Who DESERVED to be the 6th SPECIAL WAR POWER in Bleach: TYBW? Did Yhwach MISS One? | Discussion

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before we get started there will be spoilers for the Thousand-Year blood War Arc of bleach in the video to follow the ven Reich had a thousand years to prepare for their war against the soul Society during that time they gathered considerable Intelligence on their enemy their tactics their abilities and just about everything else enabling them to understand and counter the Shinigami in almost every conceivable way as part of this Dayton distributed to all sternritter on the battlefield and Accord component of his war machine to defeat the soul Society uabar designated five Shinigami as high priority targets to be dealt with using extreme prejudice these high priority targets were known as the five special War Powers or special War potentials and were chosen because they each possessed an unpredictable element that even uabar himself couldn't quantify after a thousand years of observation and thus were considered a Potential Threat to the ven's chances of success if left unchecked and the five special War Powers are as follows urara kisuke noted for his incalculable tricks uabar placed him on the list due to his incredible resourcefulness kuke famously plans for every single eventuality before going into a battle allowing him to adapt to enemy advantages and situations on the Fly this makes fighting him nearly imposs possible as he's already prepared himself for every outcome thanks to his planning and scheming kuke is able to help the captains retrieve their stolen barai and even engineer a makeshift route to the Royal Palace not once but twice before using his incredible foresight to defeat a member of uabar shut stle and next up is ich hios the leader of the zero division who uabar placed on the list for his wisdom ichi's achievements are definitely definitely the most nebulous overall but considering his seemingly Limitless age and power it's not a surprise to see him on the list and we do see the fruits of some of ichi's wisdom come to bear however for example it's thanks to him that renji is able to learn the true name of his banai enabling him to go and kill a sternritter and become powerful enough to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with some of the strongest captains then we have Ken Pache Zaraki who is labeled a special War power thanks to his incredible combat prowess of course we see kenpachi's fighting ability at the Forefront of the war in the first Invasion alone he kills three sternritter by himself ironically Kache is actually seemingly less effective after learning shikai and doesn't outright kill a single enemy from that point but he does use his new found power to obliterate a meteor that threatened to devastate the entire Battlefield and everyone is did it so that's definitely something eventually Unshackled and let loose Kache is able to use his barai to challenge uab's holiest most Divine Warrior at the end of the world showcasing his immense combat Proficiency in full the fourth Shinigami to be considered a threat is sosuke eizen noted simply for his ratu uabar even tries to recruit the imprisoned Eisen but he refuses the Quincy King's offer eisen's ratu has become so immeasurable so completely Unstoppable that he threatens to blow the Royal Palace and presumably everyone in it including you harbach out of the sky even though he's unable to do so thanks to Myer's intervention Eisen does use his insurmountable spiritual pressure to rescue the goatee 13 from the equally overwhelming power of the Soul King decimating the army of eyeball monsters that fall from the palace above and later Eisen is able to fight uabar even after the latter has become the new Soul King himself and confound him successfully with kyoka to Getsu thanks to his incredible power and finally Ichigo kurasaki was selected for his latent potential this one is fairly self-explanatory and we've seen evidence of ichigo's true monstrous slumbering power coming into play at unexpected times to tip the balance before throughout the entire Series in fact Ichigo is seen as such a huge threat he's labeled the number one special war power and uabar invades Soul society when he does purely because Ichigo is tied up in wo Mundo at the time but after unlocking his true power Ichigo is capable offending off eight sternritter at once and his hybrid nature combined with that sheer potential unlocked is enough to take on new harbach himself eventually killing him twice so ultimately it's not hard hard to see why these five Shinigami were deemed potential threats to the Vanden reiches war effort all five of them are immensely powerful and crucially dangerous in their own right and they all have a material effect on the grander war itself but were there any other characters that deserved a nod that deserved some recognition from the Quincy King as we see from the Thousand-Year blood War Arc itself there are other characters who pose problem for the Vanden Reich who make enough of an impact across the war to surely be a prickly thorn in their enemy side I've got a few potential candidates here for who I think could have been the sixth special war power remember these characters while all strong in their own right weren't placed on the list purely for their power alone they have to possess some kind of factor that makes them an unquantifiable threat to the Quincy's entire victory so let's take a look at who deserved to be number six on U harbach's list of notable threats first up let's take a look at one of the most obvious choices so obvious in fact that his amission from the list is actually addressed in the arc itself the former head captain shakuni genri asai Yamamoto with unmatched destructive capabilities and perhaps the single strongest zanak toe ever in terms of raw power Yamamoto Fe feels like an obvious fit with over a millennium of history behind him he is the most battle hardened Shinigami in the entire go 13 and we see the full force of his Fury firsth hand when he annihilates a sternritter with a wave of his sword before putting down three more just as easily so why wasn't he considered a notable Threat by U habak well it seems like it was out of spite more than anything else uabar explains to to a dying Yamamoto that he wasn't made a special war power because he never healed his missing arm but it isn't so much the missing arm that's the problem as the reasoning behind why he never restored it Yamamoto didn't want to involve orime in the Shinigami Affairs and U harbach despises that perceived weakness in the eyes of the Quincy King the Demonic founder of the goatee 13 from a thousand years ago is long dead this modern-day Yamamoto has grown old complacent and above all kind he's no longer the Yamamoto that defeated uabar all those years ago and now has dragged the entire goatee 13 down with him so despite Yamamoto clearly having the power necessary to make the list uabar refuses to Grant him that honor instead he's sending a message that the goatee 13 has fallen far and yamamoto's supposed weakness is the Catalyst for its eventual destruction now in terms of characters that could feasibly be the sixth special war power firstly we have what I think is probably the most obvious pick the current captain of the 12th division myi kurotsuchi myi definitely has the chops to be a notable threat and has been considered one of if not the overall MVP of the Shinigami side by the community for a while now despite not making U harbach's list in my opinion while my's unquantifiable factor is probably similar to KK's it's not quite the same myy would instead make the list for his scientific prowess or possibly even just his intelligence though kuke does have him beat on that front but it's thanks to myy that the goatee 13 has a stronghold to work out of during the second invasion when all hope seems lost and the ven Reich replace the entirety of SE with their own landscape my's light soaked secret laboratory offers the Shinigami their one Safe Haven myy is able to correctly deduce that the Quincy are using the Shadows to move around and reworks his entire personal lab to counter that it's the one place the sternritter are never able to infiltrate and as such it becomes the headquarters for not just the 12th division who take complete control of the battle here but eventually the remaining goate 13 forces this is a pretty big deal in itself but myi goes above and beyond when he steps onto the battlefield he Reveals His kurotsuchi corpse unit having Enlisted the help of some shall we say Wayward Iran car and even rescues toshiro Matsumoto Ki and Rose from otherwise certain death reversing their zombification myy even defeats a sternritter and later a shut stle member as well who also happens to be none other than the left arm of the Soul King for the simple fact that myy challenges God himself by the end of the Ark I feel like he's absolutely the front runner to be the sixth special war power something I think would make him very happy indeed in fact I do wonder how he felt about kuke being designated a threat and not him myy however is ever present in this Arc in fact without a doubt the Thousand-Year blood War Arc is his best showing in the series and it really reinforces how much of an asset myi actually is to the soul Society yes he's a morally bankrupt monster but the goate 13 simply can't refuse his skills maybe U harbar thought it would be redundant to include two scientists on his list I'm not sure but it does feel remarkably shortsighted or maybe just plain arrogant of the Quincy King to ignore so many characters especially when they go on to achieve as much as myy the next character on my list again feels like a pretty natural fit to be a special war power and that's of course the current Captain Commander koraku shunu now while koraku absolutely has the power necessary to make the list of threats he's here for his strategy or underhanded tactics as the goatee 13's foremost Frontline tactician and Commander of their forces kiaku makes the soul society's big plays and difficult decisions in many ways he is the inverse of Yamamoto something I'm surprised U harbar didn't take note of though perhaps it was too late by then anyway while koraku isn't as powerful as Yamamoto in terms of raw strength his mind is absolutely more dangerous and unorthodox in fact Kaku represents a new age of the goatee 133 and it's that goatee 13 that ultimately brings down the ven Reich from deciding to allow Ken Pache to unlock his true power to freeing eizen from prison to save them kaku's decisions have far-reaching ramifications that affect the entire War as they should for someone in his position as a less traditional leader than his father figure before him kyaku forcibly pushes the goate 13 into the modern era his devious nature enabling them to keep Pace with the ven Reich even when it looks like the enemy is making All the Right Moves of course kaku's famous quote encapsulates his tenure as leader and how he steered the shitty gamy through their most dangerous battle ever I don't believe using evil to defeat evil is itself an evil act this quote highlights the differences between koraku and Yamamoto and how while kaku's goate 13 isn't cruel and bloodthirsty like the original goate 13 of old it is new and it is improved from the laidback easygoing and weak goatee that fested under yamamoto's final years more willing to meet the ven Reich on their own terms on top of all that koraku is strong enough alone to go toet totoe with the leader of the shut stle forcing Le into not one but two transformation all by himself this means that there aren't many sternritter that can stand up to kaku's full power so while he might not be quite as flashy as Yamamoto the current head captain is absolutely dangerous in his own right now after myi and Kaku we start heading into slightly murkier Waters though I have to admit I like this next pick quite a lot my next candidate for the sixth special war power is juo ukitake who would be considered a notable for his Divine deal now this one is a little tricky it's possible U harbach doesn't even know about the existence of mimihagi at all and certainly not that it eventually possessed a young jido however many years ago yes the ven Reich were watching the Shinigami for a thousand years but as far as I understand it at least the scope of their reconnaissance only reaches the edges of SE itself anything that happened in the far flung regions of the rukongai remains a mystery to them it makes sense to me that if uabar knew that one of the captains possessed a means to stabilize all three worlds after the soul King had been killed and effectively replace the dead Rayo the moment he had been taken out then the Quincy king would designate that Captain as a high priority Target especially if he was as powerful as ukitake while ukitake doesn't get the chance to do much in the thousand year blood War Arc he does invoke the kamiak enabling the right arm of the Soul King to take over his entire body transforming him into a vessel for REO himself at the height of the war with the soul King's death causing all three worlds to converge and collapse ukitake steps in and is able to prevent their total Destruction simultaneously halting U harbach's plan much of the Quincy King shock considering it seems like U harbach had tried to account for everything including carving the most direct path to the soul King as possible ukitake's mere existence does feel like a major oversight like I said the most plausible answer to me is that uar simply didn't know about ukitake playing host to Mimi Hagi for all these years if he did I think he would have tried to kill him much earlier on ultimately ukitake's sacrifice doesn't amount to too much much but it does momentarily save all three worlds long enough for U harach to change his mind about destroying them in that moment buying the goatee 13 crucial time as I mentioned I like this one it affords ukitaka even more importance in the grand scheme of the battle conversely the next candidate is perhaps the most unlikely of all because it would require Kubo to actually care about the visards but well it's the visards as a faction or as they'd be known by the Vanden Reich most likely the hollowfied Shinigami we've seen it already Ichigo having Hollow ratu presented the sternritter with a major problem as they couldn't steal his banai during the earliest days of the war the same then must surely go for the other visard too and so they would collectively make the list of threats for their Hol fication while the visards are famously useless in the Thousand-Year blood War Arc altogether on paper they should be a real threat to the Quincy Captain level Shinigami whose banai presumably can't be stolen wielding Hollow ratu is something you would think U harbar would pay attention to there are some potential reasons why they weren't included as special War Powers however for one the impact of their Hol fication on the war is quantifiable uabar and the ven as a whole must surely know what kind of an effect Hol ratu has on them and their soldiers therefore making it easier to formulate a strategy to take on the visard captains in battle also the overall impact of Hol fication on the ven reich's War Machine simply isn't that great maybe the visard take out a few sternritter here and there thanks to their powers but at the end of the day there's simply too small a contingent to really matter in the grand scheme of things of course none of it matters anyway because Kubo refuses to let the visard do anything of note maybe if there was an instance of the visard captains coming up with a strategy wherein they spread Hol ratu like a virus through the ranks of the soldat you might be on to something but they don't even use their Hollow masks in battle so there's really not a lot to go on and so my final option falls into a somewhat similar Camp as the visard but I think there's enough of a difference to Warrant discussing it all the same my final candidate to make the list of notable threats at number six is none other than the former six isada gimar the only non Shinigami character to make the list gima is a very interesting variable in the Thousand-Year blood War Arc being a hollow he's of course deadly to the Quincy but he only pops up every now and then yet when he does it's often fatal now now while you might think harbel fits the bill a little better here if he were going to pick an Iran car being the de facto leader of an entire realm grimor is completely unquantifiable he's a renegade a rogue roaming free and totally unchecked uabar makes the smart decision to take harbel down immediately but grimo is nowhere to be found and so this extremely powerful Aran car slips through the net grimor would be selected for his Primal nature or more simply his Holo ratu but I love the idea of this wild beast of a man savaging the ven Reich and their operations from the Shadows it would be exactly the sort of element that they simply can't control we see it early in the war when grimor kills kir gay OPI with a surprise attack from behind helping kuke to dismantle the ven reich's control over wo Mundo and of course much later on we're again going to maor kills Asin with a surprise attack from behind helping kuke to bring down his enemy sure gajor is only taking out Stern r with surprise attacks but it's proof that this huge Empire really should be watching its back gor is antithetical to everything the vanen Reich think they are their order he's chaos they refined he's a monster it's possible UAB Bak would never give an Iran car the honor of making the list since he considers them lesser beings in general but still there's no denying that gimar is a rogue element thrown into play on The Wider Battlefield what makes gimar different from the visard is that he isn't held back by any ethical quandaries like they seem to be as a result he's an effective sternritter killer kuke even notes that Grim joo's transformed ratu that of an aranka into a full Hollow upon Resurrection was useful in battle and he was right so those are some of my picks for who a potential sixth special war power could be myi kiaku ukitake the visard and grimel it's an Eclectic bunch and while I think myy and Kaku are definitely the most clear-cut candidates there's something to be said about the others too maybe if U harbar had expanded the scope of those he deemed threatening to him and his plans he might not have lost in the end but that's it for the video guys I really hope you enjoyed it as always let me know what you think of my picks down in the comments below is there somebody I missed there's a decent chance there is but I think I got all of the major ones these seem like the most likely candidates to be noted as a special war power but of course I would love to hear your thoughts as always down in the comments below before we go as always I want to say a massive thank you and give a huge shout out to all of my patreon supporters I really do appreciate each and every one of you so very much if you really enjoy what I do here on the channel and you want to take your support from me another step further you can go and support me over on patreon as well to get your names in the credits like these and to get every single video completely ad free but that's it for me guys again I really hope you enjoyed the video and until next time we'll catch you later and I'll see you then
Channel: MrTommo2304
Views: 87,027
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bleach, bleach discussion, bleach manga, bleach anime, bankai, aizen, sternritter, bleach tybw, bleach bankai, bleach strongest, bleach tybw anime, bleach tybw cour 2, tybw anime, bleach tybw part 2, rukia vs as nodt, rukia bankai, ichibei vs yhwach, tybw episode 26, bleach tybw episode 26, senjumaru bankai, bleach hell arc, bleach original gotei 13
Id: R0hvtnphY_Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 18sec (1338 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 28 2023
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