10 Best Zombie Proof Houses

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best zombie-proof houses but first Thank You Ace of Spades we're leaving us this comment we're glad to have people from all over the world watching our videos let us know what country you're from in the comments section and maybe we'll feature you in an upcoming video number ten anti-zombie cabin the zombie apocalypse could be here any day now we're hoping you've taken into consideration how you're gonna survive through it and where you're going to live well isolation will be key from staying away from the groups of ravaging zombies preparing for the defense is also important this zombie shed designed by a British man seems to have the right basic idea this cabin features interior gardens weapons storage security lights and a decent vantage point from the top choosing solar panels will give him a great source of power since conventional power lines will most likely be out of service this might not be the best design on this list as we're about to see but it can certainly be a respectful option at about $120,000 it's a good start and with the barbed wire fences it's the first line of defense and will give them enough time to bring out their weapons number 9 the apocalyptic end in 2014 condos were built within a decommissioned missile base located in Kansas if the missile Bay's can withstand a nuclear war it should be safe against zombies the condos are housed behind nine-foot concrete walls and people here have access to their own food and water supplies built in rural Kansas it's most likely gonna be one of the last places affected by the zombie virus the rooms feature artificial windows large TVs and some even have swimming pools stained and tip-top shape could be a priority considering the fact that if you encounter a zombie you will certainly have to engage in some cardio Preppers have access to a nearly unlimited supply of freeze-dried food filtered air and purified water a full floor condo with 1,800 square feet will cost you 3 million dollars that's well worth the cost of your life number 8 the hanging house this house here located in Lithuania could be a solid design to protect you from the hordes of the undead a house like this we comfortably bet an entire family and with a few basic changes it could be an effective fortress you're basically staying one step above the zombies and while they're confused on how to get in you can mow them down with your crossbow or weapon of choice as long as you keep the bottom floor as a garage use reinforced or bulletproof glass for windows and barricade well the only entrance into your compound there should be zombie proof having there only be one entrance to your home allows you to focus all your fortifications in one place consider having a trapdoor below so you can pour scalding hot oil on them in case they decide to camp out below you this is kind of like what they did in the medieval times although it might not be the perfect design being elevated has served as an advantage in numerous siege defenses throughout history number seven Barrow Island houses when it comes to choosing your hideout for the zombie apocalypse a lot of your decisions need to be based on location finding somewhere isolated from the outside contact will be key that's why we located to the remote Faroe Islands could be a good choice people have been living here for the past millennium and they certainly don't need any help from the outside world it could be so unaffected that there will still be electricity in other amenities located between the UK and Iceland it seems to be nearly impossible for zombies to make it here locals are relying on a steady diet of fish well meat and sheep which all seem to be in steady supply this is why you just need to stock up on a little bit of vitamin C and stay in good health homes are sometimes built halfway underground which allows you to stay hidden and keep warm but also keep a good eye out on what's going on fresh water will also be plentiful and all you'll need to do is melt some snow life here might be tough but at least you won't become a zombie number 6 Chateau artisan having your own moat can definitely have its advantages during the zombie apocalypse whether the original purpose was to keep the in-laws or the Jehovah's Witnesses out this moat could prove to be extremely valuable in the case of an outbreak it's still on a debate whether or not zombies can swim but either way this will certainly slow down anyone's attack the mill could also prove to help aid in a food source if owners decide to try farming fish located in Florida they could also decide to add flesh-eating crocodiles to the moat which would further add to its defence the towers could easily be transformed into machine-gun or sniper nest and the multiple rooms could easily confuse attackers in case of a hurricane the house was also designed with a full generator and his impact resistant so this will further aid in this defense against zombies a chateau like this is gonna cost someone around 11 million bucks so save your lunch money number 5 water tower house while you're on the hunt for some proper strongholds against zombies consider looking for a water or fire Watchtower to transform into your new headquarters a defense towers have been used throughout the centuries as defensive structures offering you a 360-degree view of the land below you could potentially spot zombies as far as a Rison you'll have a tactical vantage point to snipe zombies with your high-powered crossbow or some sniper rifle the possibilities here are endless a man in Staffordshire England did just this when he transformed an old water tower into a luxury 5 bedroom home here in this photo you see the incredible view he has and also the numerous windows so you could position his weapon it would take zombies quite a bit of time to actually make it to the top if they were to break in through the initial defence on the bottom floor you'd probably come across some free water to number 4 lake or river forts theoretically speaking if you could build your stronghold directly over your freshwater source like we see in this photo that would be ideal during World War two the British constructed a series of sea forts protecting the entrances of the tames River however these seem to be a little too isolated from reliable food sources and we all know sea water is completely useless but building something like this over a fresher source of water could certainly be a great choice if you consider it even an ancient fort built on Island like we see in this photo of poor by szene built on a freshwater lake in Siberia would be a great choice number three bunker houses surviving the apocalypse is one thing but surviving in style is another thing once you finally realize the zombies are gone you might get a little bit bored so having a cool house might be worth it in the long run driving by this place you'd have no idea what lies underneath this house in Las Vegas Nevada was designed to withstand a nuclear apocalypse in the 1980s but it was also quit with an underground bunker here you got pink toilets hot tubs fake trees and a realistic-looking backyard this will keep you somewhat mentally stable and it'll remind you of what life was like before people just start eating each other's brains what more could you need it's located 26 feet below ground so the zombies should never even realize you're there you might even still have a chance to buy it but it'll cost you 1.7 million dollars number two prisons let's face it you probably never want to consider making prison your new home unless it's a zombie apocalypse here you basically already have everything you need to keep zombies out and they're certainly designed to make it difficult for you to get into Alcatraz is certainly a famous place in America but it could also be a great place to start a new settlement located right near San Francisco it makes a great base for looting the mainland if you and your zombie hunting squad - managed to capture this area before other survivors you should be able to defend it pretty well the strong current has made it impossible to swim to the elevated lighthouse would act as a perfect place where you set up stronghold considering its vantage point this will allow you to spot other scavenging zombies or surviving looters trying to make on to your island the land is suitable for growing crops the water tower has fresh water in it and it could certainly support a small population if you got yourself a boat go ahead and tie it up at the mini boat docks but watch over it carefully number 1 the safe house the safe house located in Poland is the ultimate secure zombie proof house capable of withstanding numerous apocalypse scenarios at the touch of a button it basically turns into a giant concrete cube capable of withstanding nuclear blasts this is about as secure as any modern home could get there's nowhere for the zombies to enter doors and windows are tightly sealed from the outside world using concrete panels when you want to leave a drawbridge can be lowered and is your only way in or out during lockout mode with a spacious interior it's certainly somewhere you wouldn't mind staying during the apocalypse either here in this photo you can see the concrete panels that will cover the windows and doors in case the virus breaks out for further protection another concrete wall is added around the structure which is electronically sealed as long as they're stocked up on plenty of supplies there should be no problem surviving here seems like the only thing this person is missing are the landlines in the front lawn no expense can be spared for the zombie apocalypse [Music]
Channel: American Eye
Views: 4,084,030
Rating: 4.2046165 out of 5
Keywords: best, zombie, proof, houses, apocalypse, zombie proof, zombies, zombie apocalypse, protection, real life, safe, survival, top, most, list, ever, people, built, buildings, home, structures, homes, cabin, solar panel, design, defense, island, tower, incredible, amazing, extreme, bunker, prison, safe house, real, acutally, 10 Houses That Are Zombie-Proof, Real Apocalypse Shelters, 10 Houses That Will Get Your Through A Zombie Apocalypse
Id: 2P4yJNAlgAo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 52sec (472 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 04 2016
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