote axmann definitely leaving the bunker with hitler's suicide pistol and possibly with some of hitler's ashes in a box trevor roper repeated this opinion in february 1951 when he stated in commentary magazine quote if i were to hazard a guess i should guess that the ashes were given to oxman and it wasn't just major trevor roper who believed that axman had left the bunker with a box of hitler's ashes alan bullock in his famous book hitler a study in tyranny in 1962 stated that there is some slight evidence for this historian james p o'donnell who in 1978 published the bunker himself a u.s army intelligence officer in 1945 wrote quote as reich's juggenfuhrer leader of the younger nazi generation axman was suspected of being a keeper of the flames perhaps even the custodian of hitler's ashes a declassified cia document from 2007 also alludes to the same story quote it would have been a logical act to pass on the sacred relics to the next generation those sacred relics perhaps being the ashes in a box and the pistol hitler used to shoot himself with both of which ended up in uxman's possession so what was oxman's plan that i've already alluded to a couple of times in march to april 1945 before the fall of berlin axmann had held a series of meetings of senior hitler youth staff the headquarters of the hitler youth leadership was transferred out of berlin to the hitler youth training school at bad tolts in bavaria oxman's plan envisaged 35 000 adult leaders from the hitler youth moving into inaccessible mountainous country in bavaria austria and bohemia they would maintain a cohesive underground nazi organization and carry out guerrilla-style attacks on allied occupation forces axman dispatched couriers to the cardinal points of germany with orders for hitler youth adult leaders to withdraw to the south the four leaders were in the north eric schroeder in the west ernst overbeck in the south east hunts winter and in austria and bohemia gottfried ruizmire weapons and supplies would come from the army this order did result in some limited attacks on the allies after the end of the war what were called by the allies werewolf attacks alphabet was uxman's main point of contact with the other leaders axmann escaped from berlin carrying false papers in the name erish zivet the village of lansen in mecklenburg he lodged with a farmer's wife who had no idea who he was remaining there until autumn 1945. deciding to break out west to the u.s occupation zone he was assisted by the local mayor who gave him food and money in exchange for taking a message to the mayor's daughter oxman actually boldly went back into soviet-occupied berlin and took a train to braunschweig getting off he walked and then took a coach to gelsenkirchen moving north to lubeck oxman contacted a former senior leader in the league of german girls and met a former member of his staff gustav meminger on the move again he traveled with members of the mayor's family to hornsburg and re-entered soviet territory going to mecklenburg and thence to lansen where he exchanged more messages with the mayor this task completed axmann went west again in december 1945 he met two more senior hitler youth leaders from his personal staff thence to munich and a visit to his mother at oberstaufen in oberstaufen he met memminger again and another leader named abeling they traveled together to northern germany however abeling's polish lover was working as an informant for the u.s counterintelligence corps and she tipped off the americans to oxman's presence on the 15th of december 1945 oxman was arrested and taken to kempton for questioning the americans were naturally very interested in the details of hitler's demise and the possible death of martin bormann they also asked him about hitler's ashes a rumor was already abroad that axmann had brought them out of berlin soon to be confirmed by other senior nazi figures such as trauro junga claimed to have no knowledge of the ultimate disposal of hitler and ava's bodies the position he maintained to his death in 1965 oxman wrote quote later on it could be read in the newspaper that they had passed hitler's ashes in a metal container to me this is speculation and not true after trial in 1949 oxman was given a sentence of three years three months imprisonment as a major offender but there was no evidence of any involvement in war crimes later in 1958 axmann was fined 35 000 marks equivalent today to about a hundred thousand pounds after a court in west germany found him guilty of indoctrinating german youth making a living as a salesman in west germany oxman lived in grand canaria from 1971 to 76 and then in west berlin he maintained a friendship with hitler's pilot hans bauer who had been released from soviet captivity in 1955 from whom we know the details of what became of hitler's ashes in post-war germany the aging members of hitler's inner circle remained in contact with each other a circle that included bauer some of hitler's secretaries and his adjutant gunshot and vale linga many photographs exist of these people socializing with each other power and axman kept in close contact after the war but oxman did not socialize with the others remaining apart from this close-knit group so what became of the box of ashes many of hitler's inner circles stated axman had taken with him out of berlin in may 1945. what became of hitler's ashes was revealed by hitler's former pilot hans power who became good friends with axman after the war having spoken to people who knew bauer in the 1970s and 80s bar recounted that axman buried a portion of hitler's ashes in someone's already existing grave in southern germany meaning that if we believe bauer's testimony some of hitler's physical beings still exists in germany today but with the code of silence that surrounds the graves precise location and the passing of all the members of hitler's inner circle proving or disproving this story is now impossible but the evidence presented the belief of inner circle nazis in the story as well as western interrogators and historians and the specific denial of oxman make for a very compelling story artur axman died in berlin in october 1996 aged 83 the last surviving minister who had served hitler thanks for watching please subscribe and share and also visit my audiobook channel war stories with mark felton you can also help to support both of my channels at paypal and patreon details in the description box below you
Channel: Mark Felton Productions
Views: 2,168,452
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Keywords: Mark Felton, Hitler's Ashes, Battle of Berlin, Artur Axmann, Martin Bormann, Eva Braun
Id: lCMPNreyIvQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 8sec (1448 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 29 2021
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