how the glee club SHOULD HAVE been run...

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[Music] hello everybody welcome back to my channel my name is Amanda this is your first time here welcome to a meaty entertainment channel yes they have a lot of fun here lazy Beauty concept yeah and we do entertainment content which is what it mostly is asleep perfectly honest too so yes my name is Amanda if you'd like to follow me on social media you could have so much fun with that here's my Twitter and my Instagram I'm very wild I say whatever I want so enjoy and while you're here you should subscribe that'd be great and ten on the notification bell because I don't get notifications when my favorite youtubers upload like I don't get notifications when any youtuber uh it's I don't understand I get updates I get notifications maybe once a blue moon when somebody uploads so you know you can put it on just for just for safety I don't know I don't know it doesn't really work and they need to check out on my recent videos two days ago I think now I posted I ranked our own garden eight albums and I said but I said I meant what I said it's okay and then please and then before that I talked about new releases that have come out in the past month and before that I thought about how morphe brushes change the beauty industry for the worse so yes so today's video is another video where I'm gonna have a lot of fun I'm really I've wanted to make this video for a long time okay so let's start so I've been watching Glee again because I'm not leaving my house - I'm watching Glee cuz I've been grinning for I look I love okay disclaimer mine I broke how many one two three I broke three nails in the last like hour these nails are really really old so that's probably why and I'm not leaving to go get them redone there I'll just take them off anyway but that's why my hands look like talons cuz they just all broke like 30 minutes okay just get that let's get that out of the way I don't wanna hear any comments what's wrong with your nails because people like to talk anyway so I'm watching Lea glad because I'm a Gleek we all know that and I already made my everything wrong with Glee episode me to check that out you have it's kind of long I don't know if it's my longest one it's raining oh oh it's fun so I wanted to include this in the video what I'm about to do now in the video but like I write down outlines on my videos and I was doing the Glee one and I was already at like an hour and 15 minutes and I was like I can't make this any longer so I just cut it off and now I'm gonna do it today and I'm glad that I waited to do it because thank God so we're gonna be talking about how the glee club should have been run I have a lot of time on my hands if you couldn't tell him I have a lot of time on my hands so pardon me talking about how the glee club could be run because mr. Shue is a terrible coach and it's a wonder they ever won nationals at all it's a wonder that they ever ever got to Nationals for being perfectly honest anytime they lost it was do it was his fault and we're gonna delve into what so I'm just gonna it's got to be very ran team it's gonna be kind of all over the place to like buckle up so the first thing no songs from before 1990 whatever I forget what that nice jean rug that um mr. Shue loves but it needs to go nobody wants to hear it nobody wants to hear nobody wants to hear music from your childhood Will Schuester I know he probably had a sad childhood that's why all of his friends are children something's not right something's not right all this friends are children I know he had a little bit of a sad life but we don't want to hear music that was the soundtrack to your childhood we don't want to hear me that was a soundtrack to your failed Broadway dreams I don't want to hear it no one okay I don't want to hear it and I am certain I am very very certain Easley Club judges don't want to hear it either because it's the thing is he's not even picking like the most popular songs from these bands he's picking obscure songs that nobody what's not clicking what is not cut what will why would why would you think that she would win picking these obsolete songs that nobody knows your kids don't even they don't know them so they have no emotional tie them they can't get they can't really delve into the character because I don't know if the songs are what's not quickly and he still continues to do them over and over and for no one cares did you see we've seen many many different Glee club's over our time of watching Glee did any of them ever do this nonsense no glee the Warblers vocal adrenaline that Catholic school from one time the old people none of them did that none of them to all of them all these other clubs I'm using the Milani screening foundation by the way all of these other Glee club's stuck with current pop chart toppers sometimes I dipped into Arby's I'm not as I dipped into rap but it was mostly pop or pop adjacent songs because guess why they're crowd pleasers they keep the crowd entertained these glee club judges already have pretty bad careers going on they're already bored they don't want to be there they're there because it's the last check that they can cut that's why they're there they don't want to be they want to live in them and it's gonna be actually exciting it's Ohio everyone's bored sorry so and these middle they picked chart pop-tart toppers because these middle-aged glee club judges are aware of pop chart toppers everyone like even your like your mom and your dad they're aware like your parents are aware of your Guardians they know the pop chart toppers they know like they are oh if they're playing on the radio every six seconds they know them why they pick them anyway all right let me carve out the top of my brow I have an easy foundation in like two weeks it's a hit we don't know that we don't like we already we already discussed ugh that this foundation is and I'm putting on all this makeup to go nowhere actually I mean I'm gonna go pick up my friend and drive her somewhere but that's about it I'll be sitting in my car today yeah I don't play with my health hey del hey anyway so you need to appease the audience will glee club is a performant this is a performance group why are we only appeasing yourself that is my second the largest issue with Will Schuester as the leader of the glee club he only wanted them to sing stuff that he wanted them to say he is pathetic they had an entire episode or maybe was a whole story arc no I think I was an episode where he was having them sing his favorite genre again and Tina was like can we not do this can we do Britney Spears I don't know why would you not want to do Britney Spears when Britney Spears is a trending topic we'll what's going on what is going on you don't want to do Britney Spears Britney throws is what everyone has been talking about for the past cup what is wrong with you something's not right I'm telling you something's not right and like that's why they lost they kept doing these old sad ass that's why they lost same this is a similar path with pitch-perfect I don't know why that came up in my head the Barden Bella what is whatever the name of their group is they used to only do old [ __ ] and they kept losing okay mm-hmm cinematic parallels okay so literally when anyone else when anyone else was brought into the glue Club the Glee Club was elevated they were always stagnant with Will Schuester and they had to bring in another person who probably wasn't even a coach they had to bring in another person to bring the glee club back to what it was there was so much talent there we had Holly Holliday when she was brought in the glee club elevated like three notches Emma even elevated the group club more than Will Schuester did when Sue was brought in and taught them and taught them how to work because they were lazy sacks a they were lazy as hell when she brought them talking about a work like Holly Holliday Holly Holliday did a lot for the glee club in my honest intro like without her I think the glee club wouldn't have gotten they she came season two I think the glee club wouldn't have got wouldn't have even Nationals wouldn't have gotten to Nationals without Holly Holliday in my opinion I think Holly Holliday was very very needed to keep the momentum alive because they were they were plateauing they're flatlining they were not where they needed to be for the town but in that group in Holly Holliday pushed them in a way that mr. Shue could never could never yeah whatever and that was second thing third Will Schuester is either completely unaware of how much talent is in the glee club which would mean he's stupid or he didn't know how to work with all the talent in the gully Club which means he's stupid either way he's dumb either way he hits something's not right but he didn't know how to utilize the talent because he would have had to think he took the easy way out making Rachel and Finn the lead for every song Rachel Ben were already in love so they didn't have to develop any sort of chemistry they didn't have to work on anything so it wasn't it doesn't take a lot of brain cells to make them to the leads because rachel is one of your best singers and it doesn't take a lot of brain cells so just put Finn in there cuz rachel has chemistry with nobody else in the show she didn't even have to try I'll get back to how Rachel didn't have to put in an ounce of work to be the lead of this whatever it's none of it is creative that's what made them do do that's what made this glee club garbage that's what made them like this there was no creative direction because I didn't have to be he just threw Rachel and Finn and said go wild no creativity never never every song okay Rachel I'm Finn get up there what's what's not clicking what's not clicking can't take any sort of intelligence just pick the boyfriend of one of your strongest singers and just make them that you leaves that takes no amount of creativity any no like anyone could have done that what makes Will Schuester special nothing cut very easy idea that anyone anyone even a sub for the glee club could have could have come up with and what this did what this did it allowed Rachel and Finn to grow comfortable in the glee club Rachel never had to do any work Rachel never had ooh sorry Rachel never had to do any ounce of work to maintain her spot in the glee club at all she didn't have to do anything she wasn't even in dance booty camp which I will be absolutely getting to later she wasn't even in the building that was that episode was one of the most offensive episode I've ever every it's a giant microaggression that what episode is that it is the episode where Mercedes like finally quits and just goes and joins the troubletones oh just giant microaggression that whole episode was a giant microaggression oh my god I can't even talk about it she was allowed to basically just come in sing and leave she never did any training that was never any work whenever they like buckled down and had to lay actually working on something Rachel was never in the room acumen she's perfect she's not she has a lot of Rachel first of all rachel is an incredible incredible singer she's like weren't please like don't Rachel can sing you're not taking that away from Rachel you're not taking that away from her she can sing however in my opinion there were a lot of things she needed to work on I'll talk about them oh I'll talk about them more a little bit later but like and she was allowed to come in and say she was never ever pushed and that is why big league Hubbell lost in seasons 1 in season 2 there are winds that they've got were usually flukes or they were based on the fact that Rachel and Mercedes could out sing every member of any other glee club was usually based on that but it was usually a fluke as a club as a cohesive Club they sucked as they sucked that's why they kept a losing until season 3 which was olive leaf or whatever and now to Finn Finn didn't put in any work either he didn't have to because he knew he was gonna be lead as long as Rachel was lead he was gonna be lead and Rachel was always lead so then grew completely comfortable and I'm confused because so the thing is Ben can sing he can't sing I don't think he can keep up with Rachel by any means but he can sing why was he not um while I was in his voice there was no development in his voice why wasn't Aryan development as was why wasn't he pushed to become a better singer because when in my opinion whenever he's sing with Rachel he felt the huh I thought they sang well together but he felt a little bit behind hmm because there was who else would they have picked to be Rachel's like partner because there was no one else that she had chemistry with she didn't even try to have chemistry with anyone with anyone else it would have looked awkward and now so that's why I get why they were always chosen I was the lead but I'll get into who I would have put anyway like would have been much much much better they would have won much more often but it would have been awkward if they put anyone else there because Rachel really didn't wasn't having a lot of chemistry with other people on the show she was like she thought she didn't have to put in any work she didn't have to develop chemistry with anyone else because always her boyfriend and her as the lead mr. Shue wasted Artie Blaine Mike Santana and Brittany's talent all of them all the talent he wasted Mercedes talent too but I literally that will be a 25 minutes long I can't get into that he wasted all of their tech there was so much he was at everyone's talent everyone's talent in time in the glee club but I wanted to specifically focus on Artie Blaine Santana Santana so what am i mean by this so what every come how would I change this at every competition usually they do about three songs I think I'm gonna go with three because it's easier it's what I wrote down so what I would have done let me find my brush before I start just you know speaking alright what I would have done we start off with a ballad then we move into a song that is dance heavy pop song that is dance heavy and then we move on into a class of big pop song I think so what I mean by that the glee club over the years over all the seasons has had some incredible singers incredible singers but what was always forgotten about is the incredible performers it is one thing to be but to sing it is one thing to be able to sing it's another thing to be able to deliver a performance to a crowd it is it is it and not everyone in the glee club was able to deliver our performance to a crowd they wouldn't they just weren't there are people who maybe weren't who couldn't sing like Rachel but in my opinion could deliver better performance and Rachel also there are people who are much more person it's not just for each of like I'm not just talking about her there were also people in the glee club who were much more versatile and who was constantly picked to sing leader singing male lead they were more versatile but they were thrown to the side because they may not have been the best vocalist but they would have kept the crowd entertained so Rachel and Finn don't need to be lead every single time but I get why they were because the only other person that thin had chemistry with was Quinn and I would never have wanted to step I would have never wanted to see that so I would be fine with Rachel and FinCEN singing about at the beginning it'd be something beautiful and heartfelt who's gonna Rachel always cries so it would have been fine what I would have specifically done is given them a song sung by one person and make it into a duet I think those are some of the most beautiful songs on Glee the issue with the only issue this is that Finn cannot develop Rachel in terms of vocal ability that's why whenever there Rachel saying Rachel's best songs than other person are not within her but um like a virgin with Jonathan Groff what was his character I'm Jessie st. James the song with the guy from New York when he's she did give your heart a break with the guy from New York in incredible song we've seen how these aren't within these aren't with things I would put blame there but they couldn't even fake the chemistry in West Side Story so there's no way they'd be able to fake that chemistry on a national stage so in the new glee club The Ballad be something between Jake and Marley debate your on please there be no one else if they wanted to be extra frisky Sam and Quinn would really work here because when they sing marry you at Regionals it had to have been regionals and exceptional except incredible incredible it will that was amazing it was an end they won anyways Joe and Quinn would also work if they wanted to shake the tail because I think Joe's voice was woefully under used like it was oh it was weird I don't know I think Joe can really really sing I think whoever the actor is I forget his name he can really really sing so I think his voice was woefully underused so yes a single song and make it a duet so we're seeing something like give your heart a break rolling in the deep any Adele song we could go with any Adele song just give me a reason with pink by pink and Nathan grass I think it's all ready to do it but that would have worked as well but did he see the path that we're going on something passionate but not too passionate because we don't want to repeat of season to Nationals because that was a disgrace I have two tangent why were they not reprimanded that was so unprofessional and that was the reason that they lost that was the reason that they lost was because they kiss on stage at nationals why would you do that why would you do that you not want to win they could have gone into the second round had they had not done that would they have won nationals no because of the costumes a lot of choreography a lot of creative direction they wouldn't have won but they could have possibly made it to the second round but no fin had to kiss or Y and no more on Sade it was like uh let's not let's look ring let's not do no one was like no one no one and they got no amount of reprimand and when I think it was Santana community it was Kurt who was like what the why did you do that mister she was like don't we yell at them pathetic pathetic and a bad coach anyway so now we go into the dance state that I was talking about before so it's not just a dance break I would say it's a pop song not a hard song to sing at all that is what they what they lot of dancing so this let this dance break section will be led by the dancers of the group so you know Mike Brittany like you know who I'm talking about so they wouldn't be since they would be lead they wouldn't be the only ones singing because they're not that there's like their kid they can sing but they're not actually they're not strong in it and we're trying to win say wouldn't be the only one singing but they'd be the ones in the center the other people that be helping vocally with the leads like singing you know would be already and Blaine and Santana and Mercedes yeah because this is a pop song I don't want Rachel anywhere near it I don't want Rachel anywhere near it because this is a pop upbeat dance she's in the back the middle but near the back this is the crowd-pleasing moment to get the crowd excited for the next song that is going to come and this is where we're utilizing the dancers the glee club should have had dance booty camp from day one though that is what was truly holding them back they can't dance they can't move as a group they can't when they try it looks ridiculous maybe it's so hot I don't know they looked great and ick ulis they were never in sync ever and they were trying to go up against vocal a dream made no sense it made no sense it the what song would I put here in easy any song sung by Holly Holliday I think could go right here something easy not something super vocally demanding something that's fun I mean that the entire crowd knows that it's fun that they could just get up and sing I said a signed sealed and delivered it with new with the new people I would put Kitty and Jake would be leading this and I think sign still and deliver should have seen a stage I think it should have seen a competition it's a song Kitty sung it she sung it um they did it as one they're like little like mini firms at the end of an episode I think that should have seen a competition say that was very kitty she can sing la it with the new people I said I would have been Jake and Kitty and if Jake was allowed Jake could do what Finn was supposed to do because he could actually sing he can actually dance a wasted potential wasted why is he in the back why is he swaying in the back it makes no sense so now we're at the big pop ending something big and something bold the audience is already super whoo this soup is already super super excited too because of the dance break they saw a dancers you know go crazy but it's Mike Chang and Britney they'd be going crazy oh my goodness so this is why the only good choice that I've seen from one of their performing that's not the only good choice but one of the ones that I liked the most one of will wills best choices was paradise by the dashboard lights in this season three nationals I'm pretty sure it was one of wills best choices it was a really seems a feel-good song and incorporated you got to see how people actually could sing that's a little competition it incorporates them tell it like but it felt good it felt good the audience got up the audience was into it it was a good choice something like that however why are Finn and Rachel the leads in that song you see how Rachel everything is in show tune we can't have that we can't have that so in the song I would personally put Santana as female lead Santana mr. Shue wasted Santana's god-given ability to perform Santana constantly constantly delivers with performance she can do it all our receipt Valerie not bush city limits are we seeing what a toxic without mist if mr. Shue's creepy ass wasn't there would have been would have been incredible could have been something huge I would have Mercedes right next to her singing helping her with Lea and I mean I party as male lead Artie as male lead because that man can sing that man can really sing and it's got a little bit of soul into it and we'd have Blaine right next to there doesn't need to be any chemistry between these two song that is why I put like Santana and Artie there's no chemistry there there doesn't need to be just inks being over also I'm this happiness amongst the group to keep the audience interested so yes she needs to be Santana can outperform a lot of these people because the thing is it's one thing just be able to sing it's one thing to be able to sing it's another thing to be able to deliver a performance it's another thing it's another thing I think mr. Shue focus on Rachel because she could really really sing and I'm like she's not you got it we got to keep the audience and I rachel has a lot of stage presence but her stage presence comes mostly when she sang by herself into microphone not moving because Rachel can really Rachel and Mercedes can really really sing so they just stand there and just sing you're captivated but when we're doing a lot we want to see someone who can give me everything not just vocals who kidney dance anyways and so this song would not be dance heavy at all which is why we're bringing in Mercedes and already even though Artie really held his own whenever there were dance breaks he held his own in the chair he was doing everything he was out dancing some people standing up so and in this song Rachel's in the back she's out in the back because she Luke is a voice she's in the middle but she's not she's harmonizing I don't want to hear a pop song in showtune voice I don't want to hear it I don't want to hear it I don't want it no one wants to hear it we don't it's you're an incredible singer and I can't an incredible singer we don't want to hear it to the back to the back and melt Mercedes she's harmonizing only Mercedes the one doing the belts didn't high notes in the runs because it's gonna sound clearer and it's gonna sound more cohesive with the group because Rachel always does something Rachel can never understand about the group this is the glee club it's not Rachel and guests which is not her fault but she believed it was Rachel and guests cuz that's what mr. Shue put out and so up this that this is not the New Directions it is Rachel and Friends like that's that's what they put that's what he put out that's why she thought that way like we were all like Rachel so sell something it's cuz of mr. Shue had he not put this delusion in her head how he not literally fed her ego time and time and time again glee club would've been better it would have been better and that's why I said at the beginning Rachel can have the first song Rachel can have the first song sing the first song make it all that rage of the first song but the rest of the songs you need to prove that your group your glee club as a whole is talented that it is not Rachel and community you got to prove that next to my one of my biggest gripes why is blinging not being used mr. Shue why is Blaine not being used you see in mine heart put Blaine Blaine can sing male lead he can does it very well you got the best singer from the Warblers the best singer their lead they put him in Everett he was defender everything and you put him in the back sashing what's going on what's going on why is he swaying in the back why why is Finn still male Lee when Blaine is there what's not clicking that's I don't understand I don't under I know coz of chemistry and stuff but can we pick some songs that aren't love songs then it because wait you need to put your best foot forward and your best foot is standing in the back swaying next to Sam something's not right something is not right something it doesn't sit right with me it makes no sense it make it makes no sense then Jo's virus that his voice is woefully underappreciated he could have Carrie songs by himself it was just I guess his look wasn't right because he needed look at kind of he looked weird I thought he was hot I don't know I look back and I'm like really Amanda white man with dreads but it's like whatever I was like how I was young so yes no more Rachel singing pop songs Mercedes and Rachel need to be saved need to be used when the song is already some buy a vocal powerhouse when the song is sung by a vocal powerhouse Rachel and Mercedes as female lead when the song is sung by a vocal power house any time else I don't want to hear it I don't want to hear it Mercedes maybe but from Rachel who sings everything in show tune I don't want to hear I don't all right so now um where's my blush blush thank you money I think there are a lot of songs that mister that should have seen competition or a stage in the glee club but mr. Shue ignored for what and for wife so now I know this is a TV show but clearly I don't care I'm making probably a thirty minute video about Glee again I clearly don't care about reality so I know it's a TV show please please mind your business but if this is real if this was real there were a lot of songs just sung in the music room that should have seen a stage that should've that would have done better than the songs that actually did si si stage what's what's going on okay so now some songs like toxic and blame it on the alcohol which I think are some of their best work are very inappropriate they wouldn't have done well but we can discuss some other songs it is a damn shame it is a damn shame that will through every ounce of his creativity into the thriller heads will roll performance for a high school football game it is crazy how he threw every amount of creepiness he's had in his body into that one performance and everything went downhill after that performance after season one he all his ideas were in season one all of its ideas he started losing him whoop shoo-shoo Mitsu when she said will yeah good idea since Madonna week completely correct it's completely correct he did Madonna week he did thriller he lost it he lost it he did Britney that was good then they did Britney 2.0 so clearly running out of ideas but I like to bring in 2.0 actually poured and all his creativity into thrillers but when it came to Nationals had them in some Justice knockoff costumes but dazzled by Emma Pillsbury are you kidding me can we talk about their costumes for nationals for any performance actually why did they look I know it was 2012 or 2011 but why do they look why did they look so cheap why did they get when they stood next to vocal adrenaline it just made no it made no sense to me objectively it made no sense there was a clear divide there was a clear um difference in level there was a the costume doesn't that make they make no sense why what I know it was 2012 I know it was 2012 but still could have done better why all the creative all the creative juice went into thriller and then it left the building because there isn't there was none left to give his bodies that I have nothing left to give you I gave you it all and he became a shell I don't like Will Schuester Empire State of Mind should have seen a stage I think I really liked that cover I really liked the cover I think it should have seen a stage that's just me though you don't have to agree you don't have to agree why were all the Michael's songs so I'm gonna make music room why did none of them see this age why did none of them why wasn't Artie lead male vocal for a Michael song at least our regionals I understand if they want to keep things safe for out getting's that's safe for nationals but none are you sure be serious I will didn't take any risk this is my thing wilt wanted to play it he chose the safest options every single time I don't understand why sectionals is usually a guaranteed win for the new directions except when the Warblers were all drugged up but if anything he should have taken more risk there you should have tested out new lead should text about new choreography should tested out new songs at sectionals to see what sticks cuz they was kind of guaranteed win for them anyway because they had Rachel and Mercedes kind of guaranteed win when you have those two in your camp honestly truly so he should have done some more he should just switch it up switch it up a little bit at sectionals at least I understand maybe not nationals you want to keep it as safe as possible so you can go for the win but at least at least at sectionals the glee club also improved leaps and bounds when the girls left from the troubletones finally forced the glee club to wake up finally force them to wake up fighting force will to wake up and realize just how bad they are without Santana Mercedes and Brittany and who else love and rates Rachel wasn't there either don't realize just how bad they were and just how much he doesn't appreciate the rest of the glee club cuz had they been given anything had to be given better song choices they could have done in that regionals it was sectionals maybe sectionals I think trouble dome should have absolutely one that I don't it we all know why they did it that was a clear case of misogyny whatever but then so they learned but in the learning left his moose brain immediately after and it was the least she could do was allow them to the troubletones perform one set at per competition that is why they want anything that is why they won anything for the rest of that season was because the troubletones got their own song that is the reason they want anything that's the reason why they won nationals please don't play play in your face don't play in mine so let's be clear next let me love you until you learn to love yourself should have seen a stage I don't care I do not care Jake Puckerman should have been lead the very clear lead as soon as he stepped foot into the music room are you kidding me total package total package you kidding me total package can sing and can dance very very very well what's not clicking what is not clicking I don't wonder I'm not understanding I'm not a nut nip the second he sung that song in me music room so comfortably so stripped back should it may should have been made male lead immediately immediately but he wasn't racism racism that's what that was they there were multiple times on Rachael started off performance it was just her in a microphone then they went into the group stuff Jake can do that too yes I also one dad back to this like Rachel was allowed not about but she was given the opportunity to just sing a ballad just her voice like three different times you mr. Shue is one that said Mercedes can't dance why wouldn't she why wouldn't she why wouldn't you have her do that why wouldn't you know why wouldn't you have her do that as well why wouldn't you have her because her voice speaks for itself why wouldn't you have her CNMI said to the microphone and sing into the microphone and sing for three minutes for three minutes to start off the performance as why would you do that wouldn't be a dry eye in the audience that song could make people tear jerker z-- t he had so many he had so many opportunities to evoke an emotional response in the audience and he threw them away cuz he's a useless useless okay another one this is what am i big this is like this is one of my biggest start me up living on the prayer that mashup should have seen the light of day can you believe that only was seen in the music room can you believe that was only seen in the music room that is ludicrous that is offensive I would I would misogynistic hmm I would go I wouldn't but the song the mashup and the costumes were created by who the girls in the number not Will Schuester that's why that's that map in top five top five top five glee purple look at my hand this is insane top five glee performances of all time and it's all it was seen by the boys are you kidding me that is that is non that is nonsensical how I was only seen by the men in the glue boys the glee club and Will Schuester should have been seen on a national stage career Direction leaves the building as soon as it's time to actually perform in front of judges I am so I don't know I'm just listen I know this is a TV show I just have a lot of time and I'm the I want but this is my everything wrong with but there was no time so I'm making other video about it because I can here's some more combinations that I wanted Brittany is too risky for Sager moments that I think some of that they're Britney they're Britney episodes are some of the best in my opinion still don't know why Rachel's saying oops I did it again still don't understand I why is she singing pop songs why why is she singing pop explain it rapidly why is she singing pop songs no no and that immediately immediately never needs to happening and it never it did happen again never wanted it again another come for the new Glee I would have loved to see blow me one last kiss which was a duet between unique and Marlee nasty Rhythm Nation as the dance break which was between Jake and Marley Marley can't dance so I would have put maybe Kitty in there or something yeah Marley then we have lost in heaven which is another one of my absolute favorite Glee performances those they sounded so good together why was that only at prom what is going on why are their best performances not at competitions we'll what's happened what is let's unpack this what is truly at fault what is truly the issue here something's not right something's not why are their best performances that high school proms and high school football halftime shows what's going on it's a little bit concerning my face looks incredible Milani screen I'm telling Melania I'm telling you the drugstore has been delivering nothing but hits for me I haven't touched a drugstore foundation in over like four years click can't find my shade but the Knicks born to glue and Milan screen Queen are doing better than a lot of these high-end brands I will say I will say very much that much okay okay I use I use that and I use the elf camel concealer drugstore has been pumping out hits anyway been pumping out hits recently and I really really appreciate it cuz finally you walk in drugstore I can't find my shade it's uh it's so exhausting whatever okay then another combination that I wanted to see okay billionaire Sam Quinn duet because they it's just it's so light and fluffy it would've been done solo I would like to see this convention would have been only appropriate it was it's a little bit more high-risk cuz Rachel's not the lead any of it it would be billionaire Sam Quinn duet and then pretty young thing something in between I don't know what and pretty young thing already as lead vocals obviously because it's already why he never sang a Michael song on things I don't understand I don't understand I don't get it that would have been more high-risk so something for sectionals or regionals but I think it would have done pretty well I mean the Sam and Quinn has lead they won regionals like that Rachel and Finn easing it all the time being are all isn't it so yeah I'm sorry I got so like I'm not sorry I don't I'm not sorry I got very into that cuz I feel very strongly about Glee I don't know why so yeah that's me on my video that's how I would have brought a glee club Rachel can sing she don't need to be singing every single song though that's for damn sure another nail just broke so I'll be taking these off right now so yeah hey guys so much for watching let me know there's two things one let me know how like some combinations you would have liked to see wait now what glee covers what what Glee covers do you think should have seen a stage or should have seen like a competition like do you think any like I think a lot of songs they chose we're just we're just not good anyway so what Glee songs do you think should have seen a competition that's one and then two what like what combinations of people singing which you have like this scene like who would you like to see in the lead female lead male lead like who would you like to sing do that this chair and Glee opinions down below cuz it's always fun to talk about Glee in my opinion I have fun it's all that really matters I have fun yeah that's the end of my video um thank you guys so much for watching if you like to follow me on social media here is my Instagram and my Twitter enjoy yourself have a great time on there okay it's on my recent videos that are on the screen now yay and wash your hands wash your hands I don't know why you're buying six month worth of toilet paper I don't I don't know why you're doing that perhaps stop so that people who actually need toilet paper can buy toilet paper I don't know might just be I might just don't buy it don't do that cuz there's people who can't afford to buy in bulk and now you're just buying all the supply and then the people who are buying all this and then trying to sell it on Amazon you are a demon you are a you are a demon like go to hell you are a do you are the devil please o me you know what kind of evil person you got to be to in a time like this go buy up needed supplies and try to sell them on Amazon or in parking lots like a screw you are a scrub pond scum that's it so yeah thank you guys so much for watching and I'll see you guys in my next video bye bye [Music]
Channel: amandabb
Views: 172,358
Rating: 4.9603248 out of 5
Keywords: glee, glee club, new directions, mr schue, rachel vs mercedes, gleek, showmance, showmance podcast
Id: HonDgR83mJ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 49sec (2569 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 13 2020
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