the boys play fall guys

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hello welcome back to the channel today we're playing four guys with a twist it's the boys four guys drinking game and there's three very simple rules the first rule is if you are the first eliminated you must drink second rule if a boy eliminates you you drink the third rule if one of the boys wins all the other boys take a drink and since there's a party limit of four we're gonna do a quick randomizer and see who gets to play first if you are the first eliminated not only do you drink but you also have to sit out the next round the first one is juicy juice is it the second one is eddie yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah this is clearly rigged this is rig dude yeah i agree the next one is molly yes i'm coming for you i'm going to win and then the last one josh yes you narrator also we should probably uh mention that the person on the bench also has to drink if someone gets a crayon right yeah yep if you get a crown everyone else whether they're playing or not has to drink so molly what you're telling me is that if i go and push you or or the boys gang up on you and push you off the edge you have to take a shot you better not do that right mully acquired target acquired no molly's first you ain't coming for me oh wait i forgot that's not elimination thing no no no no no no no i'm in the lead boys i'm in the lead i am literally if josh doesn't qualify he's having a shot dude why is my burger so sh get running it's a burger dude what do you expect this is exactly what americans have to deal with every day i'm literally just a burger with legs oh big brain moments big brain moment i'm actually trying this is the worst part about this i'm doing it i'm doing it boys i'm qualified i just qualified i'm not drinking this round boys i am getting drunk today oh i mean oh i mean [Music] oh come on baby come on come on come on come on just let me across no no run you little dirty yeah josh has got a drink he ain't qualifying boys i have the least body mass out of everyone except for maybe juicy wait wait you boys are way back there eddie shut your sweet mexican mouth dude oh oh you're josh i'll just qualify dude i'm gonna qualify by one i'm gonna qualify by one i'm the last yes have a drink have a drink it's like it's not even it's barely even 12 p.m dude do it do it yeah yeah god you taught the most [ __ ] and you didn't even survive the first round uh i got a tail by the way so i'm i'm actually carrying the team right now where are you molly no i'm coming i'm coming to ruin your life get out of my face you got my nails who was that juicy oh this is scum i hate this one dude look dude i'm holding on to people and the tail is not coming off got what no no i didn't okay whatever it's like chasing tails in real life you just gotta grab them narrator is the furry of the group so he's used to this is basically a furry convention everyone running around trying to pull each other's tail butt plugs out this is literally it we're losing boys we're losing yes oh yeah let's mess each other up let's go boys can we can we hit the trampoline oh perfect i'm not even risking it dude i am not even frisking it i'm not risking it either dude remember if you knock the other person off you make them drink come back leave me alone get your ass back here molly no no did you knock him off no i didn't push him though i didn't push him i didn't push him i got eliminated no he didn't push me i hate slime climb dude second place yeah did you just come second you are the berber come on eddie ow come on dog come on dog come on dog oh yes will you stop kissing stop kissing no pda in the halls okay do you see an eddie the only ones to qualify that round yeah molly you should take a shot just because you suck no it's not the rules tiptoe oh this one's juicy this is where you can really push eddie off and kill him yeah this is it oh oh oh oh i'm gone i'm going i'm going oh oh eddie you you fat [ __ ] get off me juicy get off me get him juicy this is for sending me to the principal's office he's out he's gonna have a shot and he just pushed juicy off oh they got it they got it they got it okay one more one more one more go to the left go to the left you're gonna you're gonna straight up no narrator shut up dude stop being a backseat gamer holy sh that guy just went flying straight straight straight straight straight straight straight now turn right turn right good man i'm waiting for the jiggle i'm waiting for the [ __ ] jiggle oh it has to be the straight one you got to push eddie off at the end part dude you have to push him off at the end left left let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go she didn't qualify that was right there i thought you were the berber i thought you were the berber i cannot believe you didn't qualify to send juicy me neither how did you not qualify just then dude i don't know this is [ __ ] eddie if you get if you win now we all gotta take a shot dude you're not gonna stop me i'm gonna make you guys drink i don't care what title you put on me there's a strategy to this okay you just wait until the last 30 seconds i've seen you do this strategy like five times and you've never won shut up molly we've got it oh just watching you flop around as like a little berber it's really satisfying it's making me hungry look i grabbed them twice already dude i'm grabbing grab him i did 58 seconds eddie make us all drink he's clenching really hard you gotta pull like extra so are you like a big burger with a normal sized pickle or a normal sized burger with the tiny pickle i'm gonna tell you something don't talk to me right now dude you got 35 seconds yeah no pressure dude nobody how do you say how do you say berber in spanish give me the oh no oh 20 seconds 20 seconds on the clock i don't want to end up like juicy's uncle bro i can't have this many shots before before 12 p.m dude hey you got 12 good seconds baby oh oh okay seconds eddie eight seconds five seconds no no no stay away from that tail yeah you're ready we're not drinking boys we aren't drinking we can't have this we can't have it to we're around and no one drinks except the first one that gets eliminated all right naruto's in josh is out how about this if josh ends up in our game we all take a shot and that's every round we try to stream snipe and if we actually hit that golden like odd everyone takes a shot if the person stream sniping wins the game everyone takes double shots if if the guys stream sniping wins the game i'll drink the whole bottle also also since no one has been eliminated if we lose all together in a team game and we're all eliminated at the same time and we're all the first we drink i agree good idea me and eddie we're about to fuse our schmidt we're losing we're losing we're losing give me that tail give me that tail give me that oh no tail oh no did we do it oh [ __ ] in my pants just then dude eddie loves me right eddie eddie say you love me please say it back eddie i love you eddie i love you please say it back who's this burger come here big boy who's this berber right here come here let's fuse me oh dude juicy [Laughter] [Music] both of you let's go how did that happen i was pushing juicy and then eddie comes up behind me pushes me and juicy both off oh i hate my narrator chill dude chill dude me and juicy both could have a shot all right here juicy ready go yeah let's go cheers cheers cheers [Laughter] [Music] remember if we all get eliminated right now it's a team game we've got a drink no [Laughter] cheers [Music] i'm coming for you juice [Music] [Music] cheese eddie [Music] yeah narada i can't handle another shot dude please please narrator everything i have in me wants you to [ __ ] fail narrator i want some more tequila come on all right i'm coming i'm going to tequila oh [Applause] audience watching if you haven't clicked off if you haven't clicked off the video yet narrated just one which means the rest of the boys have to do a shot cheers boys cheers cheers yeah cheers did i tell you the more i get drunk the more i speak spanish 9 to 1 gt nada thank you so much for watching uh we're [ __ ]
Channel: The Boys
Views: 3,087,061
Rating: 4.9785509 out of 5
Keywords: VR, Virtual Reality, The Boys, JoshDub, Mully, EddieVR, YourNarrator, Juicy, Comedy, Funny, Gaming
Id: mA5mTpe9-yo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 26sec (686 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 22 2020
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