How the Inhabitants of this Island Cheat Death
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Second Thought
Views: 1,635,114
Rating: 4.7157984 out of 5
Keywords: Second thought, second thought channel, facts about, facts you didn’t know, things you didn’t know, dashlane, immortal, how to live longer, How the Inhabitants of this Island Cheat Death, health, health tips, healthy, lifestyle, how to be healthy, how to be happy, happiness, island, ikaria, blue zones, icaria, greece, science, learning, education, anthropology, biology
Id: EabKL4j4JoI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 41sec (461 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 09 2018
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Sounds about right!
Something that struck me around 6:00, when it's explained that Americans attempting to live this type of lifestyle are still outlived by Ikarians (and as such there may be something unidentified that contributes to this trend):
Perhaps it's the isolated, self-sustaining nature of Ikarians that makes them truly able to "live their best lives."
America isn't exactly an island. Some of our political leaders have since acknowledged the importance of being more like this and our current political leader is making a sad attempt at expressing this sentiment; But nonetheless, the US has historically gotten itself involved in worldly affairs.
Hell, we basically are worldly affairs. Our established holds over the oil market is most of worldly affairs--at the v least, they are the bulk of the economic portion of this.
I would need to see data on this, to see if the Americans mentioned are attempting to live this lifestyle in the US or on Ikaria. If they live on Ikaria, this could still be explained by dominant cultural learning in US citizens.
I think it stands to reason that humans live their longest, healthiest lives when they take care of their own survival in a sustainable, self-reliant way, and proceed to give themselves to their communities with the same fortitude they give themselves...knowing that in all likelihood, their next meal is accounted for.
I suppose you could study this by looking at Ikarians that choose to live out the second half of their lives in the US... if there are any. If survival rates drop, it's almost certainly the culture.