How the 4th Hit of a DMT Pen Sucked Ryan the Leader’s Soul Out of His Body – Tales From the Trip

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- And now I understood why he said you don't wanna do the fourth hit, because you're tripping nuts. Here's the fourth hit, and I was like, "Ugh." And he was like. (breathes deeply) Hi, I'm Ryan Leader, and this is the time I smoked DMT and became a sperm. It was after a really long night of drinking, like an excessive amount of drinking. We ended up at my friend's girlfriend's apartment, which was like one of those fake Italian villages, like her dad paid for it. I ended up outside on a patio and I'm sitting there with this kid named Nolan that I used to hang out with. And he was hitting what looked like a weed pen. "You want some DMT?" "What? No." And he was like, "All right man, it'll change your life." I'm just sitting, thinking about my whole life I've had a good life. If I do DMT and this puts me in a psych ward, I'm good. So I was like, "You know what? Let's do it." My best friend was sitting across from me and he was like, "Are you actually gonna do this?" And I was like, "Yeah, I think so." And he was like, "Well we always said that we're gonna do it together." And I was like, "You wanna do it?" And he was like, "No." And I was like, "All right, so I'm just gonna do it by myself." And then Nolan, he was like, "Hey, you have to hit this four times, and you're not gonna want to hit it the fourth time." So I was like (breathes deeply) I was like, "Okay." And then the second one came in and I was like, "Ugh, I don't like how I'm really feeling. This is really weird." The third hit. (breathes deeply) And when I breathed out, I was like, everything started moving. And now I understood why he said you don't wanna do the fourth hit because you're tripping nuts. Here's the fourth hit and I was like, "Ugh." And he was like. (breathes deeply) Real life, I just leaned back and very calmly sat here. But in my brain, what happened was, when I blew out, it was like I collapsed out of my body. My soul got sucked out of my brain. And as I'm collapsing, Nolan, he shushes two people that were talking in the other room. And he goes, "Hey, hey. Shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh." And his shush got reverberated and I'm shooting down this tunnel. All I can see is purple and green spirals. (Ryan mimics whooshing) And it felt like this never ending portal. And I just kept hearing the reverberation of, "Shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh." It felt like just my consciousness, like, going down this tunnel. When I got launched down the tunnel, it felt like I was leaving a father figure. And it's not me, it's not a body, 'cause it wasn't me. Like, I don't even know what I was anymore. I just was like this ball, getting ejaculated, and I was like looking for the egg. And I was like, "Where's my mom? Where's my mom? Where's my mom? Where's my mom?" I don't know. Like, that's weird. I don't wanna say that I love my mom's eggs. And as soon as I opened my eyes, I shot up off the couch. And I jumped up and I was like, "Am I, am I back? Am I back? Am I back? Am I back?" And they were like, "Yeah, you're back. You're back, you're back, you're back." And they're like, "It was 30 seconds. What are you talking about?" And I was like, "Am I back? Am I back? Am I back?" And then I'm just looking around at this Italian village and it's like, (mimics static flickering) And I was like, "Is this gonna stop? Is this gonna stop?" And Nolan's like, "Yeah, yeah. Sit, sit, sit." And then I just sat there and I was like, "Ah, ah!" and I just started bawling my eyes out. And then I was convinced I was gonna shit myself, piss myself, like I was crying, and then I just like, he held me in his arms and he was like, "It's okay. You're coming out of it." And I just was crying really hard, wanting to shit, wanting to piss, and then I just said like, "I was dead for months. I was dead for months. I was dead for months." And then I was okay. I went home and I was really scared, like, when I put my head down on my pillow that night that I was never gonna be the same. But then I woke up and the birds were chirping and it was bright and I was like, "Yes! I'm still me." So why the DMT helped change a lot of things in my life. When I was like 10, on my 10th birthday, we were all gathering around singing, and my mom said a sentence that like, really fucked up a good while of my life. And she didn't mean anything by it, she just said, "Hey, you're never gonna be a single digit again!" And I was like, "Ha ha. What do you mean?" And she was like, "You're 10. You're never gonna be a single digit again." And that's the first existential crisis I've ever had. I was like, "Holy shit, I'm never. This doesn't stop. You're gonna die. Everyone's gonna die, ah." And I got really scared. And then when I did DMT, I was like, "Yep. I knew somewhere in the universe, I'm nine, I'm seven, I'm six, and I'm 90 and I'm dying and I'm alive all at the same time." I'm basically Matthew McConaughey in "Interstellar," not "Dallas Buyer's Club." (no audio)
Channel: Animated
Views: 1,113,386
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How the 4th Hit of a DMT Pen Sucked Ryan the Leader’s Soul Out of His Body – Tales From the Trip, tales from the trip, DMT, psychedelics, taking a psychdelic, Comedy Central drugs, Weed, accident, acid drugs, acid trip, animated, animated drug cartoon, animation, cartoon, comedian, comedy central, comedy show, drug cartoon, drug comic, drugs, how does acid, shrooms, tv show, acid, magic mushrooms, tripping, bad trip, shrooms trip, shroom trip, mushroom trip, psilocybin, psychedelic, mexico
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 54sec (294 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 08 2023
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