How the Enemy Gets Access to Our Thinking - Mark DeJesus

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here is pretty much the four dimensions of where all your toxic thoughts come from how they got there to begin with the first one is agreement very simple the thought came you didn't realize it was another thought from another source you just felt the thought it pulsating through you you just kind of let it flow and let it happen this is really spiritual warfare 101 is understanding where there is agreement there's enemy access all he needs to come is bring a little resentment in you Lao it you let it fester you let it continue and boom he's taking you on a ride with bitterness in your life if you don't recognize where those thoughts are coming from and tear them down so this is where fear comes in this is where guilt comes in this is where all different types but this is what God confronted when he said who told you and in your journey what you're going to need to learn to do is you're going to need to learn to identify certain thought systems that you recognize yeah I struggle with that and you're going to need to learn to break the agreement the Bible has a word for this it's called repentance repentance is one of the greatest gifts that you could ever have as a believer it gives you the ability to turn from Satan's way of thinking and turn towards God's Way of thinking it's your greatest gift it's one of your greatest power that God is giving you but it can't be utilized if you don't recognize the source of these thoughts and where they come from when you break the agreement you put a halt to the enemy's work in that area of your life you begin to remove areas of sin that he's perpetuating inside of you God is speaking the enemy is speaking but God is not going to try to raise his volume to get you to hear him he speaks how he speaks and so we're going to have to shut down the enemy's voice in our life so we can begin to hear what God is truly saying for most of us we got a mixture going on no wonder we're so confused no wonder we're so double minded no wonder we're so unstable because we got two people screaming at us you ever been in a room where you're talking and there's two people talking at the same time what's the first thing you do you go hey one person talk at a time and what you do when you break the agreement in your life in an area of thinking is you go hate you I listen to you anymore God what do you have to say this is what breaking the agreement begins to do in your life is you begin to put behind you the systems of the enemy in how you think how you speak and what drives your emotions and what drives and dictates your daily state of being the second pathway is the important one and that's the inherited pathway there are certain thought systems you struggle with and if you were to tell me here's a battle that I have in this way of thought maybe it's anxiousness I could almost guarantee you we could pinpoint your mother and your father probably one of them or both of them have the very same battle carbon-copy now I've observed this for so many years long enough that if this is pretty much a hundred percent of the time when you see a significant battle in somebody's life you know that somebody up the family tree had the very same battle and what happens is over the course of time the enemy gets these areas locked in and they don't get resolved they don't get dealt with and don't raise your hand and answer out loud but how many of your families they like to keep stuff behind closed doors they like to talk about issues mom and dad didn't like each other they kind of hated each other and when they fought but when they went outside everybody looked like the nice Leave It to Beaver family everybody shut up and wear your nice clothes we don't have any problems don't raise your hands I chose not to raise your hands but how many of you grew up with that and see that that's not God's way of living because God says let's deal with this stuff because if we can't confess it there's no room for healing if we can't discuss it there's no room for change and so the reality is that many of you are struggling with things at the same time in your life as your parents and probably your grandparents at probably the same age that you're struggling with that same battle they did to and they couldn't overcome it the only differences they shoved it under the carpet hope and go away or maybe they just hit it over with some alcoholism or drug abuse or maybe they just slept around or maybe they just don't work and never gave it any thought or just pushed it down and never wanted to deal with those issues and now you're struggling with those very same issues and you feel so condemned because you go man why is this such a battle why do I struggle so much with depression why do I struggle so much with addiction I'll tell you why honey because Mom and Dad somewhere in there it's in your family tree it bit them and now it's biting you and it's one to destroy you this is what David recognized in Psalm 51 it's a famous passage of Scripture when he sinned and committed adultery with Bathsheba and he was confronted about it he began to weep he recognized behold I was shapen in iniquity in sin my mother conceived me you see the word sin and the word iniquity are two different words they mean two different things sin that's a whole nother subject that we get into but iniquity is not just sin iniquity is the inherited sin and family lines you see when you were born you aren't just born with some generic sin nature that wanted to work you were born ingrained inside of you with certain sin patterns that the enemy wanted to repeat that were never resolved now see in our families when when moms and dads and grandmothers and grandpas when we deal with our stuff and we overcome do you know that that's the inheritance you get to give to your children that there are battles you overcome they won't have to fight that's one of the blessings I have with my children is there certain areas I'll conquer they'll never have to deal with because I overcame them now they'll have their whole set of things they'll have to deal with of stuff that that God's still perfecting in me but they'll have areas that the enemy will want to repeat and I have to recognize that in my journey so that I overcome and I give that as a blessing to them to overcome as well for some of you you need to let some the condemnation and the guilt come off of you because you sit there go man I struggle and David in his sin in this moment he said you know what he recognized this thing that he had to want another man's wife he recognized this thing was inherited in iniquity I was conceived and this thing knew just the right time to tempt me to take me out in the call of God on my life thank God that we have the scriptures to see these things a lot of Christians think well when I got saved when I got born again all that stuff went away and you know what I say I say okay let's let's let's cut past the cliches tell me what you struggle with here's what I struggle with your mom's struggle with that too how'd you know Mark yes she does she really did are you a prophet you know somewhat tell me more tell me more do more do more tell me more things like oh no I just know the Bible there's no the Bible that that stuff never got resolved and so you're struggling with that same thing if you overcome it God will pick this thing out your kids kids and their kids and all their kids and kids kids kids kids they want to struggle with it either that's your gift to the generations now to shift it that's why you never have to be a victim of your daddy's Devils they'll come to take you on for your sights oh yeah hate that my dad was an alcoholic you say I'll never drink again but that addiction thing still came and it found another outlet to take you in but you can overcome it and say you know what it stops with me it ends in my life it ends in my generation I'm seeing this thing end and that's your opportunity and that's your privilege two more the third one a third access point is trauma now trauma is a whole subject in itself but this is something that we have to be aware of because the book of Proverbs tells us this in Proverbs 15:13 it says a merry heart makes a cheerful countenance but by sorrow of the heart the spirit is broken so what says here is your heart gets broken your spirit gets broken and opened the enemy attack through a traumatic event in your life now what is a trauma a trauma is a life event where a person you're on the receiving end of physical emotional sexual or mental damage to any degree it could be words it could be actions something that you're not on guard you're not able to take thoughts captive it could be if something as simple as a car accident it could be a severe injury it could be being fired somebody yelling at you or screaming at you it could be sexual abuse it could be physical abuse it could be post traumatic stress disorder it could be like our veterans that have come back from the war and I've seen horrific events that shocked their system and what happens is your body comes under the clutches of this moment and what happens the enemy comes in to continually reinforce it to keep you from ever getting free from that so now you become bound from an event that happened in your life it keeps you bound from being able to take your peace from being able to move forward from being able to let God give you your life back I've seen plenty of people healed and set free from the effects of traumatic moments that would in many cases take people out and limit them but in God he can begin to set you free but we have to understand there was a brokenness in that moment where the enemy came in like a flood and we weren't able to defend ourselves in that moment that's why we need healing relationships to process through life's events because Satan will not only come at traumatic moments to keep you bound in that he'll give you his perception and keep you locked in that because there will be a fear of that ever happening again in your life but there's freedom available the last one and this is going to move us closer to a little bit of time of ministry tonight for you is the last open door that's important is a broken spirit or a broken heart in proverbs 25 28 the Bible says this about your spirit he that has no rule over his own spirit is like a city that's broken down and without walls in that interesting because what our walls intended for protection safety covering and what happens is if there's not proper rule and what does that mean that means that you have proper evaluation of what kind of thinking you're meditating on if you don't have rule over that the walls begin to come down you're open season for the enemy to speak to you you're open season for him to torment you you're open season for him to bring fear to bring bitterness to bring strife to bring envy and jealousy to bring comparison competition to bring in all manners of bondage into your life proverbs 15:13 says this a merry heart makes for a cheerful countenance but by sorrow of the heart the spirit is broken proverbs 18:14 says this a spirit of a man will sustain him in sickness what does that mean that means if your spirituality in God is healthy then even if sickness comes your way healthy spirituality is going to bring you into healing and bring you up and out of that so don't be condemned if you have an illness don't be condemned if you have a disease don't be condemned you don't have to be limited and marked by a disease you're struggling with God is a God who can heal and deliver and set free but in many cases he wants to take us on a journey because there are ways of thinking embedded that are causing these things that he wants to deliver us from and take us out of them to be free spirit soul and body proverbs 17:22 brings the point home that we're going to do a lot of teaching on this week and it says this a merry heart does good like a medicine now that word medicine doesn't mean medicinal pharmaceutical drugs it means like a cure that having true joy peace being merry in your heart is one of the healthiest things you could ever have and it says it will even act as a cure so even if things trip you up and there is disease that comes or there is troubled times that come or there is difficulties and battles that having joy it's going to be one of the greatest antidotes to overcoming it just staying and maintaining and walking with a merry heart but he says broken spirit dries the bones now those of you that have your notes in your front pocket there's a spirit soul and body diagram you can pull that out and look at it and look at that right there it says a broken spirit dries the bones so we're talking about broken spirit and at the bottom is the body there's the the bones that are drying now when he says drying of the bones is he speaking of osteoporosis no he's not speaking of of those kind of things what he's speaking of is is the marrow that's inside because you see in the bones is the marrow and in the marrow is the formation of two things one is your red blood cells that produce the oxygen produced the energy produced the vitality for you to live as a human being there's another thing that's very critical it's formed in your bones and and the interesting thing is the proverb writer is writing revelation beyond his own medical understanding but today through medicine we can see the connection the second thing that's formed in the marrow is the white blood cells of your immune system these guys are the attackers that go out and invade the invaders they go out and find they they look for their snipers they they have defense mechanisms all throughout your body system and they know when invaders in there they know and they go attack and they keep you in a state of wholeness but when this spirituality when your spirit is broken the Bible says dryness begins to happen why because spirit soul and body there's a connection where your hearts broken and now it's affecting your physiology there's an old saying that goes she died of a broken heart that saying is more real than most people ever understand many people are rotting dying eroding away inside quietly not even realizing their heart that has been broken has never been healed and so the question I would ask to you everybody in this room everybody watching this video the real question of your state of walking into freedom walking into wholeness was the question that got asked to me in my own life in my own journey as I began to hit some walls I'll share a little bit of that story in the next session was I had to recognize I had a broken heart we're going to teach on what a broken heart is what what it looks like and and how it affects but in order for healing to come to the body we could lay hands on you and ask God to heal you in the name of Jesus and he is able and just he's able to do that and we've I've seen it hundreds of times but the thing I'm watching in this world is even if that does happen over time it seems like the disease comes back it's like is God is God that you know is is he is he Moody what's the deal here we're recognizing that no the body is under the influence of a way of thinking that really this person's broken hearted and the enemy comes in like a flood whenever he wants to and keeps perpetuating madness in this person's life how you think is affecting your physiology but your broken heart is keeping you from getting it together if some of us try to think our way back into wholeness I think I can I think I can I think I can if I can just think positive I'm just going to think this way and how does that work for you because you haven't been loved properly so the first question that I really want to put inside of your heart as we walk through this journey that's very paramount is who broke your heart who broke your heart and I ask God to help us in this next session because we're going to talk about the broken heart we're going to address it in a loving way we're going to dress it in a non condemning way and we're going to ask God to begin to do a healing work today so father I ask you in the name of Jesus and as we settle in this session that you would prepare our hearts to be touched prepare our hearts to be healed prepare our hearts to be delivered because God what these people need is not just information they need an experience of love I'm praying that the experience of love you've given me and many others would come into this place
Channel: Mark DeJesus
Views: 2,199
Rating: 4.9207921 out of 5
Keywords: Spiritual Warfare, Healing of the Heart, Thoughts, Thinking, Strongholds
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 57sec (1077 seconds)
Published: Mon May 01 2017
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