Israel Adesanya - The Curse of Dominance.

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you were very patient but very efficient and you put him away i keep saying man i don't throw in hope i aim in fire down the barrel bring that chin on the platter and i'll clean it off as well [Music] [Applause] [Music] like i said i was in the nose bleach and now i made a snow bleed [Applause] so [Music] so i didn't want to make this video until the dust had settled for ufc 276 as this video's purpose isn't meant to be reactionary to recent events or the impressionable bandwagon type takes that you've definitely all seen after this card i've followed stahl bender's career also known as israel arasana since before he even entered the ufc it's been a genuine pleasure being able to watch him absolutely decimate his competition fight an old goat in a bout that felt like an anime battle playing out before our very eyes witnessing his war with calvin gaslin where he had to dig deep and his win for the title which i went to by the way and even an attempt to be great israel artesania is an all-around interesting can of worms because he's good on the mic has a good sense of swag around him is an anime fan which helped get his name out there while spreading mma to a new younger audience and is the first striker i've seen that has become infamous for being quite quote boring it's gotten to the stage with him being so dominant that people would honestly rather watch habib fight and that's an absolutely wild thing to think about if you compare that mindset with how habit was viewed by casuals before 2018 this knee-jerk reaction to his dominant fights is very reminiscent of the domination from floyd mayweather to this day i still see hundreds of comments that say all floyd did was run and quote fight safe floyd dodged floyd ran floyd's boring floyd picked his competition to suit his chances of winning floyd fought them when they were too young floyd waited until they were too old floyd made them have massive weight cuts like the excuses are absolutely endless when it comes to the hate towards floyd now it's one thing to judge floyd for the little adventures he goes on outside of his fire career but the amount of disrespect that that man gets is absolutely ridiculous i mean why would any fighter go out there and risk everything just to get sparked especially a champ who has grinded for around 15 to sometimes 20 years to gain this status the hours of training per day even when you don't want to strict military type diet near-death weight cuts time away from your family potential romantic relationships or relationships in general being ruined because you're too busy with your fight career sacrifices we don't see behind the scenes the losses the wins the pain the injuries the underpay so many things that people don't consider a lot of the time all people see is the face the status the interviews and the glory on the screen they don't see what happens behind all of this they don't see below the surface they're not considering those things it's actually quite selfish the way a lot of fans interpret the way we should be viewing this sport or the way they interpret these individuals they look at them as nothing more than essentially a fictional character you've also got to realize they would actually lose pay-per-view points something that greatly affects their pay along with being able to use the belt as a negotiation tool if they're to lose and that same couch potato trying to stand and bang will probably forget about the fight a day or two later maybe a week if you're lucky he comes to denver tonight all the way from auckland new zealand ladies and gentlemen introducing the last style bender israel artesania when it comes to the real issue here the blame should be placed on the challenger who is unable to deal with this rubik's cube of a problem in front of them not the fighter who is so clean with their style and sticks so well to a game plan that he frustrates even the fans watching at home if you take a look at his prior fights in the ufc marvin vittori and joel romero both deserve way more flack for their performances against arasana they frankly fought a bad fight then complained after the bout at least in jared kennedy's case he seemed genuinely upset with himself and you could tell that he knew that he was capable of much more but couldn't execute it in this fight when discussing how hard it is to deal with arasanya's striking game it's like the example joe rogan gave to people who complain about dominance on the ground being held down even if it's boring regardless of the fan's complaints or the ref wanting to stand it up if you don't want to be dominated on the ground then that's your fault as a fighter if there is no ref and this is in a normal scenario you could potentially die it's kind of funny when you think about it because artisana's dominance is so great on the feet that his opposition is complaining about getting hit and kicked too much regardless of your thoughts on starbender he actually steamrolled his way to the title in a pretty fast manner taking around 19 months to attain the title upon entering the ufc and beat many competitors that on paper were his kryptonite we had seen plenty of amazing strikers in the ufc before artisana but to see someone with such accolades and a huge record make the transition to mma was super entertaining it's one of the many reasons why alex pereira is so fascinating to people you know the striking is already refined but what about the rest of his tools can he be beaten there you can see as each fight went by starbender was improving in other areas of his game training hard the striking was already perfect because he came into mma with great distance management kicks elbows straights everything to striker needs i mean his whole game before mixed martial arts was purely just boxing and kickboxing something that i really enjoyed watching during the first few fights of adasanya was definitely his takedown defense and even the occasional showcase of jiu jitsu because it was pretty fantastic to watch someone that you know we already knew was a striker and whatever that's all fine but watching him actually train really hard and then implement these new skills he was getting it was pretty fun to watch all of the compliments aside however because anyone that follows the ufc more than a casual watch whenever conor mcgregor is fighting knows that artasanya is the real deal the reception recently towards arasana as i hinted at before however is becoming pretty negative though everywhere i look it's just 24 7 making fun of how boring he is how he fights too safe and how his pay-per-views aren't even worth buying anymore that's the last time i'm ever buying a style bender pay-per-view i'm never buying one of his pay-per-views again yup anytime artisana fights i'm gonna be watching that on an illegal stream there seems to be a lot of the common language i'm hearing time and time again after his recent two or three fights this definitely isn't helped by the way arasanya talks in interviews either because with his latest bout he himself said he would go out of his way to make a statement and have an entertaining showcase as he was well aware of the negative reception even back then last thing for me you seem to be kind of a master of like creating iconic moments uh i guess what's what's your goal here what's your goal here this is big bro this is like for me this feels like you know i don't know super bowl wrestlemania like that type of big so yeah uh i'm just gonna show off and show out that's what i do even while watching the usc with my friends who watch the events on a more casual level they've all said that artasanya's fights have been boring them and that's not a good sign if you want to get you fans watching the ufc especially if they're saying this about a striker the style which is usually the preferred one to watch i've also noticed and no one is pointing this out that the ufc are loading his cards on purpose so he appears to be a superstar when in truth his fights are selling worse than jon jones sure jon jones is a star and arguably the goats of mma but there is a difference between a star and a mega star to give you an example of ufc sales and what makes this difference and why i'm even pointing this out well he's barely selling a quarter of connor versus dustin the three we're not talking 100 000 sales off we're not talking half we're talking barely a quarter and this is someone that's been listed as having one of the highest ufc baseline contracts which basically means the flat pay they're paid to turn up to a fight not including the pay-per-view cut you must also keep in mind once more that this is with a stacked card and supporting well-known names which means that sometimes people are actually buying the pay-per-view not just for the main event which is not a bad thing but even still with this assistance it's not boosting up his numbers without a doubt israel artisana is popular but he can't get people to pay to see him and unless he gets opponents that can give people hope he'll be beaten this will only continue to decline it's the formula that made muhammad ali floyd mayweather and conor mcgregor sell so well this idea that yup i know this guy's gonna do it he's gonna end the hype he's different i can tell he's a he's a different animal you know chad mendes eddie alvarez nate diaz again for floyd mayweather it was people like shane mosley canelo alvarez oscar de la hoya but muhammad ali it was every single opponent he fought every single opponent he thought was trying to knock his head off with his mouth you know it's one of the reasons why although wwe is not an actual combat sport people get so invested in the personalities in the entertainment itself and it's why you know a conor mcgregor sells so well in the ufc he adds storyline to the fights themselves and it makes you more interested i can't deny that i myself prefer sometimes a lot of the spectacle and entertainment and it does draw me in a lot more than say a quiet sort of fighter who's like well i'm just turned up to get my paycheck and throw a couple of punches and just you know do what i got to do it's like come on bro a little bit more entertainment might you know bump up that paycheck so this sort of stuff baits people in it gets people to buy the pay-per-views the paulo costa fight is actually the most recent example where this worked for israel adasanya and bumped up his sale numbers because so many people were baited into buying the pay-per-view because they really did think well paulo looks like you know he's this massive a mr olympia looking guy he's built like a brick house you know he's gonna do it he's gonna derail the hype train i mean the guy's nickname was literally the eraser i've said people are still fooled my muscles and big you know juice heads and think oh that's what a fighter looks like so especially the casuals because the casuals are the ones who pay your bills they're the ones that really go by this either and they're like once they see the skinny clown supposedly beat this muscly buffoon and then like what but the skinny guy beat the muscle guy well how did had to do that like it's going to blow their mind especially in this in the fashion i'm going to do it it's getting to the stage where dana white is basically saying in interviews no no wait we promise this time it's going to be good we promise it'll be a banger his next fight is going to be amazing don't worry yeah it's it's interesting it won't happen in the next fight i'm going to ask your thoughts when you're sitting here in my position you can't give too many guarantees you know uh i can say stylistically on paper this should be you know or you know we feel this is going to be i guarantee you i absolutely positively guarantee you that the next fight that israel out of sonia fights will be absolutely nuts during the build up to ufc 276 even the promotion was promoting this highlight themed main event but uh it didn't deliver i can appreciate what israel artesania is doing stylistically and how he approaches his fights but the wider audience isn't eating it up especially when he's promising certain outcomes but is instead coasting to a victory when things get hairy some might instantly retort well conor claims to do a b c and d but doesn't always get his predictions correct the difference is and why conor doesn't get [ __ ] for this conor hasn't had a boring fight in the ufc so there's nothing for the fans to complain about even while getting dominated it's still zero to 100 from the start of round one what about george st pierre i do see this one brought up a lot too and my reply is simply did you guys only start watching mma recently because gsp was famous for being boring i mean you can even go back a decade ago and read articles where people are calling his fighting style boring but he's pretty much the nicest guy in mixed martial arts so it's pretty rare that he ever gets flack these days but at the same time boy he he got so much crap back in the day for the way he fought their personalities are also pretty different too like they're not even the same side of the same coin and the worst thing gsp ever said back in the day was uh i am not impressed by a performance versus you know lines like this that we can just dig up easily on youtube i'll touch him enough times i'll touch him enough times and eventually he'll crumble like the twin towers another line of defense which i see brought up sometimes is the idea that arasanya's style has actually changed and i don't believe that that's the case there's nothing to show me from any fight footage that i've gone back and re-watched to indicate that his entire style has changed he honestly from what i can see it just fights a lot smarter and this is because of his competition getting better as he's gone up the ranks and become champion along with him learning from the john los this isn't a conor mcgregor type situation arasanya's style is fundamentally the same there's a very common defensive notion which comes up a lot whenever adasanya is critiqued for his comments and interviews occasional cringe moments and overly safe fighting style i've even seen some morons try to equate any sort of criticism towards israel at assania to racism but it's just the way that he carries himself and even i as a fan i sometimes find myself being like brah come on out of sonia why would she say that in an interview bro trust me he knows i put him on skates last time and this time when i put you on skates i'm gonna leave you frozen like elsa thank you [Applause] why does colby get a pass well uh yeah colby doesn't get a pass colby has a lot of haters i'd say more than he has supporters it's actually delusional bias if you think that colby and arasanya are in any way comparable plus most supporters know colby is playing a character and don't bite the bait like i think the robert whittaker lead-ups he turned rob into this villain for no reason whittaker had barely even said anything except a few backhanded comments in the interviews where he was asked questions to answer and posted a bender meme on instagram bender from futurama by the way oh no artasanya was acting like the beef between whitaker and himself were so deep that it had the same magnitude as conor versus habib or dc versus jones and it gave this impression that he was being a genuine douchebag and it rubbed many fans the wrong way for someone who preaches a lot about being bullied and being yourself and ignoring everybody it's kind of ironic for him to treat rob this way when there was just not enough stuff for them to even have any form of a rivalry that had toxicity involved with it you mix this in with how defensive and weird he gets about his gyno suspect titty being brought up and it doesn't help his all-around reception whatsoever i'll give three million dollars to anyone who can prove it i mean how are you going to let someone that's not usada test you because we know secret gym pharmacists are able to get around you sadder with designer drugs and they're not as gold standard as we originally thought there's even people in the nfl and nba who are continuously allegedly getting away with using uh drugs in their sport and i wonder why it's almost because these testing companies aren't as good as we think he may as well just pay more plays more dates to three million dollars because unless he's willing to actually be tested by a third party it's just an empty challenge kamara usman and israel atasanya both react in a very similar manner whenever they're critiqued about their potential ped use too and then one final one a couple of your fellow fighters like jon jones and marvin victoria are commenting like something with your left pec was there an injury or anything at all a right pec i should say why are they looking at my titties you'd have to ask them yeah okay israel hey we saw the the the photos yesterday what's all those injection marks around your stomach bro man those look bad dude i saw you with gage you look like [ __ ] man how many dude you can't cover the chemical imbalance in your body bro you got acne and craters all over your face and back this is another grown man up here talking about another grown man's body kobe is that something you want to tell us disgusting i'm not saying he is using performance-enhancing drugs but his general attitude about the situation whenever it's brought up isn't helping his case or his outlook to the public there's actually people out there that legitimately argue smoking the occasional blunt or consuming psychedelics has a top 1 athlete that is constantly 24 7 always having his fitness in check his nutrition his physiotherapy his testing from usada all of this right it's always been checked a top one percent athlete is having a almost half boob grow right on one of his pecs because he smoked a blunt and did psychedelics if you know anything about fitness and nutrition someone that lean likely does not have a hormone imbalance that has him looking like ronnie coleman getting off a cycle jon jones and tj dillashaw could have literally pissed through a steel bar with their urine and they avoided usada for years don't let the wool be pulled over your eyes be a bit smarter guys [Music] [Applause] going into ufc 281 which will be held at the famous madison square garden arena in new york city this will be headlined by the greatly anticipated israel artisana versus alex pereira grudge match as alex has been fast-tracked directly to a title shot after his three wins in the ufc the ufc has already as i said before on the move to start stacking this card now there was even talks that the new poster boy of the ufc paddy the baddie was actually going to make an appearance on this card too to further stack the card itself but according to patty he would rather fight in december because the taxes in new york city are too high and he would rather be on the las vegas card for the uninitiated stalbender has fought alex pereira two times in kickboxing and lost one of the bouts which he was winning by knockout since then alex has grinded and climbed his way through mma to chase down stalwander a lot of people out there use this knockout loss as a measurement to gauge our style bendable fare in their third bout which will be a mixed martial arts fight in the ufc whereas their old fights were in kickboxing a more limited setting in this mixed martial arts bout grappling wrestling takedowns and brazilian jiu jitsu will now be usable so it makes the fight even more interesting it's much harder to predict the outcome as it's not exactly just kickboxing now from what we know about alex pereira he has been drilling his ground game a lot with glover teshira which is really good for sparring because well glover tashira kind of got that old man strength and he's very experienced on the ground and as for stylebender he has been improving fight after fight along with having takedown defense in a ground game that i genuinely believe is very very underrated especially after the giant performance which was mostly due to the massive weight advantage that jon had as john essentially came in at heavyweight on fight night now when it comes to ufc 281 i personally think that starbender is going to win this fight with alex as to whether it will be entertaining or not will be entirely up to alex and how he approaches the fight he has to bring it to starbender this idea that as a champ you have to go out there and fight like a wild man for the fans and risk losing the belt along with all of the hard work you put in and acquiring the status that you've reached with the belt thanks to that hard work is an incredibly silly narrative the goal should be to get in there get the job done do it without injury and get out sticking to a consistent smart game plan everyone loves a good highlight knockout but acting cocky doing risky moves when it's not viable then getting flatline like jorge is exactly what you don't want to happen if you have the ability to fight safe and get out of the bout with the win it means your dance partner frankly didn't do enough to get the win the burden of pressure and hunger should be placed onto the challenger the one who doesn't have the belt and is trying to get the belt now obviously every now and then there are robberies in the sport but i'm generally speaking about most fights where if you can actually stick to a good game plan and just win it while getting out of there safe again the challenger did the wrong thing the challenger wasn't hungry enough i generally don't like the idea that you have to quote beat the champ as if the rules are different for the champion or the judges will favor the champion because a championship fight is no less important in terms of the rules and judging that an early prelim bout that no one frankly cares about but let's be honest alex must come forward he must apply pressure and he has to throw that left hand otherwise he may lose on the scorecards he truly does have to beat the champ my prediction for ufc 281 ideally for starbender i think he gets a dominant decision win on the cards his understanding of the octagon distance general game plan which has worked for him in multiple fights now and octagon experience itself has made him the champion that he is today though i might have my criticisms of him i think he's going to eventually surpass anderson silva at the rate he's going and this is coming from someone that's not the biggest fan of artisana and so many people out there still don't give him his credit he's going to get to that level eventually at this rate he might fight more aggressive to make a statement and get a revenge ko win which would also shut the fans up big time and given the fact that the fans of mma are some of the most fickle fans of any sport if arasanya wins in any form of a dominant way people are going to go from the alex pereira hype chain to being massive fans of star bender right i guarantee just watch if he wins it's going to happen or if he comes out there and he does fight too aggressive and makes a mistake which is very possible considering the immense amounts of negative reception then he goes to sleep and that would not be what he wants imagine the scenes on a more positive note though israel at asanya definitely does deserve a tip of the cap for speaking about a certain man that definitely didn't kill himself in a cell and the uh accomplice of said individual uh you know who i'm talking about and how he stuck up for joe rogan when he had the fun police banging down his door over out of context clips i will actually say hand to my heart arasanya is a very commendable individual for doing that because other people are too scared to use their platform to actually speak about the things that they believe in and the fact that he was willing to help out joe rogan and considering his skin color he's probably one of the only people that could do that i really [ __ ] respect that he did that also the stuff that i referenced before the fact that he even spoke about that is pretty ballsy because you could get whacked talking about that stuff anyway back to the original issue if israel adasanya doesn't come out there and make a statement in his next bout he's going to continue to undersell pay-per-view expectations and especially if he continues to make false promises when you see fans leaving the arena before the final round in a fight that's predominantly just striking that's a very bad sign i'd like to make it clear i understand and respect his style but i'm not blind to the fact that this sport is driven by entertainment viral highlights and pay-per-view buys if you sell the ufc will give you benefits i'm going to bet israel latasanya vs alex pereira sells 550 000 buyers but will be absolutely loaded with fights many people are drinking the alex kool-aid a little too quick and i think arasanya's insecurity which can be seen by his replies to chris pratt's all around sensible comments that said what we were all thinking proves he will try and hype up this fight a lot i'd be surprised if the reception to his most recent fight isn't eating him up arasana plays the whole i don't care it's just noise persona but watch how he conducts himself in the near future i'm personally not one that cares about the whole painted nails and weird fashion thing like i really don't care but to me even though he plays it off as i mean what's wrong great men are scared that you know i paint my nails and stuff what they kind of you know they kind of appreciate some femininity you know stuff like that like all right i can understand that argument but we know that's not why he does it like we know that it bothers him when people make fun of him for stuff like that and he's got a bit of a habit of blocking people quite a lot online so if even one of the nmf belt contenders nice [ __ ] dislikes him you know that he's doing something wrong i felt robbed by that ufc fight that that's one of those where i regretted spending my money after it was this is the israel adesanya one yeah i'm not going to buy another izzy card ever i'm done i i bought the costa card as well and regretted that one and i keep paying him money i'm done it was a very uneventful fight um adasana wants to stand up and be like a snake charmer counter punching and and that's fine it's it's made him the best there is i guess at that weight class but it's just not a really entertaining fight it's not the kind of fight i want to watch and i'm going to stop paying for him everyone subscribe to clyde oh good i might everyone subscribe to clyde and i'll do what everyone better subscribe to clayed i'll do a scouser alright mate you better subscribe to clyde does that mean what about jamaican right up oh no you've got to subscribe to the clyde you know and then uh i'd say other ones but then you get accused of being racist oh you can't i shouldn't i shouldn't have even done the jamaican let's be honest um everyone subscribe to the clade
Channel: Clyde
Views: 261,029
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Israel Adesanya - The Curse of Dominance, israel adesanya, ufc 281, ufc 276, israel vs alex, alex vs israel, stylebender, israel adesanya vs alex pereira, alex pereira vs israel adesanya, alex pereira knockout, alex knocks out izzy, alex pereira knocks out israel adesanya, israel adesanya documentary, ufc documentary, ufc, ufc documentary 2022, 2022 documentary, israel adesanya highlight, israel adesanya knockout, ufc 281 fights, ufc fights, ufc new fights, ufc knockouts, mma
Id: 8JJEi8Z8GeA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 11sec (1571 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 20 2022
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