12 Strange US Geography Facts No One Told You About

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[Music] Oh check this out twelve strange u.s. geography facts no one told you about the US enjoy some very impressive statistics fifty states three hundred twenty five point seven million people fourteen thousand one hundred forty six McDonald's restaurants oh yes and some truly wacky geography facts get ready because some of these Geographic anomalies can be mind-boggling keep watching to learn which site to visit if you want to be in four places at once how Americans can be trapped in Canada and how everyone on earth could fit into the state of Texas and don't forget to click the subscribe button and turn on notifications to join us on the bright side of life coming down from number 12 buildings in New York have their own zip codes Manhattan is one of the most densely populated areas in the world it is so unbelievably crowded that there are over 200 zip codes in Manhattan alone and there are over 40 buildings that are large enough to have their own zip codes the Empire State Building the General Motors building the Chrysler Building Park Avenue Plaza and the MetLife building are some of the lucky few that can claim their own zip code number 11 Alaska is everywhere Alaska is the westernmost easternmost and northernmost state wait what if you look at a two-dimensional map it makes immediate sense for it to be the westernmost and northernmost but how could it be the easternmost just take a look at the globe as you can see Alaska is pretty close to Russia the state stretches so far west that it reaches into the eastern hemisphere so if you want to experience the northern western and eastern hemispheres simply head to Alaska just make sure you bring all really warm number ten you can walk from the u.s. to Russia walking from California Oregon or Washington to Russia would be impossible unless you have magic powers that allow you to walk on water but it's a very real possibility from Alaska during the winter the small area between Alaska and Russia freezes over in the middle of the Bering Strait are two islands big Diomede II is part of Russian territory and little Diomede II is part of Alaskan territory the distance between the two is just 2.4 miles technically you can walk from little Diomede II to big Diomede II or from the u.s. to Russia and tell all your friends about how you visited another country if you do decide to brave the freezing cold for this trip just know that it can be a dangerous journey that isn't really recommended number 9 Canada in California the population of Canada is 36.7 million but California still houses more people than the entire country of Canada California is the most populated state in the u.s. with 39 point five million people it's followed by Texas Florida and New York in that order if being around too many people isn't your preference then Vermont or Wyoming might be for you as their some of the least populated states number eight the longest river in the u.s. the Mississippi River spans 2348 miles that's like the distance from Albuquerque New Mexico to Boston Massachusetts Mississippi is the third largest watershed and the fourth longest river in the world it would take 90 days for a drop to travel from the beginning of the river to the end it's that lon and its size isn't the only amazing thing about this river it's home to 360 species of fish 326 species of birds 145 species of amphibians and 50 species of mammals the river is also the daily source of water for 62 cities in the United States keeping around 18 million Americans well hydrated number seven the shortest river in the world the u.s. can boast about being home to the fourth longest river in the world but it also has the smallest the roe River is located in Montana and it's just 201 feet long it's about one and a quarter times the size of an Olympic swimming pool the guinness world records had it down as the shortest river in the world until they discontinued the category this little river is like a small oasis surrounded by grounds that are perfect for picnicking and rocking views number six the longest coastline which state do you think has the longest coastline top contenders would be Texas Florida in California but it's Alaska again the Alaskan coast line covers six thousand six hundred forty miles and is actually longer than the coastline for the rest of the state's combined so if you love the cold sea and frozen beaches Alaska is the place to be number five the tallest mountain in the world yes Mount Everest is the tallest mountain in the world with an elevation of 29,029 feet above sea level but technically the tallest mountain is part of the United States Mauna Kea in Hawaii is an enormous mountain that's about 30 3,500 feet tall so why is Mount Everest considered the tallest and not Mauna Kea it's because half of Mauna Kea is hidden under the sea Mauna Kea is the highest mountain from base to peak to make things a little more if Mauna Kea is also a dormant volcano which last erupted about 4000 years ago let's just hope this massive volcano remains dormant number four point Robert's America or Canada point Roberts is United States territory part of what calm County Washington the small territory is a geographic anomaly since it can only be accessed by boat from the United States if you need to go in by land you'll need to head in through Canada for Washington residents living there it must be baffling to live with a Washington zip code in a location that's basically inside British Columbia to attend the nearest high school students must go through four border crossings but the residents seem to like the border crossings as they provide a lot of security as long as the residents can keep track of whether they're American or Canadian Point Roberts seems to be a nice secure place to live if a little inconvenient number three four corners four states well how can you be in four places at once unless you're on a sci-fi show that would seem like an impossibility but you can do this in the US just head over to four corners a rare area in America where four states meet southeast Utah Northeast Arizona Southwest Colorado and northwest New Mexico intersect in a right angle thankfully no strange anomalies occur at this spot so don't expect any aliens if you head to four corners feel free to tell your friends you visited those four states number two border states now two states in the u.s. don't share borders with any other US states do you know which ones if you thought of Hawaii and Alaska you're right those two states might be rather lonely though Alaska does have a neighbor this is a big differ from Missouri in Tennessee each with a whopping 8 neighboring states Missouri is surrounded by Iowa Illinois Kentucky Tennessee Arkansas Oklahoma Kansas and Nebraska Tennessee is surrounded by Kentucky Virginia North Carolina Georgia Alabama Mississippi Arkansas and Missouri Missouri and Tennessee sound like rather cozy locations number one Texas is bigger than you can imagine now in New York City the city stretches upward to make room for the eight point six million inhabitants if the world's population lived in such a condensed manner they would only cover 250,000 404 square miles since Texas is two hundred sixty-eight thousand five hundred ninety-seven square miles it means that hypothetically speaking the world's population of seven point five three billion people could all fit in the state of Texas that's seriously impressive for one state though it might be a bit crowded Texas would be a prime spot for holding the world's future reunions so tell us bright ciders has this given you a good reason to take out your suitcase and travel to a u.s. state let us know which ones in the comment section don't forget to give this video a like share it with your friends and click subscribe to stay on the bright side [Music]
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Keywords: facts about America, USA facts, geography facts, Alaska, New York City, US states, Four Corners, Mauna Kea, Roe River, Mississippi River, Big Diomede, Little Diomede, Manhattan
Id: pJvZJpQ2jfA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 19sec (619 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 15 2018
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