how recruiters view web developers githubs | #CodingPhase

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as is your boy Joe back at it again man Cody face calm today we got something special okay today we're going to create a personal v card for Joe back at it again man coding your boys backing out and did it again so today we got an email by Tiffany Rob straight from England London London tell you dick I don't know she's exactly in London but I'm pretty sure she's from the UK but yeah so pretty much she says steer Joe hoping you are well I have just passed the halfway stage of your web developer and timeline and I would like to know to add the restaurant app to my portfolio website as well add all of my projects onto github I have watched numerous tutorials about pushing pulling and committing files on github but I'm a little confused as how to view the road code in the browser I know that github pages is an available resource but I don't want to use a template SS as I have created my own during the project process also could you shed some light on how other users recruiters collaborators see the front-end /ui of the road code and github I'm baffled confused calm many thanks for your help and thank you for being a fantastic online mentor or the best if any aka Jones Jones you need alright guys listen let's let's talk a little bit about github right we're gonna take for example this guy who I follow on Instagram and I also follow him on oh yeah yeah so pretty much what he does is he creates like cool low projects in in JavaScript he also does stuff for the UI of the MacBook Pro you know the tests cool the transport touchscreen whatever he also does like he has his own atom browser which is super cool because it's like you have a browser inside of which really works so he has a legit you know set of projects that he has created now one thing that you can see here is he's like super duper like active on yeah right now I'm gonna take a look at his projects and explain a little bit so when you have a project on your computer you could keep track of you know the history of your project and even like let's say an example you created something on your project and then you made a mistake later on right you could revert back to what you did the day before if you commit your changes that day okay so it's like a way to keep track of your whole project okay now there's what github basically is useful you know for everybody now at the same time people could come in and like let's say you could upload your portfolio upload any type of project that you working on and then at the same time you can paint them here and say hey this are much six top or my six favorite projects that I've worked on or that I'm currently working on so then now when a employer or another developer wants to check out like what the hell this guy's working on they could literally come here and say okay there's other projects that he's mostly active on and the ones that he he cares the most to show for okay so let's say we come here with clicking here as you can see you got the name of the user the name of the project okay a little message I hate work personal site for projects and notes so pretty much this is his website this is his website being hosted by github he is I'm pretty sure yes so there's all kick up pages and as you can see just like is a pretty simple portfolio but at the same time it's it's pretty legit cuz he got like a lot of cool things in here that you know people could come in and use for their own code okay now one thing that I will tell you is never use github as a place to put in your private files if you want to put in private files you go to here bitbucket comm bitbucket lets you put in files that you don't want nobody else to to know about or files like let's say you're working in your company most likely your company is gonna have a big bucket okay they're gonna have a set up for you and all you have to do is pull and push into that that repo okay now let's go back into this so there's our Sean codes website so he also has a here so now anybody that's coming here and said okay here's his portfolio okay here's his portfolio I want to know how he did it okay you could come here and say okay I'm gonna go into his his SAS so you can see all his styles you can see the way how he puts in comments the way how he codes you know see how he does his media queries if everything is good and you like it you like okay this person he has nice documentation his code is clean he's using SAS somebody incoming and but okay we like this developer right you could also say hey if they want to check out your other projects and but okay ACS engine you know he has like his own game engine that he created to create games and somebody might be like oh cool this guy he is very knowledgeable in JavaScript to be able to create this okay now this where is very important to have a portfolio okay guys this is why it's important because as a developer I'm gonna come to his projects on github and look at it and go okay he used this technology maybe look at his package that JSON and see what he's using but I okay cool is a nice little setup but to be honest with you guys do I have time to install his project and and basically be like okay cool him let me run through his whole project or his whole game I'm not going to do that recruiter is definitely not going to do that right so that's why you need to have a portfolio with all the projects that you have pinned up okay so you wanna have like for you guys especially because you guys are brand new and you're getting into the game and you're trying to find your first job what you need to have here it's not like little BS no projects like not to you know on Sean coats I love it stuff but for you guys if you were to have this on your projects this doesn't make sense for you guys to have it all right because what you want to show is real websites real real things that people could say okay this person has worked with this client this person hasn't worked with this other client this person work with this other company you want to have all your major websites that you've built here okay now why would you have it there because if a developer decides to say okay this person worked on let's say bubblegum calm right you could have that bubblegum calm the source code in here and then you could actually share it with that with that developer right but at the same time like I said you need the portfolio because a recruiter the person who's going to see you before you even get to the company is not a technical person that person's gonna be okay he gotta get up check that's it but he's not even gonna going here he's not gonna look at your code this means nothing to him what means something for him is having a website something that you coming here but I oh he was all cool so this is website he lands here and be like oh cool James Johnson has her website and the first thing they're gonna do is they're gonna be like oh let me check is a responsive because they don't understand anything they understand the very basics so they're gonna be like oh is it responsive okay cool is responsive so right there you got a big check alright they'd be like okay he's responsive you know but all let's check maybe his resume was his education or any type of work experience or what he has done I mean I okay cool that's that's nice but the most important thing your highlight is your portfolio when you click in there and they'd be like okay cool this looks nice it's a nice animation so to them is your professional your some K just showing up and like hi guys what a sign like please hire me no you're a pro you're like okay I've worked on many websites or have a lot of skills here are the things that I can show for and then when you click in there it takes you to the live website right don't do this where like let's say for example you have your your portfolio right and then you click on an image it doesn't take you to a live website you need to have that live website either on your own hosting or connected to let's say bubblegum calm if this website that I'm showing here is a bubblegum calm when I click on it it needs to take me to bubblegum calm okay or you could have another way of doing this is like let's say when you click on the portfolio it creates not creates but it shows your page fully explaining what you did in that in that project okay so like let's say I work for Nike right I can't just be like hey man me I sent him to Nike common and then have no explanation what the hell did I do in Nike calm you want to break it down you want to be like okay and they have a full page explaining all the things that you did on that project okay you could be like okay we launched the new we launched the last Easy's and we had a brother on this and then you explained right here I did the menu I did this and that I was part of a team doing this and that I set up the gay I set up this you know so you you basically you create a story around your project okay so you could do it like that or you can do it in a way where you can say hey I worked on this page and then when they click here and links them directly to that page itself okay now feels like like I just said if it's like something that you worked in part of a team and it's a huge project when you click in there what you want to do is take them to a page inside of your website that you explain all of the things that you did on that project okay right now currently we're looking at the portfolio course that I created and to be honest with you guys this is like a freestyle course that's why it's free right I'm calling them like freestyle courses this courses that i'm gonna create ty it was his name Tyler so Tyler Fleming I think Tyler Fleming or Tyler he told me say yo you're supposed to be saving this content for your paying subscribers and he's right there's a lot of stuff that took me here forever like I this whole website might be simple to some of you guys and you might be like oh man I could do this right away but to do everything how it was in the design and make it responsive it takes time okay and there's a lot of details in here there's animations there's a whole bunch of stuff that we did to this website to make it look nice right so there's a few hours into this so Tyler is completely right time is like oh yeah this should have been just for your paints subscribers because it's really good but at the same time this is something that all of you guys need to see all of you guys need to be building your portfolio right this is what I call like a freestyle portfolio where I just came in I said okay I contacted the designer designer said hey go ahead and build it we built there for you guys and I just freestyling right it wasn't a something that we we planned it it wasn't that I built before it or like let's say a lot of instructors come in and they build the projects themselves before it and they have everything in one screen that's already complete and everything in the other screen is the one that you get to see as he's copying it for a long side of the screen to the other that's not what I did on this project this project straight freestyle is just like me when I bump into roads when I bump into a dead end you see me going into the data and finding the solution finding the way to build this website sometimes I forget certain syntax that's why it's there right it's free for a reason right but at the same time it's more of like a guide of following how to build a portfolio and at the same time seeing how you know when you bump into that dead end and you don't know what to do you just don't stop him but I okay I'm just gonna leave this alone no you continue cuz in even though it might take you three more minutes to figure it out and how to find the right position area right what technique from CSS you should use for you know different situations like those are the things that you're gonna learn from this and I decided you know what this needs to be free because this is mostly a freestyle like I really just came in freestyle this whole thing all right there was no I didn't prepare for it I didn't come in and did anything else besides just me looking at design and building it with you guys it's like one-to-one it's as if me and you were there in the same room that's how I decided to do it it wasn't pre-planned it wasn't editing that the errors out it wasn't a hole okay we're gonna cut out the mistakes know is this is pretty much just meeting you sitting down building this portfolio okay now all of you guys can definitely use this portfolio and just give credit to the designer and give credit to me just for helping you out right now it's up to you I don't even care about credit you decide if you want to give me credit you could put in it yourself and whatever because in reality you built it right you just helping me out at the same time we both building it together that's how I did this whole tutorial this whole course okay now going back to what you know Tiffany was saying here you know it was like how is it that collaborators work on github and everything well pretty much it's like okay you have github right so let's say an example I created this this github repo right I can give access to somebody else to download the whole project alright and then they could push their changes into that project too so pretty much like I could be doing the front end you could be doing the back end right what I'm doing the the back end well I'm doing the front end and you're doing the back end we communicate with each other through sky or emails and say hey I just finished building the whole front page and then you tell the the back-end developer I hate could you build the rest API for the project's on the portfolio and then the back-end person comes in and creates the the REST API where you can communicate with it through either Ajax or something like react angular whatever you decide to use or just vanilla JavaScript so it's like a way to collaborate you can have as many people as you want you know when you look at a project like let's say react which has i'ma tell you right now how many contributors it should be okay eleven hundred and sixty people are working on this project okay so whenever they see something on the issues they'd be like okay somebody left the issue here said oh this thing doesn't work on Windows XP right it doesn't work on Windows XP for whatever reason they go in they figure it out they try it out with Windows XP and they basically the fix fix the changes push it up to the website and then now somebody who is responsible for the project checks their branch and says ok this branch works and this branch did not break anything on the code right so if it didn't break anything on the code what they do from there is they merge it from that branch to the main branch which is the master branch and that's it that's I mean that's like the simplest way to to explain how people collaborate with gay and github like is it's not in crazy I haven't really created a course on github or having really explained it that well here are either on my website or on youtube because there's so many people that have already done github you know what I mean it's like github in and get itself it's like you do one search on online like get tutorial and you're gonna see like that's like hey how do you search on Google you get what I say like it's that easy like everybody has done it you know what I mean so excuse me yeah man so like I said you know check out the website check out the new course that we released on on our site coding and like I said this thing is free you're getting a whole bunch of content that's for you creating a great looking website you get to see one to you CSS grids when not to use it when to use flex boxes like we use all of them in this project right but at the same time it's like you get to figure out when to use it and when not to use it now of course if you want to be just like one of these hackers like if you just want to be a hacker and be like hey I want to use everything on the site CSS great go ahead that's on you if you wanna be one of those people is like hey just because it came out yesterday and now it's hot we just gotta build every single thing and CSS great go ahead everybody has their own their own way of coding I'll teach it the way hard teacher because it's the easiest way for a beginner to understand it those of you guys are more advanced then others please don't complain please don't complain it's really annoying it's like people hit me I was like why do you use this on this distance in this and it's like bro you are more advanced than somebody who's just starting are these are the people that are beginners are the people that don't know anything so I have to make them in a way that it's gonna be easier for them to understand you know if I come in and start explaining CSX upgrades and flex boxes from scratch people is gonna be like wait what like for us that we've been here for a while this is easy for a beginner the way how to do certain things is like wait what you you adding all of this extra knowledge all of this extra information so my brain is about to explode that's how people work so I don't like to give people an overflow of things one is I got such a beginner project because I want to make sure that number one they don't think like oh this is over my head I can't do it number two I wanted to give up you know what I mean so I have to take care of those people that are just beginners okay so yeah man and like I said everything here you can figure it out your way if you say hey man I got better ways to do it go ahead do it right so yeah I love you guys man and I'm out of here I'm out kids all right so yeah it's a Tiffany Mann like I said this this was a really good question like how does it really work with github and like how the recruiters get to figure out which projects are good you know just to go over it again if you go to like song codes right you got his getup you got his his main projects these are the projects that he wants to show for now mind you this guy's not a beginner this guy has like you know cool JavaScript projects and that's why he hasn't on his his arm his getup it's not his his projects that he's showing up when he's looking for a job he already has a job he works for a pretty big company in in Chicago so he's good he's chillin you know what I mean but for you guys you guys are in a whole different level you guys are beginners you guys are getting into the industry so all of your projects here that you pin should be like major projects that you already have on your portfolio which is your website like I said if you don't have your you know websites here in your portfolio and I start singing like all this you know a little quick algorithm to to sort out some phone numbers or or like here here's a validation for validation like guys people don't care about that the recruiter don't give a damn about that I'm being honest with you guys the recruiter don't care about that the recruiter don't get excited about that because what they need to see is that you already building real websites and real projects that they could say okay hey this guy he needs to get hired and we believe him so when they go to that company to tell him that they're like okay this guy that we saw their portfolio he's legit they'll even lie for you like I've seen it the recruiters live for four you know developers I've seen guys who are junior developers somehow end up in like $80,000 jobs or $90,000 jobs I've heard stories of people in like San Francisco getting like a hundred and ten thousand dollar job on their first job right just because they had those those right projects on their portfolio and pretty much the the recruiter came in and just you know repackaged a you know put a little big stamp on their back and say hey man this guy is ready hire him sometimes the recruiter will basically give you such a big clout that in reality it doesn't matter how how long you've been working in the industry okay so I'll see you guys later superboy job back at it again coding phase comm send me questions questions guys and I'm sorry for everybody who's using windows guys I've been telling you for a long time you know people keep telling me like hey man I'm having so much trouble with Windows I can't even get this this stuff running guys I've been telling you guys from the beginning this is not nothing new there's some people that they're very comfortable with their Windows computer it doesn't matter if they were doing code that we're doing other stuff that we're probably you know hacking that we're doing a Photoshop they were doing other stuff I like you know I don't know doing command line stuff on their Windows computer I don't know what you're doing Windows right but um they have an easier route to becoming a web developer because they already understand their computer they understand how to find the answers to things but I feel bad for a lot of you guys who are just your average Joe some regular do some regular girl who was like hey man I'm again into web development and yeah you can learn HTML CSS and JavaScript but the more advanced things you know even starting the web developer starter kit you guys are having so much issues because you can't even install nodejs on our windows right and that's because it's not that easy people who who are comfortable with windows and being around fall on something is super easy no it's not as easy as a Mac it's not as easy as a Linux so let's be honest here but yeah man send me questions I'll try to help you guys out anything that you guys might need let me know simple job back at it again coding phase comm make sure you subscribe check the link below guys this how we survive out here this house we get to give you guys all that good quality content so yeah I'll see you guys later : face comp your boy is back you did hey guys this video is brought to you by viewers like you and people that support our website coding face comm go check it out over 20 courses in there that's gonna guide you to become a developer from the beginning to becoming a pro making sure that you got a job making sure that you come in and you learn all the skills on how to make money on your own as an independent or the freelancer or if you decide to make passive income alright go check us out peace
Channel: CodingPhase
Views: 6,558
Rating: 4.9282513 out of 5
Keywords: codingphase, coding phase,, simple programmer, chris hawkes, chris sean, traversy media, coding tutorials 360
Id: sr2ro2Glo8s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 29sec (1529 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 09 2018
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