How Shane Dawson & Rachel Hollis Dodged Criticism for Years

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hey what's up my fellow small business supporters i'm savvy today i am here with cam and we are going to be doing a video that i recently ran a poll for on my youtube community tab talking about how rachel hollis is very similar to shane dawson in that they both used a similar technique of curated imperfection to evade criticism for some of the things that they've done wrong so today we are going to be talking about how like the recent things that they've both come under fire for both of their you know less than than stellar apologies and then we're going to be talking about the curated imperfection techniques that they both used to grow such an authentic fan base of people who really felt that they related to them [Music] everyone don't forget to check out cam's channel as well which i have linked in the description below we actually found each other because we were both doing videos about rachel hollis divorce so awesome so cam introduce yourself hi guys i'm cam i do commentary and i actually started off making content about scotland and i'm now kind of transitioning into full-on commentary so yeah i covered rachel hollis a few times because of the recent backlash so a lot of what we've seen going around lately is um that shane dawson has come under fire for a lot of things and in this video we are not really going to be going into um the accusations he's had about being racist saying racial slurs in his videos uh preying on underage girls so uh those are all very huge topics that he absolutely deserves to get called out for so i'm actually i'll link some videos in the description below of some other commentary channels that have done a really great job breaking down all those issues because i uh that's just i can't even begin to get into all of that uh but the fact is he has been called out for a lot of things that he's reasonably done wrong but it's a lot of people have asked why did it take so long shane dawson has been one of the top creators on youtube since like 2008 um and it's like it's been he's been on this platform for like 12 years doing well he's like one of the most subscribed to channels of all time why did it take so long for people to start noticing that he had a pattern of doing a lot of really awful things and i thought because i used to be a fan of his so i'm going to talk about and so it's fun because cam was not a fan of his and i was a fan of his and i i think it'll be interesting to talk about how he was able to evade criticism for so long because it's exactly the same way that rachel hollis evaded criticism which was through curated imperfection which we will be talking about as it was written about in this uh one article and unlike rachel i think we need to cite our sources so yeah so we were looking at this article by buzzfeed called girl washer face is a massive bestseller with a dark message so yeah so girl wash your face is the best massive best seller with a dark message oh author's name is laura turner credit goes to laura turner who did a fabulous job writing this curated imperfection laura turner coins this term i think she did because the article says the internet has given rise in the last few years to a phenomenon i've come to call curated imperfection so from that i'm assuming that she coined this term so credit to laura turner because that is a perfect term to describe what's going on here yeah yeah then down here it kind of talks about she wants to be relatable and she is to many thousands of women in her blog post and her speeches and her best-selling book i'm not an expert i'm not a guru hollis told the associated press in september and then she talks about yeah anything i've done has always been like your girlfriend telling you what works for her so yeah hollis is all of us overloaded exhausted smiling through the long days of work child care meal prep relationship highs and lows only she doesn't have to try at all or is she trying the hardest it's interesting because um i read somewhere i wish i could remember that but i read somewhere that some someone made this comment about their rights together so the the rights together uh conference is where dave and rachel were giving marriage advice to people that cost a lot the most expensive tickets were a a thousand seven hundred dollars right here yeah exactly and they didn't include any yeah no no hotel rooms no travel so all of that was that was the vip ticket so there were tickets as low as 300 but i'm like have you been to a concert it's not 300 dollars like you know why is rachel worth like the minimum is three anyway so um somebody made this comment that it felt like they were just you know out for dinner with friends like they weren't really giving any kind of advice they were just talking about their sex life and their like dating life and stuff and that's interesting because she clearly gives this impression to more to most people and uh also when she's just by herself not not only when she's with dave on a rise together conference yeah and that's the idea right is like let's make it seem like this person is just your friend and that i think is exactly the same thing that shane dawson is doing so the overall thesis of this video is basically that rachel hollis and shane dawson and probably a lot of other influencers who are like them have both used the same tactic of curated imperfection to create this persona that they are your friend that they are not a celebrity that they're just like you and because they've created that image of themself you as a fan feel awkward criticizing them because you don't feel like like if you were to criticize a major celebrity like that's fine because it's like oh they're so big this won't hurt them this will do nothing but when it's someone who has created this image of being the same kind of person as you and having some kind of parasocial emotional connection with you you feel guilty criticizing them because you're like oh i know what they've been through they're just like one of my friends i don't want to hurt them even though you can't hurt them right like they have so many more connections than you do you can't hurt them but you still feel guilty about it and when that happens in mass both of these people and all the other people using the same tactics end up going years and years and years and never getting criticized for the people that they're hurting or the things that they're doing wrong and i think that actually goes down to if you if you think about it this goes down to our idea of influencers and i think it's that kind of almost like the definition of the influencer is evolving because it started off with these people who had perfect pictures and you know they had everything right the lighting was right the set was right their perfect was were always sorry their pictures were always perfect on instagram or whatever their videos are always very very well lit and i think that um the reason why we relate a lot and it's called curated imperfection in the first place is because they're going against that trend they're like oh i'm not a real influencer look at me my i have holes in my t-shirt i haven't showered in two days i'm not like those guys who are perfect and you know who are face tuning every picture to make sure that they look perfect or something i'm just like you know just me i'm like you so i think this is a an idea that's basically kind of just evolved and and we haven't yet like named it we haven't yet called it if it makes sense like we're not because it's hard for me to put shane dawson next to even though they've been in everything together but shane doesn't next to jeffree star look at jeffree star he looks perfect his makeup is intact like you'd think oh jeffrey looks like an influencer and shane doesn't so this is a video that actually i was think because i i think that and i'm not here's the thing it's hard for me to say what someone else's motivations are because i'm not a mind reader but from the outside it appears and this video is not about jeffree star i could go on forever about how he's racist he's the cause of so much drama that he's the common denominator in everyone's life getting ruined i think he blackmails people but there again i'll link more videos in the description below to talk about him because if i talked about him this video would get so off topic and he's a whole problem himself but uh this video right here i think was a perfect example of shane using that curated imperfection because it almost seems like if he becomes friends with someone like jeffree star who is always you know has an image that he's always upholding he's always yeah i'm a lot of people i know don't think jeffree star is attractive he has a look you know he has his own look but he's consistent with it so he he has a specific makeup look that he does he's always dressing in fancy clothes like all the time he's always has this very clean exact image and shane you know is intentionally looking messy always wearing t-shirts only showering sometimes so then when this video came out shane dawson controls my life for a day that jeffree star put out it's like okay so someone like shane associates himself with someone like jeffree star so that by comparison he looks like the relatable one so you can watch this video and be like oh yeah wow jeffree star is so wildly rich and successful and glamorous but he's friends like with someone like shane so by comparison shane is like oh he's the one who represents all of us when in reality he doesn't either he's just like shane has more money than any of his fans now just like on here yeah well in cash there was at least five um like four grand more than i have in my account maybe he'll sponsor one of my videos so right here is like shane going off about how much more money jeffrey has than him he's like oh wow just right here jeffrey has more money than i have in my whole bank account just in his assets right here so he's like immediately like let's compare me and see and show how i'm so relatable because i don't have as much money as the person i'm about to hang out with off into a size seven or maybe not the fast i don't think it's booty down here i don't think this is going to fit into this we're in a baby store like we're in the babysitter so yeah so there so shane's like uh if i control jeffrey's life for a day i would take him to walmart because i shop at walmart because i'm just like you look how much i'm just like you i shop at walmart because i don't have money to shop at stores even though in other videos he's wearing like gucci [ __ ] with jeffrey so it's like i think that t-shirt on him is his own merch yeah the t-shirt shane's wearing is his own merch yeah yeah so like he doesn't shop but he doesn't know he wears his own merch yeah which is fine i wear my own merch sometimes so yeah they spend like most of this video at walmart like looking at at items that don't cost very much and acting like this is what shane would do and then they go to i think they go to like a discount makeup store um or like they go to like the makeup aisle in like a drugstore to buy makeup which is like first of all shane does not wear makeup yeah he claims that he does because he wants to monetize that but he doesn't shane is like look how much i'm just like you um i'm with my friend who's so much richer than i am and i'm the one that you're supposed to relate to so he becomes relatable that's kind of like how you know when rachel talks about like oh i used to wear clothes from goodwill like so did i i get that but then she'll be like she'll start her own clothing line with um i think it was qvc and she'll charge like fifty dollars for a shirt um or like you know expensive prices for like very basic clothing items so it's like okay you're very relatable because you bought cheap clothing but now you're selling expensive clothing that you profit off of that's the curated imperfection thing i believe like just because i'm not going to dictate someone else's life i believe that both rachel and shane were poor when they grew up i think that's fair but in their professional life they're very successful financially right now as as grown professionals towards the beginning of her career you know she was already with dave who had a disney salary and she yeah that's the thing that is like i think my boyfriend said this that i was like oh i didn't actually realize but basically rachel left her home at 17. she's been on her own for a lot very little like it's not like oh my god look at me how many things i've done on my own it's like well you've been on your own for four years yeah because you moved from your parents house into this guy's house with a break of four years maybe even less than four years because they could have been living together before yeah before getting married sorry so it's not do you know what i mean the idea of look at me and how much i've accomplished on my own while my husband makes like more than a million dollars a year like is it really wrong is it really on your own and that's the thing is like the concept of self-made is very fluid there's not really a clean cut concept of it because everyone does have a series of advantages and disadvantages in the world and i'm actually in the business book i'm writing right now i have a whole chapter where i talk about this how i could frame my life as savvy was born to a low-income single mother from the south side of chicago and then savvy went on to buy a home at 23 and become a successful business owner i could frame it that way but that's misleading because it's like yes that's what happened but my mom got married to a guy who eventually adopted me and became my dad then they were able to build a more financially stable life as i was growing up and then i got married to someone whose parents had recently come into a lot of money i didn't marry for the money but i did marry someone whose family had a lot of money and they were able to loan us money for our down payment so it's like i came into a lot of advantages purely by luck so it's like in that case like i could say look how self-made i am and to an extent i think i am but like there's somebody who's going to not have had the same advantages but then again i don't have the same advantages of someone who has someone with entertainment industry connections or who was born into a family of millionaires or something and so it's it's a spectrum but i think nobody wants to recognize that because we all want to present a version of ourselves that shows us as having accomplished so much just by being so great there's that quote who said this i can't remember who said there's a famous person who said i had i had all i had was a great idea in two million dollars it's like oh okay yeah it's like what trump says where he's like my dad gave me a business loan of a million dollars and it's like to him and in in terms of business money you know business money is a very inflated sense of what we see as money in terms of business money in that industry that's not a very big loan but for the average person we would not have a a chance in hell of that kind of thing so yeah exactly it's it's it's more than more than enough to get started if it makes sense yeah yeah okay it's like what i would think of is very much what rachel would be like she she's very much um well this is a powerful story you know this is being like i it's a rags to riches it's a more powerful story than i married the rich guy and then i had all the time in my in my life to think about my idea until it happened because yeah and she's right it is a more powerful story but also what audience are you appealing to with that because because that's also the part that the part that annoys me most about mlms and rachel hall is and all this all these like kind of um motivational speakers and spiritual teachers and stuff is that their audience is very much a vulnerable audience because i remember when i was listening to these videos and to the motivational talks and podcasts etc and i never actually spent any money maybe i bought like a book or something but like i didn't actually spend any money on on them so i don't feel angry from that perspective but i was in my lowest point i was depressed so you kind of like start just very much like like you do oh how do i diy this table or whatever you'd be like how do i get out of depression or whatever you know what i mean you do that when you're at your lowest point and you come across them at your lowest points and this is why i get so angry because they know that their audience is vulnerable and they don't capitalize on it and i don't know very much about shane and and and shane is more vulnerable in terms of age because i think he's not a big audience of teenage girls he does well at least he did i think his at least some of his audience is a little older now but i think that's because they were teenagers when they started watching him so his audience is kind of um i actually think what you're saying like i felt the same like so i used to be a fan of shane dawson i'm um be open about that um but i had not and this makes me sound dumb that i'm like claiming ignorance but i had not when i found him i didn't find his channel until like 2016. so i had not seen like his old like racist comedy and then when i was like whoa no no um but uh i was a fan of his briefly because i found his channel when so i was coming out as bisexual and i was searching for videos of people coming out just to like feel better about myself i guess and i found shane's video which i wanted to show a clip of but he deleted that whole second channel that it was on so i can't but anyway he put out this coming out video and it was so well done and it was like so emotional and he hit like all the right points and talked and explained it in a way that was like so accessible about how like sexual orientation can be a spectrum and he explained it so well and it made me feel like so much better about myself and i just like got emotionally invested in him from there and that i read his book um it gets worse and in that book he talked about his struggle with body dysmorphia and with um i think bulimia and i have body dysmorphia as well and i have ocd and i think they're a little tied together and he was talking about his life with mental illness and with body dysmorphia and i was like oh my god like i'm feeling the exact same thing as you like i i you are explaining exactly what i'm feeling and it was the relatability i related to him so hard and in so many ways yeah look for what you were looking for exactly i was looking for people who were sharing experiences of the same things i was going through and keeping to be going through exactly all the same things i was going through yeah and it's also occasionally i do i mean this is again the cynic in me but but sometimes i do wonder to what extent they're saying something and we think we're hearing what we're feeling yeah that's true and only later you realize oh wait maybe i don't agree with that because i definitely felt like that about rachel because they were definitely i didn't get her book but i listened to her audiobook i listened to the audiobook and i was like oh you know this is nice and only like afterwards it kind of started to hit me like maybe that part was a little but in the moment i didn't because like when you're in a vulnerable state you're not necessarily thinking critically you're not necessarily analyzing things through a critical eye you're just more like looking for reassurance and more for i don't know i guess to feel better to just feel that you're not alone all that stuff and that's what they offer this is the relativity thing it's like you're not the only one who's going through this we're all kind of similar all that stuff and that's a very good reassuring feeling especially when you're going through a stage like that like you're coming out or like when i was depressed exactly yeah so exactly so hard they know that they know that very well and they push it really hard and this is why i get pissed off because it's like you know what you're doing like yeah and it's like to an extent and this is where i get torn right because i'm like i want people with a big platform to talk about these issues i want them to because it's important that their fans who might be going through something know that what they're not alone and know that there's resources for them and those kind of things so i like on the one hand i want them to talk about it but on the other hand i feel like it's the fact that i felt related like i could relate to shane you felt you like you could relate to rachel and we felt like we could relate to them and because of that they were able to like profit off of us yes that was the problem it's that it then turned into like curated imperfection right the fact and and it would have all been fine if if they had talked about these things continued to advocate for these things and then not tried to make money in problematic ways so i think that's kind of the difference is like how do you then use your it like if you gain influence from relating to people how do you then use it how do you use your leadership position um is it to continue to advocate for those causes or are you going to start trying to exploit your fans and your connections for profit and that's i guess where i kind of want to get into the fact that both rachel and shane have created content whether books videos movies whatever that used their experiences to create something that was unethically created if that makes sense like we talked about like rachel had a show on quibby i've done a review of it where in that show she was giving a lot of advice like she's talked about you know she's had anxiety she's dealt with mental health issues i'm glad she's open about it but then she uses that to give advice that she is unlicensed to give she talks about oh here's how you can overcome reliance on alcohol but then in another clip talks about how she still drinks alcohol she still drinks champagne when she accomplishes something like okay well you even if you were never like a full addict even if you were never completely an alcoholic like you might have fans who are and they could be listening to your story and being like oh so you still reward yourself with alcohol for things maybe i can use alcohol as a reward and then they never end up overcoming their addiction so it's like dangerous advice that she's not giving in the right way because she's not qualified i've seen a an interview with her and they were drinking wine and she was seeing in that interview it's with um edmylet and she was saying in that interview oh i just posted a picture on instagram holding a glass of wine and lots of people were annoyed in the comments and then he said something like oh we're drinking wine now and she said oh yeah we've just defended half of america and the thing is i'm like i don't give a [ __ ] people are drinking wine i drink all the time yeah a recovering alcoholic and be drinking wine in interviews even if let's say you are kind of like falling back on it or something at least for the image i don't know i would like i would be aware of it i'd be like i've been saying i don't drink so let's just put this out of the frame like but even not even to that like they i how can she call herself for recovering alcoholic and be drinking and pictures of instagram in interviews like i don't understand that unless that story she's using again to become relatable i feel like she probably did rely on alcohol too much but i think she probably never had like an addiction like never crossed the line into addiction so i think the story she was probably trying to tell was about being reliant on alcohol and then learning to cope in other ways and use alcohol in moderation but i feel like she never was she wasn't clear on that she presented herself as having a drinking problem and i've even had rachel's fans come in my comments like i did a video reacting to her made for more documentary i did a video reacting to that and i played a drinking game where i was like i'm gonna drink every time she says like a business cliche i'm gonna drink every time she appropriates feminism for her own profit whatever so i did that and then in the comments i had rachel's fans being like how could you drink reacting to rachel when she's overcome a drinking problem that's so insensitive and i'm like she still drinks yeah and talking about and she wasn't even saying in that interview where they're talking about drinking she wasn't even saying um that is a problem because she claimed that she almost got to the stage of being an alcoholic the problem was the religion aspect oh yeah and i was like because because then after that after like months later i found out about the the fact that she stopped straight or what she attempted to stop do i don't know what happened there but i was like no because she was just saying that the pillar of her faith is love your neighbor so it was more like from the bible's perspective it wasn't she didn't even touch on the fact that she she wrote about being an alcoholic and i was like oh well i guess we can call her alcohol if he just just someone who drank too much yeah rachel was giving unqualified advice in that way and we can connect that with i know so i also want to get your perspective because i know that you like to create documentaries so you actually and i work in journalism so we both know what real reporting ethics look like shane dawson has decided that he is a documentary creator which at first i was like i like seeing him try something new i'm here to see what he can do and see learn about like his up like his video work is really good his editing is really good but i know he works with other people on that too so it's not all him um but still i'm like okay let's give this a chance and see what it's like and i i know you watched someone on on tana and i watched the one on jake paul and with uh jeffree star oh the one with jeffree star yeah and he that's probably the best example of non-documentary yeah so there were a lot of ethical issues so yeah if you can yeah what were some of the i guess journalistic ethics issues you saw in those yeah so i think i so i make documentaries i i direct and produce and i started off with like short form for social media like bbc3 bbc the social things like that and then um last year i made my first half hour for bbc scotland which is like an actual tv channel as opposed to that is super cool by the way that's amazing congratulations you've done like legit because like part of me has always been like i want to make a documentary going undercover into an mlm and see how like exposed from the inside but like you've done legit documentary work i'm just dreaming about it you've done it guys subscribe to kim she does great documentary work exactly subscribe um basically um the thing is you it that i guess the biggest problem you can see this in the tana mojo one and probably in the j41 and probably in all of them because it's just people tend to like fall into a certain style if it makes sense but i think the most obvious one is in his series with jeffree star because that's where you actually realize it's not a documentary you are meant to be objective you need to be um it needs to be it needs to be an outside perspective and it needs to be an objective perspective and you need to double um it's called fact checking you need to double check your facts from at least two different sources with different biases so anything that you say in your documentary whether it's someone else's voice your own narration i don't care any every single phrase in a documentary needs to to be fact checked you need two sources with two different biases to say that that is correct so if you say for example i don't know the war started in 1918 you need to have at least two sources that confirm so that's why you can't make you can't really make it about yourself because like you will be very one-sided it will be you can put in whatever you like and you can take out whatever you don't like and most times it's it's rare that people make documentaries about themselves even people who are like big reporters they would still have like a director and a producer in the background and they're kind of controlling the narrative a little bit because you don't want it to be one-sided and the the series with shane dawson and um jeffree star is it's not a series of documentaries that they're selling it as a series of documentaries being like come behind the scenes and see our palettes but what it is is just the commercial for their palette because they're leaking out all the things they're unhappy with they're like oh you know people wouldn't like to hear about our little fight there so we're just gonna take that out or whatever that only they only used the the fight with uh sorry another fight but the big drama gideon thing because that didn't that was against someone else it wasn't against them that's what curated imperfections all about right you show imperfections but you always have yourself look like the victor in the end yeah and that's that's called the commercial in normally you have a two minute and you would have [Music] but i mean and that's fine if you want to make a commercial for your palette i'm not saying don't do it but don't sell it to me as a documentary because that's not what it is documentary is meant to like tell the truth it's a it's a bit of a it's i guess it's a historical moment that is being recorded it's documented but it's not meant to be one-sided and that's why i have a problem with it and when i watched the tana monster one i've only watched the first two parts so far so i don't actually know how it ends and i it made me very curious so from that perspective they were very good at like kind of punching where they needed to punch and stuff like that but i did get this is that they were being biased at least for the first entire episode i was like he's believing china a bit too much a bit too early like you need to the facts before you start believing one inside and they were believing people or at least looking like they were believing people before having the facts and i was like it's just not how you do it you need to be very very kind of careful yeah you know yeah you can't take whoever side is talking to you at the moment you need to keep pressing them for more information and then later decide how to edit it and present it but he was definitely like whenever i i saw i think i saw that one too he was like talking to people and whatever they said to him he would basically just agree with them i'm like this is not how journalism works you're not supposed to just agree with everything everyone says when you're talking to them and the thing is this is youtube it's not yeah it's like this isn't like yeah this isn't uh he's not doing it for like the new york times or like for bbc or so like he's doing it for youtube so in terms of what it accomplishes as a video as something that the viewers enjoyed i guess it works but if he wants to call it a documentary and say he's like digging for a deeper troop like it doesn't it's that's that's misleading and it's it's um entertaining and that's what this platform is it's like it's creative self self entertaining others if it makes sense so it's you don't need a platform like bbc the social or whatever i use to like entertain people and that's fine but i don't think this kind of journalism would be taken seriously anywhere because it's not really right what they're doing it's it's too one-sided and it's too there's too many blind spots in that to actually be sold as a real full story and that's what bothers me like when i hear them talk about the documentaries i'm like just you're making a video you know yeah just call it a video yeah yeah um yeah and so that's where like i felt like there was a connection with rachel hollis was she was doing right like she gave advice in her quibby show she gave advice regarding alcohol abuse and regarding mental health that she really wasn't qualified or certified to give i when i watched the shane dawson quote unquote documentary um i guess the six hour vlog we can call it more of um when he made that about jake paul he did the same type of thing so he because the his whole thesis was like is jake paul a sociopath which like why why even make that your thesis because you are never gonna have the authority to diagnose someone else you're not a therapist so he got a therapist to be in the documentary but i think she was like a marriage counselor so like she didn't normally work with like sociopathy or like like i don't think she worked maybe she did and i don't know but either way he got her to do an interview and what they did together on this was so like it violated so many therapy ethics like she he had a whole episode of it which was like an hour long where he was talking to her and presenting examples of things that jake paul did and basically asking do you think he's a sociopath and she even said like i i can't diagnose another person while like without meeting them like that that doesn't work but it was still weird and then he brought her with to jake paul's house and didn't tell jake paul that she was a therapist he just said that like he was bringing her with to work on the documentary with him and he didn't he didn't disclose that she was a therapist he didn't disclose that she would be watching him and looking for signs of sociopathy like there are so many ethical violations in that and i was just like and that's the same kind of thing but it was like it was hard to call him out for that because i was invested in him and knowing that shane had connected with me on a mental health level because he was dealing with the same mental health issues that i was so i was like oh i don't want to like expose him for doing a bad job with mental health because like i relate to him in terms of we've both gone through similar mental health issues so i know he means well or whatever but looking back on it it's like that that was wrong and he was able to get away with that because he had presented himself as this mental health advocate that had connected with people when they were at a lower point in terms of their own mental health and so he was able to get away with that level of a violation on that and it was like whoa that video did way more harm than good and then and the thing that's that's it the thing is that um it it has the potential to to hurt people like it really has like when the same problem the same thing uh ethical issue i guess is happening with rachel and dave's divorce because now everyone well how could you give people marriage advice when you knew that your marriage was not right we knew that you're not therapist and you're not professionals and you're not qualified they said that but we were looking up to you guys because you your marriage seemed to be in a good place and your marriage seemed to be so amazing that actually you knew what you were talking about so us looking at you having such a good relationship meant that listening to your advice maybe would improve our relationship and that's the problem with people who are not qualified giving advice because obviously they didn't that was there was an image that they were they were faking basically it was a social media image but they didn't they didn't show on social media was happening behind the scenes and people were under the impression that they have this like what does she call it um exceptional marriage that's that's that's her uh her little exceptional marriage our marriage isn't just good it's exceptional i was like to be honest i'm perfectly content with just having a good marriage yeah and i don't need mine to be exceptional i'll be exceptional at other things she said that their marriage is above their kids and stuff and it's like i'm like i really can't see how this is terrible advice like like and people should not listen to people if it makes sense i mean this sounds terrible but you shouldn't listen to people who are not qualified and who are not like aware of what the consequences of what they're saying could be that doesn't sound terrible that's that's true you shouldn't yeah that's yeah it's basically just that's it they're saying things and they're charging people for seeing things that they don't know what consequences could hap could have actually like they could literally like i could go there with my boyfriend and be like okay we're going to fix our marriage and as a result of that we could break up and they don't care about the consequences that's the ethical issue while a therapist first of all it will never cost that much like you will pay what like a thousand sorry a hundred dollars an hour or whatever yeah so like even without insurance you could see an actual licensed marriage therapist for less money than you would spend going to this conference yeah exactly but they are they have been trained they've they've gone through school where that's all this is about so in college listening whatever phds they've done that's all they've been taught it's how to deal with people's problems and somebody commented on my channel saying like as if therapists would um as a therapist there's so many therapists who aren't married and who are not in relationships why should you listen to them it's like well it doesn't matter about that's the thing their private life doesn't matter it's not about their private life it's about what they know to teach you like you shouldn't what is that this is you know that that you know because it's like rachel and dave they were like selling they were claiming that their qualification was that they had a good marriage a marriage therapist is not their qualification is not that they have a good marriage their therapy their qualification is that they are certified by a board that tells them they have a license to do therapy so they don't need to be married they they have their their license through education and through studying it professionally the reason rachel and dave's divorce makes them untrustworthy is that they they admit that they didn't study this professionally and were just using their marriage as their only evidence that they could give this advice yeah and the evidence is not gone so exactly yeah i'm like okay but you already got paid so like are you gonna refund people no i don't think they are i would be shocked i think this is the thing so we were talking about how the other main way that rachel hollis and shane dawson have used their curated imperfection is through the way that they both when they do something awful they release an apology that sucks and expect to get away with it as you know i did a whole video breaking down rachel's apology to maya to not to maya angelou right but to to everyone who was hurt by the fact that she plagiarized from maya angelou and so she did an apology but it wasn't really an apology because she took no accountability she blamed her team yeah my team my social media manager did this like don't blame other people for what's on your social media did she ever blame her team when a post went viral for good reasons right like yeah why why is she blaming her team now but when she has her post do well and make her money she's not like thank you to my team for doing this post for me her team is only the one who did it when suddenly the post is bad and also as a someone like having when i made my last documentary i had a team so it's like it's a freelance team only for like you know whatever days it's not nothing full-time or whatever but it doesn't matter what your team does what matters is the product so if your team [ __ ] up if i get a sound person who doesn't know how to do sound that's not the team's fault that's my fault because ultimately the sound is bad we don't use bad you chose to hire that person you approved it yeah like listen like the channel will never be like oh but who's the sound they don't care they're like the sound is bad in this we want good sound fix it i don't care who did it what happened i don't care like they don't care because what they want is the good sound and that's what we want as an audience we want the post right you want the post and you want the honesty behind the post i don't care who [ __ ] up and who posted and whatever i'm watching rachel's instagram i don't care that yes is but and that's the thing is that if rachel's going to get the credit when things go well she also should get the blame when things go wrong she can't be like oh yeah exactly so so that was her shitty apology and then shane dawson i think apologized for like the first time ever in his life although i don't know he might have apologized i think he apologized for doing blackface a while back yeah like i mean he almost sounded gleeful in that apology did you watch it i watched part of it but i was like i was like i cannot spend my time on this video it was no regret in his voice i couldn't sense any shade of regret he let me pull it up let's pull up shane dawson's apology and literally to me it sounds like oh i have to do this because jenna marbles did it and look she got so much good you know it got such a good reception if i do it and i take accountability and this is the curated imperfection thing too every time someone apologizes like when rachel apologized she it was on instagram so she didn't do a video but she just put up like a little picture of a heart sheet and a pure doll and shane's apology he he doesn't look good and this is not me saying that like i'm not commenting on his appearance i think normally he's a a fine looking person but in this video he's like looking like a mess because it's like if i look good in my apology then people will think that i'm putting this on but if i look bad in my apology then people will think i'm doing this genuinely but it's like no you're intentionally looking bad in your apology yeah he's looking like to me quite normal compared to his other videos hi if you've been watching me for a while then you know that i have done a lot of things in my past that i hate that i wish i could make go away that i try to make go away by deleting videos or untagging my instagram things or literally doing whatever i can to pretend like those things didn't happen because yes i apologize for a lot of them but i'm 31 almost 32. those apologies suck i don't know who that person is anymore every apology video i've ever made has been a from fear it's it's me sitting at home thinking the whole world hates me and crying and hyperventilating and then just turning on a webcam and just saying i'm sorry and then hoping people know i'm a good person and then it'll go away and that is stupid that is something that a child does not something that a 31 year old man does that's not that's not good right now is very much a time of wanting people to be accountable wanting a punishment for people and i agree and that's why i'm making this video i saw jenna marbles video and it really inspired me and felt like a sign from the universe that i want to do this so this this video is coming from a place of just wanting to own up to my [ __ ] wanting to own up to everything i've done on the internet i think it's weird that he compares it to jenna marbles because jenna marbles made her video like nobody asked her to make it right like hers i felt like i didn't watch her full video but i felt like hers was a genuine apology from what i did see because nobody like people weren't there wasn't like a large societal pressure on her like sure people had criticized her for things but it wasn't like someone was out to destroy her channel or anything she just like recognized that she had done some things wrong and decided to address them and apologize like her apology came from her own motivation shane even here is like well i saw jenna's apology and thought i should do one too plus people were already coming after him so his apology still was like he said my past ones were out of fear this is still out of fear because his apology is coming from other people yeah criticizing him if he had done this if he had apologized before people started criticizing him that'd be a different story but this definitely feels like a retaliation it's the timing before anyone like she basically outed herself before people like outing her while he's doing it after he's been outed after the whole beauty guru problematic thing where he started to kind of come back and bite him in the ass now he's like oh but i'm just doing it he's not doing that because of it i think he's i think because we all know we know now that his channels have been um demonetized in that target have dropped his new book and i think there was another oh um sony had copy striked his channel or one of his videos or something so i don't think that these things just happened like in the last half hour when i found out i think they've been happening over the last days and so and i think this they started happening and he realized how much and how how much he's in trouble really yeah internet that has hurt people that has added to a problem that has not been handled well like i should have been punished for things i feel like this moment right now is very necessary i'm gonna apologize for a lot of things that i've done or said in this video and if you don't accept the apology that is a hundred percent okay i think that's something that i as i'm getting older now i'm realizing it's like you can apologize but you can't expect the other person to just forgive you like that's that's doesn't make any sense so i think this video for me is more about just saying everything i want to say and ways that i want to help be a part of a change and not be a part of a problem which is what i've been a part of so i'm going to start with all the racism that i put onto the internet as a adult not a child i was at least 20 when i started youtube and i made the decision to play stereotypes of black people or asian people or mexicans or pretty much every race i made that decision i said oh this is funny and i put it on the internet now years later i look back at that and i've talked about this before but i when i say i hate that person i mean it in the most intense way possible i hate that person so much that person was filled with sadness filled with anger about their own issues uh in the yeah so i will like i always got to give credit where it's due i'll give him credit for saying that he doesn't expect forgiveness because you know he's pretty open like people mostly haven't forgiven him and he seems to recognize that i don't know if he just said that so it would seem like i don't i don't know his motivation but i'll at least give him credit for recognizing that he's not going to get forgiveness just from this to some extent if that's very much to like kind of just detach himself from the outcome yeah oh that's not my problem if you like you don't want to take the apology fine like it's it's almost like like the an apology is meant to make the other person or the other party in this case the audience feel better so but he's like oh i understand if you're not feeling better and that's fine with me like yeah so to an extent it is a little bit different oh and also not to mention that i i take issue with the fact that he's made a video in which he's like he's like piling on all the things i'm like they all need a separate video yeah he's like okay we'll start with racism which is like one of the hugest issues in the entire world so he's like i'm just gonna apologize for all the racism and i'm pretty sure in this video i i'm pretty sure he never addresses he might we'll have to see but i don't think he addresses the fact that he was creepy to underage girls in this video oh no no he doesn't know that he doesn't address it which is like that's one of the biggest things like the racism and again that's why it could be a separate apology video but he so far has not seemed to make one or hint that it's coming or anything but like he didn't apologize at all for no literally it's very much like oh even if he does it it would be like a little too late like yeah that he immediately reacts to the tati video like he immediately went on live stream on instagram how could he reply so quickly to the tati video but yet like what was her uh name jade smith jade is is that her name jay smith oh jada oh will smith's wife yeah jada pinkett smith you guys tweeted days modern days ago like a week ago or even even more than that and she has not received any kind of reaction like he's not reacted in any way he's not said anything to her and i remember he made a video a couple years ago because a few years ago um i think onision accused him of being a pedophile which is funny because onision literally his spouse he met when they were underage and he's literally every like girl he's dated he met when they were like 15 and he has literally like reacted to half naked photos of 13 year old girls on his channel so like odisian is also clearly a pedophile but it takes one to no one right so he accused shayna being a pedophile and then shane made this video where he's like i'm not a pedophile i made some really jokes and bad taste about it but then so at the time i hadn't seen a lot i saw the podcast where he was like saying weird like babies are sexy and things like that i was like okay maybe he's just doing extreme shock humor and this is a very bad taste but maybe he doesn't really believe this but then it was like when we saw the video of him yeah with the picture of willow smith and then all the pic all the videos of him like talking to 12 year old girls and talking about how sexy they look and asking them to twerk and things like that and i'm like this is too much man like you this is you're you're actually hurting legitimate underage girls right now you are putting them in an uncomfortable position right now it's meant to be gay i thought he's gay no he's bisexual so he likes men and women yeah that's why i first connected to him because i was like i i'm like i watch his coming out video and he was like explained how you can be attracted to both men and women which i i am too so i thought that that was like a relatable but yeah yeah so no i need to watch 20 minutes of him of him being like this um yeah so basically shane doesn't know how to apologize rachel doesn't know how to apologize i i was gonna say he did better because at least he didn't blame his social media team or whatever but he did blame the the person he was in the past which is like that's that's still you and i do believe that people can change i do believe that people can learn and grow but he was be like doing he's been doing rude [ __ ] up until like recently i was looking through the comments by the way and everyone is like this is [ __ ] like like like nobody was buying this apology and i think the problem there is really just because it seems like it's something he had to do like i don't sense any regret and it's very much as a result of all the backlash against him because he didn't apologize about these things last year where he was completely fine yeah that's true and that's why i think it's it's not comparable to jenna's apology because jenna wasn't in the middle of a controversy she just apologized because she felt bad and she wanted to let people know that she didn't like i felt like her apology was real so it is possible to do a real apology um it seemed like somebody was like oh maybe you should do an apology and everyone would just like back off and that's not what what happened if people don't even what upset is like yeah and here's all the yeah the i love that everyone's spamming spamming i think there was like a ton of comments that did this in a row when this first came out like depression and anxiety isn't an excuse for sexualizing children shane which is true yeah it's just like people are not buying oh yeah so apparently up until 2019 he was still selling merch with his uh character shanaynay who i think was a black stereotype and he was still profiting like and monetized and profiting off of the videos where he did blackface so so he's saying he's changed but in reality like all he was still making money off of his racist characters and his black face so so what do you guys think of all of this what are your thoughts on curated imperfection what are your thoughts on rachel hallas's apologies and shane's apologies and the way that uh parasocial relationships and curated imperfection can cause certain people who are objectively celebrities people who are way richer and have way more power and influence than the rest of us to just kind of evade criticism and be treated as if they're our friend and they're among regular people like the rest of us what are your thoughts on that please let me know in the comments below uh and don't forget to check out cam's channel linked in the description below we will be doing another video together on her channel where we are going to be discussing rachel hollis and her response to the divorce and the updates and the podcast episodes and all the new stuff that she's putting out so be sure to watch that video and be sure to check out all of cam's awesome videos as well i will see you guys again soon but in the meantime don't forget to support small businesses happy friday everyone you have that down to a tv i just i okay i've made like 300 videos really yes you
Channel: SAVY Writes Books
Views: 18,186
Rating: 4.8987341 out of 5
Keywords: shane dawson, rachel hollis, savy writes books, camelia, savvy writes books, camellia, shane dawson apology, rachel hollis divorce, anti-mlm, rachel hollis doterra speech, MLMs, multilevel marketing, shane dawson taking accountability, shane dawson it gets worse, girl wash your face, girl stop apologizing, arbonne, beachbody, pyramid scheme, antiMLM, anti mlm, girl start apologizing, blogsnark, r/blogsnark, r/antimlm, mental health, jenna marbles, jeffree star, jake paul
Id: tDBrfme3Zjs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 54sec (3354 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 10 2020
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