Where Do Thoughts Come From - Mark DeJesus

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they're gonna pull up on the slide to your proverbs 23:7 which is our opening scripture here it just simply says this it says as a man thinks within his heart so is he in this session I want to get into helping you to understand that your health your wholeness your peace your joy are all a culmination of the thoughts that have taken place in your life and the thing that I want to really help you to understand when you think about how you think is that all thoughts have a source and you're gonna really need to understand this your thoughts do not just come out of nowhere they have a source and I'm gonna help underlie and open and reveal those thoughts while you're thinking about that I mentioned earlier that you can have anywhere between twenty to fifty thousand thoughts course through you in the course of a day that's incredible now studies are finding that for most people about 80 to 90 percent of those thoughts are negative eighty to ninety percent so that means let's say you're in the upper echelon of 50 you got 50,000 go on each day you got about 45,000 negative thoughts coming at you what are you gonna do with that we're gonna do with that toxicity because not many of us I know I wasn't raised and trained on how to deal with those I didn't know where they even came from all those thoughts that were bad I was just like well I'm just a bad person because I just have these thoughts going on and I don't know what to do with them and I want the thoughts that were healthy that we're a hold that I could live my life on but just didn't know how so what I first want to do is I want to help you to understand where your thoughts come from and it teach you four sources four main sources of where your thoughts come from then what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna help you to understand how they got there especially the ones that you struggle with okay the first source that we're gonna look at of thoughts is a thought that you get from God now this is the ideal place to receive a thought and people say well how do I get thought from God do I you know all of a sudden here mark I'm talking to you come and stand over here I'm want you to drive to East Hartford and wait you know and our perceptions that his voices may be like Charlton Heston and the Ten Commandments well really when you're dealing with God now those of you that are believers you can have an exchange with God a lot of how God speaks to you is in a witness there's a witness that he brings to your life what he does is he works with the Word of God that's why you need to have your your Bible and have the scriptures and have an understanding and continue to mull over them because God uses that as a compass to speak the more that the words inside of you the better you'll be able to hear because you're studying not just a book you're studying the author who wrote it and you're understanding who he is and you're understanding what he is like so what he does is he speaks and he releases thoughts and impressions and those thoughts and impressions they can often sound like your own voice so you have to recognize this and many of you in your journey you'll you'll have a thought and you'll think on it you'll act on it and there's good fruit that comes out of it and God's word comes alive and you go wow I think I heard from God yeah because he is a God who speaks as I mentioned in John 4:24 he is spirit and those who worship with worship Him worship in spirit and in truth now God can speak in many different ways and and use any path the way he'd like to in fact in the Old Testament he used a donkey and if he can use a donkey he can use any of us right so that's that's kind of helps us to understand that he can do just about anything he wants but a lot of times he speaks in ways that there are impressions so in order for you to hear and understand the voice of God something that you're gonna have to learn to do is you're gonna have to slow down because God's not stressed out God's not in a hurry God's not anxious God's not in an anger fit God's very patient very loving very consistent very faithful and see what you're gonna have to learn in your life and tuning into his frequency and hearing his voice you have to learn to slow down you're also gonna have to learn in reading his word you're gonna have to be okay with areas that you read that you go you know what I'm gonna have to work on that in my life there's some change that's gonna need to take place because when I as an imperfect being interact with a perfect God his perfection is going to come to change me not in religiousness or not in trying to hopefully he'll like me or hopefully he'll accept me no it's in being able to understand how he thinks receiving that into my own life and then flowing that on a day-to-day basis so you have to understand God wants to speak he wants you to know his thoughts he wants you to know his ways now the second source that thoughts can come from is in the physical dimension right here is that you can receive a thought from the five physical senses remember when I mentioned back about to taste touch see smell well really where you get a lot of information is through hearing even right now you're hearing my voice you're hearing the thoughts I'm exchanging with you you're hearing the information that's coming out and you're deciding what you want to do with it some of its going into short-term memory and you'll never remember it again some thoughts you're going know I need to remember that you're writing it down you're highlighting it you're remembering saying god I need that in my life I want that so this is a very powerful dimension to live in now it is a physical dimension it's we're talking we're sharing you're listening you're taking in things I am sharing with you you're exchanging back that's why you need to have a proper guard of the things that you listen to what do you input into your life because that input of information the music you listen to the movies that you watch even the news stations that you tune into the radio station say you tune into the friends that you surround yourself with they all contribute to this aspect of what kind of thoughts you're going to take in and what's going to begin to influence you in your life and in your journey so this again this is a physical mention of exchange of information from person to person God's invisible so he speaks and if you receive that if your spirits tuned into God that gets deposited now in the soul and the soul becomes trained on the ways of God and understanding the ways of God here these thoughts come now where those thoughts came from is is a whole subject in itself but as those thoughts come in they now get embedded and they now formulate who you are within your inner man and your inner being so there's the second dimension the third dimension is that you can have a thought from areas of thinking that you've already had so let me give you an example if you operate in a lot of love and you've been trained on how to love people then love gets stored in your soul and you learn to live on the ways of love so when you think about people it becomes a distinctive it becomes a way of living now where you exchange in the realms of love there's also another dimension of thought that could be based on fear and you've reacted in fear you've lived in fear you've lived in anxiousness you've lived in worry and so now that becomes mapped inside of you where when you react to a situation you react in fear you react in anger you react in hopelessness you react in a certain way this here if you wanted to understand the soul realm is how you're trained this is why you're gonna need some rewiring if the Spirit of God is gonna now train you in his way of thinking you're gonna need to be learned to be rewired in some ways that were hardwired under a totally different system and a totally different way of thinking in the realms of this third dimension of thought some of your creativity comes from this some of what you've already learned that is good now you enhance those things you grow in understanding knowledge and understanding how to process through life better but I want to share with you the fourth dimension the fourth area that you can receive a thought is not only from God not only from the five physical senses not only from recall of what's already in there but you can receive a thought from Satan's Kingdom you can receive a thought from your enemy if you're a born-again believer you have to understand that God is now your father and you have an enemy that seeks to kill to steal and to destroy you he has a mission and Anna's assignment against you Satan's name for those of you that don't know this Satan's name means accuser and the reason that I believe God wanted us to know Satan's name is that every time we are in our battles and in our thoughts and in our struggles we would be reminded his number-one priority is to accuse you now how do you accuse somebody you do it with words you do it with ways of thinking and see when Satan's Kingdom speaks to you now when you're battling you're not battling Satan himself he's just one guy but he's got a whole army that works and operates the Scriptures speak of this that's really what you're battling and what they're doing is they're releasing thoughts according to a certain way of thinking so the Bible talks about a spirit of fear what does a spirit of fear do a spirit of fear does nothing but talk fear all day long and if you'll listen to fear it'll grip you and it'll begin to get a hold in your system you see as believers the Bible tells us we need to be strong in our spirit and be discerning discernment is knowing and understanding where a thought comes from if you know where a thought comes from you are practicing discernment and you are practicing a god-given trait that he wants you to live in and operate on you need to know hey I think God's talking I need to tune in I think I'm onto something here that God's working in my life I'm gonna ponder on this and you need to know by what's going on inside of you hey I've got an enemy speaking to me right now even though it sounds like it's I my own voice I need to recognize it that's another thing you need to understand is sometimes when God speaks it sounds like it's your own voice but you don't even realize you're hearing from your Creator in the same light when the enemy speaks it'll sound like it's your own voice a person really irritated me how dare they do that projections images feelings start to pulse through you or you think about your bills you think about tomorrow and anxiousness comes up nervousness starts to rise up and you have all these emotions that that are taking place inside of you all those things are based on thoughts you never have an emotion without a thought behind it you cannot be angry without an angry thought pulsating that emotion you cannot be fearful unless there is a fearful thought creating that pulsation within your body and see this is how Satan's army operates he releases a thought you think it's your own you don't even realize that your being had that thought drops and now it gets pondered in the realms of your soul it starts to be become programmed way of thinking in your life and then what happens is that thought system now affects your body you have to understand something very important every way of God's thinking that gets processed through you spirit soul and body releases health releases power releases healing because everything God thinks on is based on love it's based on joy it's based on peace it's based on forgiveness it's based on power it's based on authority all things of the kingdom of God from who he is flowing through you in thought and so what Satan does is comes to counterfeit everything instead of peace he brings fear instead of joy he brings sadness instead of unity he brings disunity division instead of acceptance he brings condemnation guilt and accusation to steal kill and destroy because he knows over the long period of time those thoughts continue in your life he knows your mind and your sanity is gonna get lost gradually he's not interested in stealing and killing you overnight he knows you give him a measure of time and those toxic ways of thinking will destroy you and limit your health and your vitality here in this life if he's in 612 says we don't wrestle against flesh and blood you've all many of you've heard that scripture what's he saying he's saying the battle is not here it's not here on this dimension none your battles in your life are fought here they're all fought here and you need to recognize that your your battle is never with the person sitting next to you I know you'll get trained to think they are never there's something invisible creating a fight and if you're not discerning you will be a puppet on a string going with whatever the enemy says and whatever he brings your way and then all of a sudden you're just thinking well that's just the way that I am that's just the way that I think and that's just my opinion so deal with it meanwhile you've been had by a system of thinking coming from an invisible dimension so what he does is he releases these thoughts they come as feelings emotions impressions the Bible speaks of temptations whenever you get tempted you don't hear somebody going hey I'm tempting you right now what are you here you hear your own thought you get tempted to go eat a whole entire gallon of ice cream what are you here I want some ice cream right you're not hearing in your head you need to go get some ice cream I am Telling You it comes as though it's your own five that's how the battle works and operates the thoughts can come in subtle impressions and it can come in and maybe even in interactions with other people because other people can be influenced by toxic systems of thinking and they get around you and who they are spiritually starts to rub off on you you ever get around somebody who's just chronically depressed you're having a happy heaven of a day walking around you spend a half a day with this person your heaven of a day turns into what it's all right you can say a hell of a day and they don't even have to say anything do they you're just standing with them and you're like I feel depressed too I woke up this morning feeling great and now I don't even want to live what's going on you're right the economy's terrible I can lose my job too oh my goodness oh my children Oh was I thinking Oh what's happening is what's influencing them spiritually it's now influencing you spiritually we got to be awakened to this now I'll give you two examples old and new testaments that's what I love to do go into the Old Testament in the book of Genesis and I'll I'll teach this real quickly normally I go a great length to teach this passage Genesis chapter 3 I'll show you where it all began Adam and Eve are in the garden many of you know this story they're happy they're having a happy heaven naked of a day and just enjoying it they're having full relationship with God and and God just has one Scripture that he gives to them even in this age of innocence God gives them one scripture he says this is all I need you to pay attention to don't eat of that tree you have this entire world you have Dominion name all the animals you have complete fellowship with me eat of the tree of life have fellowship with me but the tree of the knowledge of good and evil that you're not touching so one day Adam and Eve they're walking along and doing their thing and Eve runs across a serpent now Satan couldn't have access to their spirit he couldn't speak thoughts invisible there was no access sin had not entered his nature of evil had not entered so what he did was is he channeled himself through a serpent and what God had said he went right in there to test it and this is what he said we see here in verse number 6 we see the Adam and Eve don't respond properly but before verse 6 Satan says you know God's holding out on you here and he begins to tempt them he begins to do what release thoughts to them ways of thinking he starts to lure them in to challenge what God has said and give a counterfeit way this is what he does all the time with you each and every day to challenge who he is to undermine who he is to say he doesn't love you he doesn't care and he gives you another pathway to give into instead Eve gives in to the temptation and the Bible says when the woman saw the tree was good for food it was pleasant to the eyes a tree desirable to make one wise she took of its fruit and she ate now for you guys that like to blame Eve for eating of the fruit read the next sentence and she also gave to her husband with her which means he was actually there this whole time in fact Adam could have put a stop to this because his job was actually to guard the guard in his he was to to keep it to watch over it and he didn't do his job here he let this whole thing happen and so they take of the fruit and they eat it and here's what the Bible says the eyes of both of them were open and all of a sudden they knew that they were naked there was a there was a knowledge here of of being naked and there was now a sense of shame that comes in there's a sense of guilt there's a sense of uncleanness that begins to flood them and then it says that they sewed fig leaves and so here you have the the the first leaf bikini that's getting made here and they they run and they hide and they they go into the bushes and they're in a panic now fear is consuming them were they once walked with God confidently and had access to him and there was no hindrance now separation comes in and in that separation God is still so amazing and he's just so cool and just so loving and he comes in and he walks and he's looking for them now God knows where they are and he says this he says he says Adam where are you now is God really looking to have the answer to that question I don't know where they are I know I created them where are you I hear what's going on where are you are you there know what he's doing is he's communicating still in your sinfulness I'm still releasing the invitation for relationship Adam and Eve blew it big time and God still comes and says where are you come out here and talk with me and so in this discussion Adam I don't know how he said it I don't know if he was shaking I doubt he clearly stood up and said I'm right over here I think it was kind of like a uh here well over here he's kind of like okay how am I gonna get out of this one and so he says this statement I heard your voice in the garden and just the the sound of your voice fear came over me when I was once drawn towards your voice I'm now running from it and hiding from it and human beings have been doing this ever since you've been running and hiding from God you're afraid of him because you don't know that in his holiness in his perfection he's actually amazingly loving and comes with that love to say hey Adam or put your name in the blank where are you come on out here and so he says I was afraid because I was naked so in that fear I hid myself and that's what fear trains us to do is instead of coming to God we hide from him we move away rather than towards that's the training of fear we'll talk about that in sessions ahead and this is God's response God doesn't look at Adam and say you know what Adam that's an interesting thought I think you have a psychological defect going on here Adam you have some you have some brain chemistry issues going on where did that thought come from you have some crazy ways of thinking going on here God doesn't say that he looks at Adam and he says who told you you were naked the who is a source this helps you to understand not every thought is your own thought and in your journey you're going to have to start saying who told me this who told me to think this way the things that we tell other people the reasons why we are where we are think about where you are in life and what are the reasons that have brought you there and you could spout out a bunch of different things and share a bunch of different things but at the end of the day who told you to be afraid who told you you were unlovable who told you and taught you to always spiral in discouragement when this and this happens who told you who taught you that when this trigger hits and that trigger hits move that anger comes up and that rage comes up who told you in this kind of circumstance react this way in that toxic way that you hate and you don't like living that way who told you to live under the guise of lusts who told you to live and taught you to live under the system in mindset of greed God was confronting an invisible enemy who had to go through a serpent to speak in the beginning but now that agreement took place he had access to them now invisibly so what when this exchange took place in the aid of the fruit now they're flooded with all the same thoughts you get flooded with all the time shame guilt uncleanness fear regret unworthiness come flooding into them and they react and go hide in the bushes and God says come on out here and when he addresses them he says who told you this I'll give you a New Testament example the book of Matthew 16 Jesus is walking along with his disciples and he's having these incredible interactions and and teaching them about the ways of the kingdom and helping them to understand what's coming and what's ahead in fact Jesus had this interaction with Peter where he showed him your name is Petra it's Peter and on this rock of your identity I will I will build my church and the gates of Hell will not prevail against it he had this amazing interaction well here they're walking along with jesus and matthew 16:21 and it says from that time Jesus began to show to his disciples he gave him some bad news his bad news but it was good news he said I got to go to Jerusalem I got to suffer and from the elders chief priests the scribes and guess what guys they're gonna kill me but I'm gonna be raised on the third day and so Peter he thinks he's doing Christ a favor he pulls him aside and he says he begins to rebuke him he says far be it from You Lord this can't happen to you Peter thinks I'm just being a good friend and Jesus turns to look at him and he says get behind me Peter no he doesn't say that now just as a little caveat guys don't say this to your wife when you're talking to her just putting it out there you'll be sleeping alone in that night ok why is Jesus doing this because he wants you to walk around and go hey sit and get behind me hey sit and get behind me like you walk into church one day go Satan Satan Satan say in st. st. st. st. st. get behind me no that's not what he's saying he was helping to illuminate Peter had a well-intentioned thought but he didn't understand Jesus needed to do this and Satan had given Peter a thought to do what to prevent Christ from his mission and Jesus makes this statement he says Satan I'm gonna tell you something right now get behind me because you don't think about the things of God you're mindful of the things of men and I'll tell you this very clearly one of the biggest traps that Satan wants to do is not Satan worship is to get you to elevate yourself to become dependent in yourself apart from God because that's exactly what he did he wants his nature to be matched inside of you and we live in a system and day in this age where mankind is separating God out of the picture and we're becoming more mindful of what we're capable of what we can do what we can accomplish what we can learn what we can develop what we can do and we are slowly and methodically pushing God out of the picture and the church is losing its life because we're starting to become more mindful of the ways of man ourselves and we're losing the sense of what God can do in our midst and thinking the way that he thinks and Jesus addresses this right on the spot he doesn't beat around the bush he doesn't say let's have a our counseling session he goes let's get right to the point I love how our Savior did this all the time is addressing right away what the source of that was what Jesus was helping us to understand was there was an agreement of thought that was counterfeit in that moment your enemy walks about like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour and what he's wanting to do is he's wanting to put his nature which is not God's nature in your life and to see it manifests through your body and through this world in how you think how you speak and how you act his ways of thinking are not of God his ways are thinking as what the Bible calls sin and we'll help you to understand what sin is what what what what what it does to your life what it does to your relationships what it does in your journey but really this spiritual battle comes down to this word that I'm going to give you called strongholds and then you can look in your Bibles in 2nd Corinthians chapter 10 in verse 3 this is an understanding that we can begin to have in the thoughts and what they do in our lives for we though we walk in the flesh we do not war according to the flesh for the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but they're mighty in God for the pulling down of strongholds casting down every a messing down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ let me sum this up real quickly number one he's saying though we live in a physical world we don't battle in a physical world the spiritual world is where the battles are really taking place number two is the weapons that you have in God as a believer are more powerful than the enemy's and can pull down strongholds now what is a stronghold when we see this word stronghold it's used in the scripture and it's a military term and it's a military term meaning that when you have a stronghold set up what it really is is it's a foothold it's an access point and this is what the enemy is looking to do he's looking to have access points into ways of thinking in your life and if you can get a foot in it's a starting point to them to begin to move further I liken it to this when I teach on this subject is if let's just pretend that my family and your family are in a war and we're fighting I'm in my house you're in your house and we're at war with each other now we never will be because we never should be but let's just pretend okay one of the things that I could do is I got to find your weak points I got to find where you're vulnerable I'm not going to run up to your front door and just start shouting because your front door is wide open you can see from a lot of parts in the house you can see the front door it's well-lit in fact your neighbors can see your front yards so we're not going to go there it's kind of resembles maybe some of the areas where you're strong spiritually in God what I'm going to do is I'm going to find a weak area and so I go around back at night while you're sleeping I do some snooping around and one of the things I do is I looking on your back deck there's this this breezeway and that you have the sliding door that's there and I notice that on a bunch of nights when you go to bed you forget to close the sliding door so I observed this over time and so I picked the right moment in the right day and what I do is in the night season I pull the sliding door and I sneak in and right in the sliding door is your kitchen and what I do is I set up shop in your kitchen I now have access to your kitchen now do I have access to your whole house nope I don't but I got your kitchen and if I got your kitchen it's gonna be kind of hard to have family life when I'm standing in your kitchen isn't it because remember we don't like each other in the pretend story we don't like each other and so I'll just every time you come into the kitchen and try to make a snack or have some dinner I'm just gonna nag you I'm just gonna tester you I'm just going to bully you and just mess with you over and over again because my desire is to limit the whole house and see this is what a stronghold does to a Christian does he have every part of you no but he's got access to an area that creates limitation in your life you you're maybe loving in this area and you're courageous in this area but when it comes to that that specific area but the hard drive picks up this way of thinking that you're bound in it just you just can't seem to break it you just can't seem to walk free from it any area of thinking or behavior or speaking that you go man I've done this I've done that I I can't seem to break free from it that's a stronghold it's a spiritual lock in your life that hasn't allowed you to get free and it does two main things number one is it hinders your spiritual vitality in God your ability at your potential and God it just puts a cap on you and the second thing it does is starts to erode away at your life so that stronghold becomes a foothold into other areas so that's why God says we need to learn to cast down these things where we see the thought we go no no no that's not of God I tear that down because strongholds have a direct effect on your physiology on your health on your well-being on your on your ability to be healthy and to be whole in your life they will destroy it I can give you just a few just an example bitterness and unforgiveness will create absolute toxicity in your body toxins will be released into your body in all kinds of forms in all kinds of ways anger is a system of thinking that creates inflammation in your body it will not only create toxic releases in your body it would also create massive inflammation if you don't like yourself if you don't love yourself it'll create all cult forms of inflammation in your body as well disintegration of tissue hemorrhaging it will create conflicts inside of you pent up anger pent up conflict fear stress anxiety worry will affect every body system in in inside of you including your immune system and keep your immune system from being healthy thus letting all kinds of invaders come into your body and begin to destroy your wholeness fear is at the root of many of mental illness issues beatrice ness general anxiety panic attacks you have a fear way of thinking driving that we can have counterfeit ways of thinking that keep us from hearing god's word from understanding god's word from being able to walk in solid thinking and single mindedness and we were we look at what the enemy is doing and seeking to do in your life i want to help you to understand his target his target is relationship because he knows if he breaks down relationship in your life that's actually where disease begins to flourish this is where your loss of health begins to exponentially take place as the breakdown in your life of relationship occurs and there's three areas of relationship he likes to hit one of them is in feeling separated separated from god is one of the first areas that he wants to that he wants you to feel separated from him where you don't feel like he loves you you don't feel like he's there for you you don't feel like he's he accepts you and there's this distance that's there the second is you want you to feel separated from yourself what does that mean you wants to get to not like yourself wants you to get to be a little hard on yourself kid you're perfectionistic standards you're driven this and performance and when things don't go right you get angry at yourself when when you don't look right when you don't act like you don't act a certain way and you look at yourself in the mirror and you don't like what you see he loves that arena and he pulsates that more and more and more to keep you bound and then in that place see if you feel separated from God and separated in yourself of accepting yourself you're never gonna feel connected with other people you'll struggle with bitterness you'll struggle with rejection you'll struggle in feeling like people don't love you people don't accept you people don't understand you you'll constantly look outward and said if I had this my life would be better if I had that my life would be better yeah the reason I'm here is because of this person that person this person that person and will point outward will separate will separate will isolate and what happens is love begins to lose its power in our life
Channel: Mark DeJesus
Views: 5,210
Rating: 4.8963733 out of 5
Keywords: Thoughts, Source of Thoughts, Spiritual Warfare, Christianity
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 30sec (2070 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 11 2017
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